
a month ago
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#include "msp430.h"
#include "scheduler.h"

// Define a struct for PWM pin configuration
typedef struct {
    volatile unsigned char *dir;  // Direction register
    volatile unsigned char *sel;  // Function select register
    volatile unsigned int *ccr;   // Timer CCR register (volatile for hardware registers)
    unsigned char pin;            // Pin bit
} PinConfig;

// Define the PWM pin configurations (e.g., P2.0, P2.4, P2.5)
PinConfig pwmPins[3] = {
    {.dir = &P2DIR, .sel = &P2SEL, .ccr = &TA1CCR1, .pin = BIT0}, // P2.0 -> TA1.1
    {.dir = &P2DIR, .sel = &P2SEL, .ccr = &TA2CCR1, .pin = BIT4}, // P2.4 -> TA2.1
    {.dir = &P2DIR, .sel = &P2SEL, .ccr = &TA2CCR2, .pin = BIT5}  // P2.5 -> TA2.2

// Function prototypes for the PWM sweep tasks
void pwmSweepTask1(void);
void pwmSweepTask2(void);
void pwmSweepTask3(void);

// Define the task list
tCB taskList[TASK_COUNT];

// Variables for each PWM duty cycle
int duty1 = 0, duty2 = 0, duty3 = 0;       // Duty cycle trackers
int direction1 = 1, direction2 = 1, direction3 = 1; // Direction trackers

void main(void) {
    WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer

    int i; // Declare the loop variable outside the loop

    // Configure PWM pins
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // Use the loop variable declared above
        *pwmPins[i].dir |= pwmPins[i].pin;  // Set PWM pin as output
        *pwmPins[i].sel |= pwmPins[i].pin;  // Select Timer_A function for the PWM pin

    // Configure Timer_A1 for P2.0
    TA1CCR0 = 2000 - 1;         // Set PWM period (1 kHz)
    TA1CCTL1 = OUTMOD_7;        // Set output mode to reset/set for TA1.1
    TA1CTL = TASSEL_2 | MC_1;   // SMCLK, up mode

    // Configure Timer_A2 for P2.4 and P2.5
    TA2CCR0 = 2000 - 1;         // Set PWM period (1 kHz)
    TA2CCTL1 = OUTMOD_7;        // Set output mode to reset/set for TA2.1
    TA2CCTL2 = OUTMOD_7;        // Set output mode to reset/set for TA2.2
    TA2CTL = TASSEL_2 | MC_1;   // SMCLK, up mode

    // Initialize the task list
    taskList[0] = initTask(pwmSweepTask1, 1, 0, true); // PWM sweep task 1 (P2.0)
    taskList[1] = initTask(pwmSweepTask2, 1, 0, true); // PWM sweep task 2 (P2.4)
    taskList[2] = initTask(pwmSweepTask3, 1, 0, true); // PWM sweep task 3 (P2.5)

    // Main loop
    while (1) {
        scheduler(); // Run the scheduler
        __delay_cycles(1000); // Adjust for the system's Minor Cycle duration

// PWM Sweep Task for P2.0
void pwmSweepTask1(void) {
    *pwmPins[0].ccr = duty1; // Update duty cycle for TA1.1

    // Sweep logic
    duty1 += direction1;
    if (duty1 >= TA1CCR0 || duty1 <= 0) {
        direction1 = -direction1; // Reverse direction at limits

// PWM Sweep Task for P2.4
void pwmSweepTask2(void) {
    *pwmPins[1].ccr = duty2; // Update duty cycle for TA2.1

    // Sweep logic
    duty2 += direction2;
    if (duty2 >= TA2CCR0 || duty2 <= 0) {
        direction2 = -direction2; // Reverse direction at limits

// PWM Sweep Task for P2.5
void pwmSweepTask3(void) {
    *pwmPins[2].ccr = duty3; // Update duty cycle for TA2.2

    // Sweep logic
    duty3 += direction3;
    if (duty3 >= TA2CCR0 || duty3 <= 0) {
        direction3 = -direction3; // Reverse direction at limits
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