a month ago
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/// @function save_game() /// @description Saves the specified in (save_data) data, to a file named "Save.dat". /// The game data is first converted to a JSON string, encoded with Base64, and hashed with SHA-1 for integrity checking. The encoded /// string and the hash are then saved to the file, separated by a unique delimiter. function save_game() { var save_path = "Save.dat"; var save_data = { inventory: global.Inventory, equipment: global.EquipmentSlots, }; // Convert the save data to JSON string var json_string = json_stringify(save_data); // Encode the JSON string var encoded_string = base64_encode(json_string); // Create a hash of the original JSON string var hash = sha1_string_utf8(json_string); // Save the encoded string and hash to a file with a unique delimiter var delimiter = "|||END_OF_SAVE|||"; // Unique delimiter var file = file_text_open_write(save_path); if (file != -1) { var save_content = encoded_string + delimiter + hash; file_text_write_string(file, save_content); file_text_close(file); show_message("Game saved successfully!"); } else { show_message("Failed to write to save file location."); } } /// @function load_game() /// @description Loads the game state from the file "Save.dat". The file content is split into the encoded string and the hash using a unique delimiter. /// The encoded string is decoded from Base64 back to JSON, and its integrity is verified using the SHA-1 hash. If the integrity check passes, the game data is restored. function load_game() { var save_path = "Save.dat"; if (file_exists(save_path)) { var file = file_text_open_read(save_path); if (file != -1) { // Read the entire file content var file_content = file_text_read_string(file); file_text_close(file); // Split the content using the unique delimiter var delimiter = "|||END_OF_SAVE|||"; // Unique delimiter var parts = string_split(file_content, delimiter); // Check if parts contain both the encoded string and the hash if (array_length(parts) == 2) { var saved_encoded_string = parts[0]; var saved_hash = parts[1]; // Decode the encoded string var json_string = base64_decode(saved_encoded_string); // Verify the hash var current_hash = sha1_string_utf8(json_string); if (current_hash == saved_hash) { // Convert JSON string back to a struct var save_data = json_parse(json_string); // Restore game data from the struct global.Inventory = save_data.inventory; global.EquipmentSlots = save_data.equipment; show_message("Game loaded successfully!"); } else { show_message("Save file integrity check failed."); } } else { show_message("Save file format is incorrect."); } } else { show_message("Failed to read the save file."); } } else { show_message("Save file does not exist."); } }
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