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#can you show me all the c# naming conventions and coding standards #Here's a comprehensive guide to C# naming conventions and coding standards. Following these guidelines helps improve code readability, maintainability, and consistency. 1. General Naming Conventions PascalCase: Capitalize the first letter of each word. Used for classes, methods, properties, namespaces, etc. camelCase: Capitalize the first letter of each word except the first one. Used for private fields, parameters, and local variables. UPPER_CASE: Use all uppercase letters with underscores separating words. Typically used for constants. 2. Naming Conventions for Different Elements Classes and Structs Convention: PascalCase Example: Customer, InvoiceProcessor Guideline: Use nouns or noun phrases. Avoid prefixes like C, T, etc. Interfaces Convention: PascalCase starting with an "I" Example: IRepository, ILogger Guideline: Name interfaces to indicate capabilities, like IReadable. Methods Convention: PascalCase Example: CalculateTotal(), GetCustomer() Guideline: Use verbs or verb phrases that describe the action. Properties Convention: PascalCase Example: FirstName, TotalAmount Guideline: Use nouns or noun phrases. Fields Convention: camelCase, optionally with an underscore prefix (_) Example: _total, orderCount Guideline: Use private fields for internal state and properties for exposing state. Constants Convention: UPPER_CASE with underscores Example: MAX_VALUE, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT Guideline: Use for immutable values that are constant in nature. Enums Convention: PascalCase for names, and UPPER_CASE for values Example: csharp Copiar código enum OrderStatus { Pending, Completed, Cancelled } Guideline: Avoid using Enum suffix. Namespaces Convention: PascalCase Example: MyCompany.Project.Module Guideline: Use hierarchical naming with the company's name, project, and module. Parameters Convention: camelCase Example: int orderId, string customerName Guideline: Use descriptive names that indicate purpose. Local Variables Convention: camelCase Example: int count, string result Guideline: Use short but descriptive names. Avoid single letters except in loop counters. Delegates Convention: PascalCase with EventHandler or Callback suffix Example: OrderCompletedHandler, DataProcessedCallback Guideline: Name should indicate the operation being delegated. 3. Coding Standards Braces Always use braces {} even for single-line statements to improve readability and maintainability. csharp Copiar código // Good if (condition) { DoSomething(); } // Bad if (condition) DoSomething(); Indentation and Spacing Use 4 spaces per indentation level. Do not use tabs. Leave a space after keywords (if, for, while, etc.) and before the opening brace. csharp Copiar código if (condition) // Good { // ... } Line Length Keep line length to a maximum of 80-100 characters to improve readability. Comments Use XML comments (///) for public members. Write inline comments sparingly and only if they add value. csharp Copiar código /// <summary> /// Calculates the total amount of the order. /// </summary> /// <returns>Total amount as a decimal.</returns> Error Handling Use try-catch blocks to handle exceptions gracefully. Avoid swallowing exceptions without logging. csharp Copiar código try { // code that might throw } catch (Exception ex) { // handle exception Logger.Log(ex); } LINQ and Collections Use LINQ for querying collections. Avoid complex, nested loops when LINQ can simplify the code. csharp Copiar código // Good var highScores = scores.Where(score => score > 90).ToList(); // Bad var highScores = new List<int>(); foreach (var score in scores) { if (score > 90) highScores.Add(score); } Use of var Keyword Use var when the type is obvious from the right side of the assignment; otherwise, explicitly specify the type. csharp Copiar código var customer = new Customer(); // Good int count = GetCount(); // Good Method Length Keep methods short and focused on a single task. Ideally, methods should not exceed 20-30 lines. 4. Best Practices Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) Each class and method should have one responsibility or functionality. Consistent Naming Ensure consistent naming throughout the project to avoid confusion. Avoid Magic Numbers Replace magic numbers with named constants to improve code readability. Proper Error Messages Provide meaningful error messages in exceptions. Avoid Hardcoding Strings Use constants, resources, or configuration files for strings that are reused or displayed to the user. Following these guidelines helps create clean, maintainable, and professional-looking C# code! If you need any more details or examples on specific sections, let me know!
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