Cryptocurrency Price Alerts
2 years ago
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import requests import json import pprint import time from dhooks import Webhook, Embed import math def round_nearest_to(x, a): return round(round(x / a) * a, -int(math.floor(math.log10(a)))) alertlogo = '' url = '' parameters = { "slug": "bitcoin", "convert": "USD" } headers = { 'Accepts':'application/json', 'X-CMC_PRO_API_KEY':'' } hook = Webhook('') btclogo = '' while True: responsecontent = requests.get(url, params= parameters, headers= headers) pprint.pprint(json.loads(responsecontent.text)) price = (json.loads(responsecontent.text)['data']['1']['quote']['USD']['price']) marketcap = (json.loads(responsecontent.text)['data']['1']['quote']['USD']['market_cap']) percentchange24hr = (json.loads(responsecontent.text)['data']['1']['quote']['USD']['percent_change_24h']) price = round_nearest_to(price, 0.01) marketcap = round_nearest_to(marketcap, 0.1) percentchange24hr = round_nearest_to(percentchange24hr, 0.001) if percentchange24hr < -7: alertembed = Embed( description= (f'The current price of Bitcoin (BTC) is: **${price}**. This dip may be the beginning of a crash. Use this oppurtunity to sell or buy!'), color= 0x5CDBF0, timestamp= 'now' ) alertembed.set_author(name= 'BTC Emergency Alert') alertembed.set_thumbnail(alertlogo) alertembed.set_footer(text='CoinMarketCap', icon_url = '') alertembed.add_field(name= 'Market Capitalization:', value= ('$' + str(marketcap))) alertembed.add_field(name= '% Change 24hr', value= str(percentchange24hr) + '%') hook.send(embed=alertembed) time.sleep(1800) break embed = Embed( description= (f'The current price of Bitcoin (BTC) is: **${price}**'), color= 0x5CDBF0, timestamp= 'now' ) embed.set_author(name= 'BTC Price') embed.set_thumbnail(btclogo) embed.set_footer(text='CoinMarketCap', icon_url = '') embed.add_field(name= 'Market Capitalization:', value= ('$' + str(marketcap))) embed.add_field(name= '% Change 24hr', value= str(percentchange24hr) + '%') hook.send(embed=embed) time.sleep(1800)