#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <filesystem> #include <vector> using namespace std; void checkInbox(); int displayMenu(); void WriteToOutbox(); int main() { //TODO: Display a menu of options and prompt the user to choose from those available (including quitting) switch(displayMenu()) { case -1: cout << "Error selection out of bound" << endl; break; case 2: WriteToOutbox(); default: cout << "default" << endl; } //Make sure to handle invalid input! return 0; } void checkInbox() { //TODO: create a vector of strings to store the filenames for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator("inbox")) { if (entry.is_regular_file()) { // Ensure it's a file, not a directory string filename = entry.path(); //TODO: add each filename to a vector of strings } } //TODO: Present the user with a numbered list of their inbox emails // include the filename and the subject //TODO: Ask the user for the number of the email to open, or 0 to return to the main menu // if they open an email, display its full contents, then ask if they want to open another } int displayMenu() { int num = 0; cout << "Email Management System" << endl; cout << "1. Check Inbox" << endl; cout << "2. Write Email" << endl; cout << "3. Filter Spam" << endl; cout << "4. Filter Spam + Ham" << endl; cout << "5. Exit" << endl; cout << "Enter your choice: "; cin >> num; cin.ignore(); if (num < 1 || num > 5) { return -1; } else { return num; } } void WriteToOutbox() { string recipient = ""; cout << "Enter recipient email" << endl; cin >> recipient; cin.ignore(); string subjectLine = ""; cout << "Enter the subject line" << endl; cin >> subjectLine; cin.ignore(); int emptyCounter = 0; string body = ""; string line = ""; cout << "Please enter email body. Enter 2 empty lines to finish:\n"; while(true) { getline(cin,line); if(line.empty()) { emptyCounter++; } else { emptyCounter = 0; } if (emptyCounter == 2) { break; } body += line + '\n'; } string filename = ""; cout << "Enter the filename" << endl; cin >> filename; cin.ignore(); ofstream EmailFile(filename); EmailFile << recipient << endl << subjectLine << endl << body << endl; EmailFile.close(); }
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