
mail@pastecode.io avatar
2 years ago
16 kB
2022-07-25 08:59:26.838 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╔╣ Request ║ POST 
2022-07-25 08:59:26.838 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║  https://spinetime-staging.herokuapp.com/api/v1/lumbar_pt_results/description
2022-07-25 08:59:26.838 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
2022-07-25 08:59:26.838 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╔ Headers 
2022-07-25 08:59:26.838 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
2022-07-25 08:59:26.838 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ Authorization: 
2022-07-25 08:59:26.838 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6MTI3LCJ0eXBlIjoiUGF0aWVudCIsImV4cCI6MTY3NDYzMzQxNSwiY3JlYXRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMjItMDctMjUg
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ MDg6NTY6NTUgKzAyMDAifQ.6moWvXafIv7cqmz2k05gWSMkE-LoHOLrrxF_IlAD6O0
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ contentType: application/json; charset=utf-8
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ responseType: ResponseType.json
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ followRedirects: true
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ connectTimeout: 0
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ receiveTimeout: 0
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╔ Body 
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ well_being: 6
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ a_radiation: false
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ a_difficulties: false
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ a_scale: 2
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ a_side: right
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ bp_possible: false
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ bp_blockage: painful
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ bp_scale: 10
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ bl_possible: true
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ bl_blockage: null
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ bl_scale: 1
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ p_possible: true
2022-07-25 08:59:26.839 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ p_radiation: null
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ p_blockage: null
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ p_scale: 0
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ p_side: null
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ rp_scale: 0
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ rl_scale: 1
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ limbs_radiation: false
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ main_side: right
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ pain_constancy: first_time
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ pain_type: constant
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ painful_position: sitting
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ limbs_radiation_side: null
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ limb_radiation_level: buttock
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ pain_started: gradually
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ lumbar_spine_surgery: true
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ foreign_body: false
2022-07-25 08:59:26.840 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ pain_since: over_a_month
2022-07-25 08:59:26.841 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ strongest_pain_time: null
2022-07-25 08:59:26.841 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
2022-07-25 08:59:26.841 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ {well_being: 6, a_radiation: false, a_difficulties: false, a_scale: 2, a_side: right, bp_possible: false, bp_blockage: p
2022-07-25 08:59:26.841 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ ainful, bp_scale: 10, bl_possible: true, bl_blockage: null, bl_scale: 1, p_possible: true, p_radiation: null, p_blockage
2022-07-25 08:59:26.841 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ : null, p_scale: 0, p_side: null, rp_scale: 0, rl_scale: 1, limbs_radiation: false, main_side: right, pain_constancy: fi
2022-07-25 08:59:26.841 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ rst_time, pain_type: constant, painful_position: sitting, limbs_radiation_side: null, limb_radiation_level: buttock, pai
2022-07-25 08:59:26.841 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ n_started: gradually, lumbar_spine_surgery: true, foreign_body: false, pain_since: over_a_month, strongest_pain_time: nu
2022-07-25 08:59:26.841 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ ll}
2022-07-25 08:59:27.109 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╔╣ Response ║ POST ║ Status: 200 OK
2022-07-25 08:59:27.109 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║  https://spinetime-staging.herokuapp.com/api/v1/lumbar_pt_results/description
2022-07-25 08:59:27.109 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
2022-07-25 08:59:27.109 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╔ Body
2022-07-25 08:59:27.109 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║
2022-07-25 08:59:27.109 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║    {
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║         "Witaj Test pacjent+1, cieszymy się, że możemy Ci pomóc w walce z Twoimi dolegliwościami. Zanotowaliśmy, że cier
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║         pisz na bóle w dolnym odcinku kręgosłupa, które narastały stopniowo i przede wszystkim po prawej stronie. Do teg
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║         o są już dość intensywne i wystarczająco uciążliwe aby komplikować Ci codzienne funkcjonowanie, choć na szczęści
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║         e na razie nie ma tendencji do promieniowania w stronę nóg. Ułatwi nam to pracę. Ostatnia interwencja chirurgicz
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║         na spowodowała zrosty w tkankach miękkich, które są często źródłem problemów mechanicznych. Pokażę Ci jak samodz
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║         ielnie i bezpiecznie "uwolnić" te struktury. Poprawimy także uwodnienie dysków lędźwiowych, które na skutek oper
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║         acji straciły elastyczność i właściwości amortyzacyjne. Biorąc pod uwagę ile to już czasu trwa, należy absolutni
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║         e chronić zdrowe jeszcze części kręgosłupa i zrobić wszystko, aby ułatwić regenrację uszkodzonych sktruktur, aby
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║          Twój problem nie stał się chroniczny. Nawet jeśli ten problem pojawił się pierwszy raz, jeśli nic z tym nie zro
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║         bisz, będzie prawodopodobnie nawracał coraz częściej. Zwłaszcza w tak młodym wieku! W przeciwnym wypadku będzie 
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║         ci coraz trudniej wysiedzieć bez odczuwania dyskomfortu. To męczące! W pierwszym okresie naszej pracy będziemy s
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║         ię skupiali na znalezieniu możliwości przerwania ciągłego bólu i wydłużenia okresów bezbolesnych."
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║         image: null
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║    }
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║
2022-07-25 08:59:27.110 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╔╣ Request ║ POST 
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║  https://spinetime-staging.herokuapp.com/api/v1/lumbar_pt_results
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╔ Headers 
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ Authorization: 
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6MTI3LCJ0eXBlIjoiUGF0aWVudCIsImV4cCI6MTY3NDYzMzQxNSwiY3JlYXRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMjItMDctMjUg
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ MDg6NTY6NTUgKzAyMDAifQ.6moWvXafIv7cqmz2k05gWSMkE-LoHOLrrxF_IlAD6O0
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ contentType: application/json; charset=utf-8
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ responseType: ResponseType.json
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ followRedirects: true
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ connectTimeout: 0
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ receiveTimeout: 0
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╔ Body 
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ well_being: 6
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ a_radiation: false
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ a_difficulties: false
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ a_scale: 2
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ a_side: right
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ bp_possible: false
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ bp_blockage: painful
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ bp_scale: 10
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ bl_possible: true
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ bl_blockage: null
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ bl_scale: 1
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ p_possible: true
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ p_radiation: null
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ p_blockage: null
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ p_scale: 0
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ p_side: null
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ rp_scale: 0
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ rl_scale: 1
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ limbs_radiation: false
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ main_side: right
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ pain_constancy: first_time
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ pain_type: constant
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ painful_position: sitting
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ limbs_radiation_side: null
2022-07-25 08:59:27.865 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ limb_radiation_level: buttock
2022-07-25 08:59:27.866 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ pain_started: gradually
2022-07-25 08:59:27.866 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ lumbar_spine_surgery: true
2022-07-25 08:59:27.866 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ foreign_body: false
2022-07-25 08:59:27.866 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ pain_since: over_a_month
2022-07-25 08:59:27.866 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╟ strongest_pain_time: null
2022-07-25 08:59:27.866 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
2022-07-25 08:59:27.866 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ {well_being: 6, a_radiation: false, a_difficulties: false, a_scale: 2, a_side: right, bp_possible: false, bp_blockage: p
2022-07-25 08:59:27.866 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ ainful, bp_scale: 10, bl_possible: true, bl_blockage: null, bl_scale: 1, p_possible: true, p_radiation: null, p_blockage
2022-07-25 08:59:27.866 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ : null, p_scale: 0, p_side: null, rp_scale: 0, rl_scale: 1, limbs_radiation: false, main_side: right, pain_constancy: fi
2022-07-25 08:59:27.866 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ rst_time, pain_type: constant, painful_position: sitting, limbs_radiation_side: null, limb_radiation_level: buttock, pai
2022-07-25 08:59:27.866 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ n_started: gradually, lumbar_spine_surgery: true, foreign_body: false, pain_since: over_a_month, strongest_pain_time: nu
2022-07-25 08:59:27.866 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║ ll}
2022-07-25 08:59:27.930 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╔╣ DioError ║ Status: 500 Internal Server Error
2022-07-25 08:59:27.930 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ║  https://spinetime-staging.herokuapp.com/api/v1/lumbar_pt_results
2022-07-25 08:59:27.930 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
2022-07-25 08:59:27.930 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╔ DioErrorType.response
2022-07-25 08:59:27.930 24232-24289/? I/flutter: ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝