#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <vector> using namespace std; // Screen dimensions const int width = 20; const int height = 20; // Game objects int playerX, playerY; vector<pair<int, int>> bullets; vector<pair<int, int>> enemies; bool gameOver = false; int score = 0; int aeroplanesDestroyed = 0; // New variable to track destroyed planes // Function to play sound effects void playSound(int frequency, int duration) { Beep(frequency, duration); } // Draw the game screen void draw() { system("cls"); for (int i = 0; i < width + 2; i++) cout << "#"; cout << endl; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { bool printed = false; if (x == playerX && y == playerY) { cout << "A"; // Player airplane printed = true; } for (const auto& bullet : bullets) { if (bullet.first == x && bullet.second == y) { cout << "|"; printed = true; break; } } if (!printed) { for (const auto& enemy : enemies) { if (enemy.first == x && enemy.second == y) { cout << "E"; printed = true; break; } } } if (!printed) cout << " "; if (x == width - 1) cout << "#"; } cout << endl; } for (int i = 0; i < width + 2; i++) cout << "#"; cout << endl; cout << "Score: " << score << endl; cout << "Aeroplanë të shkatërruar: " << aeroplanesDestroyed << endl; // Display the count of destroyed planes } // Update the game state void update() { // Move bullets for (int i = 0; i < bullets.size(); i++) { bullets[i].second--; if (bullets[i].second < 0) { bullets.erase(bullets.begin() + i); i--; } } // Move enemies and check collisions for (int i = 0; i < enemies.size(); ) { enemies[i].second++; if (enemies[i].second >= height || (enemies[i].second == playerY && enemies[i].first == playerX)) { gameOver = true; break; } bool hit = false; for (int j = 0; j < bullets.size(); ) { if (bullets[j].first == enemies[i].first && bullets[j].second == enemies[i].second) { bullets.erase(bullets.begin() + j); enemies.erase(enemies.begin() + i); score += 10; aeroplanesDestroyed++; // Increment the number of destroyed planes playSound(1000, 200); // Play sound when an enemy is destroyed hit = true; break; } else { j++; } } if (!hit) { i++; } } // Add new enemies if (rand() % 10 < 2) { enemies.push_back({rand() % width, 0}); } } // Get user input void input() { if (_kbhit()) { char ch = _getch(); switch (ch) { case 'a': if (playerX > 0) playerX--; break; case 'd': if (playerX < width - 1) playerX++; break; case 'w': if (playerY > 0) playerY--; break; case 's': if (playerY < height - 1) playerY++; break; case ' ': bullets.push_back({playerX, playerY - 1}); playSound(500, 100); // Play sound when firing a bullet break; case 'x': gameOver = true; break; } } } // Game loop int main() { playerX = width / 2; playerY = height - 1; while (!gameOver) { draw(); input(); update(); Sleep(100); } cout << "Game Over! Final Score: " << score << endl; cout << "Total Aeroplanë të shkatërruar: " << aeroplanesDestroyed << endl; // Display the final count of destroyed planes playSound(1500, 500); // Play sound when game is over return 0; }
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