a year ago
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { static void NewGame(Hero hero) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Welcome traveler!\n"); string playerName; { playerName = Ask("What is your name, adventurer? "); } while (!AskYesOrNo($"So, {playerName} it is? ")) ; hero.Name = playerName; hero.Location = "tableroom"; TableRoom(hero); } Hero hero = new Hero(); while (hero.Location != "quit") { if (hero.Location == "newgame") { NewGame(hero); } else if (hero.Location == "tableroom") { TableRoom(hero); } else if (hero.Location == "corridor") { Corridor(hero); } else if (hero.Location == "lockedroom") { LockedRoom(hero); } else if (hero.Location == "thirdroom") { ThirdRoom(hero); } else if (hero.Location == "lobby") { Lobby(hero); } else if (hero.Location == "backoutside") { BackOutside(hero); } else if (hero.Location == "bossfight") { BossFight(hero); } else if (hero.Location == "win") { Win(hero); } else if (hero.Location == "lose") { Lose(hero); } else if (hero.Location == "gameover") { GameOver(hero); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine($"You forgot to implement {hero.Location}!"); break; } } } static void TableRoom(Hero hero) { Console.Clear(); hero.Items.Add("Wooden Sword"); Console.WriteLine("You are equipped with a wooden sword, now go slay monsters."); Console.WriteLine("In front of you is a stone table with two items on it."); Console.WriteLine("You can only pick one!\n"); string keyKnife = Ask("Do you want the key or the knife?"); keyKnife = keyKnife.ToLower(); do { if (keyKnife == "key") { hero.Items.Add("key"); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You picked up the key.\n"); } else if (keyKnife == "knife") { hero.Items.Add("knife"); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You picked up the knife.\n"); } else { keyKnife = Ask("Invalid choice. Please select 'key' or 'knife': \n").ToLower(); } } while (keyKnife != "key" && keyKnife != "knife"); hero.Location = "corridor"; } static void Corridor(Hero hero) { Console.WriteLine("You exit the room and find yourself standing in a dark hallway"); Console.WriteLine("You can either enter another room on your right side, "); Console.WriteLine("or continue down the hallway on your left.\n"); do { string leftOrRight = Ask("Do you want to go left or right? "); leftOrRight = leftOrRight.ToLower(); if (hero.Items.Contains("key") && leftOrRight == "right") { hero.Location = "lockedroom"; hero.Items.Remove("key"); } else if (hero.Items.Contains("knife") && leftOrRight == "right") { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You need a key to enter the door!\n"); continue; } else { hero.Location = "thirdroom"; } } while (hero.Location == "corridor"); } static void LockedRoom(Hero hero) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You entered the locked room and find a shiny sword!"); if (AskYesOrNo("Do you want it instead of your wooden sword?")) { hero.Items.Remove("Wooden Sword"); hero.Items.Add("shinysword"); } hero.Location = "thirdroom"; } static void ThirdRoom(Hero hero) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("On the floor before you lies a lifeless corpse"); Console.WriteLine("Its hand is clasped around something shiny.\n"); if (AskYesOrNo("Do you want to loot the corpse?")) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You picked up an old silver necklace."); if (RollD6() >= 3) { Console.WriteLine("A warm feeling spreads over your body."); hero.Items.Add("blessed amulet"); } else { Console.WriteLine("A cold shiver runs down your spine."); hero.Items.Add("cursed amulet"); } } else { Console.Clear(); } Console.WriteLine("You leave the corpse and continue into the next room."); Console.Read(); hero.Location = "lobby"; } static void Lobby(Hero hero) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You see the exit door but there's zombie running towards you.\n"); while (true) { string response = Ask("Do you fight the zombie or exit?\n"); response = response.ToLower(); if (response == "fight") { if (hero.Items.Contains("Wooden Sword")) { if (RollD6() >= 3) { hero.Health = 60; } else { hero.Health = 50; } Console.Clear(); hero.Items.Add("axe"); Console.WriteLine("The wooden sword made it difficult to kill the zombie."); Console.WriteLine("You are now at " + hero.Health + "hp."); } else if (hero.Items.Contains("shinysword")) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("The Shiny Sword killed the zombie immediately."); } Console.WriteLine("\nThe zombie dropped an axe on the ground."); if (AskYesOrNo("Do you want to pick up the axe?")) { if (hero.Items.Contains("Wooden Sword")) { Console.Clear(); hero.Items.Remove("Wooden Sword"); hero.Items.Add("axe"); Console.WriteLine("You picked up the axe and dropped the wooden sword."); Console.WriteLine("You walk to the exit."); Console.Read(); } else if (hero.Items.Contains("shinysword")) { Console.Clear(); hero.Items.Remove("shinysword"); hero.Items.Add("axe"); Console.WriteLine("You picked up the axe and dropped the shiny sword."); Console.WriteLine("You walk to the exit."); Console.Read(); } } } else if (response == "exit") { Console.WriteLine("You run out the door."); Console.Read(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Input 'fight' or 'exit'"); continue; } break; } hero.Location = "backoutside"; } static void BackOutside(Hero hero) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("On the grass you see an object glowing."); if (AskYesOrNo("Do you want to pick it up?")) { Console.Clear(); hero.Items.Add("medkit"); Console.WriteLine("A medkit was added to your inventory."); if (AskYesOrNo("Do you want to use it now?")) { if (hero.Health < 100) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("The medkit brought your HP up to 100!"); hero.Health = 100; hero.Items.Remove("medkit"); Console.Read(); } else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You can't use the medkit since your HP is already full!"); Console.Read(); } } } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Far away you see a minotaur running towards you."); Console.Read(); hero.Location = "bossfight"; } static void BossFight(Hero hero) { Minotaur boss = new Minotaur(); bool amulet = true; double damage = 0; double blessed = 1; double cursed = 1; string response; while (true) { if (amulet == true) { if (hero.Items.Contains("blessed amulet")) { Console.WriteLine("You have the power of the blessed amulet which makes you do more damage!"); blessed = 1.25; } else if (hero.Items.Contains("cursed amulet")) { Console.WriteLine("You have the curse of the cursed amulet which makes you do less damage!"); cursed = 0.75; } damage = blessed * cursed; Console.WriteLine("Get ready to fight!"); Console.Read(); amulet = false; } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("The Minotaur is charging towards you!"); Console.WriteLine("Current stats: You have " + hero.Health + "HP, The Minotaur has " + boss.Health + "HP."); if (hero.Items.Contains("medkit")) { response = Ask("Do you fight, dodge, heal or throw your weapon at him?"); response = response.ToLower(); } else { response = Ask("Do you fight, dodge, or throw your weapon at him?"); response = response.ToLower(); } if (response == "fight") { Console.Clear(); if (RollD6() > 3) { Console.WriteLine("The attack was successfull!"); if (hero.Items.Contains("Wooden Sword")) { boss.Health = boss.Health - (50 * damage); Console.WriteLine("Your Wooden Sword dealt " + (50 * damage) + " damage!"); } else if (hero.Items.Contains("shinysword")) { boss.Health = boss.Health - (150 * damage); Console.WriteLine("The Shiny Sword dealt " + (150 * damage) + " damage!"); } else if (hero.Items.Contains("axe")) { boss.Health = boss.Health - (100 * damage); Console.WriteLine("The Axe dealt " + (100 * damage) + " damage!"); } else { if (hero.Items.Contains("knife")) { if (RollD6() > 3) { boss.Health = boss.Health - (30 * damage); Console.WriteLine("The Knife dealt " + (30 * damage) + " damage!"); } else { boss.Health = boss.Health - (25 * damage); Console.WriteLine("The Knife dealt " + (25 * damage) + " damage!"); } } else { boss.Health = boss.Health - (15 * damage); Console.WriteLine("You picked up a rock on the ground and dealt " + (15 * damage) + " damage!"); } } Console.Read(); } else { int hp = heroHealth(); Console.WriteLine("The attack failed and you lost " + hp + "hp!"); hero.Health = hero.Health - hp; Console.Read(); } } else if (response == "dodge") { Console.Clear(); if (RollD6() > 2) { Console.WriteLine("The Dodge was successfull!"); if (hero.Items.Contains("Wooden Sword")) { boss.Health = boss.Health - (40 * damage); Console.WriteLine("You get a free hit with the Wooden Sword and deal " + (40 * damage) + " damage!"); } else if (hero.Items.Contains("shinysword")) { boss.Health = boss.Health - (100 * damage); Console.WriteLine("You get a free hit with the Shiny Sword and deal " + (100 * damage) + " damage!"); } else if (hero.Items.Contains("axe")) { boss.Health = boss.Health - (75 * damage); Console.WriteLine("You get a free hit with the Axe and deal " + (75 * damage) + " damage!"); } else { if (hero.Items.Contains("knife")) { if (RollD6() > 3) { boss.Health = boss.Health - (20 * damage); Console.WriteLine("You get a free hit the Knife deal " + (20 * damage) + " damage!"); } else { boss.Health = boss.Health - (15 * damage); Console.WriteLine("You get a free hit the Knife deal " + (15 * damage) + " damage!"); } } else { boss.Health = boss.Health - (10 * damage); Console.WriteLine("You pick up a rock and get a free hit for " + (10 * damage) + " damage!"); } } Console.Read(); } else { int hp = heroHealth(); Console.WriteLine("The Minotaur caught you off guard and dealt " + hp + "hp"); hero.Health = hero.Health - hp; Console.Read(); } } else if (response == "heal") { Console.Clear(); if (hero.Health >= 100) { Console.WriteLine("You are full hp and can't use the medkit!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("You used the medkit and is back to 100hp!"); hero.Health = 100; hero.Items.Remove("medkit"); } Console.Read(); } else if (response == "throw") { Console.Clear(); if (RollD6() <= 2) { Console.WriteLine("The throw was successfull!"); if (hero.Items.Contains("Wooden Sword")) { boss.Health = boss.Health - 250; Console.WriteLine("Your Wooden Sword is lost but you dealt 250 damage!"); hero.Items.Remove("Wooden Sword"); } else if (hero.Items.Contains("shinysword")) { boss.Health = boss.Health - 400; Console.WriteLine("Your Shiny Sword is lost but you dealt 400 damage!"); hero.Items.Remove("shinysword"); } else if (hero.Items.Contains("axe")) { boss.Health = boss.Health - 350; Console.WriteLine("Your Axe is lost but you dealt 350 damage!"); hero.Items.Remove("axe"); } else { if (hero.Items.Contains("knife")) { boss.Health = boss.Health - 100; Console.WriteLine("You threw your knife and dealt 100 damage!"); Console.WriteLine("You pick up the knife again."); } else { boss.Health = boss.Health - 75; Console.WriteLine("You threw a rock and dealt 75 damage!"); } } Console.Read(); } else { int hp = heroHealth(); Console.WriteLine("The Minotaur dodged the attack and dealt " + hp + "hp."); if (hero.Items.Contains("Wooden Sword")) { Console.WriteLine("Your Wooden Sword is lost!"); hero.Items.Remove("Wooden Sword"); } else if (hero.Items.Contains("shinysword")) { Console.WriteLine("Your Shiny Sword is lost!"); hero.Items.Remove("shinysword"); } else if (hero.Items.Contains("axe")) { Console.WriteLine("Your Axe is lost!"); hero.Items.Remove("axe"); } else { if (hero.Items.Contains("knife")) { if (hero.Knife == true) { Console.WriteLine("You pick up your knife again."); hero.Knife = false; } } } hero.Health = hero.Health - hp; Console.Read(); } } if (boss.Health <= 0 && hero.Health > 0) { hero.Location = "win"; break; } else if (hero.Health <= 0 && boss.Health > 0) { hero.Location = "lose"; break; } } } static void Win(Hero hero) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You eliminated the Minotaur!"); Console.WriteLine("\nYou get away from the castle as soon as you can and go home."); Console.Read(); hero.Location = "gameover"; } static void Lose(Hero hero) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You got eliminated from the Minotaur and lost!"); Console.Read(); hero.Location = "gameover"; } static void GameOver(Hero hero) { if (AskYesOrNo("\nYou want to restart?")) { hero.Name = ""; hero.Location = "newgame"; hero.Items.Clear(); hero.Knife = true; hero.Health = 100; } else { Environment.Exit(0); } } static int heroHealth() { int health = 0; int number = RollD6(); if (number == 1) { health = 10; } else if (number == 2) { health = 12; } else if (number == 3) { health = 14; } else if (number == 4) { health = 16; } else if (number == 5) { health = 18; } else if (number == 6) { health = 20; } return health; } static int RollD6() { Random random = new Random(); int roll = random.Next(1, 7); return roll; } static string Ask(string question) { string response = ""; while (response == "") { Console.WriteLine(question); response = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); } return response; } static bool AskYesOrNo(string question) { while (true) { string response = Ask(question).ToLower(); switch (response) { case "yes": case "ok": return true; case "no": return false; } } } } class Hero { public string Name = ""; public double Health = 100; public List<string> Items = new List<string>(); public string Location = "newgame"; public bool Knife = true; } class Minotaur { public double Health = 500; public List<string> Items = new List<string>(); }