
2 months ago
3.4 kB
function LogarithmicDecrementGUI
    % Create the GUI
    fig = uifigure('Name', 'Logarithmic Decrement Analysis', 'Position', [100, 100, 600, 400]);

    % Load Data Button
    uibutton(fig, 'Text', 'Load Data', ...
        'Position', [20, 350, 100, 30], ...
        'ButtonPushedFcn', @(~,~) loadData(fig));

    % Input for Xo
    uilabel(fig, 'Text', 'Xo:', 'Position', [20, 300, 30, 30]);
    XoInput = uieditfield(fig, 'numeric', 'Position', [50, 300, 100, 30]);

    % Input for Xn
    uilabel(fig, 'Text', 'Xn:', 'Position', [20, 250, 30, 30]);
    XnInput = uieditfield(fig, 'numeric', 'Position', [50, 250, 100, 30]);

    % Input for n
    uilabel(fig, 'Text', 'n:', 'Position', [20, 200, 30, 30]);
    nInput = uieditfield(fig, 'numeric', 'Position', [50, 200, 100, 30]);

    % Calculate Button
    uibutton(fig, 'Text', 'Calculate', ...
        'Position', [20, 150, 100, 30], ...
        'ButtonPushedFcn', @(~,~) calculateDecrement(XoInput, XnInput, nInput));

    % Axes for plotting
    ax1 = uiaxes(fig, 'Position', [200, 200, 350, 150], 'Title', 'Acceleration vs. Time');
    ax2 = uiaxes(fig, 'Position', [200, 20, 350, 150], 'Title', 'Logarithmic Decrement vs. Cycle Number');
    % Store axes in the figure's UserData for access in callback functions
    fig.UserData.ax1 = ax1;
    fig.UserData.ax2 = ax2;

% Callback to Load Data and Plot Acceleration vs. Time
function loadData(fig)
    [file, path] = uigetfile('*.xlsx', 'Select Excel File');
    if isequal(file, 0)
        return; % User canceled
    filename = fullfile(path, file);
    data = readtable(filename);

    % Adjust column names based on the user data
    time = data.Time; % Replace with the actual name of your time column
    abs_accel = data.AbsoluteAcceleration; % Replace with your absolute acceleration column name

    % Plot acceleration vs. time
    ax1 = fig.UserData.ax1;
    plot(ax1, time, abs_accel, '-b', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
    xlabel(ax1, 'Time (s)');
    ylabel(ax1, 'Absolute Acceleration (m/s^2)');
    title(ax1, 'Acceleration vs. Time');
    grid(ax1, 'on');
    % Find peaks and plot logarithmic decrement graph
    [peaks, peak_times] = findpeaks(abs_accel, time);
    ax2 = fig.UserData.ax2;
    num_cycles = length(peaks) - 1;
    log_dec = zeros(num_cycles, 1);
    for i = 1:num_cycles
        log_dec(i) = log(peaks(i) / peaks(i+1));
    % Plot logarithmic decrement
    cycle_numbers = 1:num_cycles;
    plot(ax2, cycle_numbers, log_dec, '-k', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
    xlabel(ax2, 'Cycle Number');
    ylabel(ax2, 'Logarithmic Decrement (\delta)');
    title(ax2, 'Logarithmic Decrement vs. Cycle Number');
    grid(ax2, 'on');
    % Store data in the figure for future use
    fig.UserData.peaks = peaks;
    fig.UserData.peak_times = peak_times;
    fig.UserData.log_dec = log_dec;

% Callback to Calculate Decrement Based on Xo, Xn, and n
function calculateDecrement(XoInput, XnInput, nInput)
    Xo = XoInput.Value;
    Xn = XnInput.Value;
    n = nInput.Value;

    if isempty(Xo) || isempty(Xn) || isempty(n)
        uialert(XoInput.Parent, 'Please enter all values (Xo, Xn, and n).', 'Input Error');

    delta = (1 / n) * log(Xo / Xn); % Logarithmic decrement calculation
    uialert(XoInput.Parent, sprintf('Logarithmic Decrement: %.4f', delta), 'Result');
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