
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
160 kB

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 Benjamin Turmo

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


        FileName:     WinFormsCreator.ps1
        Author:       PSWinFormsCreator.com Admin (Benjamin Turmo)
        Created On:   1/15/2020
        Last Updated: 12/14/2020
        Version:      v2.0.0.0

        Use this script in the creation of other WinForms PowerShell scripts.  Has the ability to
        Save/Open a project, modify most properties of any control, and generate a script
        file.  The resulting script file initializes the Form in a STA runspace.

        PowerShell 4.0

    .UPDATES - 06/13/2020
        Added MIT License - 06/20/2020
        Added DataGridView
        Corrected issue where able to add controls directly to TabControl instead of TabPage - 7/10/2020
        Added TabPage for TabControl
        Added SplitterPanel for SplitContainer
        Fixed Size property being saved when Dock set to Fill or AutoSize to true
        Updated UI: Moved Toolbox/Events to SplitterPanel in a TabControl on Mainform. All controls now
            in SplitContainers to allow for finer UI customization and to allow for maximization of
            the Mainform. There are some changes to the UI that were made in preparation for updating
            to a MDI child form and to allow for other future development. - 12/14/2020
        Complete UI Overhaul to make more traditional and allow for future feature additions/enhancement
        Property values being saved in the form XML is now dependent on the property reflector of the
            PropertyGrid GridItem. Does still keep track of every change because of issues with
            reflectors (see Known Issues).

            Drag/Drop addition of controls
            Adding Mouse Events to WebBrowser control
            Previous pre- version save files will not open properly in
                If the Items Element is removed from Data it should load properly
        Known Issues:
            DataGridView - All CellStyle Properties will save, but get exception when setting on Open
            ListView - ListViewItem and ListViewGroup Properties will not save
            TreeView - Nodes property will not save
            TextBox - AutoCompleteCustomSource Property will not save
            Form - Unable to change IsMDIContainer to True and issue Maximizing Window State
            Certain property reflectors will show that a value has been changed when it has not. This
                issue affects the following properties on all controls: UseCompatibleTextRendering,
                TabIndex, and TabStop. In order for these properties to be saved to form XML they need
                to be manually changed in the PropertyGrid. After this point, the property value will
                always be generated in the form XML for that specific control.
            Images/Icons do not save - 12/26/2020
        Corrected issue after resizing of Form in design after resize to refresh parent Form
        Fixed issue with Size property on Forms and Textboxes to save correctly

# ScriptBlock to Execute in STA Runspace
$sbGUI = {

    #region Functions

    function Update-ErrorLog {

        if ( $Message -ne '' ) {[void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("$($Message)`r`n`r`nCheck '$($BaseDir)\exceptions.txt' for details.",'Exception Occurred')}

        $date = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss'
        $ErrorRecord | Out-File "$($BaseDir)\tmpError.txt"

        Add-Content -Path "$($BaseDir)\exceptions.txt" -Value "$($date): $($(Get-Content "$($BaseDir)\tmpError.txt") -replace "\s+"," ")"

        Remove-Item -Path "$($BaseDir)\tmpError.txt"

        if ( $Promote ) {throw $ErrorRecord}

    function ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML {

        try {
            if ( $Xml.GetType().Name -eq 'String' ) {$Xml = ([xml]$Xml).ChildNodes}

            if ( $Xml.ToString() -ne 'SplitterPanel' ) {$newControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$($Xml.ToString())}

            if ( $ParentControl ) {
                if ( $Xml.ToString() -match "^ToolStrip" ) {
                    if ( $ParentControl.GetType().Name -match "^ToolStrip" ) {[void]$ParentControl.DropDownItems.Add($newControl)} else {[void]$ParentControl.Items.Add($newControl)}
                } elseif ( $Xml.ToString() -eq 'ContextMenuStrip' ) {$ParentControl.ContextMenuStrip = $newControl}
                elseif ( $Xml.ToString() -eq 'SplitterPanel' ) {$newControl = $ParentControl.$($Xml.Name.Split('_')[-1])}
                else {$ParentControl.Controls.Add($newControl)}
            $Xml.Attributes | ForEach-Object {
                $attrib = $_
                $attribName = $_.ToString()

                if ( $Script:specialProps.Array -contains $attribName ) {
                    if ( $attribName -eq 'Items' ) {
                        $($_.Value -replace "\|\*BreakPT\*\|","`n").Split("`n") | ForEach-Object{[void]$newControl.Items.Add($_)}
                    } else {
                            # Other than Items only BoldedDate properties on MonthCalendar control
                        $methodName = "Add$($attribName)" -replace "s$"

                        $($_.Value -replace "\|\*BreakPT\*\|","`n").Split("`n") | ForEach-Object{$newControl.$attribName.$methodName($_)}
                } else {
                    switch ($attribName) {
                        FlatAppearance {
                            $attrib.Value.Split('|') | ForEach-Object {$newControl.FlatAppearance.$($_.Split('=')[0]) = $_.Split('=')[1]}
                        default {
                            if ( $null -ne $newControl.$attribName ) {
                                if ( $newControl.$attribName.GetType().Name -eq 'Boolean' ) {
                                    if ( $attrib.Value -eq 'True' ) {$value = $true} else {$value = $false}
                                } else {$value = $attrib.Value}
                            } else {$value = $attrib.Value}
                            $newControl.$attribName = $value

                if (( $attrib.ToString() -eq 'Name' ) -and ( $Reference -ne '' )) {
                    try {$refHashTable = Get-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope Script -ErrorAction Stop}
                    catch {
                        New-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope Script -Value @{} | Out-Null
                        $refHashTable = Get-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


            if ( $Xml.ChildNodes ) {$Xml.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {ConvertFrom-WinformsXML -Xml $_ -ParentControl $newControl -Reference $Reference -Suppress}}

            if ( $Suppress -eq $false ) {return $newControl}
        } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered adding $($Xml.ToString()) to $($ParentControl.Name)"}

    function Convert-XmlToTreeView {

        try {
            $controlType = $Xml.ToString()
            $controlName = "$($Xml.Name)"
            if ( $IncrementName ) {
                $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                $returnObj = [pscustomobject]@{OldName=$controlName;NewName=""}
                $loop = 1

                while ( $objRef.Objects.Keys -contains $controlName ) {
                    if ( $controlName.Contains('_') ) {
                        $afterLastUnderscoreText = $controlName -replace "$($controlName.Substring(0,($controlName.LastIndexOf('_') + 1)))"

                        if ( $($afterLastUnderscoreText -replace "\D").Length -eq $afterLastUnderscoreText.Length ) {
                            $controlName = $controlName -replace "_$($afterLastUnderscoreText)$","_$([int]$afterLastUnderscoreText + 1)"
                        } else {$controlName = $controlName + '_1'}
                    } else {$controlName = $controlName + '_1' }

                        # Make sure does not cause infinite loop
                    if ( $loop -eq 1000 ) {throw "Unable to determine incremented control name."}

                $returnObj.NewName = $controlName

            if ( $controlType -ne 'SplitterPanel' ) {Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $TreeObject -ControlType $controlType -ControlName $controlName}

            $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
            $newControl = $objRef.Objects[$controlName]

                if ( $_.ToString() -ne 'Name' ) {
                    if ( $null -eq $objRef.Changes[$controlName] ) {$objRef.Changes[$controlName] = @{}}

                    if ( $null -ne $($newControl.$($_.ToString())) ) {
                        if ( $($newControl.$($_.ToString())).GetType().Name -eq 'Boolean' ) {
                            if ( $_.Value -eq 'True' ) {$value = $true} else {$value = $false}
                        } else {$value = $_.Value}
                    } else {$value = $_.Value}

                    try {$newControl.$($_.ToString()) = $value}
                    catch {if ( $_.Exception.Message -notmatch 'MDI container forms must be top-level' ) {throw $_}}

                    $objRef.Changes[$controlName][$_.ToString()] = $_.Value

            if ( $Xml.ChildNodes.Count -gt 0 ) {
                if ( $IncrementName ) {$Xml.ChildNodes.ForEach({Convert-XmlToTreeView -Xml $_ -TreeObject $objRef.TreeNodes[$controlName] -IncrementName})}
                else {$Xml.ChildNodes.ForEach({Convert-XmlToTreeView -Xml $_ -TreeObject $objRef.TreeNodes[$controlName]})}
        } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered adding '$($Xml.ToString()) - $($Xml.Name)' to Treeview."}

    function Get-CustomControl {

        try {
            $refGuid = [guid]::NewGuid()
            $control = ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Xml "$($ControlInfo.XMLText)" -Reference $refGuid
            $refControl = Get-Variable -Name $refGuid -ValueOnly

            if ( $ControlInfo.Events ) {$ControlInfo.Events.ForEach({$refControl[$_.Name]."add_$($_.EventType)"($_.ScriptBlock)})}

            if ( $Reference -ne '' ) {New-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope Script -Value $refControl}

            Remove-Variable -Name refGuid -Scope Script

            if ( $Suppress -eq $false ) {return $control}
        } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered getting custom control."}

    function Get-UserInputFromForm {
        try {
            $inputForm = Get-CustomControl -ControlInfo $Script:childFormInfo['NameInput']

            if ( $inputForm ) {
                $inputForm.AcceptButton = $inputForm.Controls['StopDingOnEnter']

                $inputForm.Controls['UserInput'].Text = $SetText


                $returnVal = [pscustomobject]@{
                    Result = $inputForm.DialogResult
                    NewName = $inputForm.Controls['UserInput'].Text

                return $returnVal
        } catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered setting new control name."
        } finally {
            try {$inputForm.Dispose()}
            catch {if ( $_.Exception.Message -ne "You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression." ) {throw $_}}

    function Add-TreeNode {

        if ( $ControlName -eq '' ) {
            $userInput = Get-UserInputFromForm -SetText "$($Script:supportedControls.Where({$_.Name -eq $ControlType}).Prefix)_"

            if ( $userInput.Result -eq 'OK' ) {$ControlName = $userInput.NewName}

        try {
            if ( $TreeObject.GetType().Name -eq 'TreeView' ) {
                if ( $ControlType -eq 'Form' ) {
                        # Clear the Assigned Events ListBox
                    $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items.Add('No Events')
                    $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Enabled = $false
                        # Create the TreeNode
                    $newTreeNode = $TreeObject.Nodes.Add($ControlName,"Form - $($ControlName)")

                        # Create the Form
                    $form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
                    $form.Name = $ControlName
                    $form.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,0)

                        $e.Cancel = $true
                        if (( $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject -ne $this ) -and ( $args[1].Button -eq 'Left' )) {
                            $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $Script:refsFID.Form.TreeNodes[$this.Name]
                        if ( $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject -ne $this ) {$Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $Script:refsFID.Form.TreeNodes[$this.Name]}


                        if ( $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject -ne $this ) {$Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $Script:refsFID.Form.TreeNodes[$this.Name]}


                        # Add the selected object control buttons
                    $Script:sButtons = $null
                    Remove-Variable -Name sButtons -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_SizeAll" Cursor="SizeAll" BackColor="Black" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_TLeft" Cursor="SizeNWSE" BackColor="Black" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_TRight" Cursor="SizeNESW" BackColor="Black" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_BLeft" Cursor="SizeNESW" BackColor="Black" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_BRight" Cursor="SizeNWSE" BackColor="Black" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_MLeft" Cursor="SizeWE" BackColor="Black" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_MRight" Cursor="SizeWE" BackColor="Black" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_MTop" Cursor="SizeNS" BackColor="Black" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_MBottom" Cursor="SizeNS" BackColor="Black" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'

                        # Add the Mouse events to each of the selected object control buttons
                            param($Sender, $e)

                            try {
                                $currentMousePOS = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position
                                    # If mouse button equals left and there was a change in mouse position (reduces flicker due to control refreshes during Move-SButtons)
                                if (( $e.Button -eq 'Left' ) -and (( $currentMousePOS.X -ne $Script:oldMousePOS.X ) -or ( $currentMousePOS.Y -ne $Script:oldMousePOS.Y ))) {
                                    if ( @('SplitterPanel','TabPage') -notcontains $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.GetType().Name ) {
                                        $sObj = $Script:sRect

                                        $msObj = @{}

                                        switch ($Sender.Name) {
                                                btn_SizeAll {
                                                    if (( @('FlowLayoutPanel','TableLayoutPanel') -contains $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.Parent.GetType().Name ) -or
                                                       ( $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.Dock -ne 'None' )) {
                                                        $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,0)
                                                    } else {
                                                        $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($currentMousePOS.X - $Script:oldMousePOS.X),($currentMousePOS.Y - $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))
                                                    $newSize = $Script:sRect.Size
                                                btn_TLeft {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($currentMousePOS.X - $Script:oldMousePOS.X),($currentMousePOS.Y - $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(($sObj.Size.Width + $Script:oldMousePOS.X - $currentMousePOS.X),($sObj.Size.Height + $Script:oldMousePOS.Y - $currentMousePOS.Y))
                                                btn_TRight {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,($currentMousePOS.Y - $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(($sObj.Size.Width + $currentMousePOS.X - $Script:oldMousePOS.X),($sObj.Size.Height + $Script:oldMousePOS.Y - $currentMousePOS.Y))
                                                btn_BLeft {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($currentMousePOS.X - $Script:oldMousePOS.X),0)
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(($sObj.Size.Width + $Script:oldMousePOS.X - $currentMousePOS.X),($sObj.Size.Height + $currentMousePOS.Y - $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))
                                                btn_BRight {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,0)
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(($sObj.Size.Width + $currentMousePOS.X - $Script:oldMousePOS.X),($sObj.Size.Height + $currentMousePOS.Y - $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))
                                                btn_MLeft {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($currentMousePOS.X - $Script:oldMousePOS.X),0)
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(($sObj.Size.Width + $Script:oldMousePOS.X - $currentMousePOS.X),$sObj.Size.Height)
                                                btn_MRight {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,0)
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(($sObj.Size.Width + $currentMousePOS.X - $Script:oldMousePOS.X),$sObj.Size.Height)
                                                btn_MTop {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,($currentMousePOS.Y - $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($sObj.Size.Width,($sObj.Size.Height + $Script:oldMousePOS.Y - $currentMousePOS.Y))
                                                btn_MBottom {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,0)
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($sObj.Size.Width,($sObj.Size.Height + $currentMousePOS.Y - $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))

                                        $msObj.Size = $newSize

                                        $Script:MouseMoving = $true
                                        Move-SButtons -Object $msObj
                                        $Script:MouseMoving = $false

                                        $refFID = $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects.Values.Where({$_.GetType().Name -eq 'Form'})
                                        $clientParent = $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.Parent.PointToClient([System.Drawing.Point]::Empty)
                                        $clientForm = $refFID.PointToClient([System.Drawing.Point]::Empty)

                                        $newLocation = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Script:sRect.Location.X - (($clientParent.X - $clientForm.X) * -1)),($Script:sRect.Location.Y - (($clientParent.Y - $clientForm.Y) * -1)))

                                        $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.Size = $Script:sRect.Size
                                        $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.Location = $newLocation

                                    $Script:oldMousePos = $currentMousePOS

                                } else {$Script:oldMousePos = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position}
                            } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered while moving mouse over selected control."}
                            Move-SButtons -Object $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject

                        # Set MDIParent and Show Form
                    $form.MDIParent = $refs['MainForm']

                        # Create reference object for the Form In Design
                    $Script:refsFID = @{
                        Form = @{
                            TreeNodes=@{"$($ControlName)" = $newTreeNode}
                            Objects=@{"$($ControlName)" = $form}
                } elseif (( @('ContextMenuStrip','Timer') -contains $ControlType ) -or ( $ControlType -match "Dialog$" )) {
                    $newTreeNode = $Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes.Add($ControlName,"$($ControlType) - $($ControlName)")
                    if ( $null -eq $Script:refsFID[$ControlType] ) {$Script:refsFID[$ControlType]=@{}}

                    $Script:refsFID[$ControlType][$ControlName] = @{
                        TreeNodes = @{"$($ControlName)" = $newTreeNode}
                        Objects = @{"$($ControlName)" = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$ControlType}
                        Changes = @{}
                        Events = @{}
            } else {
                if (( $ControlName -ne '' ) -and ( $ControlType -ne 'SplitterPanel' )) {
                    $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $TreeObject

                    if ( $objRef.Success -ne $false ) {
                        $newControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$ControlType
                        $newControl.Name = $ControlName

                        if ( $ControlType -match "^ToolStrip" ) {
                            if ( $objRef.Objects[$TreeObject.Name].GetType().Name -match "^ToolStrip" ) {[void]$objRef.Objects[$TreeObject.Name].DropDownItems.Add($newControl)}
                            else {[void]$objRef.Objects[$TreeObject.Name].Items.Add($newControl)}
                        } elseif ( $ControlType -eq 'ContextMenuStrip' ) {
                            $objRef.Objects[$TreeObject.Name].ContextMenuStrip = $newControl
                        } else {$objRef.Objects[$TreeObject.Name].Controls.Add($newControl)}

                        try {
                                if (( $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject -ne $this ) -and ( $args[1].Button -eq 'Left' )) {
                                    $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $Script:refsFID.Form.TreeNodes[$this.Name]
                        } catch {
                            if ( $_.Exception.Message -notmatch 'not valid on this ActiveX control' ) {throw $_}

                        $newTreeNode = $TreeObject.Nodes.Add($ControlName,"$($ControlType) - $($ControlName)")
                        $objRef.TreeNodes[$ControlName] = $newTreeNode
                        $objRef.Objects[$ControlName] = $newControl

                        if ( $ControlType -eq 'SplitContainer' ) {
                            for ( $i=1;$i -le 2;$i++ ) {
                                $objRef.TreeNodes["$($ControlName)_Panel$($i)"] = $newTreeNode.Nodes.Add("$($ControlName)_Panel$($i)","SplitterPanel - $($ControlName)_Panel$($i)")
                                $objRef.Objects["$($ControlName)_Panel$($i)"] = $newControl."Panel$($i)"
                                $objRef.Objects["$($ControlName)_Panel$($i)"].Name = "$($ControlName)_Panel$($i)"
                                    if (( $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject -ne $this ) -and ( $args[1].Button -eq 'Left' )) {
                                        $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $Script:refsFID.Form.TreeNodes[$this.Name]

            if ( $newTreeNode ) {
                $newTreeNode.ContextMenuStrip = $Script:reuseContext['TreeNode']
                $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $newTreeNode

                if (( $ControlType -eq 'TabControl' ) -and ( $Script:openingProject -eq $false )) {Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $newTreeNode -ControlType TabPage -ControlName 'Tab 1'}
        } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered adding TreeNode ($($ControlType) - $($ControlName))."}

    function Get-ChildNodeList {

        $returnVal = @()

        if ( $TreeNode.Nodes.Count -gt 0 ) {
            try {
                    $returnVal += $(if ( $Level ) { "$($_.Level):$($_.Name)" } else {$_.Name})
                    $returnVal += $(if ( $Level ) { Get-ChildNodeList -TreeNode $_ -Level } else { Get-ChildNodeList -TreeNode $_ })
            } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered building Treenode list."}

        return $returnVal

    function Get-RootNodeObjRef {

        try {
            if ( $TreeNode.Level -gt 0 ) {while ( $TreeNode.Parent ) {$TreeNode = $TreeNode.Parent}}

            $type = $TreeNode.Text -replace " - .*$"
            $name = $TreeNode.Name

            $returnVal = [pscustomobject]@{
                Success = $true
                RootType = $type
                RootName = $name
                TreeNodes = ''
                Objects = ''
                Changes = ''
                Events = ''

            if ( $type -eq 'Form' ) {
                $returnVal.TreeNodes = $Script:refsFID[$type].TreeNodes
                $returnVal.Objects = $Script:refsFID[$type].Objects
                $returnVal.Changes = $Script:refsFID[$type].Changes
                $returnVal.Events = $Script:refsFID[$type].Events
            } elseif (( @('ContextMenuStrip','Timer') -contains $type ) -or ( $type -match "Dialog$" )) {
                $returnVal.TreeNodes = $Script:refsFID[$type][$name].TreeNodes
                $returnVal.Objects = $Script:refsFID[$type][$name].Objects
                $returnVal.Changes = $Script:refsFID[$type][$name].Changes
                $returnVal.Events = $Script:refsFID[$type][$name].Events
            } else {$returnVal.Success = $false}

            return $returnVal
        } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered determining root node object reference."}

    function Move-SButtons {
        if ( ($Script:supportedControls.Where({$_.Type -eq 'Parentless'}).Name + @('Form','ToolStripMenuItem','ToolStripComboBox','ToolStripTextBox','ToolStripSeparator','ContextMenuStrip')) -notcontains $Object.GetType().Name ) {
            $newSize = $Object.Size
            if ( $Object.GetType().Name -ne 'HashTable' ) {
                $refFID = $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects.Values.Where({$_.GetType().Name -eq 'Form'})
                $Script:sButtons.GetEnumerator().ForEach({$_.Value.Visible = $true})
                $newLoc = $Object.PointToClient([System.Drawing.Point]::Empty)
                if ( $Script:MouseMoving -eq $true ) {
                    $clientParent = $Object.Parent.PointToClient([System.Drawing.Point]::Empty)
                    $clientForm = $refFID.PointToClient([System.Drawing.Point]::Empty)
                    $clientOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point((($clientParent.X - $clientForm.X) * -1),(($clientParent.Y - $clientForm.Y) * -1))
                } else {$clientOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,0)}
                $newLoc.X = ($newLoc.X * -1) - $refFID.Location.X - $refs['MainForm'].Location.X - $clientOffset.X - $Script:refs['ms_Left'].Size.Width - 18
                $newLoc.Y = ($newLoc.Y * -1) - $refFID.Location.Y - $refs['MainForm'].Location.Y - $clientOffset.Y - 108

                if ( $Script:refs['pnl_Left'].Visible -eq $true ) {$newLoc.X = $newLoc.X - $Script:refs['pnl_Left'].Size.Width - $Script:refs['lbl_Left'].Size.Width}
            } else {$newLoc = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Script:sButtons['btn_TLeft'].Location.X + $Object.LocOffset.X),($Script:sButtons['btn_TLeft'].Location.Y + $Object.LocOffset.Y))}

            $Script:sRect = New-Object System.Drawing.Rectangle($newLoc,$newSize)

                $btn = $_.Value

                switch ($btn.Name) {
                    btn_SizeAll {$btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($newLoc.X + 13),$newLoc.Y)}
                    btn_TLeft {$btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($newLoc.X,$newLoc.Y)}
                    btn_TRight {$btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($newLoc.X + $newSize.Width - 8),$newLoc.Y)}
                    btn_BLeft {$btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($newLoc.X,($newLoc.Y + $newSize.Height - 8))}
                    btn_BRight {$btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($newLoc.X + $newSize.Width - 8),($newLoc.Y + $newSize.Height - 8))}
                    btn_MLeft {
                        if ( $Object.Size.Height -gt 28 ) {
                            $btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($newLoc.X,($newLoc.Y + ($newSize.Height / 2) - 4))
                            $btn.Visible = $true
                        } else {$btn.Visible = $false}
                    btn_MRight {
                        if ( $Object.Size.Height -gt 28 ) {
                            $btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($newLoc.X + $newSize.Width - 8),($newLoc.Y + ($newSize.Height / 2) - 4))
                            $btn.Visible = $true
                        } else {$btn.Visible = $false}
                    btn_MTop {
                        if ( $Object.Size.Width -gt 40 ) {
                            $btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($newLoc.X + ($newSize.Width / 2) - 4),$newLoc.Y)
                            $btn.Visible = $true
                        } else {$btn.Visible = $false}
                    btn_MBottom {
                        if ( $Object.Size.Width -gt 40 ) {
                            $btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($newLoc.X + ($newSize.Width / 2) - 4),($newLoc.Y + $newSize.Height - 8))
                            $btn.Visible = $true
                        } else {$btn.Visible = $false}


        } else {$Script:sButtons.GetEnumerator().ForEach({$_.Value.Visible = $false})}

    function Save-Project {

        $projectName = $refs['tpg_Form1'].Text

        if ( $ReturnXML -eq $false ) {
            if (( $SaveAs ) -or ( $projectName -eq 'NewProject.fbs' )) {
                $saveDialog = ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Xml @"
<SaveFileDialog InitialDirectory="$($BaseDir)\SavedProjects" AddExtension="True" DefaultExt="fbs" Filter="fbs files (*.fbs)|*.fbs" FileName="$($projectName)" OverwritePrompt="True" ValidateNames="True" RestoreDirectory="True" />

                    if ( $($this.FileName | Split-Path -Leaf) -eq 'NewProject.fbs' ) {
                        [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("You cannot save a project with the file name 'NewProject.fbs'",'Validation Error')
                        $e.Cancel = $true

                try {

                    if (( $saveDialog.FileName -ne '' ) -and ( $saveDialog.FileName -ne 'NewProject.fbs' )) {$projectName = $saveDialog.FileName | Split-Path -Leaf} else {$projectName = ''}
                } catch {
                    Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message 'Exception encountered while selecting Save file name.'
                    $projectName = ''
                } finally {
                    Remove-Variable -Name saveDialog

        if ( $projectName -ne '' ) {
            try {
                $xml = New-Object -TypeName XML
                $xml.LoadXml('<Data><Events Desc="Events associated with controls"></Events></Data>')
                $tempPGrid = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid
                $tempPGrid.PropertySort = 'Alphabetical'

                    $currentNode = $xml.Data
                    $rootControlType = $_.Text -replace " - .*$"
                    $rootControlName = $_.Name

                    $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $rootControlName -and $_.Text -match "^$($rootControlType)" })

                    $nodeIndex = @("0:$($rootControlName)")
                    $nodeIndex += Get-ChildNodeList -TreeNode $objRef.TreeNodes[$rootControlName] -Level

                        $nodeName = $nodeIndex[$_] -replace "^\d+:"
                        $newElementType = $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].GetType().Name
                        [int]$nodeDepth = $nodeIndex[$_] -replace ":.*$"

                        $newElement = $xml.CreateElement($newElementType)

                        $tempPGrid.SelectedObject = $objRef.Objects[$nodeName]

                            # Set certain properties first
                            $prop = $_
                            $tempGI = $tempPGrid.SelectedGridItem.Parent.GridItems.Where({$_.PropertyLabel -eq $prop})

                            if ( $tempGI.Count -gt 0 ) {
                                if ( $tempGI.PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue($tempGI.Component) ) {$newElement.SetAttribute($tempGI.PropertyLabel,$tempGI.GetPropertyTextValue())}

                            # Set other attributes
                            $checkReflector = $true
                            $tempGI = $_
                            if ( $Script:specialProps.All -contains $tempGI.PropertyLabel ) {
                                switch ($tempGI.PropertyLabel) {
                                    Location {
                                        if (( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Dock -ne 'None' ) -or
                                           ( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Parent.GetType().Name -eq 'FlowLayoutPanel' ) -or
                                           (( $newElementType -eq 'Form' ) -and ( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.StartPosition -ne 'Manual' )) -or
                                           ( $tempGI.GetPropertyTextValue() -eq '0, 0' )) {
                                               $checkReflector = $false
                                    Size {
                                            # Only check reflector for Size when AutoSize is false and Dock not set to Fill
                                        if (( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.AutoSize -eq $true ) -or ( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Dock -eq 'Fill' )) {
                                                # If control is disabled sometimes AutoSize will return $true even if $false
                                            if (( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.AutoSize -eq $true ) -and ( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Enabled -eq $false )) {
                                                $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Enabled = $true

                                                if ( $tempGI.PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue($tempGI.Component) ) {$newElement.SetAttribute($tempGI.PropertyLabel,$tempGI.GetPropertyTextValue())}

                                                $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Enabled = $false

                                            $checkReflector = $false

                                                # Textbox has an issue here
                                            if (( $newElementType -eq 'Textbox' ) -and ( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Size.Width -ne 100 )) {$checkReflector = $true}
                                            # Form has an issue here
                                        if (( $newElementType -eq 'Form' ) -and ( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Size -eq (New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,300)) )) {$checkReflector = $false}
                                    FlatAppearance {
                                        if ( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.FlatStyle -eq 'Flat' ) {
                                            $value = ''

                                                if ( $_.PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue($_.Component.FlatAppearance) ) {$value += "$($_.PropertyLabel)=$($_.GetPropertyTextValue())|"}

                                            if ( $value -ne '' ) {$newElement.SetAttribute('FlatAppearance',$($value -replace "\|$"))}

                                        $checkReflector = $false
                                    default {
                                            # If property has a bad reflector and it has been changed manually add the attribute
                                        if (( $Script:specialProps.BadReflector -contains $_ ) -and ( $null -ne $objRef.Changes[$_] )) {$newElement.SetAttribute($_,$objRef.Changes[$_])}

                                        $checkReflector = $false

                            if ( $checkReflector ) {
                                if ( $tempGI.PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue($tempGI.Component) ) {
                                } elseif (( $newElementType -eq 'Form' ) -and ( $tempGI.PropertyLabel -eq 'Size') -and ( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.AutoSize -eq $false )) {


                            # Set certain properties last
                            $prop = $_
                            $tempGI = $tempPGrid.SelectedGridItem.Parent.GridItems.Where({$_.PropertyLabel -eq $prop})

                            if ( $tempGI.Count -gt 0 ) {
                                if ( $Script:specialProps.Array -contains $prop ) {
                                    if ( $prop -eq 'Items' ) {
                                        if ( $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].Items.Count -gt 0 ) {
                                            if ( @('CheckedListBox','ListBox','ComboBox','ToolStripComboBox') -contains $newElementType ) {
                                                $value = ''

                                                $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].Items.ForEach({$value += "$($_)|*BreakPT*|"})

                                                $newElement.SetAttribute('Items',$($value -replace "\|\*BreakPT\*\|$"))
                                            } else {
                                                switch ($newElementType) {
                                                    'MenuStrip' {}
                                                    'ContextMenuStrip' {}
                                                    #'ListView' {}
                                                    default {if ( $ReturnXML -eq $false ) {[void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("$($newElementType) items will not save",'Notification')}}
                                    } else {
                                        if ( $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].$prop.Count -gt 0 ) {
                                            $value = ''

                                            $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].$prop.ForEach({$value += "$($_)|*BreakPT*|"})

                                            $newElement.SetAttribute($prop,$($value -replace "\|\*BreakPT\*\|$"))
                                } else {
                                    if ( $tempGI.PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue($tempGI.Component) ) {$newElement.SetAttribute($tempGI.PropertyLabel,$tempGI.GetPropertyTextValue())}

                            # Set assigned Events
                        if ( $objRef.Events[$nodeName] ) {
                            $newEventElement = $xml.CreateElement($newElementType)

                            $eventString = ''
                            $objRef.Events[$nodeName].ForEach({$eventString += "$($_) "})

                            $newEventElement.SetAttribute('Events',$($eventString -replace " $"))


                            # Set $currentNode for the next iteration
                        if ( $_ -lt ($nodeIndex.Count-1) ) {
                            [int]$nextNodeDepth = "$($nodeIndex[($_+1)] -replace ":.*$")"

                            if ( $nextNodeDepth -gt $nodeDepth ) {$currentNode = $newElement}
                            elseif ( $nextNodeDepth -lt $nodeDepth ) {@(($nodeDepth-1)..$nextNodeDepth).ForEach({$currentNode = $currentNode.ParentNode})}

                if ( $ReturnXML ) {return $xml}
                else {

                    $refs['tpg_Form1'].Text = $projectName

                    if ( $Suppress -eq $false ) {[void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('Successfully Saved!','Success')}
            } catch {
                if ( $ReturnXML ) {
                    Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered while generating Form XML."
                    return $xml
                else {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered while saving project."}
            } finally {
                if ( $tempPGrid ) {$tempPGrid.Dispose()}
        } else {throw 'SaveCancelled'}
    #endregion Functions

    #region Event ScriptBlocks

    $eventSB = @{
        'MainForm' = @{
            FormClosing = {
                try {
                        $controlName = $_.Name
                        $controlType = $_.Text -replace " - .*$"

                        if ( $controlType -eq 'Form' ) {$Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$controlName].Dispose()}
                        else {$Script:refsFID[$controlType][$controlName].Objects[$controlName].Dispose()}
                } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during Form closure."}
        'New' = @{
            Click = {
                try {
                    if ( [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Unsaved changes to the current project will be lost.  Are you sure you want to start a new project?", 'Confirm', 4) -eq 'Yes' ) {
                            $controlName = $_.Name
                            $controlType = $_.Text -replace " - .*$"

                            if ( $controlType -eq 'Form' ) {$Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$controlName].Dispose()}
                            else {$Script:refsFID[$controlType][$controlName].Objects[$ControlName].Dispose()}


                        Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'] -ControlType Form -ControlName MainForm
                } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during start of New Project."}
        'Open' = @{
            Click = {
                if ( [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("You will lose all changes to the current project.  Are you sure?", 'Confirm', 4) -eq 'Yes' ) {
                    $openDialog = ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Xml @"
<OpenFileDialog InitialDirectory="$($Script:projectsDir)" AddExtension="True" DefaultExt="fbs" Filter="fbs files (*.fbs)|*.fbs" FilterIndex="1" ValidateNames="True" CheckFileExists="True" RestoreDirectory="True" />
                    try {
                        $Script:openingProject = $true

                        if ( $openDialog.ShowDialog() -eq 'OK' ) {
                            $fileName = $openDialog.FileName
                            New-Object -TypeName XML | ForEach-Object {


                                    $controlName = $_.Name
                                    $controlType = $_.Text -replace " - .*$"

                                    if ( $controlType -eq 'Form' ) {$Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$controlName].Dispose()}
                                    else {$Script:refsFID[$controlType][$controlName].Objects[$ControlName].Dispose()}


                                Convert-XmlToTreeView -XML $_.Data.Form -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView']

                                $_.Data.ChildNodes.Where({$_.ToString() -notmatch 'Form' -and $_.ToString() -notmatch 'Events'}) | ForEach-Object {Convert-XmlToTreeView -XML $_ -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView']}


                                if ( $_.Data.Events.ChildNodes.Count -gt 0 ) {
                                    $_.Data.Events.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {
                                        $rootControlType = $_.Root.Split('|')[0]
                                        $rootControlName = $_.Root.Split('|')[1]
                                        $controlName = $_.Name

                                        if ( $rootControlType -eq 'Form' ) {
                                            $Script:refsFID.Form.Events[$controlName] = @()
                                            $_.Events.Split(' ') | ForEach-Object {$Script:refsFID.Form.Events[$controlName] += $_}
                                        } else {
                                            $Script:refsFID[$rootControlType][$rootControlName].Events[$controlName] = @()
                                            $_.Events.Split(' ') | ForEach-Object {$Script:refsFID[$rootControlType][$rootControlName].Events[$controlName] += $_}
                            $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode

                            if ( $objRef.Events[$Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Name] ) {



                                $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Enabled = $true

                        $Script:openingProject = $false

                        $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }).Name].Visible = $true
                        $Script:refs['tpg_Form1'].Text = "$($openDialog.FileName -replace "^.*\\")"
                        $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }
                    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered while opening $($fileName)."}
                    finally {
                        $Script:openingProject = $false

                        Remove-Variable -Name openDialog

        'Rename' = @{
            Click = {
                if ( $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -notmatch "^SplitterPanel" ) {
                    $currentName = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Name
                    $userInput = Get-UserInputFromForm -SetText $currentName

                    if ( $userInput.Result -eq 'OK' ) {
                        try {
                            $newName = $userInput.NewName

                            $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode

                            $objRef.Objects[$currentName].Name = $newName
                            $objRef.Objects[$newName] = $objRef.Objects[$currentName]

                            if ( $objRef.Changes[$currentName] ) {
                                $objRef.Changes[$newName] = $objRef.Changes[$currentName]

                            if ( $objRef.Events[$currentName] ) {
                                $objRef.Events[$newName] = $objRef.Events[$currentName]

                            $objRef.TreeNodes[$currentName].Name = $newName
                            $objRef.TreeNodes[$currentName].Text = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -replace "-.*$","- $($newName)"
                            $objRef.TreeNodes[$newName] = $objRef.TreeNodes[$currentName]

                            if ( $objRef.TreeNodes[$newName].Text -match "^SplitContainer" ) {
                                    $objRef.Objects["$($currentName)_$($_)"].Name = "$($newName)_$($_)"
                                    $objRef.Objects["$($newName)_$($_)"] = $objRef.Objects["$($currentName)_$($_)"]

                                    if ( $objRef.Changes["$($currentName)_$($_)"] ) {
                                        $objRef.Changes["$($newName)_$($_)"] = $objRef.Changes["$($currentName)_$($_)"]

                                    if ( $objRef.Events["$($currentName)_$($_)"] ) {
                                        $objRef.Events["$($newName)_$($_)"] = $objRef.Events["$($currentName)_$($_)"]

                                    $objRef.TreeNodes["$($currentName)_$($_)"].Name = "$($newName)_$($_)"
                                    $objRef.TreeNodes["$($currentName)_$($_)"].Text = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -replace "-.*$","- $($newName)_$($_)"
                                    $objRef.TreeNodes["$($newName)_$($_)"] = $objRef.TreeNodes["$($currentName)_$($_)"]
                        } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered renaming '$($Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text)'."}
                } else {[void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Cannot perform any action from the 'Edit' Menu against a SplitterPanel control.",'Restricted Action')}
        'Delete' = @{
            Click = {
                if ( $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -notmatch "^SplitterPanel" ) {
                    try {
                        $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                        if (( $objRef.Success -eq $true ) -and ( $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Level -ne 0 ) -or ( $objRef.RootType -ne 'Form' )) {
                            if ( [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Are you sure you wish to remove the selected node and all child nodes? This cannot be undone." ,"Confirm Removal" , 4) -eq 'Yes' ) {
                                    # Generate array of TreeNodes to delete
                                $nodesToDelete = @($($Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode).Name)
                                $nodesToDelete += Get-ChildNodeList -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                                        # If the node is currently copied remove nodeClipboard
                                    if ( $objRef.TreeNodes[$nodesToDelete[$_]] -eq $Script:nodeClipboard.Node ) {
                                        $Script:nodeClipboard = $null
                                        Remove-Variable -Name nodeClipboard -Scope Script

                                        # Dispose of the Form control and remove it from the Form object
                                    if ( $objRef.TreeNodes[$nodesToDelete[$_]].Text -notmatch "^SplitterPanel" ) {$objRef.Objects[$nodesToDelete[$_]].Dispose()}

                                        # Remove the actual TreeNode from the TreeView control and remove it from the Form object

                                        # Remove any changes or assigned events associated with the deleted TreeNodes from the Form object
                                    if ( $objRef.Changes[$nodesToDelete[$_]] ) {$objRef.Changes.Remove($nodesToDelete[$_])}
                                    if ( $objRef.Events[$nodesToDelete[$_]] ) {$objRef.Events.Remove($nodesToDelete[$_])}
                        } else {[void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('Cannot delete the root Form.  Start a New Project instead.')}
                    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered deleting '$($Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text)'."}
                } else {[void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Cannot perform any action from the 'Edit' Menu against a SplitterPanel control.",'Restricted Action')}
        'CopyNode' = @{
            Click = {
                if ( $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Level -gt 0 ) {
                    $Script:nodeClipboard = @{
                        ObjRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                        Node = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                } else {[void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('You cannot copy a root node.  It will be necessary to copy each individual subnode separately after creating the root node manually.')}
        'PasteNode' = @{
            Click = {
                try {
                    if ( $Script:nodeClipboard ) {
                        $pastedObjType = $Script:nodeClipboard.Node.Text -replace " - .*$"
                        $currentObjType = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -replace " - .*$"

                        if ( $Script:supportedControls.Where({$_.Name -eq $currentObjType}).ChildTypes -contains $Script:supportedControls.Where({$_.Name -eq $pastedObjType}).Type ) {
                            $pastedObjName = $Script:nodeClipboard.Node.Name
                            $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode

                            $xml = Save-Project -ReturnXML

                            $pastedXML = Select-Xml -Xml $xml -XPath "//$($Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.RootType)[@Name=`"$($Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.RootName)`"]//$($pastedObjType)[@Name=`"$($pastedObjName)`"]"


                            if (( $objRef.RootType -eq $Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.RootType ) -and ( $objRef.RootName -eq $Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.RootName )) {
                                [array]$newNodeNames = Convert-XmlToTreeView -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode -Xml $pastedXml.Node -IncrementName
                            } else {[array]$newNodeNames = Convert-XmlToTreeView -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode -Xml $pastedXml.Node}


                            Move-SButtons -Object $refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject

                            $newNodeNames.ForEach({if ( $Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.Events["$($_.OldName)"] ) {$objRef.Events["$($_.NewName)"] = $Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.Events["$($_.OldName)"]}})
                        } else {[void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("You cannot paste a $($pastedObjType) control to the selected control type $($currentObjType).")}
                } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message 'Exception encountered while pasting node from clipboard.'}
        'Move Up' = @{
            Click = {
                try {
                    $selectedNode = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                    $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $selectedNode
                    $nodeName = $selectedNode.Name
                    $nodeIndex = $selectedNode.Index

                    if ( $nodeIndex -gt 0 ) {
                        $parentNode = $selectedNode.Parent
                        $clone = $selectedNode.Clone()


                        $objRef.TreeNodes[$nodeName] = $parentNode.Nodes[$($nodeIndex-1)]
                        $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $objRef.TreeNodes[$nodeName]
                } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message 'Exception encountered increasing index of TreeNode.'}
        'Move Down' = @{
            Click = {
                try {
                    $selectedNode = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                    $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $selectedNode
                    $nodeName = $selectedNode.Name
                    $nodeIndex = $selectedNode.Index

                    if ( $nodeIndex -lt $($selectedNode.Parent.Nodes.Count - 1) ) {
                        $parentNode = $selectedNode.Parent
                        $clone = $selectedNode.Clone()

                        if ( $nodeIndex -eq $($parentNode.Nodes.Count - 1) ) {$parentNode.Nodes.Add($clone)}
                        else {$parentNode.Nodes.Insert($($nodeIndex+1),$clone)}

                        $objRef.TreeNodes[$nodeName] = $parentNode.Nodes[$($nodeIndex+1)]
                        $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $objRef.TreeNodes[$nodeName]
                } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message 'Exception encountered decreasing index of TreeNode.'}
        'Generate Script File' = @{
            Click = {
                if ( [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('Before generating the script file changes will need to be saved.  Would you like to continue?', 'Confirm', 4) -eq 'Yes' ) {
                    try {
                        Save-Project -Suppress

                            # If the generate child form doesn't already exist, create it. It only gets created once, so does not reset each time called
                        if ( $null -eq $Script:refsGenerate ) {
                            Get-CustomControl -ControlInfo $Script:childFormInfo['Generate'] -Reference refsGenerate
                                # Now that it's created it can be removed from $childFormInfo

                        $Script:refsGenerate['Generate'].DialogResult = 'Cancel'
                        $Script:refsGenerate['Generate'].AcceptButton = $Script:refsGenerate['btn_Generate']

                        $projectName = $Script:refs['tpg_Form1'].Text
                        $projectFilePath = "$($Script:projectsDir)\$($projectName)"
                        $generationPath = "$($Script:projectsDir)\$($projectName -replace "\..*$")"

                        $xmlText = Get-Content -Path "$($projectFilePath)"
                        [xml]$xml = $xmlText
                            # Disable checkboxes based on necessity
                        if ( $xml.Data.Events.ChildNodes.Count -gt 0 ) {$Script:refsGenerate['cbx_Events'].Enabled = $true} else {$Script:refsGenerate['cbx_Events'].Enabled = $false}
                        if ( $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls.Count -gt 2 ) {$Script:refsGenerate['cbx_ChildForms'].Enabled = $true} else {$Script:refsGenerate['cbx_ChildForms'].Enabled = $false}
                        if ( $xml.Data.ContextMenuStrip ) {$Script:refsGenerate['cbx_ReuseContext'].Enabled = $true} else {$Script:refsGenerate['cbx_ReuseContext'].Enabled = $false}
                        if ( $xml.Data.Timer ) {$Script:refsGenerate['cbx_Timers'].Enabled = $true} else {$Script:refsGenerate['cbx_Timers'].Enabled = $false}
                        if ( $xml.Data.ChildNodes.ToString() -match "Dialog$" ) {$Script:refsGenerate['cbx_Dialogs'].Enabled = $true} else {$Script:refsGenerate['cbx_Dialogs'].Enabled = $false}

                        if ( $Script:refsGenerate['Generate'].ShowDialog() -eq 'OK' ) {
                            if ( (Test-Path -Path "$($generationPath)" -PathType Container) -eq $false ) {New-Item -Path "$($generationPath)" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null}

                            if ( $xmlText -match "^  </Form>" ) {
                                $indexFormStart = [array]::IndexOf($xmlText,$xmlText -match "^  <Form ")
                                $indexFormEnd = [array]::IndexOf($xmlText,"  </Form>")
                                $formText = $xmlText[$($indexFormStart)..$($indexFormEnd)]
                            } else {$formText = $xmlText -match "^  <Form "}

                                # Start script generation
                            $scriptText = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[String]


                            $scriptText[3] = $scriptText[3] -replace 'FNAME',"$($projectName -replace "fbs$","ps1")"
                            $scriptText[4] = $scriptText[4] -replace 'NETNAME',"$($env:USERNAME)"
                            $scriptText[5] = $scriptText[5] -replace "  DATE","  $(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy/MM/dd')"
                            $scriptText[6] = $scriptText[6] -replace "  DATE","  $(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy/MM/dd')"


                                # Functions

                            if (( $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls.Count -gt 2 ) -or ( $xml.Data.ChildNodes.Count -gt 3 )) {$Script:templateText.Function_Get_CustomControl.ForEach({$scriptText.Add($_)})}


                                # Event Scriptblocks
                            if ( $($xml.Data.Events.ChildNodes | Where-Object { $_.Root -match "^Form" }) ) {

                                $xml.Data.Events.ChildNodes | Where-Object { $_.Root -match "^Form" } | ForEach-Object {
                                    $name = $_.Name

                                    $scriptText.Add("        '$name' = @{")

                                    $_.Events -Split ' ' | ForEach-Object {
                                            "            $_ = {",
                                            "            }"

                                    $scriptText.Add("        }")

                                # Child Forms
                            if ( $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls.Count -gt 2 ) {

                                (1..$(($Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "tbx_ChildForm" }).Count - 1)).ForEach({
                                    $controlName = "tbx_ChildForm$($_)"

                                    $childXmlText = Get-Content -Path "$($($Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls[$controlName]).Tag)"

                                    $indexFormStart = [array]::IndexOf($childXmlText,$childXmlText -match "^  <Form ")
                                    $indexFormEnd = [array]::IndexOf($childXmlText,"  </Form>")
                                    $childFormText = $childXmlText[$($indexFormStart)..$($indexFormEnd)]

                                    $childXml = New-Object -TypeName Xml

                                    $childFormName = $childXml.Data.Form.Name

                                        "        '$childFormName' = @{",
                                        "            XMLText = @`""



                                    if ( ($childXml.Data.Events.ChildNodes | Where-Object { $_.Root -match "^Form" }) ) {
                                        $scriptText.Add('            Events = @(')

                                        $childXml.Data.Events.ChildNodes | Where-Object { $_.Root -match "^Form" } | ForEach-Object {
                                            $name = $_.Name

                                            $_.Events -Split ' ' | ForEach-Object {
                                                    "                [pscustomobject]@{",
                                                    "                    Name = '$($name)'",
                                                    "                    EventType = '$($_)'",
                                                    "                    ScriptBlock = {",
                                                    "                    }",
                                                    "                },"

                                        $scriptText[-1] = $scriptText[-1] -replace ","

                                        $scriptText.Add("            )")
                                        $scriptText.Add("        }")


                                # Timers / Reusable ContextMenuStrips
                            $dialogRegionStarted = $false
                            $dialogCount = 0

                            (@('Timer','ContextMenuStrip') + $supportedControls.Where({$_.Name -match "Dialog$"}).Name).ForEach({
                                $childTypeName = $_

                                if ( $xml.Data.$childTypeName ) {
                                    if ( $childTypeName -match "Dialog$" ) {
                                        if ( $dialogRegionStarted -eq $false ) {
                                            $dialogCountMax = $xml.Data.ChildNodes.Where({$_.ToString() -match "Dialog$"}).Count
                                    } else {$Script:templateText."StartRegion_$($childTypeName)s".ForEach({$scriptText.Add($_)})}

                                    $xml.Data.$childTypeName | ForEach-Object {
                                        $controlName = $_.Name
                                        $startIndex = [array]::IndexOf($xmlText,$xmlText -match "^  <$($childTypeName) Name=`"$($controlName)`"")
                                        $keepProcessing = $true
                                        $controlText = @()

                                        ($startIndex..$($xmlText.Count - 2)).ForEach({
                                            if ( $keepProcessing ) {
                                                if (( $xmlText[$_] -eq "  </$($childTypeName)>" ) -or ( $xmlText[$_] -match "^  <$($childTypeName).*/>$" )) {$keepProcessing = $false}

                                                $controlText += $xmlText[$_]

                                        $scriptText.Add("        '$controlName' = @{")
                                        $scriptText.Add("            XMLText = @`"")
                                        $controlText | ForEach-Object {$scriptText.Add($_)}

                                        if ( $xml.Data.Events.ChildNodes | Where-Object { $_.Root -eq "$($childTypeName)|$($controlName)" } ) {
                                            $scriptText.Add('            Events = @(')

                                            $xml.Data.Events.ChildNodes | Where-Object { $_.Root -match "$($childTypeName)|$($controlName)" } | ForEach-Object {
                                                $name = $_.Name

                                                $_.Events -Split ' ' | ForEach-Object {
                                                        "                [pscustomobject]@{",
                                                        "                    Name = '$($name)'",
                                                        "                    EventType = '$($_)'",
                                                        "                    ScriptBlock = {",
                                                        "                    }",
                                                        "                },"

                                            $scriptText[-1] = $scriptText[-1] -replace ","

                                            $scriptText.Add("            )")
                                            $scriptText.Add("        }")
                                        } else {$scriptText.Add("        }")}

                                    if ( $childTypeName -match "Dialog$" ) {
                                        if ( $dialogCount -ge $dialogCountMax ) {$Script:templateText.EndRegion_Dialogs.ForEach({$scriptText.Add($_)})}
                                    } else {$Script:templateText."EndRegion_$($childTypeName)s".ForEach({$scriptText.Add($_)})}

                                # Environment Setup

                                # Insert Dot Sourcing of files (make sure EnvSetup is before Timers
                            if ( $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_DotSource'].Controls.Checked -contains $true ) {
                                    "    #region Dot Sourcing of files",
                                    "    `$dotSourceDir = `$BaseDir",

                                if ( $Script:refsGenerate['cbx_Functions'].Checked ) {$scriptText.Add("    . `"`$(`$dotSourceDir)\$($Script:refsGenerate['tbx_Functions'].Text)`"")}
                                if ( $Script:refsGenerate['cbx_Events'].Checked ) {$scriptText.Add("    . `"`$(`$dotSourceDir)\$($Script:refsGenerate['tbx_Events'].Text)`"")}
                                if ( $Script:refsGenerate['cbx_ChildForms'].Checked ) {$scriptText.Add("    . `"`$(`$dotSourceDir)\$($Script:refsGenerate['tbx_ChildForms'].Text)`"")}
                                if ( $Script:refsGenerate['cbx_Dialogs'].Checked ) {$scriptText.Add("    . `"`$(`$dotSourceDir)\$($Script:refsGenerate['tbx_Dialogs'].Text)`"")}
                                if ( $Script:refsGenerate['cbx_ReuseContext'].Checked ) {$scriptText.Add("    . `"`$(`$dotSourceDir)\$($Script:refsGenerate['tbx_ReuseContext'].Text)`"")}
                                if ( $Script:refsGenerate['cbx_EnvSetup'].Checked ) {$scriptText.Add("    . `"`$(`$dotSourceDir)\$($Script:refsGenerate['tbx_EnvSetup'].Text)`"")}
                                if ( $Script:refsGenerate['cbx_Timers'].Checked ) {$scriptText.Add("    . `"`$(`$dotSourceDir)\$($Script:refsGenerate['cbx_Timers'].Text)`"")}

                                    "    #endregion Dot Sourcing of files",

                                # Form Initialization
                                "    #region Form Initialization",
                                "    try {",
                                "        ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Reference refs -Suppress -Xml @`""

                            $formText | ForEach-Object {$scriptText.Add($_)}

                                "    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord `$_ -Message `"Exception encountered during Form Initialization.`"}",
                                "    #endregion Form Initialization",

                                # Event Assignment
                            if ( $xml.Data.Events.ChildNodes | Where-Object { $_.Root -match "^Form" } ) {

                                $xml.Data.Events.ChildNodes | Where-Object { $_.Root -match "^Form" } | ForEach-Object {
                                    $name = $_.Name

                                    $_.Events -Split ' ' | ForEach-Object {$scriptText.Add("        `$Script:refs['$($name)'].Add_$($_)(`$eventSB['$($name)'].$($_))")}


                                # Other Actions Before ShowDialog
                            $scriptText.Add("    try {[void]`$Script:refs['$($xml.Data.Form.Name)'].ShowDialog()} catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord `$_ -Message `"Exception encountered unexpectedly at ShowDialog.`"}")

                                # Actions After Form Closed

                                # Start Point of Execution (Runspace Setup)

                                # Split Dot Sourced code to separate files
                            if ( $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_DotSource'].Controls.Checked -contains $true ) {
                                $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_DotSource'].Controls.Where({$_.Checked -eq $true}) | ForEach-Object {
                                    $regionName = switch ($_.Name) {
                                        cbx_Functions       {'Functions'}
                                        cbx_Events          {'Event ScriptBlocks'}
                                        cbx_ChildForms      {'Child Forms'}
                                        cbx_ReuseContext    {'Reusable ContextMenuStrips'}
                                        cbx_EnvSetup        {'Environment Setup'}
                                        cbx_Timers          {'Timers'}
                                        cbx_Dialogs         {'Dialogs'}

                                    $startIndex = [array]::IndexOf($scriptText,"    #region $($regionName)")
                                    $endIndex = [array]::IndexOf($scriptText,"    #endregion $($regionName)")

                                    $scriptText[$startIndex..$endIndex] | Out-File "$($generationPath)\$($Script:refsGenerate['gbx_DotSource'].Controls[$($_.Name -replace "^c",'t')].Text)"

                                    $afterText = $scriptText[($endIndex + 2)..($scriptText.Count - 1)]
                                    $scriptText = $scriptText[0..($startIndex - 1)]
                                    $scriptText += $afterText

                            $scriptText | Out-File "$($generationPath)\$($projectName -replace "fbs$","ps1")" -Encoding ASCII -Force

                            [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('Script file(s) successfully generated!','Success')
                    } catch {
                        if ( $_.Exception.Message -ne 'SaveCancelled' ) {
                            [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('There was an issue generating the script file.','Error')
                            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_
        'TreeView' = @{
            AfterSelect = {
                if ( $Script:openingProject -eq $false ) {
                    try {
                        $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $this.SelectedNode
                        $nodeName = $this.SelectedNode.Name
                        $nodeType = $this.SelectedNode.Text -replace " - .*$"

                        $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject = $objRef.Objects[$nodeName]

                        if ( $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].Parent ) {
                            if (( @('FlowLayoutPanel','TableLayoutPanel') -notcontains $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].Parent.GetType().Name ) -and
                               ( $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].Dock -eq 'None' ) -and
                               ( @('SplitterPanel','ToolStripMenuItem','ToolStripComboBox','ToolStripTextBox','ToolStripSeparator','ContextMenuStrip') -notcontains $nodeType ) -and
                               ( $Script:supportedControls.Where({$_.Type -eq 'Parentless'}).Name -notcontains $nodeType )) {
                            Move-SButtons -Object $objRef.Objects[$nodeName]
                        } else {$Script:sButtons.GetEnumerator().ForEach({$_.Value.Visible = $false})}


                        if ( $objRef.Events[$this.SelectedNode.Name] ) {

                            $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Enabled = $true
                        } else {
                            $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items.Add('No Events')
                            $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Enabled = $false

                        $eventTypes = $($Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject | Get-Member -Force).Name -match "^add_"


                        if ( $eventTypes.Count -gt 0 ) {
                            $eventTypes | ForEach-Object {[void]$Script:refs['lst_AvailableEvents'].Items.Add("$($_ -replace "^add_")")}}
                        else {
                            [void]$Script:refs['lst_AvailableEvents'].Items.Add('No Events Found on Selected Object')
                            $Script:refs['lst_AvailableEvents'].Enabled = $false

                    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered after selecting TreeNode."}
        'PropertyGrid' = @{
            PropertyValueChanged = {

                try {
                    $changedProperty = $e.ChangedItem

                    if ( @('Location','Size','Dock','AutoSize','Multiline') -contains $changedProperty.PropertyName ) {Move-SButtons -Object $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject}
                    if ( $e.ChangedItem.PropertyDepth -gt 0 ) {
                        $stopProcess = $false
                        ($e.ChangedItem.PropertyDepth-1)..0 | ForEach-Object {
                            if ( $stopProcess -eq $false ) {
                                if ( $changedProperty.ParentGridEntry.HelpKeyword -match "^System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer.Panel" ) {
                                    $stopProcess = $true
                                    $value = $changedProperty.GetPropertyTextValue()
                                    $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $objRefs.Form.TreeNodes["$($Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Name)_$($changedProperty.ParentGridEntry.HelpKeyword.Split('.')[-1])"]
                                } else {
                                    $changedProperty = $changedProperty.ParentGridEntry
                                    $value = $changedProperty.GetPropertyTextValue()
                    } else {$value = $changedProperty.GetPropertyTextValue()}

                    $changedControl = $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject
                    $controlType = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -replace " - .*$"
                    $controlName = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Name

                    $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode

                    if ( $changedProperty.PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue($changedProperty.Component) ) {
                        switch ($changedProperty.PropertyType) {
                            'System.Drawing.Image' {[void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('While the image will display on the preview of this form, you will need to add the image manually in the generated code.','Notification')}
                            default {
                                if ( $null -eq $objRef.Changes[$controlName] ) {$objRef.Changes[$controlName] = @{}}
                                $objRef.Changes[$controlName][$changedProperty.PropertyName] = $value
                    } elseif ( $objRef.Changes[$controlName] ) {
                        if ( $objRef.Changes[$controlName][$changedProperty.PropertyName] ) {
                            if ( $objRef.Changes[$controlName].Count -eq 0 ) {$objRef.Changes.Remove($controlName)}
                } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered after changing property value ($($controlType) - $($controlName))."}
        'trv_Controls' = @{
            DoubleClick = {
                $controlName = $this.SelectedNode.Name

                if ( $controlName -eq 'ContextMenuStrip' ) {
                    if ( [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Select 'Yes' to add only to this one control, or 'No' to create a re-useable ContextMenuStrip.", 'Confirm', 4) -eq 'Yes' ) {$context = 1}
                    else {$context = 0}
                } else {$context = 2}

                if ( @('All Controls','Common','Containers', 'Menus and ToolStrips','Miscellaneous') -notcontains $controlName ) {
                    $controlObjectType = $Script:supportedControls.Where({$_.Name -eq $controlName}).Type
                    try {
                        if (( $controlObjectType -eq 'Parentless' ) -or ( $context -eq 0 )) {
                            $controlType = $controlName

                            $Script:newNameCheck = $false
                            $userInput = Get-UserInputFromForm -SetText "$($Script:supportedControls.Where({$_.Name -eq $controlType}).Prefix)_"
                            $Script:newNameCheck = $true

                            if ( $userInput.Result -eq 'OK' ) {
                                if ( $Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes.Text -match "$($controlType) - $($userInput.NewName)" ) {
                                    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("A $($controlType) with the Name '$($userInput.NewName)' already exists.",'Error')
                                } else {
                                    Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'] -ControlType $controlType -ControlName $userInput.NewName
                        } else {
                            if ( $Script:supportedControls.Where({$_.Name -eq $($refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -replace " - .*$")}).ChildTypes -contains $controlObjectType ) {
                                Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode -ControlType $controlName
                            } else {[void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Unable to add $($controlName) to $($refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -replace " - .*$").")}
                    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered while adding '$($controlName)'."} 
        'lst_AvailableEvents' = @{
            DoubleClick = {
                $controlName = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Name
                $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode

                if ( $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items -notcontains $this.SelectedItem ) {
                    if ( $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items -contains 'No Events' ) {$Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items.Clear()}
                    $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Enabled = $true

                    $objRef.Events[$controlName] = @($Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items)
        'lst_AssignedEvents' = @{
            DoubleClick = {
                $controlName = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Name
                $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode


                if ( $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items.Count -eq 0 ) {
                    $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items.Add('No Events')
                    $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Enabled = $false

                if ( $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items[0] -ne 'No Events' ) {
                    $objRef.Events[$controlName] = @($Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items)
                } else {
                    if ( $objRef.Events[$controlName] ) {
        'ChangeView' = {
            try {
                switch ($this.Text) {
                    'Toolbox' {
                        $pnlChanged = $refs['pnl_Left']
                        $sptChanged = $refs['spt_Left']
                        $tsViewItem = $refs['Toolbox']
                        $tsMenuItem = $refs['ms_Toolbox']
                        $thisNum = '1'
                        $otherNum = '2'
                        $side = 'Left'
                    'Form Tree' {
                        $pnlChanged = $refs['pnl_Left']
                        $sptChanged = $refs['spt_Left']
                        $tsViewItem = $refs['FormTree']
                        $tsMenuItem = $refs['ms_FormTree']
                        $thisNum = '2'
                        $otherNum = '1'
                        $side = 'Left'
                    'Properties' {
                        $pnlChanged = $refs['pnl_Right']
                        $sptChanged = $refs['spt_Right']
                        $tsViewItem = $refs['Properties']
                        $tsMenuItem = $refs['ms_Properties']
                        $thisNum = '1'
                        $otherNum = '2'
                        $side = 'Right'
                    'Events' {
                        $pnlChanged = $refs['pnl_Right']
                        $sptChanged = $refs['spt_Right']
                        $tsViewItem = $refs['Events']
                        $tsMenuItem = $refs['ms_Events']
                        $thisNum = '2'
                        $otherNum = '1'
                        $side = 'Right'

                if (( $pnlChanged.Visible ) -and ( $sptChanged."Panel$($thisNum)Collapsed" )) {
                    $sptChanged."Panel$($thisNum)Collapsed" = $false
                    $tsViewItem.Checked = $true
                    $tsMenuItem.BackColor = 'RoyalBlue'
                } elseif (( $pnlChanged.Visible ) -and ( $sptChanged."Panel$($thisNum)Collapsed" -eq $false )) {
                    $tsViewItem.Checked = $false
                    $tsMenuItem.BackColor = 'MidnightBlue'

                    if ( $sptChanged."Panel$($otherNum)Collapsed" ) {$pnlChanged.Visible = $false} else {$sptChanged."Panel$($thisNum)Collapsed" = $true}
                } else {
                    $tsViewItem.Checked = $true
                    $tsMenuItem.BackColor = 'RoyalBlue'
                    $sptChanged."Panel$($thisNum)Collapsed" = $false
                    $sptChanged."Panel$($otherNum)Collapsed" = $true
                    $pnlChanged.Visible = $true

                if ( $pnlChanged.Visible -eq $true ) {$refs["lbl_$($side)"].Visible = $true} else {$refs["lbl_$($side)"].Visible = $false}
            } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during View change."}
        'ChangePanelSize' = @{
            'MouseMove' = {
                param($Sender, $e)
                if (( $e.Button -eq 'Left' ) -and ( $e.Location.X -ne 0 )) {
                        # Determine which panel to resize
                    $side = $Sender.Name -replace "^lbl_"
                        # Determine the new X coordinate
                    if ( $side -eq 'Right' ) {$newX = $refs["pnl_$($side)"].Size.Width - $e.Location.X} else {$newX = $refs["pnl_$($side)"].Size.Width + $e.Location.X}
                        # Change the size of the panel
                    if ( $newX -ge 100 ) {$refs["pnl_$($side)"].Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($newX,$refs["pnl_$($side)"].Size.Y)}
                        # Refresh form to remove artifacts while dragging
        'CheckedChanged' = {
            param ($Sender)

            if ( $Sender.Checked ) {
                $Sender.Parent.Controls["$($Sender.Name -replace "^c",'t')"].Enabled = $true
                $Sender.Parent.Controls["$($Sender.Name -replace "^c",'t')"].Focus()
            } else {$Sender.Parent.Controls["$($Sender.Name -replace "^c",'t')"].Enabled = $false}

    #endregion Event ScriptBlocks

    #region Child Forms

    $Script:childFormInfo = @{
        'NameInput' = @{
            XMLText = @"
  <Form Name="NameInput" ShowInTaskbar="False" MaximizeBox="False" Text="Enter Name" Size="700, 125" StartPosition="CenterParent" MinimizeBox="False" BackColor="171, 171, 171" FormBorderStyle="FixedDialog" Font="Arial, 18pt">
    <Label Name="label" TextAlign="MiddleCenter" Location="25, 25" Size="170, 40" Text="Control Name:" />
    <TextBox Name="UserInput" Location="210, 25" Size="425, 25"/>
    <Button Name="StopDingOnEnter" Visible="False" />
            Events = @(
                    Name = 'NameInput'
                    EventType = 'Activated'
                    ScriptBlock = {$this.Controls['UserInput'].Focus()}
                    Name = 'UserInput'
                    EventType = 'KeyUp'
                    ScriptBlock = {
                        if ( $_.KeyCode -eq 'Return' ) {
                            $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode

                            if ( $((Get-Date)-$($Script:lastUIKeyUp)).TotalMilliseconds -lt 250 ) {
                                # Do nothing
                            } elseif ( $this.Text -match "(\||<|>|&|\$|'|`")" ) {
                                [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Names cannot contain any of the following characters: `"|<'>`"&`$`".", 'Error')
                            } elseif (( $objref.TreeNodes[$($this.Text.Trim())] ) -and ( $Script:newNameCheck -eq $true )) {
                                [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("All elements must have unique names for this application to function as intended. The name '$($this.Text.Trim())' is already assigned to another element.", 'Error')
                            } elseif ( $($this.Text -replace "\s") -eq '' ) {
                                [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("All elements must have names for this application to function as intended.", 'Error')
                                $this.Text = ''
                            } else {
                                $this.Parent.DialogResult = 'OK'
                                $this.Text = $this.Text.Trim()

                            $Script:lastUIKeyUp = Get-Date
        'Generate' = @{
            XMLText = @"
  <Form Name="Generate" FormBorderStyle="FixedDialog" MaximizeBox="False" MinimizeBox="False" ShowIcon="False" ShowInTaskbar="False" Size="410, 450" StartPosition="CenterParent" Text="Generate Script File(s)">
    <GroupBox Name="gbx_DotSource" Location="25, 115" Size="345, 249" Text="Dot Sourcing">
      <CheckBox Name="cbx_Functions" Location="25, 25" Text="Functions" />
      <TextBox Name="tbx_Functions" Enabled="False" Location="165, 25" Size="150, 20" Text="Functions.ps1" />
      <CheckBox Name="cbx_Events" Location="25, 55" Text="Events" />
      <TextBox Name="tbx_Events" Enabled="False" Location="165, 55" Size="150, 20" Text="Events.ps1" />
      <CheckBox Name="cbx_ChildForms" Location="25, 85" Text="Child Forms" />
      <TextBox Name="tbx_ChildForms" Enabled="False" Location="165, 85" Size="150, 20" Text="ChildForms.ps1" />
      <CheckBox Name="cbx_Timers" Location="25, 115" Text="Timers" />
      <TextBox Name="tbx_Timers" Enabled="False" Location="165, 115" Size="150, 20" Text="Timers.ps1" />
      <CheckBox Name="cbx_Dialogs" Location="25, 145" Text="Dialogs" />
      <TextBox Name="tbx_Dialogs" Enabled="False" Location="165, 145" Size="150, 20" Text="Dialogs.ps1" />
      <CheckBox Name="cbx_ReuseContext" Location="25, 175" Size="134, 24" Text="Reuse ContextStrips" />
      <TextBox Name="tbx_ReuseContext" Enabled="False" Location="165, 175" Size="150, 20" Text="ReuseContext.ps1" />
      <CheckBox Name="cbx_EnvSetup" Location="25, 205" Size="120, 24" Text="Environment Setup" />
      <TextBox Name="tbx_EnvSetup" Enabled="False" Location="165, 205" Size="150, 20" Text="EnvSetup.ps1" />
    <GroupBox Name="gbx_ChildForms" Location="25, 25" Size="345, 65" Text="Child Forms">
      <Button Name="btn_Add" FlatStyle="System" Font="Microsoft Sans Serif, 14.25pt, style=Bold" Location="25, 25" Size="21, 19" Text="+" />
      <TextBox Name="tbx_ChildForm1" Enabled="False" Location="62, 25" Size="252, 20" />
    <Button Name="btn_Generate" FlatStyle="Flat" Location="104, 376" Size="178, 23" Text="Generate Script File(s)" />
            Events = @(
                    Name = 'cbx_Functions'
                    EventType = 'CheckedChanged'
                    ScriptBlock = $Script:eventSB.CheckedChanged
                    Name = 'cbx_Events'
                    EventType = 'CheckedChanged'
                    ScriptBlock = $Script:eventSB.CheckedChanged
                    Name = 'cbx_ChildForms'
                    EventType = 'CheckedChanged'
                    ScriptBlock = $Script:eventSB.CheckedChanged
                    Name = 'cbx_Timers'
                    EventType = 'CheckedChanged'
                    ScriptBlock = $Script:eventSB.CheckedChanged
                    Name = 'cbx_Dialogs'
                    EventType = 'CheckedChanged'
                    ScriptBlock = $Script:eventSB.CheckedChanged
                    Name = 'cbx_ReuseContext'
                    EventType = 'CheckedChanged'
                    ScriptBlock = $Script:eventSB.CheckedChanged
                    Name = 'cbx_EnvSetup'
                    EventType = 'CheckedChanged'
                    ScriptBlock = $Script:eventSB.CheckedChanged
                    Name = 'btn_Add'
                    EventType = 'Click'
                    ScriptBlock = {
                        $openDialog = ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Xml @"
<OpenFileDialog InitialDirectory="$($Script:projectsDir)" AddExtension="True" DefaultExt="fbs" Filter="fbs files (*.fbs)|*.fbs" FilterIndex="1" ValidateNames="True" CheckFileExists="True" RestoreDirectory="True" />

                            if ( $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls.Tag -contains $this.FileName ) {
                                [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("The project '$($this.FileName | Split-Path -Leaf)' has already been added as a child form of this project.",'Validation Error')
                                $e.Cancel = $true

                        try {
                            if ( $openDialog.ShowDialog() -eq 'OK' ) {
                                $fileName = $openDialog.FileName

                                $childFormCount = $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls.Where({ $_.Name -match 'tbx_' }).Count

                                    $Script:refsGenerate[$_].Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($Script:refsGenerate[$_].Size.Width,($Script:refsGenerate[$_].Size.Height + 40))

                                    $Script:refsGenerate[$_].Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($Script:refsGenerate[$_].Location.X,($Script:refsGenerate[$_].Location.Y + 40))

                                $Script:refsGenerate['Generate'].Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($Script:refsGenerate['Generate'].Location.X,($Script:refsGenerate['Generate'].Location.Y - 20))

                                $defaultTextBox = $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls["tbx_ChildForm$($childFormCount)"]
                                $defaultTextBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($defaultTextBox.Location.X,($defaultTextBox.Location.Y + 40))
                                $defaultTextBox.Name = "tbx_ChildForm$($childFormCount + 1)"

                                $button = ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'] -Xml @"
<Button Name="btn_Minus$($childFormCount)" Font="Microsoft Sans Serif, 14.25pt, style=Bold" FlatStyle="System" Location="25, $(25 + ($childFormCount - 1) * 40)" Size="21, 19" Text="-" />
                                    try {
                                        [int]$btnIndex = $this.Name -replace "\D"
                                        $childFormCount = $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls.Where({ $_.Name -match 'tbx_' }).Count


                                        @(($btnIndex + 1)..$childFormCount).ForEach({
                                            if ( $null -eq $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls["btn_Minus$($_)"] ) {$btnName = 'btn_Add'} else {$btnName = "btn_Minus$($_)"}

                                            $btnLocX = $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls[$btnName].Location.X
                                            $btnLocY = $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls[$btnName].Location.Y

                                            $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls[$btnName].Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($btnLocX,($btnLocY - 40))

                                            $tbxName = "tbx_ChildForm$($_)"

                                            $tbxLocX = $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls[$tbxName].Location.X
                                            $tbxLocY = $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls[$tbxName].Location.Y
                                            $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls[$tbxName].Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tbxLocX,($tbxLocY - 40))

                                            if ( $btnName -ne 'btn_Add' ) {$Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls[$btnName].Name = "btn_Minus$($_ - 1)"}
                                            $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls[$tbxName].Name = "tbx_ChildForm$($_ - 1)"

                                            $Script:refsGenerate[$_].Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($Script:refsGenerate[$_].Size.Width,($Script:refsGenerate[$_].Size.Height - 40))

                                            $Script:refsGenerate[$_].Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($Script:refsGenerate[$_].Location.X,($Script:refsGenerate[$_].Location.Y - 40))

                                        $Script:refsGenerate['Generate'].Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($Script:refsGenerate['Generate'].Location.X,($Script:refsGenerate['Generate'].Location.Y + 20))

                                        if ( $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'].Controls.Count -le 2 ) {
                                            $Script:refsGenerate['cbx_ChildForms'].Checked = $false
                                            $Script:refsGenerate['cbx_ChildForms'].Enabled = $false

                                        Remove-Variable -Name btnIndex, childFormCount, btnName, btnLocX, btnLocY, tbxName, tbxLocX, tbxLocY
                                    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered while removing child form."}

                                ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_ChildForms'] -Suppress -Xml @"
<TextBox Name="tbx_ChildForm$($childFormCount)" Location="62, $(25 + ($childFormCount - 1) * 40)" Size="252, 20" Text="...\$($fileName | Split-Path -Leaf)" Tag="$fileName" Enabled="False" />
                                $Script:refsGenerate['cbx_ChildForms'].Enabled = $true
                                Remove-Variable -Name button, fileName, childFormCount, defaultTextBox
                        } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered while adding child form."}
                        finally {
                            Remove-Variable -Name openDialog
                    Name = 'btn_Generate'
                    EventType = 'Click'
                    ScriptBlock = {
                        $fileError = 0
                        [array]$checked = $Script:refsGenerate['gbx_DotSource'].Controls.Where({$_.Checked -eq $true})

                        if ( $checked.Count -gt 0 ) {
                                $fileName = $($Script:refsGenerate[$($_.Name -replace "^cbx","tbx")]).Text
                                if ( $($fileName -match ".*\...") -eq $false ) {
                                    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Filename not valid for the dot sourcing of $($_.Name -replace "^cbx_")")

                        if ( $fileError -eq 0 ) {
                            $Script:refsGenerate['Generate'].DialogResult = 'OK'
                            $Script:refsGenerate['Generate'].Visible = $false

    #endregion Child Forms

    #region Reuseable ContextMenuStrips

    $reuseContextInfo = @{
        'TreeNode' = @{
            XMLText = @"
  <ContextMenuStrip Name="TreeNode">
    <ToolStripMenuItem Name="MoveUp" ShortcutKeys="F5" Text="Move Up" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F5" />
    <ToolStripMenuItem Name="MoveDown" ShortcutKeys="F6" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F6" Text="Move Down" />
    <ToolStripSeparator Name="Sep1" />
    <ToolStripMenuItem Name="CopyNode" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+C" Text="Copy" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+C" />
    <ToolStripMenuItem Name="PasteNode" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+P" Text="Paste" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+P" />
    <ToolStripSeparator Name="Sep2" />
    <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Rename" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+R" Text="Rename" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+R" />
    <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Delete" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+D" Text="Delete" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+D" />
            Events = @(
                    Name = 'TreeNode'
                    EventType = 'Opening'
                    ScriptBlock = {
                        $parentType = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -replace " - .*$"
                        if ( $parentType -eq 'Form' ) {
                            $this.Items['Delete'].Visible = $false
                            $this.Items['CopyNode'].Visible = $false
                            $isCopyVisible = $false
                        } else {
                            $this.Items['Delete'].Visible = $true
                            $this.Items['CopyNode'].Visible = $true
                            $isCopyVisible = $true

                        if ( $Script:nodeClipboard ) {
                            $this.Items['PasteNode'].Visible = $true
                            $this.Items['Sep2'].Visible = $true
                        } else {
                            $this.Items['PasteNode'].Visible = $false
                            $this.Items['Sep2'].Visible = $isCopyVisible
                    Name = 'MoveUp'
                    EventType = 'Click'
                    ScriptBlock = $eventSB['Move Up'].Click
                    Name = 'MoveDown'
                    EventType = 'Click'
                    ScriptBlock = $eventSB['Move Down'].Click
                    Name = 'CopyNode'
                    EventType = 'Click'
                    ScriptBlock = $eventSB['CopyNode'].Click
                    Name = 'PasteNode'
                    EventType = 'Click'
                    ScriptBlock = $eventSB['PasteNode'].Click
                    Name = 'Rename'
                    EventType = 'Click'
                    ScriptBlock = $eventSB['Rename'].Click
                    Name = 'Delete'
                    EventType = 'Click'
                    ScriptBlock = $eventSB['Delete'].Click


    #region Environment Setup

    $noIssues = $true

    try {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing

            # Confirm SavedProjects directory exists and set SavedProjects directory
        $Script:projectsDir = "$($env:UserProfile)\Documents\WinFormsCreator"
        if ( (Test-Path -Path "$($Script:projectsDir)") -eq $false ) {New-Item -Path "$($Script:projectsDir)" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null}

            # Set Misc Variables
        $Script:lastUIKeyUp = Get-Date
        $Script:newNameCheck = $true
        $Script:openingProject = $false
        $Script:MouseMoving = $false

        $Script:supportedControls = @(
            [pscustomobject]@{Name='ListView';Prefix='lsv';Type='Common';ChildTypes=@('Context')},  # need to fix issue with VirtualMode when 0 items

        $Script:specialProps = @{
            All = @('(DataBindings)','FlatAppearance','Location','Size','AutoSize','Dock','TabPages','SplitterDistance','UseCompatibleTextRendering','TabIndex',
            Before = @('Dock','AutoSize')
            After = @('SplitterDistance','AnnuallyBoldedDates','BoldedDates','Items','Text')
            BadReflector = @('UseCompatibleTextRendering','TabIndex','TabStop','IsMDIContainer')
            Array = @('Items','AnnuallyBoldedDates','BoldedDates','MonthlyBoldedDates')
    } catch {
        Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during Environment Setup."
        $noIssues = $false

    #endregion Environment Setup

    #region Secondary Control Initialization

    if ( $noIssues ) {
        try {
            Get-CustomControl -ControlInfo $reuseContextInfo['TreeNode'] -Reference reuseContext -Suppress
        } catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during Child Form Initialization."
            $noIssues = $false

    #endregion Secondary Control Initialization

    #region Main Form Initialization

    try {
        ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Reference refs -Suppress -Xml @"
  <Form Name="MainForm" IsMdiContainer="True" Size="800,600" WindowState="Normal" Text="PowerShell WinForms Creator">
    <TabControl Name="tcl_Top" Dock="Top" Size="10,20">
        <TabPage Name="tpg_Form1" Text="NewProject.fbs" />
    <Label Name="lbl_Left" Dock="Left" Cursor="VSplit" BackColor="35, 35, 35" Size="3, 737" />
    <Label Name="lbl_Right" Dock="Right" Cursor="VSplit" BackColor="35, 35, 35" Size="3, 737" />
    <Panel Name="pnl_Left" Dock="Left" BorderStyle="Fixed3D" Size="200, 737">
      <SplitContainer Name="spt_Left" Dock="Fill" Orientation="Horizontal" BackColor="ControlDark" SplitterDistance="300">
        <SplitterPanel Name="spt_Left_Panel1">
          <TreeView Name="trv_Controls" Dock="Fill" BackColor="Azure" />
        <SplitterPanel Name="spt_Left_Panel2" BackColor="ControlLight">
          <TreeView Name="TreeView" Dock="Fill" BackColor="Azure" HideSelection="False" DrawMode="OwnerDrawText" />
    <Panel Name="pnl_Right" Dock="Right" BorderStyle="Fixed3D" Size="200, 737">
      <SplitContainer Name="spt_Right" Dock="Fill" BackColor="ControlDark" Orientation="Horizontal" SplitterDistance="250">
        <SplitterPanel Name="spt_Right_Panel1">
          <PropertyGrid Name="PropertyGrid" ViewBackColor="Azure" Dock="Fill" />
        <SplitterPanel Name="spt_Right_Panel2" BackColor="Control">
          <Label Name="lbl_AvailableEvents" TextAlign="BottomCenter" Anchor="Top, Left, Right" Size="196, 23" Text="Available Events" />
          <ListBox Name="lst_AvailableEvents" BackColor="Azure" Size="194, 125" Location="2, 30" Anchor="Top, Bottom, Left, Right" />
          <Label Name="lbl_AssignedEvents" Anchor="Bottom, Left, Right" Text="Assigned Events" Size="196, 23" TextAlign="BottomCenter" Location="0, 159" />
          <ListBox Name="lst_AssignedEvents" BackColor="Azure" Anchor="Bottom, Left, Right" Location="2, 191" Size="194, 108" />
    <MenuStrip Name="ms_Left" Dock="Left" AutoSize="False" BackColor="ControlDarkDark" LayoutStyle="VerticalStackWithOverflow" Size="23, 737" TextDirection="Vertical90" Font="Verdana, 9pt">
      <ToolStripMenuItem Name="ms_Toolbox" AutoSize="False" BackColor="RoyalBlue" ForeColor="AliceBlue" Size="23, 100" Text="Toolbox" />
      <ToolStripMenuItem Name="ms_FormTree" AutoSize="False" Text="Form Tree" Size="23, 100" TextDirection="Vertical90" BackColor="RoyalBlue" ForeColor="AliceBlue" TextAlign="MiddleLeft" />
    <MenuStrip Name="ms_Right" Dock="Right" AutoSize="False" BackColor="ControlDarkDark" LayoutStyle="VerticalStackWithOverflow" Size="23, 737" TextDirection="Vertical90" Font="Verdana, 9pt">
      <ToolStripMenuItem Name="ms_Properties" AutoSize="False" Text="Properties" Size="23, 100" TextDirection="Vertical270" BackColor="RoyalBlue" ForeColor="AliceBlue" TextAlign="MiddleLeft" />
      <ToolStripMenuItem Name="ms_Events" AutoSize="False" Size="23, 100" BackColor="RoyalBlue" ForeColor="AliceBlue" TextDirection="Vertical270" Text="Events" />
    <MenuStrip Name="MenuStrip" RenderMode="System" BackColor="ControlDarkDark" ForeColor="AliceBlue">
      <ToolStripMenuItem Name="ts_File" DisplayStyle="Text" Text="File">
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="New" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+N" DisplayStyle="Text" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+N" Text="New" />
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Open" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+O" DisplayStyle="Text" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+O" Text="Open" />
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Save" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+S" DisplayStyle="Text" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+S" Text="Save" />
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Save As" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+Alt+S" DisplayStyle="Text" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+Alt+S" Text="Save As" />
        <ToolStripSeparator Name="FileSep" DisplayStyle="Text" />
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Exit" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+Alt+X" DisplayStyle="Text" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+Alt+X" Text="Exit" />
      <ToolStripMenuItem Name="ts_Edit" Text="Edit">
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Rename" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+R" Text="Rename" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+R" />
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Delete" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+D" Text="Delete" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+D" />
        <ToolStripSeparator Name="EditSep1" />
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="CopyNode" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+C" Text="Copy" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+C" />
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="PasteNode" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+P" Text="Paste" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+P" />
        <ToolStripSeparator Name="EditSep2" />
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Move Up" ShortcutKeys="F5" Text="Move Up" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F5" />
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Move Down" ShortcutKeys="F6" Text="Move Down" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F6" />
      <ToolStripMenuItem Name="ts_View" Text="View">
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Toolbox" Checked="True" ShortcutKeys="F1" Text="Toolbox" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F1" />
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="FormTree" Checked="True" ShortcutKeys="F2" DisplayStyle="Text" Text="Form Tree" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F2" />
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Properties" Checked="True" ShortcutKeys="F3" DisplayStyle="Text" Text="Properties" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F3" />
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Events" Checked="True" ShortcutKeys="F4" Text="Events" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F4" />
      <ToolStripMenuItem Name="ts_Tools" DisplayStyle="Text" Text="Tools">
        <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Generate Script File" DisplayStyle="Text" Text="Generate Script File" />
    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during Form Initialization."}

    #endregion Form Initialization

    #region Event Assignment

    try {
            # Call to ScriptBlock
        $Script:refs['Move Up'].Add_Click($eventSB['Move Up'].Click)
        $Script:refs['Move Down'].Add_Click($eventSB['Move Down'].Click)
        $Script:refs['Generate Script File'].Add_Click($eventSB['Generate Script File'].Click)

            # ScriptBlock Here
        $Script:refs['Save'].Add_Click({ try {Save-Project} catch {if ( $_.Exception.Message -ne 'SaveCancelled' ) {throw $_}} })
        $Script:refs['Save As'].Add_Click({ try {Save-Project -SaveAs} catch {if ( $_.Exception.Message -ne 'SaveCancelled' ) {throw $_}} })
        $Script:refs['TreeView'].Add_DrawNode({$args[1].DrawDefault = $true})
        $Script:refs['TreeView'].Add_NodeMouseClick({$this.SelectedNode = $args[1].Node})
    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during Event Assignment."}

    #endregion Event Assignment

    #region Other Actions Before ShowDialog

    if ( $noIssues ) {
        try {
            @('All Controls','Common','Containers','Menus and ToolStrips','Miscellaneous').ForEach({
                $treeNode = $Script:refs['trv_Controls'].Nodes.Add($_,$_)

                switch ($_) {
                    'All Controls'         {$Script:supportedControls.Where({ @('Special','SplitContainer') -notcontains $_.Type }).Name.ForEach({$treeNode.Nodes.Add($_,$_)})}
                    'Common'               {$Script:supportedControls.Where({ $_.Type -eq 'Common' }).Name.ForEach({$treeNode.Nodes.Add($_,$_)})}
                    'Containers'           {$Script:supportedControls.Where({ $_.Type -eq 'Container' }).Name.ForEach({$treeNode.Nodes.Add($_,$_)})}
                    'Menus and ToolStrips' {$Script:supportedControls.Where({ $_.Type -eq 'Context' -or $_.Type -match "^MenuStrip" }).Name.ForEach({$treeNode.Nodes.Add($_,$_)})}
                    'Miscellaneous'        {$Script:supportedControls.Where({ @('TabControl','Parentless') -match "^$($_.Type)$" }).Name.ForEach({$treeNode.Nodes.Add($_,$_)})}

            $Script:refs['trv_Controls'].Nodes.Where({$_.Name -eq 'Common'}).Expand()

            [void]$Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items.Add('No Events')
            $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Enabled = $false

                # Add the Initial Form TreeNode
            Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'] -ControlType Form -ControlName MainForm

            Remove-Variable -Name eventSB, reuseContextInfo
        } catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered before ShowDialog."
            $noIssues = $false

            # Load icon from Base64String
                # Converts image to Base64String
                $encodedImage = [convert]::ToBase64String((get-content $inputfile -encoding byte))
                $encodedImage -replace ".{80}", "$&`r`n" | set-content $outputfile
        try {
            $Script:refs['MainForm'].Icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::FromHandle(
"@                  )
        } catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered loading Form icon."
            $noIssues = $false

            # Declare Strings Used During Script File Generation
        $Script:templateText = @{
            Notes = ([string[]]`
                "    .NOTES",
                "    ===========================================================================",
                "        FileName:  FNAME",
                "        Author:  NETNAME",
                "        Created On:  DATE",
                "        Last Updated:  DATE",
                "        Organization:",
                "        Version:      v0.1",
                "    ===========================================================================",
                "    .DESCRIPTION",
                "    .DEPENDENCIES",
            Start_STAScriptBlock = ([string[]]`
                "# ScriptBlock to Execute in STA Runspace",
                "`$sbGUI = {",
                "    param(`$BaseDir)",
            StartRegion_Functions = ([string[]]`
                "    #region Functions",
            Function_Update_ErrorLog = ([string[]]`
                "    function Update-ErrorLog {",
                "        param(",
                "            [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]`$ErrorRecord,",
                "            [string]`$Message,",
                "            [switch]`$Promote",
                "        )",
                "        if ( `$Message -ne '' ) {[void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show(`"`$(`$Message)``r``n``r``nCheck '`$(`$BaseDir)\exceptions.txt' for details.`",'Exception Occurred')}",
                "        `$date = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss'",
                "        `$ErrorRecord | Out-File `"`$(`$BaseDir)\tmpError.txt`"",
                "        Add-Content -Path `"`$(`$BaseDir)\exceptions.txt`" -Value `"`$(`$date): `$(`$(Get-Content `"`$(`$BaseDir)\tmpError.txt`") -replace `"\s+`",`" `")`"",
                "        Remove-Item -Path `"`$(`$BaseDir)\tmpError.txt`"",
                "        if ( `$Promote ) {throw `$ErrorRecord}",
                "    }",
            Function_ConvertFrom_WinFormsXML = ([string[]]`
                "    function ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML {",
                "        param(",
                "            [Parameter(Mandatory=`$true)]`$Xml,",
                "            [string]`$Reference,",
                "            `$ParentControl,",
                "            [switch]`$Suppress",
                "        )",
                "        try {",
                "            if ( `$Xml.GetType().Name -eq 'String' ) {`$Xml = ([xml]`$Xml).ChildNodes}",
                "            if ( `$Xml.ToString() -ne 'SplitterPanel' ) {`$newControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.`$(`$Xml.ToString())}",
                "            if ( `$ParentControl ) {",
                "                if ( `$Xml.ToString() -match `"^ToolStrip`" ) {",
                "                    if ( `$ParentControl.GetType().Name -match `"^ToolStrip`" ) {[void]`$ParentControl.DropDownItems.Add(`$newControl)} else {[void]`$ParentControl.Items.Add(`$newControl)}",
                "                } elseif ( `$Xml.ToString() -eq 'ContextMenuStrip' ) {`$ParentControl.ContextMenuStrip = `$newControl}",
                "                elseif ( `$Xml.ToString() -eq 'SplitterPanel' ) {`$newControl = `$ParentControl.`$(`$Xml.Name.Split('_')[-1])}",
                "                else {`$ParentControl.Controls.Add(`$newControl)}",
                "            }",
                "            `$Xml.Attributes | ForEach-Object {",
                "                `$attrib = `$_",
                "                `$attribName = `$_.ToString()",
                "                if ( `$Script:specialProps.Array -contains `$attribName ) {",
                "                    if ( `$attribName -eq 'Items' ) {",
                "                        `$(`$_.Value -replace `"\|\*BreakPT\*\|`",`"``n`").Split(`"``n`") | ForEach-Object{[void]`$newControl.Items.Add(`$_)}",
                "                    } else {",
                "                            # Other than Items only BoldedDate properties on MonthCalendar control",
                "                        `$methodName = `"Add`$(`$attribName)`" -replace `"s$`"",
                "                        `$(`$_.Value -replace `"\|\*BreakPT\*\|`",`"``n`").Split(`"``n`") | ForEach-Object{`$newControl.`$attribName.`$methodName(`$_)}",
                "                    }",
                "                } else {",
                "                    switch (`$attribName) {",
                "                        FlatAppearance {",
                "                            `$attrib.Value.Split('|') | ForEach-Object {`$newControl.FlatAppearance.`$(`$_.Split('=')[0]) = `$_.Split('=')[1]}",
                "                        }",
                "                        default {",
                "                            if ( `$null -ne `$newControl.`$attribName ) {",
                "                                if ( `$newControl.`$attribName.GetType().Name -eq 'Boolean' ) {",
                "                                    if ( `$attrib.Value -eq 'True' ) {`$value = `$true} else {`$value = `$false}",
                "                                } else {`$value = `$attrib.Value}",
                "                            } else {`$value = `$attrib.Value}",
                "                            `$newControl.`$attribName = `$value",
                "                        }",
                "                    }",
                "                }",
                "                if (( `$attrib.ToString() -eq 'Name' ) -and ( `$Reference -ne '' )) {",
                "                    try {`$refHashTable = Get-Variable -Name `$Reference -Scope Script -ErrorAction Stop}",
                "                    catch {",
                "                        New-Variable -Name `$Reference -Scope Script -Value @{} | Out-Null",
                "                        `$refHashTable = Get-Variable -Name `$Reference -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue",
                "                    }",
                "                    `$refHashTable.Value.Add(`$attrib.Value,`$newControl)",
                "                }",
                "            }",
                "            if ( `$Xml.ChildNodes ) {`$Xml.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {ConvertFrom-WinformsXML -Xml `$_ -ParentControl `$newControl -Reference `$Reference -Suppress}}",
                "            if ( `$Suppress -eq `$false ) {return `$newControl}",
                "        } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord `$_ -Message `"Exception encountered adding `$(`$Xml.ToString()) to `$(`$ParentControl.Name)`"}",
                "    }",
            Function_Get_CustomControl = ([string[]]`
                "    function Get-CustomControl {",
                "        param(",
                "            [Parameter(Mandatory=`$true)][hashtable]`$ControlInfo,",
                "            [string]`$Reference,",
                "            [switch]`$Suppress",
                "        )",
                "        try {",
                "            `$refGuid = [guid]::NewGuid()",
                "            `$control = ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Xml `"`$(`$ControlInfo.XMLText)`" -Reference `$refGuid",
                "            `$refControl = Get-Variable -Name `$refGuid -ValueOnly",
                "            if ( `$ControlInfo.Events ) {`$ControlInfo.Events.ForEach({`$refControl[`$_.Name].`"add_`$(`$_.EventType)`"(`$_.ScriptBlock)})}",
                "            if ( `$Reference -ne '' ) {New-Variable -Name `$Reference -Scope Script -Value `$refControl}",
                "            Remove-Variable -Name refGuid -Scope Script",
                "            if ( `$Suppress -eq `$false ) {return `$control}",
                "        } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord `$_ -Message `"Exception encountered getting special control.`"}",
                "    }",
            EndRegion_Functions = ([string[]]`
                "    #endregion Functions",
            StartRegion_Events = ([string[]]`
                "    #region Event ScriptBlocks",
                "    `$eventSB = @{"
            EndRegion_Events = ([string[]]`
                "    }",
                "    #endregion Event ScriptBlocks",
            StartRegion_ChildForms = ([string[]]`
                "    #region Child Forms",
                "    `$Script:childFormInfo = @{"
            EndRegion_ChildForms = ([string[]]`
                "    }",
                "    #endregion Child Forms",
            StartRegion_Timers = ([string[]]`
                "    #region Timers",
                "    `$Script:timerInfo = @{",
            EndRegion_Timers = ([string[]]`
                "    }",
                "    #endregion Timers",
            StartRegion_Dialogs = ([string[]]`
                "    #region Dialogs",
                "    `$Script:dialogInfo = @{"
            EndRegion_Dialogs = ([string[]]`
                "    }",
                "    #endregion Dialogs",
            StartRegion_ContextMenuStrips = ([string[]]`
                "    #region Reusable ContextMenuStrips",
                "    `$Script:reuseContextInfo = @{"
            EndRegion_ContextMenuStrips = ([string[]]`
                "    }",
                "    #endregion Reusable ContextMenuStrips",
            Region_EnvSetup = ([string[]]`
                "    #region Environment Setup",
                "    try {",
                "        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms",
                "        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing",
                "    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord `$_ -Message `"Exception encountered during Environment Setup.`"}",
                "    #endregion Environment Setup",
            StartRegion_EventAssignment = ([string[]]`
                "    #region Event Assignment",
                "    try {"
            EndRegion_EventAssignment = ([string[]]`
                "    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord `$_ -Message `"Exception encountered during Event Assignment.`"}",
                "    #endregion Event Assignment",
            Region_OtherActions = ([string[]]`
                "    #region Other Actions Before ShowDialog",
                "    try {",
                "        Remove-Variable -Name eventSB",
                "    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord `$_ -Message `"Exception encountered before ShowDialog.`"}",
                "    #endregion Other Actions Before ShowDialog",
                "        # Show the form"
            Region_AfterClose_EndSTAScriptBlock = ([string[]]`
                "    <#",
                "    #region Actions After Form Closed",
                "    try {",
                "    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord `$_ -Message `"Exception encountered after Form close.`"}",
                "    #endregion Actions After Form Closed",
                "    #>",
            Region_StartPoint = ([string[]]`
                    "#region Start Point of Execution",
                    "    # Initialize STA Runspace",
                    "`$rsGUI = [Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace()",
                    "`$rsGUI.ApartmentState = 'STA'",
                    "`$rsGUI.ThreadOptions = 'ReuseThread'",
                    "    # Create the PSCommand, Load into Runspace, and BeginInvoke",
                    "`$cmdGUI = [Management.Automation.PowerShell]::Create().AddScript(`$sbGUI).AddParameter('BaseDir',`$PSScriptRoot)",
                    "`$cmdGUI.RunSpace = `$rsGUI",
                    "`$handleGUI = `$cmdGUI.BeginInvoke()",
                    "    # Hide Console Window",
                    "Add-Type -Name Window -Namespace Console -MemberDefinition '",
                    "public static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow();",
                    "public static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 nCmdShow);",
                    "[Console.Window]::ShowWindow([Console.Window]::GetConsoleWindow(), 0)",
                    "    #Loop Until GUI Closure",
                    "while ( `$handleGUI.IsCompleted -eq `$false ) {Start-Sleep -Seconds 5}",
                    "    # Dispose of GUI Runspace/Command",
                    "#endregion Start Point of Execution"

    #endregion Other Actions Before ShowDialog

        # Show the form
    try {[void]$Script:refs['MainForm'].ShowDialog()} catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered unexpectedly at ShowDialog."}

    #region Actions After Form Closed

    try {

    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered after Form close."}

    #endregion Actions After Form Closed

#region Start Point of Execution

    # Initialize STA Runspace
$rsGUI = [Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace()
$rsGUI.ApartmentState = 'STA'
$rsGUI.ThreadOptions = 'ReuseThread'

    # Create the PSCommand, Load into Runspace, and BeginInvoke
$cmdGUI = [Management.Automation.PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($sbGUI).AddParameter('BaseDir',$PSScriptRoot)
$cmdGUI.RunSpace = $rsGUI
$handleGUI = $cmdGUI.BeginInvoke()

    # Hide Console Window
Add-Type -Name Window -Namespace Console -MemberDefinition '
public static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow();

public static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 nCmdShow);

[Console.Window]::ShowWindow([Console.Window]::GetConsoleWindow(), 0)

    #Loop Until GUI Closure
while ( $handleGUI.IsCompleted -eq $false ) {Start-Sleep -Seconds 5}

    # Dispose of GUI Runspace/Command


#endregion Start Point of Execution