2 months ago
2.4 kB
void Player::ExecuteCommand(Command* command, int commandCount, Grid* pGrid) { Input* pIn = pGrid->GetInput(); Output* pOut = pGrid->GetOutput(); CellPosition currentPos = pCell->GetCellPosition(); CellPosition newPos = currentPos; int x, y; for (int i = 0; i < commandCount; i++) { switch (command[i]) { case MOVE_FORWARD_ONE_STEP: stepCount = 1; break; case MOVE_BACKWARD_ONE_STEP: stepCount = -1; break; case MOVE_FORWARD_TWO_STEPS: stepCount = 2; break; case MOVE_BACKWARD_TWO_STEPS: stepCount = -2; break; case MOVE_FORWARD_THREE_STEPS: stepCount = 3; break; case MOVE_BACKWARD_THREE_STEPS: stepCount = -3; break; case ROTATE_CLOCKWISE: RotateClockwise(pGrid); continue; case ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE: RotateCounterClockwise(pGrid); continue; case NO_COMMAND: default: return; } } for (int i = 0; i < abs(stepCount); i++) { switch (currDirection) { case RIGHT: newPos.SetHCell(newPos.HCell() + (stepCount>0 ? 1: -1 )); break; case LEFT: newPos.SetHCell(newPos.HCell() - (stepCount > 0 ? 1 : -1)); break; case DOWN: newPos.SetVCell(newPos.VCell() + (stepCount > 0 ? 1 : -1)); break; case UP: newPos.SetVCell(newPos.VCell() - (stepCount > 0 ? 1 : -1)); //dec count of VCELL break; } if (!newPos.IsValidCell()) { pOut->PrintMessage("you're out of bound, movement is stopped"); return; } if (i < abs(stepCount) - 1) { pOut->PrintMessage("Click anywhere to execute the next step."); pIn->GetPointClicked(x, y); } pGrid->UpdatePlayerCell(this, newPos); } pGrid->DisPlayerInfo(); Cell* finalCell = pCell; if (finalCell->GetGameObject() != nullptr) { finalCell->GetGameObject()->Apply(pGrid, this); } // Handle game-ending or special object conditions if (finalCell->HasFlag() != nullptr) { pOut->PrintMessage("Player " + to_string(playerNum) + " wins!"); } else if (finalCell->HasWaterPit() != nullptr) { pOut->PrintMessage("You fell into a water pit! Game over for Player " + to_string(playerNum)); return; } else if (finalCell->HasDangerZone() != nullptr) { health -= 1; // Reduce health for entering the danger zone if (health <= 0) { pOut->PrintMessage("Player " + to_string(playerNum) + " has died in the danger zone."); return; } } }
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