a year ago
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# Create a custom heuristic class class MyHeuristic(scip.Heur): def __init__(self): scip.Heur.__init__(self, name="my_custom_heuristic", desc="Greedy Heuristic for TSP with 2 Vehicles") def heur_exec(self, heurtiming, heurtimingmask, result): # Create tours for two vehicles using a simple greedy heuristic (nearest neighbor) unvisited_cities = set(range(num_cities)) tours = [[], []] # Start from the first city for both vehicles current_cities = [0, 0] for vehicle in range(2): while unvisited_cities: current_city = current_cities[vehicle] nearest_city = min(unvisited_cities, key=lambda city: scip.distance.euclidean(city_coords[current_city], city_coords[city])) tours[vehicle].append(nearest_city) current_cities[vehicle] = nearest_city unvisited_cities.remove(nearest_city) # Set the variables in the solution to represent the tours for both vehicles for vehicle in range(2): for i in range(num_cities): for j in range(num_cities): if i != j: result[x[i, j]] = 1 if (tours[vehicle].index(i) + 1) % num_cities == tours[vehicle].index(j) else 0 # Create an instance of the custom heuristic class my_heuristic = MyHeuristic()