a year ago
13 kB
.eg-button-container ~ .cta-container, .eg-button-container ~ p, .eg-button-container ~ h1 { display: none !important; } @media screen and (min-width:991px) and (max-width:1200px){ .storepage .experience-commerce_layouts-masonrybrick:nth-child(2){ background-position: top right 50%!important; } } @media screen and (min-width:991px){ .storepage { overflow-x: initial; } .storepage .experience-commerce_layouts-masonrybrick:nth-child(2){ padding-top: 63px; } html body div#maincontent { padding-top: 59px !important; } .navbar.bg-inverse .navbar-nav .nav-link{ color: #000000 !important; } } body:not(.sticky-nav-min) header.hasStickyNav.sticky-nav-desktop, body:not(.sticky-nav-min) header.sticky-nav-desktop .main-menu.menu-toggleable-left.navbar-toggleable-lg{ background: transparent !important; } .storepage .experience-commerce_layouts-masonrybrick:nth-child(2) .layout-region-9 { display: none; } .storepage .experience-commerce_layouts-masonrybrick:nth-child(2) { height: 78vh; background-position: top center; 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