a year ago
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(function() { try { /* main variables */ var debug = 0; var variation_name = ""; var $; /* all Pure helper functions */ function waitForElement(selector, trigger, delayInterval, delayTimeout) { var interval = setInterval(function() { if ( document && document.querySelector(selector) && document.querySelectorAll(selector).length > 0 ) { clearInterval(interval); trigger(); } }, delayInterval); setTimeout(function() { clearInterval(interval); }, delayTimeout); } function live(selector, event, callback, context) { /****Helper Functions****/ // helper for enabling IE 8 event bindings function addEvent(el, type, handler) { if (el.attachEvent) el.attachEvent("on" + type, handler); else el.addEventListener(type, handler); } // matches polyfill this.Element && (function(ElementPrototype) { ElementPrototype.matches = ElementPrototype.matches || ElementPrototype.matchesSelector || ElementPrototype.webkitMatchesSelector || ElementPrototype.msMatchesSelector || function(selector) { var node = this, nodes = (node.parentNode || node.document).querySelectorAll(selector), i = -1; while (nodes[++i] && nodes[i] != node); return !!nodes[i]; }; })(Element.prototype); // live binding helper using matchesSelector function live(selector, event, callback, context) { addEvent(context || document, event, function(e) { var found, el = e.target || e.srcElement; while (el && el.matches && el !== context && !(found = el.matches(selector))) el = el.parentElement; if (found) callback.call(el, e); }); } live(selector, event, callback, context); } let egNewHtml = `<div class="eg-filter"> <p>Investment goal</p> <!-- clear and select all --> <!-- new filters --> <ul class="eg-filters"> <li class="eg-defensive"> <label> <span>Defensive</span> </label> </li> <li class="eg-income"> <label> <span>Income</span> </label> </li> <li class="eg-growth"> <label> <span>Growth</span> </label> </li> <li class="eg-all"> <label> <span>All</span> </label> </li> </ul> </div>`; let egNewHtml2 = ` <div class="eg-filter eg-filter-2"> </div> `; let egPopup = ` <div class="eg-popup"> <div class="eg-container"> <span class="eg-close-btn"><svg viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" height="12" class="w-3 h-3" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" style=" "><path d="M6 4.88 1.12 0 0 1.13 4.88 6 0 10.88 1.13 12 6 7.12 10.88 12 12 10.87 7.12 6 12 1.13 10.87 0 6 4.87Z"></path></svg></span> ${egNewHtml} ${egNewHtml2} <!-- view results cta --> <button class="eg-view-results">View Results</button> </div> </div>`; /* Variation Init */ function init() { /* start your code here */ if (window.location.href.indexOf("/fund")) { if ((window.innerWidth > 768) && (!document.querySelector(".eg-filter"))) { waitForElement('html body .our-funds.content-container > div:first-child > div:last-child > div:first-child > ul', function() { document.querySelector("html body .our-funds.content-container > div:first-child > div:last-child > div:first-child > ul").insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", egNewHtml); newFilterClick(); document.querySelector(".eg-all").classList.add("eg-clicked"); allClick(true); }, 50, 15000); } else if ((window.innerWidth < 640) && (!document.querySelector(".eg-filter"))) { console.log("mobile"); // INSERTING POPUP if (!document.querySelector(".eg-popup")) { document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", egPopup); document.body.classList.add("egPopupLoaded"); closePopup(); // view results btn click document.querySelector(".eg-view-results").addEventListener("click", function() { if (this.parentElement.querySelector(".eg-filter-2 input:checked")) { document.querySelector('button[aria-controls*="slide-target-all-funds"]').parentElement.classList.remove("eg-display"); document.querySelector('button[aria-controls*="slide-target-all-funds"][aria-expanded="true"]') && document.querySelector('button[aria-controls*="slide-target-all-funds"][aria-expanded="true"]').click(); } else { document.querySelector('button[aria-controls*="slide-target-all-funds"]').parentElement.classList.add("eg-display"); document.querySelector('button[aria-controls*="slide-target-all-funds"][aria-expanded="false"]') && document.querySelector('button[aria-controls*="slide-target-all-funds"][aria-expanded="false"]').click(); } document.querySelector(".eg-close-btn").click(); }); addDataToNewfilter(); waitForElement("#slide-target-all-funds > div > div > div:last-child", function() { // CLICKING ON THE ALL FUNDS SECTION document.querySelector("#slide-target-all-funds > div > div > div:last-child").click(); document.querySelector("button[aria-controls='slide-target-all-funds']").focus(); document.querySelector("button[aria-controls='slide-target-all-funds']").parentElement.classList.add("eg-display"); movingDefaultSearchList(); // INSERTING FILTER BUTTON if (!document.querySelector("html body .our-funds__data-metric > .eg-filter-btn")) { document.querySelector("html body .our-funds__data-metric").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", ` <button class="eg-filter-btn"> Filter <span aria-hidden="true" class="filter-button-icon"><span></span></span> </button>`); // ADD CLICK ON THE FILTER BUTTON showPopup(); } }, 50, 15000); } } } } function closePopup() { document.querySelector("html body .eg-popup .eg-container .eg-close-btn").addEventListener("click", function() { if (document.querySelector(".eg-filter-2 input:checked")) { document.querySelector('button[aria-controls*="slide-target-all-funds"]').parentElement.classList.remove("eg-display"); document.querySelector('button[aria-controls*="slide-target-all-funds"][aria-expanded="true"]') && document.querySelector('button[aria-controls*="slide-target-all-funds"][aria-expanded="true"]').click(); } else { document.querySelector('button[aria-controls*="slide-target-all-funds"]').parentElement.classList.add("eg-display"); document.querySelector('button[aria-controls*="slide-target-all-funds"][aria-expanded="false"]') && document.querySelector('button[aria-controls*="slide-target-all-funds"][aria-expanded="false"]').click(); } document.querySelector(".eg-popup").classList.remove("eg-popup-shown"); }); } function showPopup() { document.querySelector("button.eg-filter-btn").addEventListener("click", function() { document.querySelector(".eg-popup").classList.add("eg-popup-shown"); }); } function addDataToNewfilter() { waitForElement('html body button[aria-controls*="slide-target"]', function() { let egDataHtml = ''; let egAllfund; document.querySelectorAll('html body button[aria-controls*="slide-target"] > span').forEach(cta => { if (cta.parentElement.getAttribute("aria-controls") != "slide-target-all-funds") { egDataHtml += ` <li data-id="${cta.parentElement.getAttribute("aria-controls")}" class="eg-new-filter-cta"> <label> <input type="checkbox"> <span>${cta.innerText}</span> <span class="eg-box"> <svg viewBox="0 0 26 26" width="18" height="18" class="" pathLength="1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve"> <path d="m5 12.5 6 6L21 6" pathLength="1" style="fill:none;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke-width:3px;stroke:currentColor;"> </path> </svg> </span> </label> </li>`; } else { egAllfund = cta.innerText; } }); let egDataHtmlAdd = ` <p>${egAllfund}</p> <!-- clear and select all --> <div class="eg-clear-select-all"><button class="eg-s">Select all/</button><button class="eg-c">Clear all</button></div> <!-- new filters --> <ul class="eg-filters">${egDataHtml}</ul>`; document.querySelector(".eg-filter-2").insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", egDataHtmlAdd); newFilterClick(); // SELECT ALL AND CLEAR ALL document.querySelectorAll(".eg-filter.eg-filter-2 .eg-clear-select-all > button").forEach(cta => { cta.addEventListener('click', function() { let prm = false; if (this.classList.contains("eg-s")) { prm = true; } allClick2(prm); }); }); }, 150, 15000); } function newFilterClick() { document.querySelectorAll(".eg-filters > li").forEach(filter => { filter.addEventListener("mousedown", function() { if (this.classList.contains("eg-defensive")) { if (document.querySelector('.eg-all.eg-clicked')) { document.querySelector(".eg-all").classList.remove("eg-clicked"); allClear(document.querySelector('div[data-filter-type="investmentGoal"] > label:nth-child(1)')); } else { document.querySelector('div[data-filter-type="investmentGoal"] > label:nth-child(1) input').click(); } } if (this.classList.contains("eg-growth")) { if (document.querySelector('.eg-all.eg-clicked')) { document.querySelector(".eg-all").classList.remove("eg-clicked"); allClear(document.querySelector('div[data-filter-type="investmentGoal"] > label:nth-child(2)')); } else { document.querySelector('div[data-filter-type="investmentGoal"] > label:nth-child(2) input').click(); } } if (this.classList.contains("eg-income")) { if (document.querySelector('.eg-all.eg-clicked')) { document.querySelector(".eg-all").classList.remove("eg-clicked"); allClear(document.querySelector('div[data-filter-type="investmentGoal"] > label:nth-child(3)')); } else { document.querySelector('div[data-filter-type="investmentGoal"] > label:nth-child(3) input').click(); } } // gettin total number of results this.classList.toggle("eg-clicked"); // let egTotal = document.querySelector("div.our-funds__search-results .funds-search-number span").innerText.replace("funds", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", "").trim(); if (this.classList.contains("eg-new-filter-cta")) { let egSelector = `button[aria-controls="${this.getAttribute("data-id")}"]`; document.querySelector(egSelector).click(); document.querySelector(egSelector).focus(); document.querySelector(egSelector).parentElement.classList.toggle("eg-display"); } if (this.classList.contains("eg-all")) { let prm = false; if (this.classList.contains("eg-clicked")) { prm = true; } allClick(prm); } }); }) } function allClick(prm) { document.querySelectorAll(".eg-filter:not(.eg-filter-2) .eg-filters > li:not(.eg-all)").forEach(itm => { itm.classList.remove("eg-clicked"); }); let egSelectorS = [...document.querySelectorAll('div[data-filter-type="investmentGoal"] > label input:not(:checked)')]; if (prm == false) { egSelectorS = [...document.querySelectorAll('div[data-filter-type="investmentGoal"] > label input:checked')]; } if (egSelectorS.length > 0) { let egl = egSelectorS.length; let count = 0; let intr = setInterval(function() { if (egSelectorS[count]) { egSelectorS[count].click(); } if (count == egl) clearInterval(intr); count++; }, 50); } } function allClear(target) { let egSelectorS = [...document.querySelectorAll('div[data-filter-type="investmentGoal"] > label input:checked')]; console.log(egSelectorS); let egl = egSelectorS.length; if (egl > 0) { let count = 0; let intr2 = setInterval(function() { if (count == egl) { clearInterval(intr2); // console.log("cleared",target); setTimeout(() => { target.click(); }, 500); } else { if (egSelectorS[count]) { egSelectorS[count].click(); } } count++; }, 100); } } function allClick2(prm) { let egSelector; if (prm == true) { egSelector = ".eg-filter.eg-filter-2 .eg-filters > li:not(.eg-clicked)"; } else { egSelector = ".eg-filter.eg-filter-2 .eg-filters > li.eg-clicked"; } document.querySelectorAll(egSelector).forEach(itm => { if (prm == true) { itm.classList.add("eg-clicked"); itm.querySelector("input").checked = true; } else { itm.classList.remove('eg-clicked'); itm.querySelector("input").checked = false; } setTimeout(() => { document.querySelector('button[aria-controls="' + itm.getAttribute("data-id") + '"]').click(); document.querySelector('button[aria-controls="' + itm.getAttribute("data-id") + '"]').parentElement.classList.toggle("eg-display"); }, 300); }); } function movingDefaultSearchList() { waitForElement("html body .our-funds__search-results", function() { document.querySelector("html body .our-funds__search-results").classList.add("eg-our-srch"); document.querySelector("html body .our-funds__listing > div:nth-child(3)").insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", document.querySelector("html body .our-funds__search-results")); }, 1000, 15000); } /* Initialize variation */ waitForElement("html body", init, 50, 15000); } catch (e) { if (debug) console.log(e, "error in Test" + variation_name); } })(); <style> @media(min-width:767px) { html body .eg-filter { height: max-content !important; margin-bottom: 30px; } } html body .eg-filters { list-style: none; padding-left: 0; } html body .eg-filter:not(.eg-filter-2) .eg-filters { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } html body .eg-filter-2 .eg-filters li+li { margin-top: 6px; } html body .eg-filters label { cursor: pointer; display: flex; align-items: flex-start; vertical-align: middle; position: relative; line-height: 1.5; } html body .eg-filters label input { appearance: none; outline: none !important; border: none !important; } html body .eg-filters label>span:not(.eg-box) { font-size: 16px; font-family: 'Rund Text', sans-serif; color: #5f5964; } html body .eg-filters label>span.eg-box { cursor: pointer; transition-property: all !important; transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) !important; padding: 0px !important; background-color: rgb(255 255 255 / 1) !important; border: 1px solid rgb(174 174 174 / 0.3); border-radius: 0.3125rem; appearance: none; flex-shrink: 0; width: 1.375rem; height: 1.375rem; display: inline-flex; position: absolute; color: white; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } html body .eg-filters label>input:not(:checked)~span.eg-box svg { display: none; } html body .eg-filters label>input:checked~span.eg-box { background-color: #fc4d16 !important; } html body .eg-filter>p { color: #fc4d16; font-size: 16px; margin-bottom: 11px; font-weight: 400; } html body .eg-filter-2>p { color: #fc4d16 !important; font-size: 16px !important; font-weight: 500 !important; } html body .eg-filter-2 .eg-filters label>span:not(.eg-box) { margin-left: 20px; } html body .eg-clear-select-all button { padding: 0; font-size: 14px; color: #5f5964; } html body .eg-clear-select-all { margin-bottom: 11px; } html body .eg-clear-select-all button:not(:last-child) { margin-right: 10px; } html body .eg-filter:not(.eg-filter-2) .eg-filters>li { padding: 5px 10px; background: white; border: 1px solid rgb(95 89 100 / 43%); border-radius: 100vmax; margin: 6px 6px 0 0; } html body .eg-filter:not(.eg-filter-2) .eg-filters>li label>span:not(.eg-box) { color: #fc4d16; } html body .eg-filter:not(.eg-filter-2) .eg-filters>li.eg-clicked { background: #fc4d16; border-color: #fc4d16; } html body .eg-filter:not(.eg-filter-2) .eg-filters>li.eg-clicked label>span:not(.eg-box) { color: white !important; } html body .eg-filter:not(.eg-filter-2)>p { margin-left: 6px; } /*hiding default filter btn*/ html body .our-funds__active-filters-container { display: none !important; } /*giving some marginbottom to the search box*/ html body .our-funds__search-container { margin-bottom: 35px; } /*Mobile*/ @media(max-width:639px) { html body .eg-filter:not(.eg-filter-2) .eg-all { display: none !important; } html body .eg-filter:not(.eg-filter-2) .eg-filters { justify-content: space-between !important; } html body .eg-filter { margin-bottom: 20px !important; } html body button[aria-controls="slide-target-all-funds"]>svg { display: none !important; } html body button[aria-controls*="slide-target"]>svg { display: none !important; } html body div.our-funds__listing>div:nth-child(4) { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } html body div.our-funds__listing>div:nth-child(4)>button { width: 120px; } html body .our-funds__data-metric { position: relative; } html body button.eg-filter-btn { display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; align-items: center; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; position: absolute; width: 80px !important; z-index: 15 !important; bottom: -78px; right: -9px; z-index: 15; } html body .eg-filter-btn .filter-button-icon::before { height: 2.5px; } /*popup css*/ html body.egPopupLoaded { position: relative; } html body .eg-popup:not(.eg-popup-shown) { display: none !important; } html body .eg-popup { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; height: 100vh; z-index: 999999 !important; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background: rgb(0 0 0 /30%); } html body .eg-popup .eg-container { background: white; width: 90%; height: 95%; border-radius: 20px; position: relative; padding: 23px; max-height: 655px; } html body .eg-popup .eg-container .eg-close-btn { position: absolute; right: 23px; top: 23px; } html body .eg-filter.eg-filter-2 { height: 74% !important; } html body .eg-filter.eg-filter-2 .eg-filters { height: 87% !important; overflow: scroll !important; } html body button.eg-view-results { background: #fc4d16; color: white; border-radius: 100vmax; padding: 12px 16px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block; } /*popup css*/ /* show hide the filters */ html body .our-funds__listing>div[class*="sm:hidden"]:nth-child(n + 3):not(.eg-display) { display: none !important; } html body .eg-our-srch { margin-top: 64px !important; } html body .eg-our-srch>div>div, html body .eg-our-srch>div { padding-bottom: 0 !important; } /* show hide the filters **/ html body .our-funds.content-container>div { padding-bottom: 1rem !important; } } </style>