3 years ago
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import React, { Children } from "react"; export interface ICarouselProps { /** * Items that going to be showed */ children: React.ReactNode; /** * Indicate how many to show at once */ show: number; /** * Is the carousel will be repeating */ infiniteLoop?: boolean; /** * Render with indicator */ withIndicator?: boolean; /** * Render custom previous button * @param previousItem function to navigate to previous item * @param defaultClass default class for the button, it contain styles to position the button correctly. (not the arrow icon) * @example * <Carousel * renderPreviousButton={(previousItem, defaultClass) => ( * <button onClick={previousItem} className={defaultClass}> * previous * </button> * )} * > * ... * </Carousel> */ renderPreviousButton?: ( previousItem: () => void, defaultClass?: string ) => JSX.Element; /** * Render custom next button * @param nextItem function to navigate to next item * @param defaultClass default class for the button, it contain styles to position the button correctly. (not the arrow icon) * @example * <Carousel * renderNextButton={(nextItem, defaultClass) => ( * <button onClick={nextItem} className={defaultClass}> * next * </button> * )} * > * ... * </Carousel> */ renderNextButton?: ( nextItem: () => void, defaultClassName?: string ) => JSX.Element; /** * additional className for container element */ containerClassName?: string; /** * props for container element, be aware that if you supply className props here, it will overwrite the default one */ containerProps?: React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>; /** * additional className for wrapper element */ wrapperClassName?: string; /** * props for wrapper element, be aware that if you supply className props here, it will overwrite the default one */ wrapperProps?: React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>; /** * additional className for content wrapper element */ contentWrapperClassName?: string; /** * props for content wrapper element, be aware that if you supply className props here, it will overwrite the default one */ contentWrapperProps?: React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>; /** * additional className for content element */ contentClassName?: string; /** * props for content element, be aware that if you supply className props here, it will overwrite the default one */ contentProps?: React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>; /** * Classname for indicator container */ indicatorContainerClassName?: string; /** * props for indicator container element, be aware that if you supply className and ref props here, it will overwrite the default one */ indicatorContainerProps?: React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>; /** * className for each classes in the indicator, * active: current item, * close: item that close with current item, * far: item that far from current item */ indicatorClassNames?: { active?: string; close?: string; far?: string; }; /** * Render custom dot element * @param index dot's index * @param defaultClassName default class for the dot element, it contain styles to display the dot correctly * @example * <Carousel * renderDot={(index, defaultClassName) => ( * // data-index is required for scrolling purposes * <div key={index} data-index={index} className={defaultClassName} /> * )} * > * ... * </Carousel> */ renderDot?: (index: number, defaultClassName: string) => JSX.Element; } const Carousel = ({ children, show, infiniteLoop, withIndicator, renderPreviousButton, renderNextButton, containerClassName, wrapperClassName, contentWrapperClassName, contentClassName, containerProps, wrapperProps, contentWrapperProps, contentProps, indicatorContainerClassName, indicatorContainerProps, indicatorClassNames, }: ICarouselProps): JSX.Element => { const indicatorContainerRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); /** * Total item */ const length = React.useMemo(() => Children.count(children), [children]); /** * Is the carousel repeating it's item */ const isRepeating = React.useMemo( () => infiniteLoop && Children.count(children) > show, [children, infiniteLoop, show] ); /** * Current Index Item of the Carousel */ const [currentIndex, setCurrentIndex] = React.useState<number>( isRepeating ? show : 0 ); /** * Is the carousel's transition enabled */ const [isTransitionEnabled, setTransitionEnabled] = React.useState<boolean>(true); /** * First touch position to be used in calculation for the swipe speed */ const [touchPosition, setTouchPosition] = React.useState<null | number>(null); /** * Handle if the carousel is repeating * and the currentIndex have been set to the last or first item */ React.useEffect(() => { if (isRepeating) { if (currentIndex === show || currentIndex === length) { setTransitionEnabled(true); } } }, [currentIndex, isRepeating, show, length]); React.useEffect(() => { if (withIndicator) { const active = indicatorContainerRef.current?.querySelector(".dots-active"); if (active) { let index = active.getAttribute("data-index"); if (index !== null && indicatorContainerRef.current?.scrollTo) { indicatorContainerRef.current?.scrollTo({ left: ((Number(index) - 2) / 5) * 50, behavior: "smooth", }); } } } }, [withIndicator, currentIndex]); /** * Move forward to the next item */ const nextItem = () => { if (isRepeating || currentIndex < length - show) { setCurrentIndex((prevState) => prevState + 1); } }; /** * Move backward to the previous item */ const previousItem = () => { if (isRepeating || currentIndex > 0) { setCurrentIndex((prevState) => prevState - 1); } }; /** * Handle when the user start the swipe gesture * @param e TouchEvent */ const handleTouchStart = (e: React.TouchEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => { // Save the first position of the touch const touchDown = e.touches[0].clientX; setTouchPosition(touchDown); }; /** * Handle when the user move the finger in swipe gesture * @param e TouchEvent */ const handleTouchMove = (e: React.TouchEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => { // Get initial location const touchDown = touchPosition; // Proceed only if the initial position is not null if (touchDown === null) { return; } // Get current position const currentTouch = e.touches[0].clientX; // Get the difference between previous and current position const diff = touchDown - currentTouch; // Go to next item if (diff > 5) { nextItem(); } // Go to previous item if (diff < -5) { previousItem(); } // Reset initial touch position setTouchPosition(null); }; /** * Handle when carousel transition's ended */ const handleTransitionEnd = () => { if (isRepeating) { if (currentIndex === 0) { setTransitionEnabled(false); setCurrentIndex(length); } else if (currentIndex === length + show) { setTransitionEnabled(false); setCurrentIndex(show); } } }; /** * Render previous items before the first item */ const extraPreviousItems = React.useMemo(() => { let output = []; for (let index = 0; index < show; index++) { output.push(Children.toArray(children)[length - 1 - index]); } output.reverse(); return output; }, [children, length, show]); /** * Render next items after the last item */ const extraNextItems = React.useMemo(() => { let output = []; for (let index = 0; index < show; index++) { output.push(Children.toArray(children)[index]); } return output; }, [children, show]); const renderDots = React.useMemo(() => { let output = []; const localShow = isRepeating ? show : 0; const localLength = isRepeating ? length : Math.ceil(length / show); const calculatedActiveIndex = currentIndex - localShow < 0 ? length + (currentIndex - localShow) : currentIndex - localShow; for (let index = 0; index < localLength; index++) { let className = ""; if (calculatedActiveIndex === index) { className = indicatorClassNames?.active || "dots-active"; } else { if (calculatedActiveIndex === 0) { if (calculatedActiveIndex + index <= 2) { className = indicatorClassNames?.close || "dots-close"; } else { className = indicatorClassNames?.far || "dots-far"; } } else if (calculatedActiveIndex === localLength - 1) { if (Math.abs(calculatedActiveIndex - index) <= 2) { className = indicatorClassNames?.close || "dots-close"; } else { className = indicatorClassNames?.far || "dots-far"; } } else { if (Math.abs(calculatedActiveIndex - index) === 1) { className = indicatorClassNames?.close || "dots-close"; } else { className = indicatorClassNames?.far || "dots-far"; } } } output.push(<div key={index} data-index={index} className={className} />); } return output; }, [currentIndex, indicatorClassNames, isRepeating, length, show]); return ( <div data-testid="carousel-container" className={`carousel-container ${containerClassName || ""}`} {...containerProps} > <div data-testid="carousel-wrapper" className={`carousel-wrapper ${wrapperClassName || ""}`} {...wrapperProps} > {isRepeating || currentIndex > 0 ? ( renderPreviousButton ? ( renderPreviousButton(previousItem, "left-arrow-button") ) : ( <button data-testid="left-button" onClick={previousItem} className="left-arrow-button" > <span className="left-arrow" /> </button> ) ) : null} <div data-testid="carousel-content-wrapper" className={`carousel-content-wrapper ${ contentWrapperClassName || "" }`} {...contentWrapperProps} onTouchStart={handleTouchStart} onTouchMove={handleTouchMove} > <div data-testid="carousel-content" className={`carousel-content show-${show} ${ contentClassName || "" }`} {...contentProps} style={{ transform: `translateX(-${currentIndex * (100 / show)}%)`, transition: !isTransitionEnabled ? "none" : undefined, }} onTransitionEnd={() => handleTransitionEnd()} > {length > show && isRepeating && extraPreviousItems} {children} {length > show && isRepeating && extraNextItems} </div> </div> {isRepeating || currentIndex < length - show ? ( renderNextButton ? ( renderNextButton(nextItem, "right-arrow-button") ) : ( <button data-testid="right-button" onClick={nextItem} className="right-arrow-button" > <span className="right-arrow" /> </button> ) ) : null} </div> {withIndicator && ( <div className="pagination-wrapper"> <div data-testid="indicator-container" ref={indicatorContainerRef} className={`indicator-container ${ indicatorContainerClassName || "" }`} {...indicatorContainerProps} > {renderDots} </div> </div> )} </div> ); }; export default Carousel;