25 days ago
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#include "button_handler.h" #include "fume_eliminator.h" #include "stm32l4xx_hal.h" // Assuming you're using the HAL library // Structure to hold the GPIO pin and port associated with each button typedef struct { GPIO_TypeDef* port; uint16_t pin; } ButtonConfig; // Array mapping button IDs to their respective GPIO ports and pins static ButtonConfig buttonConfigs[BUTTON_COUNT] = { {GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_0}, // BUTTON_ON_OFF {GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_1}, // BUTTON_SETTINGS {GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_2}, // BUTTON_FILTER_CLEAN {GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_3}, // BUTTON_F1 {GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_4}, // BUTTON_F2 {GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_5}, // BUTTON_F3 {GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_6}, // BUTTON_FAN {GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_7}, // BUTTON_PLUS {GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_8}, // BUTTON_MINUS }; // External reference to the button queue created in fume_eliminator.c extern osMessageQueueId_t buttonQueueHandle; static uint32_t buttonPressStartTimes[BUTTON_COUNT] = {0}; // To store the start time of each button press static bool buttonStates[BUTTON_COUNT] = {false}; // Array to track the state of each button (pressed/released) void ButtonHandler_Init(void) { // Initialize the button handling system for (int i = 0; i < BUTTON_COUNT; i++) { buttonStates[i] = false; // Initialize all button states to released } } void ButtonHandler_Task(void *argument) { for (;;) { for (int i = 0; i < BUTTON_COUNT; i++) { if (IsButtonPressed((ButtonId)i)) { if (!buttonStates[i]) { // Button was just pressed buttonStates[i] = true; buttonPressStartTimes[i] = HAL_GetTick(); } // Get the type of press (short, long, or ongoing) PressType pressType = GetPressType(i); if (pressType == PRESS_LONG) { // Handle long press without resetting the state to allow continuous actions ButtonEventMessage msg; msg.buttonId = i; msg.pressType = PRESS_LONG; osMessageQueuePut(buttonQueueHandle, &msg, 0, 0); } // If pressType is PRESS_ONGOING, continue holding, no action needed until release } else if (buttonStates[i]) { // Only true if the button was previously pressed // Button was just released ButtonEventMessage msg; msg.buttonId = i; PressType pressType = GetPressType(i); if (pressType == PRESS_SHORT) { msg.pressType = PRESS_SHORT; } else if (pressType == PRESS_LONG) { msg.pressType = PRESS_LONG; // Handle as long press if it was held long enough } osMessageQueuePut(buttonQueueHandle, &msg, 0, 0); // Now reset the button state buttonStates[i] = false; } } // Small delay to prevent task starvation osDelay(10); } } uint8_t IsButtonPressed(ButtonId buttonId) { // Check if the button is pressed by reading the GPIO pin return HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(buttonConfigs[buttonId].port, buttonConfigs[buttonId].pin) == GPIO_PIN_RESET; } PressType GetPressType(uint8_t buttonIndex) { uint32_t pressDuration = HAL_GetTick() - buttonPressStartTimes[buttonIndex]; if (IsButtonPressed((ButtonId)buttonIndex)) { if (pressDuration >= LONG_PRESS_THRESHOLD) { return PRESS_LONG; } else { return PRESS_ONGOING; } } else if (pressDuration > SHORT_PRESS_THRESHOLD) { return PRESS_SHORT; } return PRESS_NONE; }
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