
24 days ago
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// ==UserScript==
// @name         NVIDIA RTX 5090 FE Stock Monitor
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  Monitor NVIDIA store for RTX 5090 FE stock and SKU changes
// @author       You
// @match        https://marketplace.nvidia.com/*/consumer/graphics-cards/nvidia-geforce-rtx-*
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
NVIDIA GPU Stock Checker
This script monitors NVIDIA's store for FE GPU stock and SKU changes. It will notify you with sound
and visual alerts when your desired GPU becomes available.

How to Use:
1. Install the script in Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey/Violentmonkey/etc.
2. Visit the NVIDIA store page for your desired GPU:
   - https://marketplace.nvidia.com/xx-xx/consumer/graphics-cards/nvidia-geforce-rtx-5090
   - https://marketplace.nvidia.com/xx-xx/consumer/graphics-cards/nvidia-geforce-rtx-5080
   (Replace xx-xx with your locale, e.g., de-de, en-us)
3. The script will automatically start monitoring

- Automatic stock checking (default: every 1 second)
- SKU change detection (default: every 10 seconds)
- Voice notifications when stock is found or SKU changes
- Visual status display in top-right corner
- Error rate monitoring and alerts
- Opens product URL in new tab when stock is found
- 5-minute cooldown between redirects to prevent IP bans

URL Parameters:
- stockInterval: Customize stock check interval (in milliseconds)
- skuInterval: Customize SKU check interval (in milliseconds)
Example: https://marketplace.nvidia.com/de-de/consumer/graphics-cards/nvidia-geforce-rtx-5090/?stockInterval=2000&skuCheckInterval=15000

- If you get constant errors, try increasing the stockInterval to avoid rate limiting
- If you get constant errors & have smth like notify-fe open as well, try to close it
- If voice notifications aren't working, check your browser's audio permissions
- For persistent issues, check the browser console (F12) for detailed error messages
- If you're getting blocked from Proshop, wait at least 5 minutes between visits to the product URL

Important Notes:
- The script requires a URL containing locale (xx-xx) and RTX model number
- Script only works on the dedicated RTX 5080/5090 product pages
- Status display can be minimized using the - button
- When stock is found, the script will open the product URL in a new tab
- A 5-minute cooldown is enforced between redirects to prevent IP bans from Proshop
- DO NOT repeatedly visit the product URL or you risk getting your IP banned by Proshop

Test Functions (Console):
- checkStockNow(): Force immediate stock check
- checkSkuUpdatesNow(): Force immediate SKU check
- simulateSKUChange(): Simulate SKU change event
- triggerStockFound(): Simulate stock found event
- toggleTestMode(true/false): Enable/disable API response failure testing mode
- setFailureRate(0-1): Set API failure rate for testing
- simulateEmptyAPIResponse(true/false): Enable/disable empty response simulation
(async function () {
  // Configuration
  const CONFIG = {
    gpuModel: null,
    locale: null,
    stockCheckInterval: 500, // default 1 second
    skuCheckInterval: 5000, // default 10 seconds
    ttsVolume: 1,
    cacheBusting: {
      enabled: true, // Add cache busting configuration
      feInventory: true,
      search: true,
    errorTracking: {
      enabled: true,
      windowDurationMinutes: 1, // 1 minute window
      errorThreshold: 0.5, // 50% error rate threshold
    testMode: {
      enabled: false,
      failureRate: 0, // 50% failure rate
      simulateEmptyResponse: false, // Add this new flag
      errorCodes: [400, 401, 403, 429, 500, 502, 503],
      errorMessages: [
        "Rate limited",
        "Service unavailable",
        "Internal server error",
        "Bad gateway",

  // Update error tracking configuration
  const errorTracking = {
    recentErrors: [],
    consecutiveEmptyResponses: 0,

  // Add these at the top of the IIFE, after CONFIG
    isActive: true,
    lastStockFound: null,

  // Create UI elements first
  // Create a div for status messages
  const statusDiv = document.createElement("div");
  statusDiv.style.cssText =
    'position: fixed; top: 10px; right: 10px; padding: 15px; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #fff; font-family: "Consolas", monospace; border-radius: 5px; z-index: 9999; max-width: 500px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; max-height: 27vh;';

  // Create a container for messages
  const messagesDiv = document.createElement("div");
  messagesDiv.style.cssText =
    "overflow-y: auto; flex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column; scrollbar-width: none; -ms-overflow-style: none;";
  messagesDiv.id = "messages-container";

  // Add webkit scrollbar style
  const style = document.createElement("style");
  style.textContent = `
  #messages-container::-webkit-scrollbar {
    display: none;

  // Add minimize button
  const minimizeBtn = document.createElement("button");
  minimizeBtn.innerHTML = "−";
  minimizeBtn.style.cssText =
    "position: absolute; top: 5px; right: 5px; background: none; border: none; color: #fff; cursor: pointer; font-size: 16px; padding: 0 5px; z-index: 10000;";

  // Add click handler for minimize
  let isMinimized = false;
  minimizeBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
    if (isMinimized) {
      // Restore full view
      messagesDiv.style.display = "block";
      statusDiv.style.height = "auto";
      statusDiv.style.maxHeight = "27vh";
      statusDiv.style.padding = "15px";
      minimizeBtn.innerHTML = "−";
    } else {
      // Just minimize the container
      statusDiv.style.height = "auto";
      statusDiv.style.maxHeight = "95px";
      statusDiv.style.padding = "5px 15px";
      minimizeBtn.innerHTML = "+";
    isMinimized = !isMinimized;


  // Now parse URL for configuration
  const urlPath = window.location.pathname;
  const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
  const urlMatches = urlPath.match(/\/([a-z]{2}-[a-z]{2})\/.+?rtx-(\d{4})/i);

  // Get intervals from URL parameters
  CONFIG.stockCheckInterval =
    parseInt(urlParams.get("stockInterval")) || CONFIG.stockCheckInterval;
  CONFIG.skuCheckInterval =
    parseInt(urlParams.get("skuInterval")) || CONFIG.skuCheckInterval;

  if (urlMatches) {
    CONFIG.locale = urlMatches[1].toLowerCase();
    CONFIG.gpuModel = urlMatches[2];
      `Detected - Model: ${CONFIG.gpuModel}, Locale: ${CONFIG.locale}, Intervals: Stock ${CONFIG.stockCheckInterval}ms / SKU ${CONFIG.skuCheckInterval}ms`
  } else {
      "Failed to detect GPU model and locale from URL. Script cannot continue.",
    throw new Error(
      "Required URL parameters missing. URL must contain locale (xx-xx) and RTX model number."

  // Create a speech queue system
  const speechQueue = {
    queue: [],
    speaking: false,

    add(message) {
      if (!this.speaking) {

    processQueue() {
      if (this.queue.length === 0) {
        this.speaking = false;

      this.speaking = true;
      const message = this.queue[0];
      const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(message);
      utterance.rate = 1.0;
      utterance.pitch = 1.0;
      utterance.volume = CONFIG.ttsVolume;

      utterance.onend = () => {
        this.queue.shift(); // Remove the spoken message
        this.processQueue(); // Process next message if any

      utterance.onerror = (event) => {
        console.error("Speech synthesis error:", event);
        this.queue.shift(); // Remove the failed message
        this.processQueue(); // Continue with next message


  // Replace the old speak function with the new non-blocking version
  function speak(message) {

  // Function to update status
  function updateStatus(message, isError = false) {
    const time = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();
    const color = isError ? "#ff6b6b" : "#4cd137";
    const messageElement = document.createElement("div");
    messageElement.style.cssText =
      "word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap; margin-top: auto;";
    messageElement.style.color = color;
    messageElement.textContent = `[${time}] ${message}`;

    // Append new message at the bottom

    // Keep only last ~20 messages
    const messages = messagesDiv.getElementsByTagName("div");
    while (messages.length > 20) {

    // Always scroll to bottom
    messagesDiv.scrollTop = messagesDiv.scrollHeight;

    console.log("[" + time + "] " + message);

  // Create global SKU variable
  window.SKU = "";

  // Update makeApiRequest to track errors
  async function makeApiRequest(url, options = {}) {
    try {
      if (CONFIG.testMode.enabled) {
        // Add empty response simulation
        if (CONFIG.testMode.simulateEmptyResponse) {
          return {}; // Simulate empty API response
        // Simulate random failures based on failureRate
        if (Math.random() < CONFIG.testMode.failureRate) {
          const errorCode =
              Math.floor(Math.random() * CONFIG.testMode.errorCodes.length)
          const errorMessage =
              Math.floor(Math.random() * CONFIG.testMode.errorMessages.length)
          throw new Error(
            `HTTP error! status: ${errorCode}, message: ${errorMessage}`

      const response = await fetch(url, options);
      if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error("HTTP error! status: " + response.status);
      return response.json();
    } catch (error) {
      // Add new error
      if (CONFIG.errorTracking.enabled) {
        const now = Date.now();
          timestamp: now,
          error: error.message,

        // Remove errors older than windowDurationMinutes
        const windowDurationMs =
          CONFIG.errorTracking.windowDurationMinutes * 60 * 1000; // Convert minutes to milliseconds
        errorTracking.recentErrors = errorTracking.recentErrors.filter(
          (error) => now - error.timestamp <= windowDurationMs

        // Calculate expected API calls in the time window
        const expectedCalls = Math.ceil(
          windowDurationMs /
            Math.min(CONFIG.stockCheckInterval, CONFIG.skuCheckInterval)

        // Calculate error rate based on actual errors vs expected calls
        const errorRate = errorTracking.recentErrors.length / expectedCalls;

        if (errorRate >= CONFIG.errorTracking.errorThreshold) {
            `Warning: High error rate detected. ${Math.round(
              errorRate * 100
            )}% of API calls failed in the last ${
            } minutes.`
          // Reset error tracking after notification to prevent spam
          errorTracking.recentErrors = [];

      throw error;

  // Function to check SKU updates
  async function checkSkuUpdates() {
    try {
      updateStatus("Checking for SKU updates...");
      const cacheBuster =
        CONFIG.cacheBusting.enabled && CONFIG.cacheBusting.search
          ? `&_=${Date.now()}`
          : "";
      const data = await makeApiRequest(

      const targetGpu = data.searchedProducts?.productDetails?.find(
        (p) =>
          p.displayName.includes(CONFIG.gpuModel) && p.isFounderEdition === true

      if (targetGpu && targetGpu.productSKU) {
        const newSku = targetGpu.productSKU;
          `${CONFIG.gpuModel} FE found in product list (SKU: ${newSku})`

        if (window.SKU === "") {
          window.SKU = newSku;
          updateStatus("✅ Initial SKU set: " + newSku);
        } else if (window.SKU !== newSku) {
            `🔄 ${CONFIG.gpuModel} FE SKU change detected! Updating to new SKU...`
          speak(`${CONFIG.gpuModel} SKU change detected!`);
          window.SKU = newSku;
      } else {
          `${CONFIG.gpuModel} Founder's Edition not found in product list yet.`,
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Error checking SKU updates:", error);
      updateStatus("SKU Check Error: " + error.message, true);
      speak("SKU check error.");

  // Function to handle when stock is found
  function handleStockFound(productUrl) {
    // Check if we're still actively monitoring
    if (!MONITORING_STATE.isActive) {
      console.log("Stock found but monitoring already stopped");

    // Immediately stop all monitoring
    MONITORING_STATE.isActive = false;
    MONITORING_STATE.lastStockFound = Date.now();

    updateStatus(`🎉 RTX ${CONFIG.gpuModel} IN STOCK! 🎉`);
    speak(`RTX ${CONFIG.gpuModel} Found in stock!`);

    // For test simulations, use proshop.de
    if (!productUrl) {
      window.open("https://www.proshop.de", "_blank");

    // Handle real product URL redirect with 5-minute cooldown
    if (productUrl) {
      const now = Date.now();
      const lastRedirect = localStorage.getItem("nvidiafe_last_redirect");
      const fiveMinutes = 5 * 1000;

      if (!lastRedirect || now - parseInt(lastRedirect) > fiveMinutes) {
        localStorage.setItem("nvidiafe_last_redirect", now.toString());
        window.open(productUrl, "_blank");
      } else {
          "Skipping auto-redirect - cooldown active. YOU WILL GET BANNED IF YOU VISIT PROSHOP LINK TOO MUCH.",

  // Expose functions to unsafeWindow for Tampermonkey
  unsafeWindow.triggerStockFound = handleStockFound;
  unsafeWindow.simulateSKUChange = function () {
    updateStatus("🔄 Simulating SKU change...");
    speak(`${CONFIG.gpuModel} SKU change detected!`);
    window.SKU = "SIMULATED_NEW_SKU_" + Date.now();
    updateStatus(`${CONFIG.gpuModel} SKU updated to: ${window.SKU}`);
  unsafeWindow.checkSkuUpdatesNow = checkSkuUpdates;
  unsafeWindow.checkStockNow = checkStock;

  // Function to check stock
  async function checkStock() {
    if (!MONITORING_STATE.isActive) return;

    try {
      const cacheBuster =
        CONFIG.cacheBusting.enabled && CONFIG.cacheBusting.feInventory
          ? `&_=${Date.now()}`
          : "";
      const data = await makeApiRequest(
          method: "GET",
          headers: {
            Accept: "application/json",

      if (!MONITORING_STATE.isActive) return; // Check again after API call

      console.log("API Response:", data);

      if (data.listMap && data.listMap.length > 0) {
        // Reset counter when we get valid data
        errorTracking.consecutiveEmptyResponses = 0;

        const item = data.listMap[0];
        if (item.is_active !== "false") {
        updateStatus("Stock check: Not in stock (Product inactive)");
      } else {
        errorTracking.consecutiveEmptyResponses++; // Increment counter
          "No product data found in response. API endpoint might have changed.",

        if (errorTracking.consecutiveEmptyResponses > 1) {
          const msg = `Warning: ${errorTracking.consecutiveEmptyResponses} consecutive empty API responses detected. API endpoint might have changed.`;
          updateStatus(msg, true);
          if (errorTracking.consecutiveEmptyResponses === 4) {
    } catch (error) {
      if (!MONITORING_STATE.isActive) return;
      console.error("Error checking stock:", error);
      updateStatus("Error: " + error.message, true);

  // Start monitoring
  updateStatus("Monitor started");

  // Replace the initializeMonitoring function and related monitoring logic
  async function initializeMonitoring() {
    // Helper function to sleep
    const sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

    // Smart monitoring function that adjusts timing
    async function smartMonitor(checkFn, interval, name) {
      while (MONITORING_STATE.isActive) {
        // Add check for active state
        const startTime = Date.now();

        try {
          if (!MONITORING_STATE.isActive) break; // Double-check before API call
          await checkFn();
        } catch (error) {
          if (!MONITORING_STATE.isActive) break;
          updateStatus(`Error in ${name}: ${error.message}`, true);

        if (!MONITORING_STATE.isActive) break;

        const executionTime = Date.now() - startTime;
        if (executionTime > interval) {
            `⚠️ Warning: ${name} took ${executionTime}ms (longer than ${interval}ms interval)`,

        const sleepTime = interval - executionTime;
        await sleep(sleepTime);

    // Start both monitors
    await checkSkuUpdates(); // Initial SKU check

    if (window.SKU) {
      // Start stock monitoring
      smartMonitor(checkStock, CONFIG.stockCheckInterval, "Stock Check");
      // Start SKU monitoring
      smartMonitor(checkSkuUpdates, CONFIG.skuCheckInterval, "SKU Check");
    } else {
      updateStatus("⚠️ No SKU found, only monitoring for SKU updates", true);
      // Only start SKU monitoring
      smartMonitor(checkSkuUpdates, CONFIG.skuCheckInterval, "SKU Check");

  // Start the monitoring process

  // Add these test helper functions
  unsafeWindow.toggleTestMode = function (enabled = true) {
    CONFIG.testMode.enabled = enabled;
    updateStatus(`Test mode ${enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"}`);

  unsafeWindow.setFailureRate = function (rate) {
    CONFIG.testMode.failureRate = rate;
    updateStatus(`Failure rate set to ${rate * 100}%`);

  // Add new test function to unsafeWindow
  unsafeWindow.simulateEmptyAPIResponse = function (enabled = true) {
    CONFIG.testMode.simulateEmptyResponse = enabled;
      `Empty response simulation ${enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"}`

  // Add cache busting control functions
  unsafeWindow.toggleCacheBusting = function (enabled = true) {
    CONFIG.cacheBusting.enabled = enabled;
    updateStatus(`Cache busting ${enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"}`);

  unsafeWindow.toggleEndpointCacheBusting = function (
    enabled = true
  ) {
    if (endpoint === "feinventory") {
      CONFIG.cacheBusting.feInventory = enabled;
        `FE inventory cache busting ${enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"}`
    } else if (endpoint === "search") {
      CONFIG.cacheBusting.search = enabled;
      updateStatus(`Search cache busting ${enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"}`);
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