
2 years ago
2.1 kB
export interface CreateOrderChangeRequest {
                * The changes you wish to make to your order
            changes: {
                        * The [slices](https://duffel.com/docs/api/overview/key-principles) that make up this offer request. One-way journeys can be expressed using one slice, whereas return trips will need two.
                    slices: {
                                * The search criteria for slices which you wish to add to your order
                            add: {
                                        * The cabin that the passengers want to travel in
                                    cabin_class: CabinClass;
                                        * The [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) date on which the passengers want to depart
                                    departure_date: string;
                                        * The 3-letter IATA code for the city or airport where this slice ends
                                    destination: string;
                                        * The 3-letter IATA code for the city or airport where this slice starts
                                    origin: string;
                                * The slices that you wish to remove from your order
                            remove: {
                                    slice_id: string;
                * The order ID you wish to change
            order_id: string;
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