from time import sleep
# Add information to file
def append_new_line(file_path, new_info):
with open(file_path, "a") as file:
file.write(f"{new_info}, \n")
# Open and Read the file
def read_file(file_path, index):
with open(file_path, "r") as file:
get_info = []
for line in file:
get_info += [line.split(", ")[index].strip()]
return get_info
# Print message
def print_message(sentence):
print("*" * len(sentence))
print("*" * len(sentence))
# Continue or exit
def register_confirmation():
print("1. Login")
print("2. Register")
print("3. Exit")
print("-" * 28)
choice = input(">>> ")
if choice == "1":
return "Login"
elif choice == "2":
return "Register"
elif choice == "3":
return "Exit"
# Home Page
def home_page():
print("1. Personal Information")
print("2. View Products")
print("3. Buy Product")
print("4. Logout")
home_page_choice = input(">>> ")
if home_page_choice == "1":
return "Personal Information"
elif home_page_choice == "2":
return "View Products"
elif home_page_choice == "3":
return "Buy Product"
elif home_page_choice == "4":
return "Logout"
# Personal Information
def customer_profile(customer_name):
print(f"Name: {customer_name}")
# Check Username and Password
def name_and_password_check(input_username, input_password):
username_checked = read_file("customer_profile.txt", 0)
password_checked = read_file("customer_profile.txt", 1)
if input_username in username_checked and input_password in password_checked:
return True
return False
# # Check Username
# def is_user_exist(input_username):
# username_checked = read_file("customer_profile.txt", 0)
# if input_username in username_checked:
# return True
# return False
# # Check Password
# def is_password_match(input_password):
# password_checked = read_file("customer_profile.txt", 1)
# if input_password in password_checked:
# return True
# return False
# Login system
# def login(input_username, input_password):
# if is_user_exist(input_username) and is_password_match(input_password):
# print_message(f"Welcome Back, {input_username}!")
# return input_username
# else:
# print_message("This user is not found.")
def login(input_username, input_password):
if name_and_password_check(input_username, input_password):
print_message(f"Welcome Back, {input_username}!")
print_message("You enter a wrong username or wrong password!")
# Register system
def registration(input_username, input_password):
if is_user_exist(input_username):
print_message("This username has been used!")
append_new_line("customer_profile.txt", input_username)
print_message(f"Thanks, {input_username}, your account has been successfully registered")
# Beginning
print_message("Welcome to Beautiful Blooms 🌺")
# Main Program
while True:
choice = register_confirmation()
if choice == "Login":
login(input("Enter your name: "), input("Enter your password: "))
home_page_choice = home_page()
if home_page_choice == "Personal Information":
elif home_page_choice == "View Products":
elif home_page_choice == "Buy Product":
elif home_page_choice == "Logout":
print_message("Successfully Logout")
elif choice == "Register":
registration(input("Enter your name: "))
elif choice == "Exit":
print_message("See You Again!")
print_message("Invalid Input!")