a year ago
12 kB
function b2bking_has_fixed_price( $product ) { if (!is_a($product,'WC_Product_Variation') && !is_a($product,'WC_Product')){ $product = wc_get_product($product); } $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $account_type = get_user_meta($user_id,'b2bking_account_type', true); if ($account_type === 'subaccount'){ // for all intents and purposes set current user as the subaccount parent $parent_user_id = get_user_meta($user_id, 'b2bking_account_parent', true); $user_id = $parent_user_id; } $currentusergroupidnr = b2bking()->get_user_group($user_id); if (!$currentusergroupidnr || empty($currentusergroupidnr)){ $currentusergroupidnr = 'invalid'; } // Get current product $current_product_id = $product->get_id(); $response = b2bking()->get_applicable_rules('fixed_price', $current_product_id); // abort early if ($response === 'norules'){ return false; } $fixed_price_rules = $response[0]; $current_product_belongsto_array = $response[1]; // if multiple fixed price rules apply, give the smallest price to the user $have_fixed_price = NULL; $smallest_fixed_price = 0; $fixed_price_rules = b2bking()->get_rules_apply_priority($fixed_price_rules); foreach ($fixed_price_rules as $fixed_price_rule){ // Get rule details $type = get_post_meta($fixed_price_rule, 'b2bking_rule_what', true); $howmuch = get_post_meta($fixed_price_rule, 'b2bking_rule_howmuch', true); $applies = explode('_',get_post_meta($fixed_price_rule, 'b2bking_rule_applies', true)); $rule_multiple_options = get_post_meta($fixed_price_rule, 'b2bking_rule_applies_multiple_options', true); $rule_multiple_options_array = explode(',',$rule_multiple_options); $cart = WC()->cart; // Get conditions $passconditions = 'yes'; $conditions = get_post_meta($fixed_price_rule, 'b2bking_rule_conditions', true); if (!empty($conditions)){ $conditions = explode('|',$conditions); if ($applies[0] === 'multiple'){ // if rule is multiple products / categories rule $temporary_pass_conditions = 'no'; // if at least 1 element passes, change to yes // for each element that applies to the product and is part of the rule, check if at least 1 passes the conditions foreach($current_product_belongsto_array as $element){ if(in_array($element, $rule_multiple_options_array)){ $element_array = explode('_', $element); // if element is product or if element is category if ($element_array[0] === 'product'){ $passes_inside_conditions = 'yes'; $product_quantity = 0; if(is_object($cart)) { foreach($cart->get_cart() as $cart_item){ if(intval($element_array[1]) === intval($cart_item['product_id'])){ $product_quantity = $cart_item["quantity"];// Quantity break; } } } // check all product conditions against it foreach ($conditions as $condition){ $condition_details = explode(';',$condition); $condition_details[2] = b2bking()->get_woocs_price($condition_details[2]); switch ($condition_details[0]){ case 'product_quantity': switch ($condition_details[1]){ case 'greater': if (intval($condition_details[2]) !== 0){ if (! ($product_quantity > intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passes_inside_conditions = 'no'; break 3; } } break; case 'equal': if (intval($condition_details[2]) !== 0){ if (! ($product_quantity === intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passes_inside_conditions = 'no'; break 3; } } break; case 'smaller': if (! ($product_quantity < intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passes_inside_conditions = 'no'; break 3; } break; } break; case 'cart_total_quantity': switch ($condition_details[1]){ case 'greater': if (intval($condition_details[2]) !== 0){ if (! ($cart->cart_contents_count > intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passes_inside_conditions = 'no'; break 3; } } break; case 'equal': if (intval($condition_details[2]) !== 0){ if (! ($cart->cart_contents_count === intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passes_inside_conditions = 'no'; break 3; } } break; case 'smaller': if (! ($cart->cart_contents_count < intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passes_inside_conditions = 'no'; break 3; } break; } break; } } if ($passes_inside_conditions === 'yes'){ $temporary_pass_conditions = 'yes'; break; // if 1 element passed, no need to check all other elements } } else if ($element_array[0] === 'category'){ // check all category conditions against it + car total conditions $passes_inside_conditions = 'yes'; $category_quantity = 0; if(is_object($cart)) { foreach($cart->get_cart() as $cart_item){ if(b2bking()->b2bking_has_category($element_array[1], 'product_cat', $cart_item['product_id'])){ $category_quantity += $cart_item["quantity"]; // add item quantity } } } foreach ($conditions as $condition){ $condition_details = explode(';',$condition); $condition_details[2] = b2bking()->get_woocs_price($condition_details[2]); switch ($condition_details[0]){ case 'category_product_quantity': switch ($condition_details[1]){ case 'greater': if (intval($condition_details[2]) !== 0){ if (! ($category_quantity > intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passes_inside_conditions = 'no'; break 3; } } break; case 'equal': if (intval($condition_details[2]) !== 0){ if (! ($category_quantity === intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passes_inside_conditions = 'no'; break 3; } } break; case 'smaller': if (! ($category_quantity < intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passes_inside_conditions = 'no'; break 3; } break; } break; case 'cart_total_quantity': switch ($condition_details[1]){ case 'greater': if (intval($condition_details[2]) !== 0){ if (! ($cart->cart_contents_count > intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passes_inside_conditions = 'no'; break 3; } } break; case 'equal': if (intval($condition_details[2]) !== 0){ if (! ($cart->cart_contents_count === intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passes_inside_conditions = 'no'; break 3; } } break; case 'smaller': if (! ($cart->cart_contents_count < intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passes_inside_conditions = 'no'; break 3; } break; } break; } } if ($passes_inside_conditions === 'yes'){ $temporary_pass_conditions = 'yes'; break; // if 1 element passed, no need to check all other elements } } } } //foreach element end if ($temporary_pass_conditions === 'no'){ $passconditions = 'no'; } } else { // if rule is simple product, category, or total cart role $category_products_number = 0; $category_products_value = 0; $products_number = 0; $products_value = 0; // Check rule is category rule or product rule if ($applies[0] === 'category'){ // Calculate number of products in cart of this category AND total price of these products if(is_object($cart)) { foreach($cart->get_cart() as $cart_item){ if(b2bking()->b2bking_has_category($applies[1], 'product_cat', $cart_item['product_id'])){ $item_qty = $cart_item["quantity"];// Quantity $item_line_total = apply_filters('b2bking_line_total_rules', $cart_item["line_total"], $cart_item); // Item total price (price x quantity) $category_products_number += $item_qty; // ctotal number of items in cart $category_products_value += $item_line_total; // calculated total items amount } } } } else if ($applies[0] === 'product') { if(is_object($cart)) { foreach($cart->get_cart() as $cart_item){ if(intval($current_product_id) === intval($cart_item['product_id']) or intval($current_product_id) === intval($cart_item['variation_id'])){ $item_qty = $cart_item["quantity"];// Quantity if (isset($cart_item['line_total'])){ $item_line_total = apply_filters('b2bking_line_total_rules', $cart_item["line_total"], $cart_item); // Item total price (price x quantity) $products_value += $item_line_total; // calculated total items amount } $products_number += $item_qty; // ctotal number of items in cart } } } } foreach ($conditions as $condition){ $condition_details = explode(';',$condition); $condition_details[2] = b2bking()->get_woocs_price($condition_details[2]); switch ($condition_details[0]){ case 'product_quantity': switch ($condition_details[1]){ case 'greater': if (intval($condition_details[2]) !== 0){ if (! ($products_number > intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passconditions = 'no'; break 3; } } break; case 'equal': if (intval($condition_details[2]) !== 0){ if (! ($products_number === intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passconditions = 'no'; break 3; } } break; case 'smaller': if (! ($products_number < intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passconditions = 'no'; break 3; } break; } break; case 'category_product_quantity': switch ($condition_details[1]){ case 'greater': if (intval($condition_details[2]) !== 0){ if (! ($category_products_number > intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passconditions = 'no'; break 3; } } break; case 'equal': if (intval($condition_details[2]) !== 0){ if (! ($category_products_number === intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passconditions = 'no'; break 3; } } break; case 'smaller': if (! ($category_products_number < intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passconditions = 'no'; break 3; } break; } break; case 'cart_total_quantity': switch ($condition_details[1]){ case 'greater': if (intval($condition_details[2]) !== 0){ if (! ($cart->cart_contents_count > intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passconditions = 'no'; break 3; } } break; case 'equal': if (intval($condition_details[2]) !== 0){ if (! ($cart->cart_contents_count === intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passconditions = 'no'; break 3; } } break; case 'smaller': if (! ($cart->cart_contents_count < intval($condition_details[2]))){ $passconditions = 'no'; break 3; } break; } break; } } } } // Passed conditions if ($passconditions === 'yes'){ if ($have_fixed_price === NULL){ $have_fixed_price = 'yes'; $smallest_fixed_price = floatval($howmuch); } else { if (floatval($howmuch) < $smallest_fixed_price){ $smallest_fixed_price = floatval($howmuch); } } } else { // do nothing } } //foreach end if($have_fixed_price !== NULL){ return true; } else { return false; } }