func (repo *monitoringRepoImpl) GetMonitoringList(ctx context.Context, req dto.GetLivenessListRequest) error { ctx, span := otel.Tracer("monitoringRepo").Start(ctx, "GetMonitoringList") defer span.End() // var finalQuery string var whereFilter string var joinFilter string // var orderFilter string // var result string baseQuery := "SELECT anti_spoofing_log.*, face_image.* FROM anti_spoofing_log" joinFilter = ` JOIN face_image ON ( ( anti_spoofing_log.session_id = face_image.session_id AND anti_spoofing_log.log_type != 'face_comparison_im_2' AND anti_spoofing_log.log_type != 'face_comparison_im_1' ) OR ( anti_spoofing_log.session_id = face_image.session_id AND anti_spoofing_log.log_type = 'face_comparison_im_1' AND face_image.endpoint_name = 'compare_1' ) OR ( anti_spoofing_log.session_id = face_image.session_id AND anti_spoofing_log.log_type = 'face_comparison_im_2' AND face_image.endpoint_name = 'compare_2' ) ) ` whereFilter = fmt.Sprintf(` WHERE anti_spoofing_log.created_at BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s'`, *req.ListFilter.StartDate, *req.ListFilter.EndDate, ) if !util.Deref(req.ListFilter.IsLabeled) { joinFilter += ` LEFT JOIN liveness_labeling ON anti_spoofing_log.id = liveness_labeling.anti_spoofing_log_id ` whereFilter += ` AND liveness_labeling.anti_spoofing_log_id IS NULL ` } else if *req.ListFilter.IsLabeled { joinFilter += ` JOIN liveness_labeling ON anti_spoofing_log.id = liveness_labeling.anti_spoofing_log_id ` } else if req.ListFilter.IsLabeled == nil { joinFilter += ` LEFT JOIN liveness_labeling ON anti_spoofing_log.id = liveness_labeling.anti_spoofing_log_id ` } v := reflect.ValueOf(&req.LabelFilter).Elem() t := reflect.TypeOf(&req.LabelFilter).Elem() for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ { field := v.Field(i) tag := t.Field(i).Tag.Get("query") if tag != "" && field.IsValid() && !field.IsNil() { switch field.Kind() { case reflect.Ptr: elem := field.Elem() if elem.Kind() == reflect.String { whereFilter += fmt.Sprintf(` AND liveness_labeling.%s = '%s'`, tag, elem.String()) } if elem.Kind() == reflect.Bool { whereFilter += fmt.Sprintf(` AND liveness_labeling.%s = %t`, tag, elem.Bool()) } default: whereFilter += fmt.Sprintf(`AND liveness_labeling.%s = '%v'`, tag, field.Interface()) } } } if req.ListFilter.HasGroundTruth == nil { joinFilter += ` LEFT JOIN liveness_ground_truth ON anti_spoofing_log.id = liveness_ground_truth.anti_spoofing_log_id ` } else if !*req.ListFilter.HasGroundTruth { joinFilter += ` LEFT JOIN liveness_ground_truth ON anti_spoofing_log.id = liveness_ground_truth.anti_spoofing_log_id ` whereFilter += ` AND liveness_ground_truth.anti_spoofing_log_id IS NULL ` } else if *req.ListFilter.HasGroundTruth { joinFilter += ` LEFT JOIN liveness_ground_truth ON anti_spoofing_log.id = liveness_ground_truth.anti_spoofing_log_id ` } if req.ListFilter.LivenessGroundTruth != nil { whereFilter += fmt.Sprintf(` AND liveness_ground_truth = %t `, *req.ListFilter.LivenessGroundTruth) } if req.ListFilter.IsCorrectPrediction != nil { if *req.ListFilter.IsCorrectPrediction { whereFilter += ` liveness_ground_truth.liveness_ground_truth = liveness_ground_truth.liveness_result_snapshot ` } else if !*req.ListFilter.IsCorrectPrediction { whereFilter += ` liveness_ground_truth.liveness_ground_truth != liveness_ground_truth.liveness_result_snapshot ` } } var search string if req.ListFilter.SessionID != nil && *req.ListFilter.SessionID != "" { search = fmt.Sprintf("%%%s%%", *req.ListFilter.SessionID) whereFilter += fmt.Sprintf(` AND anti_spoofing_log.session_id ILIKE %s `, search) } if req.ListFilter.ApplicationID != nil && *req.ListFilter.ApplicationID != "" { search = fmt.Sprintf("%%%s%%", *req.ListFilter.ApplicationID) whereFilter += fmt.Sprintf(` AND anti_spoofing_log.application_id ILIKE '%s' `, search) } if len(req.ListFilter.EndpointName) > 0 { whereFilter += fmt.Sprintf(` AND face_image.endpoint_name IN (%s) `, strings.Join(req.ListFilter.EndpointName, ",")) } if req.ListFilter.FasStatus != nil { whereFilter += fmt.Sprintf(` CAST(anti_spoofing_log.results->'liveness'->>'status' AS BOOLEAN) = %t `, *req.ListFilter.FasStatus) } if req.ListFilter.IsTest != nil { whereFilter += fmt.Sprintf(` AND anti_spoofing_log.is_test = %t `, *req.ListFilter.IsTest) } result := make(map[string]interface{}) finalQuery := baseQuery+joinFilter+whereFilter+" ORDER BY anti_spoofing_log.id ASC;" print(finalQuery) err := repo.DB.QueryRow( ctx, finalQuery, ).Scan(&result) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return err } for key, value := range result { log.Println("%s: %v\n", key, value) } log.Println(baseQuery + joinFilter + whereFilter) return nil }
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