2 months ago
70 kB
/* This file was generated by the Hex-Rays decompiler version Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Hex-Rays <info@hex-rays.com> Detected compiler: Visual C++ */ #include <windows.h> #include <math.h> #include <defs.h> //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function declarations #define __thiscall __cdecl // Test compile in C mode char *__thiscall sub_10001000(char *this, int a2); const char *__thiscall sub_10001030(_DWORD *this); char *__thiscall sub_10001040(char *Block, char a2); char *__thiscall sub_10001090(char *this); void __noreturn sub_100010B0(); char *__thiscall sub_100010D0(char *this, int a2); char *__thiscall sub_10001110(char *this, int a2); void __noreturn sub_10001150(); void **__thiscall sub_10001160(void **this); void **__cdecl sub_10001380(_DWORD *Src, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, unsigned int a6); void __thiscall sub_10001520(HMODULE this); void __stdcall __noreturn StartAddress(HMODULE lpThreadParameter); BOOL __stdcall DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved); void **__thiscall sub_10001A40(void **Src, const unsigned __int16 *Srca); int __thiscall sub_10001AC0(_DWORD *this); void **__thiscall sub_10001B20(void **this, void *Src); _DWORD *__thiscall sub_10001B70(_DWORD *this, _DWORD *Src); void **__thiscall sub_10001C50(void **this, void *Src, unsigned int a3); size_t *__thiscall sub_10001DA0(size_t *this, void *Src, size_t Size); char __fastcall sub_10001ED0(char *a1, int a2); int __fastcall sub_10001F10(unsigned __int16 *a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5); void **__thiscall sub_10002060(void **Src, size_t Size, int a3, void *Srca, int a5); char __fastcall sub_100021E0(int a1, int a2); char __thiscall sub_10002250(int this, LPCWSTR lpFileName); int __cdecl sub_100023E0(_OWORD **a1); int __thiscall sub_100025E0(int this); int __cdecl sub_100026B0(int a1); int __thiscall sub_100027E0(_DWORD *this); int __thiscall sub_10002920(int this); int __thiscall sub_10002A90(int this); int __cdecl sub_10002B60(int a1); // int __usercall sub_10002C00@<eax>(_OWORD **a1@<edx>, int a2, int a3, int a4); _DWORD *__thiscall sub_10002E77(_DWORD *this); // _DWORD __thiscall std::exception::exception(std::exception *__hidden this, const char *const); idb char *__thiscall sub_10002EC4(char *this, int a2); std::exception *__thiscall sub_10002EDF(std::exception *this, char *a2); char *__thiscall sub_10002EFE(char *this, int a2); void __cdecl __noreturn sub_10002F46(char *a1); // idb // void *__cdecl operator new(size_t Size); idb void __cdecl sub_10002FA4(void *Block); // int __cdecl unknown_libname_3(_DWORD); weak _DWORD *__thiscall sub_10002FBB(_DWORD *Block, char a2); void __noreturn sub_10003463(); // weak void __cdecl j_j___free_base(void *Block); void sub_1000351D(); int sub_10003529(); void *sub_10003535(); void *sub_1000353B(); char sub_1000362C(); __vcrt_bool sub_10003690(); void *sub_10003836(); void sub_10003957(); void sub_1000395F(); void sub_1000398B(); int sub_10003BFB(); // _DWORD __cdecl __std_exception_copy(_DWORD, _DWORD); weak // _DWORD __cdecl __std_exception_destroy(_DWORD); weak // void __stdcall __noreturn _CxxThrowException(void *pExceptionObject, _ThrowInfo *pThrowInfo); // int __cdecl __std_type_info_destroy_list(PSLIST_HEADER ListHead); idb // __vcrt_bool __cdecl __vcrt_thread_detach(); // __vcrt_bool __cdecl __vcrt_uninitialize(__vcrt_bool Terminating); // __vcrt_bool __cdecl __vcrt_uninitialize_critical(); // void *__cdecl memset(void *, int Val, size_t Size); char *__thiscall sub_1000500C(char *this, int a2); _DWORD *__thiscall sub_10005027(_DWORD *this); // _DWORD __cdecl _local_unwind4(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); weak // void *__cdecl memmove(void *, const void *Src, size_t Size); void __stdcall sub_10005EC0(int a1); // int __usercall sub_10005EF0@<eax>(int (*a1)(void)@<eax>); // wchar_t *__cdecl wcsncpy(wchar_t *Destination, const wchar_t *Source, size_t Count); // _DWORD __stdcall unknown_libname_4(_DWORD); weak int __cdecl sub_100060AF(int a1); // void __cdecl _invalid_parameter_noinfo(); // void __cdecl __noreturn _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(); void __cdecl j___free_base(void *Block); // void *__cdecl malloc(size_t Size); int __cdecl sub_100061AE(int a1); int __cdecl sub_100066A7(int a1); int sub_100066DB(); // int __cdecl unknown_libname_5(void *Block); idb void *__cdecl sub_10006B73(void **a1); void *__cdecl sub_10006B8E(void **a1); // int __dcrt_uninitialize_environments_nolock(void); weak // _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<char *>::operator()<_lambda_0fef6fff2b5e6b53303c9058db11ae1f_,_lambda_082c17da81b0962e08c0587ee0fac50c_ &,_lambda_fa6e051aed0a38726081083cc7c328e9_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); weak int __cdecl sub_10006C36(int a1, int a2); char sub_10006DD8(); char sub_10006E04(); char sub_10006E07(); __vcrt_bool sub_10006E4C(); // __crt_bool __cdecl __acrt_thread_detach(); // __crt_bool __cdecl __acrt_uninitialize_critical(__crt_bool Terminating); // _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_3518db117f0e7cdb002338c5d3c47b6c_,_lambda_b2ea41f6bbb362cd97d94c6828d90b61_ &,_lambda_abdedf541bb04549bc734292b4a045d4_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); weak // _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_51b6e8b1eb166f2a3faf91f424b38130_,_lambda_6250bd4b2a391816dd638c3bf72b0bcb_ &,_lambda_0b5a4a3e68152e1d9b943535f5f47bed_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); weak // _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_5b71d36f03204c0beab531769a5b5694_,_lambda_be2b3da3f62db62e9dad5dc70221a656_ &,_lambda_8f9ce462984622f9bf76b59e2aaaf805_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); weak // _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_9df27f884b057bc3edfc946cb5b7cf47_,_lambda_e69574bed617af4e071282c136b37893_ &,_lambda_cc0d902bcbbeb830f749456577db4721_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); weak int __cdecl sub_10007296(int a1, int a2); int __cdecl sub_100072BE(int a1, int a2); int __cdecl sub_100072E6(int a1, int a2); int __cdecl sub_1000730E(int a1, int a2); // void __cdecl _free_base(void *Block); // unsigned int *__cdecl __doserrno(); // int *__cdecl _errno(); int __thiscall sub_100080D2(_DWORD **this, void *Block); // int unknown_libname_10(void); weak // _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_c76fdea48760d5f9368b465f31df4405_,_lambda_e378711a6f6581bf7f0efd7cdf97f5d9_ &,_lambda_e927a58b2a85c081d733e8c6192ae2d2_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); weak int __cdecl sub_100081DC(int a1, int a2); // int __acrt_update_thread_multibyte_data(void); weak char *__cdecl sub_10008AE9(void *Block, unsigned int a2, unsigned int a3); char sub_10008B72(); // _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<void (__cdecl *)(int)>::operator()<_lambda_a048d3beccc847880fc8490e18b82769_,_lambda_ec61778202f4f5fc7e7711acc23c3bca_ &,_lambda_f7496a158712204296dd6628a163878e_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); weak int __cdecl sub_10008E94(int a1, int a2); int __cdecl sub_100091A2(int a1); struct __crt_locale_data *__cdecl sub_10009313(int a1, struct __crt_locale_data **a2); void *__cdecl sub_10009340(int a1, void **a2); __int32 sub_100094CF(); // int __acrt_update_thread_locale_data(void); weak int sub_100098E3(); // size_t __cdecl _msize(void *Block); // void *__cdecl _realloc_base(void *Block, size_t Size); int sub_1000A7DF(); // _DWORD __cdecl common_flush_all(_DWORD); weak int sub_1000AC7A(); // _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<int>::operator()<_lambda_61cee617f5178ae960314fd4d05640a0_,_lambda_6978c1fb23f02e42e1d9e99668cc68aa_ &,_lambda_9cd88cf8ad10232537feb2133f08c833_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); weak int __cdecl sub_1000AD18(int a1, int a2); int sub_1000BAE6(); // void __usercall sub_1000BD84(char a1@<ch>, int a2@<ebp>); // int _ffexpm1(void); weak // int isintTOS(void); weak // _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<int>::operator()<_lambda_123407a5e2ac06da108355a851863b7a_,_lambda_2fe9b910cf3cbf4a0ab98a02ba45b3ec_ &,_lambda_ae55bdf541ad94d75914d381c370e64d_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); weak int __cdecl sub_1000C6C6(int a1, int a2); int __cdecl sub_1000C6EE(int a1); // BOOL __stdcall IsProcessorFeaturePresent(DWORD ProcessorFeature); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data declarations // extern LPVOID (__stdcall *VirtualAlloc)(LPVOID lpAddress, SIZE_T dwSize, DWORD flAllocationType, DWORD flProtect); // extern DWORD (__stdcall *GetModuleFileNameW)(HMODULE hModule, LPWSTR lpFilename, DWORD nSize); // extern void (__stdcall __noreturn *FreeLibraryAndExitThread)(HMODULE hLibModule, DWORD dwExitCode); // extern BOOL (__stdcall *CloseHandle)(HANDLE hObject); // extern HMODULE (__stdcall *LoadLibraryW)(LPCWSTR lpLibFileName); // extern HANDLE (__stdcall *CreateThread)(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, SIZE_T dwStackSize, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress, LPVOID lpParameter, DWORD dwCreationFlags, LPDWORD lpThreadId); // extern HMODULE (__stdcall *GetModuleHandleW)(LPCWSTR lpModuleName); // extern BOOL (__stdcall *ReadFile)(HANDLE hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped); // extern HANDLE (__stdcall *CreateFileW)(LPCWSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile); // extern DWORD (__stdcall *GetFileSize)(HANDLE hFile, LPDWORD lpFileSizeHigh); // extern BOOL (__stdcall *VirtualProtect)(LPVOID lpAddress, SIZE_T dwSize, DWORD flNewProtect, PDWORD lpflOldProtect); // extern HMODULE (__stdcall *LoadLibraryA)(LPCSTR lpLibFileName); // extern FARPROC (__stdcall *GetProcAddress)(HMODULE hModule, LPCSTR lpProcName); // extern void (__stdcall *InitializeSListHead)(PSLIST_HEADER ListHead); void *std::exception::`vftable' = &sub_10001040; // weak void *std::bad_alloc::`vftable' = &sub_10001040; // weak void *std::logic_error::`vftable' = &unknown_libname_2; // weak void *std::length_error::`vftable' = &unknown_libname_2; // weak void *type_info::`vftable' = &sub_10002FBB; // weak void *std::bad_array_new_length::`vftable' = &sub_10001040; // weak void *std::bad_exception::`vftable' = &unknown_libname_2; // weak wchar_t asc_10012DA8[3] = L"\\/"; // weak char byte_10012DE8[9] = { '\x87', 'E', 'A', '\x94', '\xBF', '\xC3', '$', 'g', '\x11' }; // weak _UNKNOWN unk_10012DF1; // weak const _ThrowInfo _TI2_AVbad_alloc_std__ = { 0u, &unknown_libname_1, NULL, &_CTA2_AVbad_alloc_std__ }; // idb const _ThrowInfo _TI3_AVlength_error_std__ = { 0u, &unknown_libname_1, NULL, &_CTA3_AVlength_error_std__ }; // idb const _ThrowInfo _TI3_AVbad_array_new_length_std__ = { 0u, &unknown_libname_1, NULL, &_CTA3_AVbad_array_new_length_std__ }; // idb uintptr_t __security_cookie = 3141592654u; void *Block = &unk_10015358; // idb wchar_t *off_10015580 = L" ((((( H"; // weak int dword_100156F0 = -2; // weak union _SLIST_HEADER ListHead; // idb _UNKNOWN unk_10015B78; // weak _UNKNOWN unk_10015B80; // weak int dword_10015BAC; // weak int dword_10015C68; // weak int dword_10015C6C; // weak void *dword_10015D88; // idb void *dword_10015D8C; // idb HANDLE hHeap; // idb int dword_10015FF8[128]; // weak int dword_100161F8; // weak struct __crt_locale_data *dword_10016210; // idb int dword_10016224; // weak int dword_10016228; // weak int dword_10016234; // weak _UNKNOWN unk_10016244; // weak int dword_1001624C; // weak //----- (10001000) -------------------------------------------------------- char *__thiscall sub_10001000(char *this, int a2) { *(_DWORD *)this = &std::exception::`vftable'; *(_QWORD *)(this + 4) = 0LL; __std_exception_copy(a2 + 4, this + 4); return this; } // 10003FC1: using guessed type _DWORD __cdecl __std_exception_copy(_DWORD, _DWORD); // 1000E174: using guessed type void *std::exception::`vftable'; //----- (10001030) -------------------------------------------------------- const char *__thiscall sub_10001030(_DWORD *this) { int v1; // ecx const char *result; // eax v1 = this[1]; result = "Unknown exception"; if ( v1 ) return (const char *)v1; return result; } //----- (10001040) -------------------------------------------------------- char *__thiscall sub_10001040(char *Block, char a2) { *(_DWORD *)Block = &std::exception::`vftable'; __std_exception_destroy(Block + 4); if ( (a2 & 1) != 0 ) sub_10002FA4(Block); return Block; } // 10004024: using guessed type _DWORD __cdecl __std_exception_destroy(_DWORD); // 1000E174: using guessed type void *std::exception::`vftable'; //----- (10001090) -------------------------------------------------------- char *__thiscall sub_10001090(char *this) { char *result; // eax result = this; *(_QWORD *)(this + 4) = 0LL; *((_DWORD *)this + 1) = "bad array new length"; *(_DWORD *)this = &std::bad_array_new_length::`vftable'; return result; } // 1000E1C8: using guessed type void *std::bad_array_new_length::`vftable'; //----- (100010B0) -------------------------------------------------------- void __noreturn sub_100010B0() { char pExceptionObject[12]; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch] BYREF sub_10001090(pExceptionObject); _CxxThrowException(pExceptionObject, (_ThrowInfo *)&_TI3_AVbad_array_new_length_std__); } //----- (100010D0) -------------------------------------------------------- char *__thiscall sub_100010D0(char *this, int a2) { *(_DWORD *)this = &std::exception::`vftable'; *(_QWORD *)(this + 4) = 0LL; __std_exception_copy(a2 + 4, this + 4); *(_DWORD *)this = &std::bad_array_new_length::`vftable'; return this; } // 10003FC1: using guessed type _DWORD __cdecl __std_exception_copy(_DWORD, _DWORD); // 1000E174: using guessed type void *std::exception::`vftable'; // 1000E1C8: using guessed type void *std::bad_array_new_length::`vftable'; //----- (10001110) -------------------------------------------------------- char *__thiscall sub_10001110(char *this, int a2) { *(_DWORD *)this = &std::exception::`vftable'; *(_QWORD *)(this + 4) = 0LL; __std_exception_copy(a2 + 4, this + 4); *(_DWORD *)this = &std::bad_alloc::`vftable'; return this; } // 10003FC1: using guessed type _DWORD __cdecl __std_exception_copy(_DWORD, _DWORD); // 1000E174: using guessed type void *std::exception::`vftable'; // 1000E180: using guessed type void *std::bad_alloc::`vftable'; //----- (10001150) -------------------------------------------------------- void __noreturn sub_10001150() { sub_10002F46("string too long"); } //----- (10001160) -------------------------------------------------------- void **__thiscall sub_10001160(void **this) { unsigned int v2; // ebx unsigned __int16 *v3; // ecx char *v4; // edi char *v5; // eax int v6; // ecx bool v7; // cf void **v8; // eax void *v9; // edx int v11; // [esp-10h] [ebp-258h] int v12; // [esp-Ch] [ebp-254h] unsigned int v13; // [esp+14h] [ebp-234h] void *Block[4]; // [esp+18h] [ebp-230h] BYREF int v15; // [esp+28h] [ebp-220h] unsigned int v16; // [esp+2Ch] [ebp-21Ch] WCHAR Filename[260]; // [esp+30h] [ebp-218h] BYREF int v18; // [esp+244h] [ebp-4h] GetModuleFileNameW(0, Filename, 0x104u); Block[0] = 0; v15 = 0; v16 = 7; sub_10001C50(Block, Filename, wcslen(Filename)); v2 = v16; v3 = (unsigned __int16 *)Block; v4 = (char *)Block[0]; if ( v16 >= 8 ) v3 = (unsigned __int16 *)Block[0]; v13 = sub_10001F10(v3, v15, v11, v12, 2); if ( v2 >= 8 ) { v5 = v4; if ( 2 * v2 + 2 >= 0x1000 ) { v4 = (char *)*((_DWORD *)v4 - 1); if ( (unsigned int)(v5 - v4 - 4) > 0x1F ) _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(); } sub_10002FA4(v4); } v15 = 0; v16 = 7; Block[0] = 0; sub_10001C50(Block, Filename, wcslen(Filename)); v6 = v13; v18 = 0; v7 = v15 < v13; this[4] = 0; if ( v7 ) v6 = v15; v7 = v16 < 8; this[5] = 0; *this = 0; this[4] = 0; this[5] = (void *)7; *(_WORD *)this = 0; v8 = Block; if ( !v7 ) v8 = (void **)Block[0]; sub_10001C50(this, v8, v6); if ( v16 >= 8 ) { v9 = Block[0]; if ( 2 * v16 + 2 >= 0x1000 ) { v9 = (void *)*((_DWORD *)Block[0] - 1); if ( (unsigned int)((char *)Block[0] - (char *)v9 - 4) > 0x1F ) _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(); } sub_10002FA4(v9); } return this; } // 10001222: variable 'v11' is possibly undefined // 10001222: variable 'v12' is possibly undefined //----- (10001380) -------------------------------------------------------- void **__cdecl sub_10001380(_DWORD *Src, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, unsigned int a6) { void **v6; // ecx void **v7; // esi unsigned __int16 *v8; // eax unsigned __int16 *v9; // ecx unsigned int v10; // edi void *v11; // edx _DWORD *v12; // ecx void *v13; // edx void *v14; // edx int v16; // [esp-10h] [ebp-4Ch] int v17; // [esp-Ch] [ebp-48h] void *Block[5]; // [esp+14h] [ebp-28h] BYREF unsigned int v19; // [esp+28h] [ebp-14h] int v20; // [esp+38h] [ebp-4h] v7 = v6; v20 = 0; v8 = (unsigned __int16 *)sub_10001B70(Block, &Src); v9 = v8; if ( *((_DWORD *)v8 + 5) >= 8u ) v9 = *(unsigned __int16 **)v8; v10 = sub_10001F10(v9, *((_DWORD *)v8 + 4), v16, v17, 2); if ( v19 >= 8 ) { v11 = Block[0]; if ( 2 * v19 + 2 >= 0x1000 ) { v11 = (void *)*((_DWORD *)Block[0] - 1); if ( (unsigned int)((char *)Block[0] - (char *)v11 - 4) > 0x1F ) _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(); } sub_10002FA4(v11); } v12 = sub_10001B70(Block, &Src); LOBYTE(v20) = 1; v7[4] = 0; v7[5] = 0; *v7 = 0; v7[4] = 0; v7[5] = (void *)7; *(_WORD *)v7 = 0; if ( v12[4] < v10 ) v10 = v12[4]; if ( v12[5] >= 8u ) v12 = (_DWORD *)*v12; sub_10001C50(v7, v12, v10); if ( v19 >= 8 ) { v13 = Block[0]; if ( 2 * v19 + 2 >= 0x1000 ) { v13 = (void *)*((_DWORD *)Block[0] - 1); if ( (unsigned int)((char *)Block[0] - (char *)v13 - 4) > 0x1F ) goto LABEL_21; } sub_10002FA4(v13); } Block[4] = 0; v19 = 7; LOWORD(Block[0]) = 0; if ( a6 >= 8 ) { v14 = Src; if ( 2 * a6 + 2 < 0x1000 || (v14 = (void *)*(Src - 1), (unsigned int)((char *)Src - (_BYTE *)v14 - 4) <= 0x1F) ) { sub_10002FA4(v14); return v7; } LABEL_21: _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(); } return v7; } // 100013AA: variable 'v6' is possibly undefined // 100013DA: variable 'v16' is possibly undefined // 100013DA: variable 'v17' is possibly undefined //----- (10001520) -------------------------------------------------------- void __thiscall sub_10001520(HMODULE this) { const unsigned __int16 *v2; // esi void **v3; // eax void **v4; // eax _BYTE *v5; // edx unsigned int v6; // ecx _DWORD *v7; // eax const WCHAR *v8; // ecx _DWORD *v9; // edi void *v10; // edx void **v11; // eax void *v12; // esi unsigned int v13; // ecx _OWORD *v14; // eax _BYTE *v15; // eax unsigned int v16; // ecx wchar_t *v17; // edi signed int v18; // eax unsigned int v19; // ecx void *v20; // esi int v21; // ecx void *v22; // eax void *v23; // edi void *v24; // eax void *v25; // esi WCHAR *v26; // edx unsigned int v27; // ecx void *v28[2]; // [esp-18h] [ebp-94h] BYREF int v29; // [esp-10h] [ebp-8Ch] int v30; // [esp-Ch] [ebp-88h] const void *v31; // [esp-8h] [ebp-84h] unsigned int v32; // [esp-4h] [ebp-80h] _OWORD *v33; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-70h] BYREF _OWORD *v34; // [esp+10h] [ebp-6Ch] _OWORD *v35; // [esp+14h] [ebp-68h] void *v36; // [esp+18h] [ebp-64h] void *v37; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-60h] bool v38; // [esp+23h] [ebp-59h] void *Block; // [esp+24h] [ebp-58h] int v40; // [esp+34h] [ebp-48h] unsigned int v41; // [esp+38h] [ebp-44h] void *v42[4]; // [esp+3Ch] [ebp-40h] BYREF int v43; // [esp+4Ch] [ebp-30h] unsigned int v44; // [esp+50h] [ebp-2Ch] LPCWSTR lpFileName[4]; // [esp+54h] [ebp-28h] BYREF __int64 v46; // [esp+64h] [ebp-18h] int v47; // [esp+78h] [ebp-4h] v37 = (void *)unknown_libname_3(4096); memset(v37, 0, 0x800u); GetModuleFileNameW(this, (LPWSTR)v37, 0x104u); v2 = (const unsigned __int16 *)v37; v28[0] = 0; v31 = 0; v32 = 7; sub_10001C50(v28, v37, wcslen((const unsigned __int16 *)v37)); v3 = sub_10001380((_DWORD *)v28[0], (int)v28[1], v29, v30, (int)v31, v32); v47 = 0; v4 = sub_10001A40(v3, L"\\data.dat"); lpFileName[0] = 0; v46 = 0LL; *(_OWORD *)lpFileName = *(_OWORD *)v4; v46 = *((_QWORD *)v4 + 2); v4[4] = 0; v4[5] = (void *)7; *(_WORD *)v4 = 0; LOBYTE(v47) = 2; if ( v41 >= 8 ) { v5 = Block; v6 = 2 * v41 + 2; if ( v6 >= 0x1000 ) { v5 = (_BYTE *)*((_DWORD *)Block - 1); v6 = 2 * v41 + 37; if ( (unsigned int)((_BYTE *)Block - v5 - 4) > 0x1F ) _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(); } v32 = v6; sub_10002FA4(v5); } v40 = 0; v41 = 7; LOWORD(Block) = 0; v7 = operator new(0xCu); v36 = v7; v8 = (const WCHAR *)lpFileName; v34 = 0; v35 = 0; v7[2] = 0; *v7 = 0; if ( HIDWORD(v46) >= 8 ) v8 = lpFileName[0]; if ( sub_10002250((int)v7, v8) ) { v9 = (_DWORD *)*((_DWORD *)v36 + 2); if ( v9 ) { while ( 1 ) { v10 = (void *)v9[1]; v42[0] = 0; v43 = 0; v44 = 15; sub_10001DA0((size_t *)v42, v10, strlen((const char *)v10)); v11 = v42; v12 = v42[0]; if ( v44 >= 0x10 ) v11 = (void **)v42[0]; v38 = v44 >= 0x10; if ( v43 == 1 && *(_BYTE *)v11 == 49 ) break; v9 = (_DWORD *)*v9; if ( v44 >= 0x10 ) { v13 = v44 + 1; if ( v44 + 1 >= 0x1000 ) { v12 = (void *)*((_DWORD *)v42[0] - 1); v13 = v44 + 36; if ( (unsigned int)((char *)v42[0] - (char *)v12 - 4) > 0x1F ) goto LABEL_45; } v32 = v13; sub_10002FA4(v12); } if ( !v9 ) goto LABEL_23; } v14 = VirtualAlloc(0, v9[4], 0x3000u, 0x40u); v32 = v9[4]; v31 = (const void *)v9[2]; v34 = v14; v35 = (_OWORD *)v32; memmove(v14, v31, v32); if ( v38 ) { v15 = v12; v16 = v44 + 1; if ( v44 + 1 >= 0x1000 ) { v12 = (void *)*((_DWORD *)v12 - 1); v16 = v44 + 36; if ( (unsigned int)(v15 - (_BYTE *)v12 - 4) > 0x1F ) goto LABEL_45; } v32 = v16; sub_10002FA4(v12); } LABEL_23: v2 = (const unsigned __int16 *)v37; } if ( *((_DWORD *)v36 + 1) ) CloseHandle(*((HANDLE *)v36 + 1)); if ( v34 ) { v17 = (wchar_t *)VirtualAlloc(0, 0x800u, 0x1000u, 4u); v18 = wcslen(v2) - 1; if ( v18 <= -1 ) { LABEL_30: v18 = -1; } else { while ( v2[v18] != 92 ) { if ( --v18 <= -1 ) goto LABEL_30; } } wcsncpy(v17, v2, v18); v19 = wcslen(v17); v32 = 32; *(_QWORD *)&v17[v19] = 0x64002E0031005CLL; *(_DWORD *)&v17[v19 + 4] = 7602273; v17[v19 + 6] = 0; v20 = operator new(v32); v33 = v34; v34 = v35; sub_10002C00(&v33, v21, (int)v20, (int)v17); v29 = 32; sub_10002FA4(v20); } } v22 = v36; v23 = (void *)*((_DWORD *)v36 + 2); if ( v23 ) { do { v24 = (void *)*((_DWORD *)v23 + 1); if ( v24 ) { v32 = 1; sub_10002FA4(v24); } if ( *((_DWORD *)v23 + 2) ) j___free_base(*((void **)v23 + 2)); v25 = *(void **)v23; v32 = 20; sub_10002FA4(v23); v23 = v25; } while ( v25 ); v22 = v36; } v32 = 12; sub_10002FA4(v22); if ( HIDWORD(v46) >= 8 ) { v26 = (WCHAR *)lpFileName[0]; v27 = 2 * HIDWORD(v46) + 2; if ( v27 < 0x1000 || (v26 = (WCHAR *)*((_DWORD *)lpFileName[0] - 1), v27 = 2 * HIDWORD(v46) + 37, (unsigned int)((char *)lpFileName[0] - (char *)v26 - 4) <= 0x1F) ) { v32 = v27; sub_10002FA4(v26); return; } LABEL_45: _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(); } } // 10001853: variable 'v21' is possibly undefined // 10002FB2: using guessed type int __cdecl unknown_libname_3(_DWORD); // 10012DB0: using guessed type wchar_t aDataDat[10]; //----- (10001910) -------------------------------------------------------- void __stdcall __noreturn StartAddress(HMODULE lpThreadParameter) { void **v1; // esi char *v2; // eax char v3; // bl void *v4[11]; // [esp-18h] [ebp-274h] BYREF void *v5[6]; // [esp+14h] [ebp-248h] BYREF int v6[6]; // [esp+2Ch] [ebp-230h] BYREF WCHAR Filename[260]; // [esp+44h] [ebp-218h] BYREF int v8; // [esp+258h] [ebp-4h] if ( !GetModuleHandleW(L"user32") ) LoadLibraryW(L"user32"); memset(Filename, 0, sizeof(Filename)); GetModuleFileNameW(lpThreadParameter, Filename, 0x104u); v1 = sub_10001160(v5); v8 = 0; sub_10001B20(v4, Filename); v2 = (char *)sub_10001380((_DWORD *)v4[0], (int)v4[1], (int)v4[2], (int)v4[3], (int)v4[4], (unsigned int)v4[5]); v3 = sub_10001ED0(v2, (int)v1); sub_10001AC0(v6); v8 = -1; sub_10001AC0(v5); if ( v3 ) sub_10001520(lpThreadParameter); FreeLibraryAndExitThread(lpThreadParameter, 0); } // 10001910: using guessed type int var_230[6]; //----- (10001A00) -------------------------------------------------------- BOOL __stdcall DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { HANDLE Thread; // eax if ( fdwReason == 1 && hinstDLL != (HINSTANCE)-1 ) { Thread = CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)StartAddress, hinstDLL, 0, 0); if ( Thread ) CloseHandle(Thread); } return 1; } //----- (10001A40) -------------------------------------------------------- void **__thiscall sub_10001A40(void **Src, const unsigned __int16 *Srca) { const unsigned __int16 *v2; // edx unsigned int v4; // eax void *v5; // ebx bool v6; // cf _DWORD *v7; // edi unsigned __int16 *v9; // [esp-8h] [ebp-14h] char *Srcb; // [esp+14h] [ebp+8h] v2 = Srca; v4 = wcslen(Srca); v5 = Src[4]; if ( v4 > (_BYTE *)Src[5] - (_BYTE *)v5 ) { v9 = (unsigned __int16 *)Srca; LOBYTE(Srca) = 0; return sub_10002060(Src, v4, (int)Srca, v9, v4); } else { v6 = (unsigned int)Src[5] < 8; Srcb = (char *)v5 + v4; v7 = Src; Src[4] = (char *)v5 + v4; if ( !v6 ) v7 = *Src; memmove((char *)v7 + 2 * (_DWORD)v5, v2, 2 * v4); *((_WORD *)v7 + (_DWORD)Srcb) = 0; return Src; } } //----- (10001AC0) -------------------------------------------------------- int __thiscall sub_10001AC0(_DWORD *this) { unsigned int v2; // ecx _DWORD *v3; // eax int result; // eax v2 = this[5]; if ( v2 >= 8 ) { v3 = (_DWORD *)*this; if ( 2 * v2 + 2 >= 0x1000 ) { if ( (unsigned int)v3 - *(v3 - 1) - 4 > 0x1F ) _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(); v3 = (_DWORD *)*(v3 - 1); } sub_10002FA4(v3); } result = 0; this[4] = 0; this[5] = 7; *(_WORD *)this = 0; return result; } //----- (10001B20) -------------------------------------------------------- void **__thiscall sub_10001B20(void **this, void *Src) { *this = 0; this[4] = 0; this[5] = (void *)7; sub_10001C50(this, Src, wcslen((const unsigned __int16 *)Src)); return this; } //----- (10001B70) -------------------------------------------------------- _DWORD *__thiscall sub_10001B70(_DWORD *this, _DWORD *Src) { _DWORD *v3; // edi bool v4; // cf unsigned int v5; // eax _DWORD *result; // eax int v7; // ebx size_t v8; // eax void *v9; // eax _DWORD *v10; // ecx unsigned int Srca; // [esp+14h] [ebp+8h] v3 = Src; *this = 0; this[4] = 0; this[5] = 0; v4 = Src[5] < 8u; v5 = Src[4]; Srca = v5; if ( !v4 ) v3 = (_DWORD *)*v3; if ( v5 < 8 ) { *(_OWORD *)this = *(_OWORD *)v3; this[4] = v5; result = this; this[5] = 7; return result; } v7 = v5 | 7; if ( (v5 | 7) > 0x7FFFFFFE ) v7 = 2147483646; if ( (unsigned int)(v7 + 1) > 0x7FFFFFFF ) goto LABEL_16; v8 = 2 * (v7 + 1); if ( v8 >= 0x1000 ) { if ( v8 + 35 > v8 ) { v9 = operator new(v8 + 35); if ( !v9 ) _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(); v10 = (_DWORD *)(((unsigned int)v9 + 35) & 0xFFFFFFE0); *(v10 - 1) = v9; goto LABEL_15; } LABEL_16: sub_100010B0(); } if ( v8 ) v10 = operator new(v8); else v10 = 0; LABEL_15: *this = v10; memmove(v10, v3, 2 * Srca + 2); this[4] = Srca; result = this; this[5] = v7; return result; } //----- (10001C50) -------------------------------------------------------- void **__thiscall sub_10001C50(void **this, void *Src, unsigned int a3) { unsigned int v4; // ecx void **v5; // ebx unsigned int v7; // esi size_t v8; // eax unsigned int v9; // edx void *v10; // eax _DWORD *v11; // ebx void *v12; // eax unsigned int v13; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-4h] v4 = (unsigned int)this[5]; v13 = v4; if ( a3 > v4 ) { if ( a3 > 0x7FFFFFFE ) sub_10001150(); v7 = a3 | 7; if ( (a3 | 7) <= 0x7FFFFFFE ) { v9 = v4 >> 1; if ( v4 <= 2147483646 - (v4 >> 1) ) { if ( v7 < v9 + v4 ) v7 = v9 + v4; if ( v7 + 1 > 0x7FFFFFFF ) goto LABEL_26; v8 = 2 * (v7 + 1); if ( v8 < 0x1000 ) { if ( v8 ) v11 = operator new(v8); else v11 = 0; goto LABEL_20; } } else { v7 = 2147483646; v8 = -2; } } else { v7 = 2147483646; v8 = -2; } if ( v8 + 35 > v8 ) { v10 = operator new(v8 + 35); if ( !v10 ) goto LABEL_28; v11 = (_DWORD *)(((unsigned int)v10 + 35) & 0xFFFFFFE0); *(v11 - 1) = v10; LABEL_20: this[5] = (void *)v7; this[4] = (void *)a3; memmove(v11, Src, 2 * a3); *((_WORD *)v11 + a3) = 0; if ( v13 < 8 ) { LABEL_25: *this = v11; return this; } v12 = *this; if ( 2 * v13 + 2 < 0x1000 ) { LABEL_24: sub_10002FA4(v12); goto LABEL_25; } if ( (unsigned int)v12 - *((_DWORD *)v12 - 1) - 4 <= 0x1F ) { v12 = (void *)*((_DWORD *)v12 - 1); goto LABEL_24; } LABEL_28: _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(); } LABEL_26: sub_100010B0(); } v5 = this; if ( v4 >= 8 ) v5 = (void **)*this; this[4] = (void *)a3; memmove(v5, Src, 2 * a3); *((_WORD *)v5 + a3) = 0; return this; } //----- (10001DA0) -------------------------------------------------------- size_t *__thiscall sub_10001DA0(size_t *this, void *Src, size_t Size) { unsigned int v5; // ecx size_t *v6; // edi size_t v8; // edi int v9; // edx size_t v10; // eax void *v11; // eax void *v12; // ecx _DWORD *v13; // eax void *v14; // eax unsigned int v15; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-4h] size_t Sizea; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp+Ch] v5 = this[5]; v15 = v5; if ( Size > v5 ) { if ( Size > 0x7FFFFFFF ) sub_10001150(); v8 = Size | 0xF; if ( (Size | 0xF) > 0x7FFFFFFF || (v9 = v5 >> 1, v5 > 0x7FFFFFFF - (v5 >> 1)) ) { v8 = 0x7FFFFFFF; v10 = -2147483613; } else { if ( v8 < v9 + v5 ) v8 = v9 + v5; if ( v8 + 1 < 0x1000 ) { if ( v8 == -1 ) v13 = 0; else v13 = operator new(v8 + 1); goto LABEL_19; } v10 = v8 + 36; if ( v8 + 36 <= v8 + 1 ) sub_100010B0(); } v11 = operator new(v10); v12 = v11; if ( !v11 ) goto LABEL_25; v13 = (_DWORD *)(((unsigned int)v11 + 35) & 0xFFFFFFE0); *(v13 - 1) = v12; LABEL_19: Sizea = (size_t)v13; this[4] = Size; this[5] = v8; memmove(v13, Src, Size); *(_BYTE *)(Sizea + Size) = 0; if ( v15 < 0x10 ) { LABEL_24: *this = Sizea; return this; } v14 = (void *)*this; if ( v15 + 1 < 0x1000 ) { LABEL_23: sub_10002FA4(v14); goto LABEL_24; } if ( (unsigned int)v14 - *((_DWORD *)v14 - 1) - 4 <= 0x1F ) { v14 = (void *)*((_DWORD *)v14 - 1); goto LABEL_23; } LABEL_25: _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(); } v6 = this; if ( v5 >= 0x10 ) v6 = (size_t *)*this; this[4] = Size; memmove(v6, Src, Size); *((_BYTE *)v6 + Size) = 0; return this; } //----- (10001ED0) -------------------------------------------------------- char __fastcall sub_10001ED0(char *a1, int a2) { char *v3; // esi char *v4; // edx int v5; // ecx int v6; // edx v3 = (char *)a2; if ( *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 20) >= 8u ) v3 = *(char **)a2; v4 = a1; if ( *((_DWORD *)a1 + 5) >= 8u ) v4 = *(char **)a1; v5 = *((_DWORD *)a1 + 4); if ( v5 == *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 16) ) { if ( !v5 ) return 1; v6 = v4 - v3; while ( *(_WORD *)&v3[v6] == *(_WORD *)v3 ) { v3 += 2; if ( !--v5 ) return 1; } } return 0; } //----- (10001F10) -------------------------------------------------------- int __fastcall sub_10001F10(unsigned __int16 *a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) { const wchar_t *v7; // ecx wchar_t *v8; // edx wchar_t v9; // ax int v10; // ecx unsigned __int16 *i; // ecx int v12; // eax int v13; // ecx unsigned __int16 *v14; // edx int v15; // ecx const wchar_t *v16; // eax char v18[260]; // [esp+10h] [ebp-108h] BYREF if ( !a5 || !a2 ) return -1; memset(v18, 0, 0x100u); v7 = L"\\/"; v8 = &asc_10012DA8[a5]; if ( v8 == L"\\/" ) { LABEL_6: v10 = -1; if ( a2 ) v10 = a2 - 1; for ( i = &a1[v10]; ; --i ) { v12 = *i; if ( (unsigned __int16)v12 < 0x100u ) { if ( v18[v12] ) break; } if ( i == a1 ) return -1; } return i - a1; } else { while ( 1 ) { v9 = *v7; if ( *v7 >= 0x100u ) break; ++v7; v18[(unsigned __int8)v9] = 1; if ( v7 == v8 ) goto LABEL_6; } v13 = -1; if ( a2 ) v13 = a2 - 1; v14 = &a1[v13]; while ( 2 ) { v15 = a5; v16 = L"\\/"; do { if ( *v16 == *v14 ) return v14 - a1; ++v16; --v15; } while ( v15 ); if ( v14 != a1 ) { --v14; continue; } break; } return -1; } } // 10001FD9: conditional instruction was optimized away because %arg_8.4!=0 // 10012DA8: using guessed type wchar_t asc_10012DA8[3]; // 10001F10: using guessed type char var_108[260]; //----- (10002060) -------------------------------------------------------- void **__thiscall sub_10002060(void **Src, size_t Size, int a3, void *Srca, int a5) { void *v6; // esi size_t v7; // eax unsigned int v8; // esi unsigned int v9; // edi size_t v10; // eax void *v11; // eax _DWORD *v12; // esi size_t v14; // edi void *v15; // edi void **result; // eax size_t v17; // [esp-4h] [ebp-18h] void *v18; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-8h] _WORD *v19; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-8h] unsigned int v20; // [esp+10h] [ebp-4h] size_t Sizea; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp+8h] int Sizeb; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp+8h] char *v23; // [esp+28h] [ebp+14h] v6 = Src[4]; v18 = v6; if ( 2147483646 - (int)v6 < Size ) sub_10001150(); v7 = (size_t)v6 + Size; v8 = (unsigned int)Src[5]; Sizea = v7; v9 = v7 | 7; v20 = v8; if ( (v7 | 7) <= 0x7FFFFFFE ) { if ( v8 <= 2147483646 - (v8 >> 1) ) { if ( v9 < v8 + (v8 >> 1) ) v9 = v8 + (v8 >> 1); if ( v9 + 1 > 0x7FFFFFFF ) LABEL_22: sub_100010B0(); v10 = 2 * (v9 + 1); if ( v10 < 0x1000 ) { if ( v10 ) v12 = operator new(v10); else v12 = 0; goto LABEL_16; } } else { v9 = 2147483646; v10 = -2; } } else { v9 = 2147483646; v10 = -2; } if ( v10 + 35 <= v10 ) goto LABEL_22; v11 = operator new(v10 + 35); if ( !v11 ) goto LABEL_24; v12 = (_DWORD *)(((unsigned int)v11 + 35) & 0xFFFFFFE0); *(v12 - 1) = v11; LABEL_16: Src[4] = (void *)Sizea; Src[5] = (void *)v9; v17 = 2 * (_DWORD)v18; v14 = 2 * a5; Sizeb = 2 * a5; v23 = (char *)v12 + 2 * (_DWORD)v18; v19 = (_WORD *)v12 + (_DWORD)v18 + a5; if ( v20 >= 8 ) { v15 = *Src; memmove(v12, *Src, v17); memmove(v23, Srca, Sizeb); *v19 = 0; if ( 2 * v20 + 2 < 0x1000 ) { LABEL_20: sub_10002FA4(v15); *Src = v12; return Src; } if ( (unsigned int)v15 - *((_DWORD *)v15 - 1) - 4 <= 0x1F ) { v15 = (void *)*((_DWORD *)v15 - 1); goto LABEL_20; } LABEL_24: _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(); } memmove(v12, Src, v17); memmove(v23, Srca, v14); *v19 = 0; result = Src; *Src = v12; return result; } //----- (100021E0) -------------------------------------------------------- char __fastcall sub_100021E0(int a1, int a2) { char result; // al int i; // ebx _BYTE *v4; // edi unsigned int j; // ecx _BYTE *v6; // edx int v7; // esi char v8; // cl int v9; // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h] result = a2; v9 = a1; for ( i = 0; i < a2; *v4 = result ) { result = *(_BYTE *)(a1 + i); v4 = (_BYTE *)(a1 + i); if ( (i & 1) != 0 ) { v6 = &unk_10012DF1; v7 = 2; do { v8 = v6[2]; v6 -= 6; result ^= v6[3] ^ v6[4] ^ v6[5] ^ v6[6] ^ v6[7] ^ v8; --v7; } while ( v7 ); } else { for ( j = 0; j < 0xC; ++j ) result ^= byte_10012DE8[j]; } a1 = v9; ++i; } return result; } //----- (10002250) -------------------------------------------------------- char __thiscall sub_10002250(int this, LPCWSTR lpFileName) { char v3; // bl HANDLE FileW; // eax signed int FileSize; // eax char *v6; // edi int v7; // esi _DWORD *v8; // ebx size_t v9; // edi void *v10; // esi char *v11; // edx size_t v12; // ecx int v13; // eax void *v14; // eax void *v15; // ecx char *v16; // eax _DWORD **v17; // ecx _DWORD *i; // eax bool v19; // zf size_t v21; // [esp-20h] [ebp-38h] DWORD NumberOfBytesRead; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-Ch] BYREF int v24; // [esp+10h] [ebp-8h] char *v25; // [esp+14h] [ebp-4h] LPCWSTR lpFileNamea; // [esp+20h] [ebp+8h] LPCWSTR lpFileNamec; // [esp+20h] [ebp+8h] LPCWSTR lpFileNameb; // [esp+20h] [ebp+8h] v3 = 0; FileW = CreateFileW(lpFileName, 0x80000000, 1u, 0, 3u, 0x80u, 0); if ( FileW == (HANDLE)-1 ) return 0; *(_DWORD *)(this + 4) = FileW; FileSize = GetFileSize(FileW, 0); lpFileNamea = (LPCWSTR)FileSize; if ( FileSize <= 10 ) return 0; v6 = (char *)malloc(FileSize); v25 = v6; if ( v6 ) { NumberOfBytesRead = 0; if ( ReadFile(*(HANDLE *)(this + 4), v6, (DWORD)lpFileNamea, &NumberOfBytesRead, 0) ) { if ( *v6 == 1 ) sub_100021E0((int)(v6 + 1), (int)lpFileNamea - 1); v7 = 3; v24 = *(unsigned __int16 *)(v6 + 1); if ( v24 ) { do { v8 = operator new(0x14u); *v8 = 0; v8[1] = 0; v8[2] = 0; v8[3] = 0; v8[4] = 0; v9 = *(unsigned __int16 *)&v6[v7]; lpFileNamec = (LPCWSTR)(v7 + 2); v10 = (void *)unknown_libname_3(v9 + 1); memmove(v10, &v25[(_DWORD)lpFileNamec], v9); *((_BYTE *)v10 + v9) = 0; v11 = (char *)lpFileNamec + v9; v6 = v25; v12 = *(_DWORD *)&v25[(_DWORD)v11 + 4]; v13 = *(_DWORD *)&v25[(_DWORD)v11]; lpFileNameb = (LPCWSTR)(v11 + 8); v8[1] = v10; v8[3] = v13; v8[4] = v12; v14 = malloc(v12); v21 = v8[4]; v15 = v14; v16 = &v6[v8[3]]; v8[2] = v15; memmove(v15, v16, v21); v17 = *(_DWORD ***)(this + 8); if ( v17 ) { for ( i = *v17; i; i = (_DWORD *)*i ) v17 = (_DWORD **)i; *v17 = v8; } else { *(_DWORD *)(this + 8) = v8; } v19 = v24-- == 1; v7 = (int)lpFileNameb; } while ( !v19 ); } v3 = 1; } j___free_base(v6); } return v3; } // 10002FB2: using guessed type int __cdecl unknown_libname_3(_DWORD); //----- (100023E0) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_100023E0(_OWORD **a1) { _OWORD *v1; // ecx _DWORD *v2; // edi _DWORD *v3; // esi int v4; // eax _OWORD *v5; // eax int v6; // ecx int v7; // eax int v8; // eax SIZE_T v9; // eax int v11; // edx int v12; // ecx int v13; // eax _DWORD *v14; // [esp+10h] [ebp-1Ch] LPVOID v15; // [esp+10h] [ebp-1Ch] v2 = v1; v14 = v1; v3 = a1; if ( (unsigned int)a1[1] >= 0x40 ) { v5 = *a1; *v1 = **a1; v1[1] = v5[1]; v1[2] = v5[2]; v1[3] = v5[3]; v4 = 1; } else { v4 = 0; } if ( v4 ) { if ( *(_WORD *)v1 != 23117 ) return 2; v6 = *((_DWORD *)v1 + 15); if ( !v6 ) return 2; if ( v6 + 248 <= (unsigned int)a1[1] ) { qmemcpy(v2 + 16, (char *)*a1 + v6, 0xF8u); v7 = 1; v2 = v14; v3 = a1; } else { v7 = 0; } if ( v7 ) { if ( v2[16] == 17744 && *((_WORD *)v2 + 44) == 267 ) { v8 = *((unsigned __int16 *)v2 + 35); if ( (_WORD)v8 ) { v9 = 40 * v8; v2[80] = v9; v15 = VirtualAlloc(0, v9, 0x3000u, 0x40u); v2[78] = v15; if ( !v15 ) return 3; v11 = *((unsigned __int16 *)v2 + 42) + v2[15] + 24; v2[79] = v11; v12 = v2[80]; if ( v12 ) { if ( (unsigned int)(v11 + v12) > v3[1] ) { v13 = 0; return !v13; } memmove(v15, (const void *)(v11 + *v3), v2[80]); } v13 = 1; return !v13; } } return 2; } } return 1; } // 10002413: variable 'v1' is possibly undefined //----- (100025E0) -------------------------------------------------------- int __thiscall sub_100025E0(int this) { unsigned int v2; // esi SIZE_T v3; // ecx int v4; // ebx unsigned int *v5; // eax int v6; // edi unsigned int v7; // edx unsigned int v8; // ecx char *v9; // eax int v10; // ecx char *v11; // edx int result; // eax int v13; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-8h] SIZE_T dwSize; // [esp+10h] [ebp-4h] SIZE_T dwSizea; // [esp+10h] [ebp-4h] v2 = 0; v3 = 0; v13 = this; dwSize = 0; v4 = *(unsigned __int16 *)(this + 70); if ( *(_WORD *)(this + 70) ) { v5 = (unsigned int *)(*(_DWORD *)(this + 312) + 12); do { v6 = *(v5 - 1); if ( v6 ) { v7 = *v5; v8 = *v5; if ( *v5 >= v2 ) v8 = v2; v2 = v8; v3 = v6 + v7; if ( v6 + v7 <= dwSize ) v3 = dwSize; else dwSize = v6 + v7; } v5 += 10; --v4; } while ( v4 ); this = v13; } dwSizea = v3 - v2; v9 = (char *)VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)(v2 + *(_DWORD *)(this + 116)), v3 - v2, 0x3000u, 0x40u); v10 = *(_DWORD *)(this + 116); v11 = v9; *(_DWORD *)(this + 328) = v9; *(_DWORD *)(this + 324) = v10; if ( !v9 ) { if ( (*(_BYTE *)(this + 86) & 1) != 0 ) return 4; v11 = (char *)VirtualAlloc(0, dwSizea, 0x3000u, 0x40u); *(_DWORD *)(this + 328) = v11; *(_DWORD *)(this + 324) = &v11[-v2]; } result = 0; if ( !v11 ) return 3; return result; } //----- (100026B0) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_100026B0(int a1) { int v1; // ecx int v2; // ebx size_t v3; // eax int v4; // eax unsigned int v5; // edi _DWORD *v6; // esi size_t v7; // ecx void *v8; // edx int v9; // eax int v11; // [esp+10h] [ebp-1Ch] v2 = v1; v11 = v1; v3 = *(_DWORD *)(v1 + 316) + *(_DWORD *)(v1 + 320); if ( v3 ) { if ( v3 > *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 4) ) { v4 = 0; goto LABEL_6; } memmove(*(void **)(v1 + 324), *(const void **)a1, v3); } v4 = 1; LABEL_6: if ( !v4 ) return 1; v5 = 0; v6 = *(_DWORD **)(v2 + 312); while ( v5 < *(unsigned __int16 *)(v2 + 70) ) { v7 = v6[2]; if ( v7 >= v6[4] ) v7 = v6[4]; if ( v7 ) { v8 = (void *)(*(_DWORD *)(v2 + 324) + v6[3]); v2 = v11; if ( v7 + v6[5] <= *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 4) ) { memmove(v8, (const void *)(v6[5] + *(_DWORD *)a1), v7); v9 = 1; } else { v9 = 0; } if ( !v9 ) return 1; } ++v5; v6 += 10; } return 0; } // 100026E3: variable 'v1' is possibly undefined //----- (100027E0) -------------------------------------------------------- int __thiscall sub_100027E0(_DWORD *this) { int v2; // eax int v3; // esi int v4; // ecx int v5; // edx _DWORD *v6; // edi unsigned int v7; // eax _WORD *v8; // edx unsigned int v9; // ebx unsigned int i; // esi int v11; // ecx _DWORD *v12; // ecx unsigned int v14; // [esp+10h] [ebp-34h] int v15; // [esp+24h] [ebp-20h] v2 = this[81]; v3 = this[29]; if ( v2 == v3 ) return 0; v4 = this[56]; if ( v4 ) { v5 = this[57]; if ( v5 ) { v15 = v2 - v3; v6 = (_DWORD *)(v4 + v2); v7 = v4 + v2 + v5 - 8; v14 = v7; LABEL_5: if ( (unsigned int)v6 < v7 ) { v8 = v6 + 2; v9 = (unsigned int)(v6[1] - 8) >> 1; for ( i = 0; ; ++i ) { if ( i >= v9 ) { v6 = (_DWORD *)((char *)v6 + v6[1]); v7 = v14; goto LABEL_5; } v11 = (unsigned __int16)*v8 >> 12; if ( v11 ) { if ( v11 != 3 ) return 5; v12 = (_DWORD *)(this[81] + (*v8 & 0xFFF) + *v6); *v12 += v15; } ++v8; } } return 0; } } return 4; } //----- (10002920) -------------------------------------------------------- int __thiscall sub_10002920(int this) { int v2; // eax int v3; // ecx _DWORD *v4; // edx HMODULE LibraryA; // eax unsigned int v6; // ecx HMODULE v7; // ebx int v8; // eax _DWORD *v9; // eax _DWORD *v10; // esi int v11; // ecx int v12; // eax _DWORD *v13; // edx int *v14; // esi int *v15; // ebx int v16; // eax bool v17; // sf FARPROC ProcAddress; // eax HMODULE hModule; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-8h] _DWORD *v21; // [esp+10h] [ebp-4h] v2 = *(_DWORD *)(this + 192); if ( !v2 ) return 0; if ( !*(_DWORD *)(this + 196) ) return 0; v3 = *(_DWORD *)(this + 324); v4 = (_DWORD *)(v3 + v2); v21 = (_DWORD *)(v3 + v2); if ( !*(_DWORD *)(v3 + v2 + 12) ) return 0; while ( 1 ) { LibraryA = LoadLibraryA((LPCSTR)(v3 + v4[3])); v6 = *(_DWORD *)(this + 340); v7 = LibraryA; hModule = LibraryA; if ( *(_DWORD *)(this + 336) >= v6 ) { v8 = 2 * v6; if ( !v6 ) v8 = 16; *(_DWORD *)(this + 340) = v8; v9 = VirtualAlloc(0, 4 * v8, 0x3000u, 0x40u); v10 = v9; if ( !v9 ) return 3; v11 = *(_DWORD *)(this + 336); if ( v11 ) memmove(v9, *(const void **)(this + 332), 4 * v11); j___free_base(*(void **)(this + 332)); v12 = *(_DWORD *)(this + 336); *(_DWORD *)(this + 332) = v10; v10[v12] = v7; ++*(_DWORD *)(this + 336); } v13 = v21; v3 = *(_DWORD *)(this + 324); v14 = (int *)(v3 + v21[4]); v15 = v14; if ( v21[1] ) { if ( !*v21 ) return 8; v15 = (int *)(*v21 + v3); } v16 = *v15; v17 = *v15 < 0; if ( *v15 ) break; LABEL_21: v4 = v13 + 5; v21 = v4; if ( !v4[3] ) return 0; } while ( 1 ) { if ( v17 ) v16 = (unsigned __int16)v16; else v16 += *(_DWORD *)(this + 324) + 2; ProcAddress = GetProcAddress(hModule, (LPCSTR)v16); *v14 = (int)ProcAddress; if ( !ProcAddress ) return 6; v16 = v15[1]; ++v15; ++v14; v17 = v16 < 0; if ( !v16 ) { v3 = *(_DWORD *)(this + 324); v13 = v21; goto LABEL_21; } } } //----- (10002A90) -------------------------------------------------------- int __thiscall sub_10002A90(int this) { int v2; // edi unsigned int *i; // esi unsigned int v4; // eax DWORD flOldProtect; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-4h] BYREF v2 = 0; if ( !*(_WORD *)(this + 70) ) return 0; for ( i = (unsigned int *)(*(_DWORD *)(this + 312) + 36); ; i += 10 ) { v4 = *i; if ( (*i & 0x20) != 0 ) { v4 |= 0x60000000u; *i = v4; } switch ( v4 >> 29 ) { case 0u: case 2u: flOldProtect = 2; break; case 1u: flOldProtect = 16; break; case 3u: flOldProtect = 32; break; case 4u: case 6u: flOldProtect = 4; break; default: flOldProtect = 64; break; } if ( !VirtualProtect((LPVOID)(*(_DWORD *)(this + 324) + *(i - 6)), *(i - 7), 0x40u, &flOldProtect) ) break; if ( ++v2 >= (unsigned int)*(unsigned __int16 *)(this + 70) ) return 0; } return 9; } //----- (10002B60) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_10002B60(int a1) { _DWORD *v1; // ecx int v2; // eax int v3; // edx int (__stdcall *v4)(int, int, int); // eax v2 = v1[26]; if ( v2 && (v3 = v1[81], v4 = (int (__stdcall *)(int, int, int))(v3 + v2), v1[86] = v4, !v4(v3, 1, a1)) ) return 10; else return 0; } // 10002B93: variable 'v1' is possibly undefined //----- (10002C00) -------------------------------------------------------- int __usercall sub_10002C00@<eax>(_OWORD **a1@<edx>, int a2, int a3, int a4) { int v5; // edi LPVOID v7[83]; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-178h] BYREF LPVOID v8; // [esp+168h] [ebp-2Ch] int v9; // [esp+16Ch] [ebp-28h] int v10; // [esp+170h] [ebp-24h] int v11; // [esp+174h] [ebp-20h] CPPEH_RECORD ms_exc; // [esp+17Ch] [ebp-18h] BYREF v7[78] = 0; v8 = 0; v10 = 0; v9 = 0; v11 = 0; ms_exc.registration.TryLevel = 1; v5 = sub_100023E0(a1); if ( v5 || (v5 = sub_100025E0((int)v7)) != 0 || (ms_exc.registration.TryLevel = 2, (v5 = sub_100026B0((int)a1)) != 0) || (v5 = sub_100027E0(v7)) != 0 || (v5 = sub_10002920((int)v7)) != 0 || (v5 = sub_10002A90((int)v7)) != 0 || (v5 = sub_10002B60(a4)) != 0 ) { _local_unwind4(&__security_cookie, &ms_exc.registration, -2); return v5; } else { if ( a3 ) { *(_DWORD *)a3 = 32; *(_DWORD *)(a3 + 4) = 0; *(LPVOID *)(a3 + 8) = v7[81]; *(LPVOID *)(a3 + 12) = v7[82]; *(_DWORD *)(a3 + 16) = v11; *(LPVOID *)(a3 + 20) = v7[46]; *(_DWORD *)(a3 + 24) = v8; *(_DWORD *)(a3 + 28) = v9; ms_exc.registration.TryLevel = 2; } _local_unwind4(&__security_cookie, &ms_exc.registration, -2); return 0; } } // 10005500: using guessed type _DWORD __cdecl _local_unwind4(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); //----- (10002E77) -------------------------------------------------------- _DWORD *__thiscall sub_10002E77(_DWORD *this) { _DWORD *result; // eax this[1] = 0; result = this; this[2] = 0; this[1] = "bad allocation"; *this = &std::bad_alloc::`vftable'; return result; } // 1000E180: using guessed type void *std::bad_alloc::`vftable'; //----- (10002EC4) -------------------------------------------------------- char *__thiscall sub_10002EC4(char *this, int a2) { sub_10001000(this, a2); *(_DWORD *)this = &std::length_error::`vftable'; return this; } // 1000E1A8: using guessed type void *std::length_error::`vftable'; //----- (10002EDF) -------------------------------------------------------- std::exception *__thiscall sub_10002EDF(std::exception *this, char *a2) { std::exception::exception(this, a2); *(_DWORD *)this = &std::length_error::`vftable'; return this; } // 1000E1A8: using guessed type void *std::length_error::`vftable'; //----- (10002EFE) -------------------------------------------------------- char *__thiscall sub_10002EFE(char *this, int a2) { sub_10001000(this, a2); *(_DWORD *)this = &std::logic_error::`vftable'; return this; } // 1000E19C: using guessed type void *std::logic_error::`vftable'; //----- (10002F46) -------------------------------------------------------- void __cdecl __noreturn sub_10002F46(char *a1) { char pExceptionObject[12]; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch] BYREF sub_10002EDF((std::exception *)pExceptionObject, a1); _CxxThrowException(pExceptionObject, (_ThrowInfo *)&_TI3_AVlength_error_std__); } //----- (10002FA4) -------------------------------------------------------- void __cdecl sub_10002FA4(void *Block) { j_j___free_base(Block); } //----- (10002FBB) -------------------------------------------------------- _DWORD *__thiscall sub_10002FBB(_DWORD *Block, char a2) { *Block = &type_info::`vftable'; if ( (a2 & 1) != 0 ) sub_10002FA4(Block); return Block; } // 1000E1B4: using guessed type void *type_info::`vftable'; //----- (10003463) -------------------------------------------------------- void __noreturn sub_10003463() { _DWORD pExceptionObject[3]; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch] BYREF sub_10002E77(pExceptionObject); _CxxThrowException(pExceptionObject, (_ThrowInfo *)&_TI2_AVbad_alloc_std__); } // 10003463: using guessed type void __noreturn sub_10003463(); // 10003463: using guessed type _DWORD pExceptionObject[3]; //----- (1000351D) -------------------------------------------------------- void sub_1000351D() { InitializeSListHead(&ListHead); } //----- (10003529) -------------------------------------------------------- int sub_10003529() { return __std_type_info_destroy_list(&ListHead); } //----- (10003535) -------------------------------------------------------- void *sub_10003535() { return &unk_10015B78; } //----- (1000353B) -------------------------------------------------------- void *sub_1000353B() { return &unk_10015B80; } //----- (1000362C) -------------------------------------------------------- char sub_1000362C() { __acrt_thread_detach(); __vcrt_thread_detach(); return 1; } //----- (10003690) -------------------------------------------------------- __vcrt_bool sub_10003690() { __acrt_uninitialize_critical(0); return __vcrt_uninitialize_critical(); } //----- (10003836) -------------------------------------------------------- void *sub_10003836() { return &unk_10016244; } //----- (10003957) -------------------------------------------------------- void sub_10003957() { dword_10015BAC = 0; } // 10015BAC: using guessed type int dword_10015BAC; //----- (1000395F) -------------------------------------------------------- void sub_1000395F() { ; } // 1000395F: could not find valid save-restore pair for edi //----- (1000398B) -------------------------------------------------------- void sub_1000398B() { ; } // 1000398B: could not find valid save-restore pair for edi //----- (10003BFB) -------------------------------------------------------- int sub_10003BFB() { return 1; } //----- (1000500C) -------------------------------------------------------- char *__thiscall sub_1000500C(char *this, int a2) { sub_10001000(this, a2); *(_DWORD *)this = &std::bad_exception::`vftable'; return this; } // 1000E1D8: using guessed type void *std::bad_exception::`vftable'; //----- (10005027) -------------------------------------------------------- _DWORD *__thiscall sub_10005027(_DWORD *this) { _DWORD *result; // eax this[1] = 0; result = this; this[2] = 0; this[1] = "bad exception"; *this = &std::bad_exception::`vftable'; return result; } // 1000E1D8: using guessed type void *std::bad_exception::`vftable'; //----- (10005EC0) -------------------------------------------------------- void __stdcall sub_10005EC0(int a1) { JUMPOUT(0x10005EDB); } // 10005EC7: control flows out of bounds to 10005EDB //----- (10005EF0) -------------------------------------------------------- int __usercall sub_10005EF0@<eax>(int (*a1)(void)@<eax>) { return a1(); } //----- (100060AF) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_100060AF(int a1) { return unknown_libname_4(a1); } // 10005F43: using guessed type _DWORD __stdcall unknown_libname_4(_DWORD); //----- (100061AE) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_100061AE(int a1) { return unknown_libname_4(a1); } // 10005F43: using guessed type _DWORD __stdcall unknown_libname_4(_DWORD); //----- (100066A7) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_100066A7(int a1) { int result; // eax result = a1; dword_10015C6C = a1; return result; } // 10015C6C: using guessed type int dword_10015C6C; //----- (100066DB) -------------------------------------------------------- int sub_100066DB() { return dword_10015C68; } // 10015C68: using guessed type int dword_10015C68; //----- (10006B73) -------------------------------------------------------- void *__cdecl sub_10006B73(void **a1) { void *result; // eax result = *a1; if ( *a1 != dword_10015D8C ) return (void *)unknown_libname_5(*a1); return result; } //----- (10006B8E) -------------------------------------------------------- void *__cdecl sub_10006B8E(void **a1) { void *result; // eax result = *a1; if ( *a1 != dword_10015D88 ) return (void *)unknown_libname_5(*a1); return result; } //----- (10006C36) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_10006C36(int a1, int a2) { int v3; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch] BYREF int v4; // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h] BYREF v4 = a1; v3 = a1; return __crt_seh_guarded_call<char *>::operator()<_lambda_0fef6fff2b5e6b53303c9058db11ae1f_,_lambda_082c17da81b0962e08c0587ee0fac50c_ &,_lambda_fa6e051aed0a38726081083cc7c328e9_>( &v3, a2, &v4); } // 10006BE5: using guessed type _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<char *>::operator()<_lambda_0fef6fff2b5e6b53303c9058db11ae1f_,_lambda_082c17da81b0962e08c0587ee0fac50c_ &,_lambda_fa6e051aed0a38726081083cc7c328e9_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); // 10006C36: using guessed type int var_8; //----- (10006DD8) -------------------------------------------------------- char sub_10006DD8() { unknown_libname_4(&off_10015580); return 1; } // 10005F43: using guessed type _DWORD __stdcall unknown_libname_4(_DWORD); // 10015580: using guessed type wchar_t *off_10015580; //----- (10006E04) -------------------------------------------------------- char sub_10006E04() { return 1; } //----- (10006E07) -------------------------------------------------------- char sub_10006E07() { __dcrt_uninitialize_environments_nolock(); return 1; } // 10006BA9: using guessed type int __dcrt_uninitialize_environments_nolock(void); //----- (10006E4C) -------------------------------------------------------- __vcrt_bool sub_10006E4C() { return __vcrt_uninitialize(0); } //----- (10007296) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_10007296(int a1, int a2) { int v3; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch] BYREF int v4; // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h] BYREF v4 = a1; v3 = a1; return __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_51b6e8b1eb166f2a3faf91f424b38130_,_lambda_6250bd4b2a391816dd638c3bf72b0bcb_ &,_lambda_0b5a4a3e68152e1d9b943535f5f47bed_>( &v3, a2, &v4); } // 100071A2: using guessed type _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_51b6e8b1eb166f2a3faf91f424b38130_,_lambda_6250bd4b2a391816dd638c3bf72b0bcb_ &,_lambda_0b5a4a3e68152e1d9b943535f5f47bed_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); // 10007296: using guessed type int var_8; //----- (100072BE) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_100072BE(int a1, int a2) { int v3; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch] BYREF int v4; // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h] BYREF v4 = a1; v3 = a1; return __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_3518db117f0e7cdb002338c5d3c47b6c_,_lambda_b2ea41f6bbb362cd97d94c6828d90b61_ &,_lambda_abdedf541bb04549bc734292b4a045d4_>( &v3, a2, &v4); } // 10007152: using guessed type _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_3518db117f0e7cdb002338c5d3c47b6c_,_lambda_b2ea41f6bbb362cd97d94c6828d90b61_ &,_lambda_abdedf541bb04549bc734292b4a045d4_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); // 100072BE: using guessed type int var_8; //----- (100072E6) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_100072E6(int a1, int a2) { int v3; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch] BYREF int v4; // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h] BYREF v4 = a1; v3 = a1; return __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_5b71d36f03204c0beab531769a5b5694_,_lambda_be2b3da3f62db62e9dad5dc70221a656_ &,_lambda_8f9ce462984622f9bf76b59e2aaaf805_>( &v3, a2, &v4); } // 10007203: using guessed type _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_5b71d36f03204c0beab531769a5b5694_,_lambda_be2b3da3f62db62e9dad5dc70221a656_ &,_lambda_8f9ce462984622f9bf76b59e2aaaf805_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); // 100072E6: using guessed type int var_8; //----- (1000730E) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_1000730E(int a1, int a2) { int v3; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch] BYREF int v4; // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h] BYREF v4 = a1; v3 = a1; return __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_9df27f884b057bc3edfc946cb5b7cf47_,_lambda_e69574bed617af4e071282c136b37893_ &,_lambda_cc0d902bcbbeb830f749456577db4721_>( &v3, a2, &v4); } // 1000724E: using guessed type _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_9df27f884b057bc3edfc946cb5b7cf47_,_lambda_e69574bed617af4e071282c136b37893_ &,_lambda_cc0d902bcbbeb830f749456577db4721_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); // 1000730E: using guessed type int var_8; //----- (100080D2) -------------------------------------------------------- int __thiscall sub_100080D2(_DWORD **this, void *Block) { int v3; // edi v3 = unknown_libname_10(); if ( v3 ) { _free_base(Block); return v3; } else { *this[1]++ = Block; return 0; } } // 10008107: using guessed type int unknown_libname_10(void); //----- (100081DC) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_100081DC(int a1, int a2) { int v3; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch] BYREF int v4; // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h] BYREF v4 = a1; v3 = a1; return __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_c76fdea48760d5f9368b465f31df4405_,_lambda_e378711a6f6581bf7f0efd7cdf97f5d9_ &,_lambda_e927a58b2a85c081d733e8c6192ae2d2_>( &v3, a2, &v4); } // 10008199: using guessed type _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<void>::operator()<_lambda_c76fdea48760d5f9368b465f31df4405_,_lambda_e378711a6f6581bf7f0efd7cdf97f5d9_ &,_lambda_e927a58b2a85c081d733e8c6192ae2d2_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); // 100081DC: using guessed type int var_8; //----- (10008AE9) -------------------------------------------------------- char *__cdecl sub_10008AE9(void *Block, unsigned int a2, unsigned int a3) { size_t v4; // edi unsigned int v5; // esi char *v6; // ebx int savedregs; // [esp+0h] [ebp+0h] BYREF savedregs = (int)&savedregs; if ( a2 && 0xFFFFFFE0 / a2 < a3 ) { *_errno() = 12; return 0; } else { if ( Block ) v4 = _msize(Block); else v4 = 0; v5 = a3 * a2; v6 = (char *)_realloc_base(Block, a3 * a2); if ( v6 ) { if ( v4 < v5 ) memset(&v6[v4], 0, v5 - v4); } return v6; } } //----- (10008B72) -------------------------------------------------------- char sub_10008B72() { hHeap = 0; return 1; } //----- (10008E94) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_10008E94(int a1, int a2) { int v3; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch] BYREF int v4; // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h] BYREF v4 = a1; v3 = a1; return __crt_seh_guarded_call<void (__cdecl *)(int)>::operator()<_lambda_a048d3beccc847880fc8490e18b82769_,_lambda_ec61778202f4f5fc7e7711acc23c3bca_ &,_lambda_f7496a158712204296dd6628a163878e_>( &v3, a2, &v4); } // 10008E3A: using guessed type _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<void (__cdecl *)(int)>::operator()<_lambda_a048d3beccc847880fc8490e18b82769_,_lambda_ec61778202f4f5fc7e7711acc23c3bca_ &,_lambda_f7496a158712204296dd6628a163878e_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); // 10008E94: using guessed type int var_8; //----- (100091A2) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_100091A2(int a1) { return unknown_libname_4(a1); } // 10005F43: using guessed type _DWORD __stdcall unknown_libname_4(_DWORD); //----- (10009313) -------------------------------------------------------- struct __crt_locale_data *__cdecl sub_10009313(int a1, struct __crt_locale_data **a2) { struct __crt_locale_data *result; // eax result = *a2; if ( *a2 != dword_10016210 ) { result = (struct __crt_locale_data *)dword_100156F0; if ( (dword_100156F0 & *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 848)) == 0 ) { result = (struct __crt_locale_data *)__acrt_update_thread_locale_data(); *a2 = result; } } return result; } // 1000981C: using guessed type int __acrt_update_thread_locale_data(void); // 100156F0: using guessed type int dword_100156F0; //----- (10009340) -------------------------------------------------------- void *__cdecl sub_10009340(int a1, void **a2) { void *result; // eax result = *a2; if ( *a2 != Block ) { result = (void *)dword_100156F0; if ( (dword_100156F0 & *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 848)) == 0 ) { result = (void *)__acrt_update_thread_multibyte_data(); *a2 = result; } } return result; } // 10008691: using guessed type int __acrt_update_thread_multibyte_data(void); // 100156F0: using guessed type int dword_100156F0; //----- (100094CF) -------------------------------------------------------- __int32 sub_100094CF() { return _InterlockedExchange(&dword_10016224, 1); } // 10016224: using guessed type int dword_10016224; //----- (100098E3) -------------------------------------------------------- int sub_100098E3() { return dword_10016228; } // 10016228: using guessed type int dword_10016228; //----- (1000A7DF) -------------------------------------------------------- int sub_1000A7DF() { return common_flush_all(1); } // 1000A7E8: using guessed type _DWORD __cdecl common_flush_all(_DWORD); //----- (1000AC7A) -------------------------------------------------------- int sub_1000AC7A() { return dword_10016234; } // 10016234: using guessed type int dword_10016234; //----- (1000AD18) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_1000AD18(int a1, int a2) { int v3; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch] BYREF int v4; // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h] BYREF v4 = a1; v3 = a1; return __crt_seh_guarded_call<int>::operator()<_lambda_61cee617f5178ae960314fd4d05640a0_,_lambda_6978c1fb23f02e42e1d9e99668cc68aa_ &,_lambda_9cd88cf8ad10232537feb2133f08c833_>( &v3, a2, &v4); } // 1000AC80: using guessed type _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<int>::operator()<_lambda_61cee617f5178ae960314fd4d05640a0_,_lambda_6978c1fb23f02e42e1d9e99668cc68aa_ &,_lambda_9cd88cf8ad10232537feb2133f08c833_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); // 1000AD18: using guessed type int var_8; //----- (1000BAE6) -------------------------------------------------------- int sub_1000BAE6() { dword_1001624C = IsProcessorFeaturePresent(0xAu); return 0; } // 1001624C: using guessed type int dword_1001624C; //----- (1000BD84) -------------------------------------------------------- void __usercall sub_1000BD84(char a1@<ch>, int a2@<ebp>) { *(_BYTE *)(a2 - 144) = -2; if ( a1 && !isintTOS() ) JUMPOUT(0x1000C143); _ffexpm1(); JUMPOUT(0x1000C088); } // 1000BDD1: control flows out of bounds to 1000C088 // 1000BDF3: control flows out of bounds to 1000C143 // 1000BEDE: using guessed type int _ffexpm1(void); // 1000BF21: using guessed type int isintTOS(void); //----- (1000C6C6) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_1000C6C6(int a1, int a2) { int v3; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch] BYREF int v4; // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h] BYREF v4 = a1; v3 = a1; return __crt_seh_guarded_call<int>::operator()<_lambda_123407a5e2ac06da108355a851863b7a_,_lambda_2fe9b910cf3cbf4a0ab98a02ba45b3ec_ &,_lambda_ae55bdf541ad94d75914d381c370e64d_>( &v3, a2, &v4); } // 1000C644: using guessed type _DWORD __stdcall __crt_seh_guarded_call<int>::operator()<_lambda_123407a5e2ac06da108355a851863b7a_,_lambda_2fe9b910cf3cbf4a0ab98a02ba45b3ec_ &,_lambda_ae55bdf541ad94d75914d381c370e64d_>(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); // 1000C6C6: using guessed type int var_8; //----- (1000C6EE) -------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl sub_1000C6EE(int a1) { int *v2; // [esp+4h] [ebp-4h] BYREF if ( a1 == -2 ) { *__doserrno() = 0; *_errno() = 9; } else { if ( a1 >= 0 && a1 < (unsigned int)dword_100161F8 && (*(_BYTE *)(dword_10015FF8[a1 >> 6] + 48 * (a1 & 0x3F) + 40) & 1) != 0 ) { v2 = &a1; return sub_1000C6C6(a1, (int)&v2); } *__doserrno() = 0; *_errno() = 9; _invalid_parameter_noinfo(); } return -1; } // 10015FF8: using guessed type int dword_10015FF8[128]; // 100161F8: using guessed type int dword_100161F8; // nfuncs=451 queued=87 decompiled=87 lumina nreq=0 worse=0 better=0 // ALL OK, 87 function(s) have been successfully decompiled
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