a year ago
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package com.redrazors.pathbuilder2e.backend.export.json import com.redrazors.pathbuilder2e.backend.BackendConstants import com.redrazors.pathbuilder2e.backend.data.ancestries.AncestryHuman import com.redrazors.pathbuilder2e.backend.data.managers.managerequipment.EquipmentContainer import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable import kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonPrimitive @Serializable class CharacterJson { var name = "" var className = "" // this is changed to "class" post serialize, as it is protected var dualClass : String? = null var level = 1 var ancestry = AncestryHuman.ANCESTRY_HUMAN var heritage : String? = null var background = "" var alignment = "" var gender = "" var age = "" var deity = "" var size = 2 var keyability = BackendConstants.ARRAY_ABILITIES_SHORT[0] var languages : ArrayList<String> = ArrayList() @Serializable class Attributes{ var ancestryhp = 0 var classhp = 0 var bonushp = 0 var bonushpPerLevel = 0 var speed = 0 var speedBonus = 0 } var attributes = Attributes() @Serializable class Breakdown { var ancestryFree = arrayOf("") // array of ability names, eg str dex var ancestryBoosts = arrayOf("") // array of ability names, eg str dex var ancestryFlaws = arrayOf("") // array of ability names, eg str dex var backgroundBoosts = arrayOf("") // array of ability names, eg str dex var classBoosts = arrayOf("") // array of ability names, eg str dex var mapLevelledBoosts = HashMap<Int, Array<String>>() // map of level and array of abilities selected at that level } @Serializable class Abilities { var str = 0 var dex = 0 var con = 0 var intelligence = 0 // this is changed to "int" post serialize, as int is a protected descriptor in kotlin var wis = 0 var cha = 0 var breakdown = Breakdown() } val abilities = Abilities() @Serializable class Proficiencies { // these give the trained =2, expert = 4, etc training values var classDC = 0 var perception = 0 var fortitude = 0 var reflex = 0 var will = 0 var heavy = 0 var medium = 0 var light = 0 var unarmored = 0 var advanced = 0 var martial = 0 var simple = 0 var unarmed = 0 var castingArcane = 0 var castingDivine = 0 var castingOccult = 0 var castingPrimal = 0 var acrobatics = 0 var arcana = 0 var athletics = 0 var crafting = 0 var deception = 0 var diplomacy = 0 var intimidation = 0 var medicine = 0 var nature = 0 var occultism = 0 var performance = 0 var religion = 0 var society = 0 var stealth = 0 var survival = 0 var thievery = 0 } val proficiencies = Proficiencies() val mods = HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Int>>() // map of proficiency to map of bonus type to amount val feats = ArrayList<ArrayList<JsonPrimitive>>() // list of feat info (feat name, feat extra, feat choice type, level taken) val specials = ArrayList<String>() // name of specials val lores = ArrayList<ArrayList<JsonPrimitive>>() // array of lores giving lore name and training level val equipmentContainers = HashMap<String, EquipmentContainer>() // equipment container id to object with name, isbagofholding, isbackpack val equipment = ArrayList<ArrayList<JsonPrimitive>>() // equipment in array of fields with name, quantity, and incontainerid if relevant @Serializable class SpecificProficiencies{ val trained = ArrayList<String>() val expert = ArrayList<String>() val master = ArrayList<String>() val legendary = ArrayList<String>() } val specificProficiencies = SpecificProficiencies() // arrays of weapons at specific proficiency levels outside of normal proficiencies, eg if Flail is at Master @Serializable class WeaponObject { var name = "" var qty = 1 var prof = "" // the type of proficiency, eg martial, as this can be changed by feats var die = "" var pot = 0 // potency rune value var str = "" // striking rune var mat : String? = null // materials var display = "" // display name var runes = ArrayList<String>() // list of property runes var attack = 0 // total attack var damageBonus = 0 var extraDamage = ArrayList<String>() } val weapons = ArrayList<WeaponObject>() @Serializable class Money { var cp = 0 var sp = 0 var gp = 0 var pp = 0 } val money = Money() @Serializable class ArmorObject { var name = "" var qty = 1 var prof = "" // armor proficiency, eg light var pot = 0 var res = "" // resilient rune var mat : String? = null // material var display ="" var worn = true var runes = ArrayList<String>() } val armor = ArrayList<ArmorObject>() @Serializable class SpellCasterObject{ var name = "" var magicTradition = "" // eg arcane or divine var spellcastingType = "" // prepared or spontaneous var ability = "" // spellcasting ability name var proficiency = 0 // proficiency level var focusPoints = 0 //deprecated do not use var innate = false var perDay = ArrayList<Int>() // array of spells pert day var spells = ArrayList<JsonObjectSpellLevel>() // array of spells known var prepared = ArrayList<JsonObjectSpellLevel>() // array of spells prepared, empty for spontaneous casters } @Serializable class JsonObjectSpellLevel{ var spellLevel = 0 var list = ArrayList<String>() } val spellCasters = ArrayList<SpellCasterObject>() var focusPoints = 0 val focus = HashMap<String, HashMap<String, FocusSpellDetails>>() @Serializable class FocusSpellDetails{ var abilityBonus = 0 var proficiency = 0 var itemBonus = 0 var focusCantrips = ArrayList<String>() var focusSpells = ArrayList<String>() } @Serializable class FormulaCaster { var type = "" val known = ArrayList<String>() // list of known formula } val formula = ArrayList<FormulaCaster>() @Serializable class AcObject{ var acProfBonus = 0 var acAbilityBonus = 0 var acItemBonus = 0 var acTotal = 0 var shieldBonus : String? = null } val acTotal = AcObject() @Serializable open class PetObject{ // generic var type = "" var name : String? = null var equipment = ArrayList<ArrayList<JsonPrimitive>>() } @Serializable class AnimalObject: PetObject(){ // animal companion stuff var animal : String? = null var mature : Boolean? = null var incredible : Boolean? = null var incredibleType : String? = null var specializations = ArrayList<String>() var armor: String? = null } @Serializable class FamiliarObject: PetObject(){ // familiar stuff var specific : String? = null var abilities = ArrayList<String>() } val pets = ArrayList<AnimalObject>() val familiars = ArrayList<FamiliarObject>() }