a year ago
1.9 kB
var errorSpanId = 'pincodeError'; if (pin_code !== 0) { if (country === 'IN' && pin_code != 6) { //showToast('Please enter a 6-digit PIN Code for India.', 'toastContainer'); updatePincodeErrorMessage('Please enter a 6-digit PIN Code for India.', errorSpanId); $("#id_0-pin_code").val('').focus(); } else{ updatePincodeErrorMessage('', errorSpanId); } } } function updatePincodeErrorMessage(message, errorSpanId) { $('#' + errorSpanId).text(message); } var errorSpanId = 'stateError'; if (country !== 'IN' && $("#id_0-state").val() !== '30') { //showToast('Please select out of India in State field as Country is not India.', 'toastContainer'); updateStateErrorMessage('Please select Outside India in State field as Country is not India.', errorSpanId); $("#id_0-state").val(''); } else{ updateStateErrorMessage('', errorSpanId); } function updateStateErrorMessage(message, errorSpanId) { $('#' + errorSpanId).text(message); } var errorSpanId = 'dobError'; if (dateOfBirth) { var today = new Date(); var selectedDate = new Date(dateOfBirth); var age = today.getFullYear() - selectedDate.getFullYear() - ((today.getMonth() < selectedDate.getMonth() || (today.getMonth() === selectedDate.getMonth() && today.getDate() < selectedDate.getDate())) ? 1 : 0); if (age < 17) { updateDobErrorMessage('Minimum age should be 17 years.', errorSpanId); $(this).val(''); } else{ updateDobErrorMessage('', errorSpanId); } } }); function updateDobErrorMessage(message, errorSpanId) { $('#' + errorSpanId).text(message); }
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