graph TD; A[Start] --> B[Find and annotate gene locations using DNA Master] B --> C{Inspect Glimmer and Genemark reports} C -->|Yes| D[Obtain RBS score] D --> E[Compare ORFs with Starterator] E --> F{Obtain gene functions} F -->|Yes| G[Cross-check against genes with known functions] G --> H[Annotate results] F -->|No| H1[Use BLAST-NCBI, HHPred, BLAST-phagesDB to deduce possible gene functions] H1 --> G C -->|No| I[Iterate through next gene] I --> C D -->|No| I I --> D H --> J[Confirm tRNA locations using ARAGORN and tRNAscan-SE] J --> K[Search for slippery sequences within translation frameshift regions] K --> L[Annotate results] L --> M[End]
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