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final class MRZrenewer { // Foreigner Id - firstline private static func getFirstLineInForeignerId(MRZ: String) -> String { let MRZ: String = MRZ.filter{!$0.isWhitespace} var firstLine: String = "" if MRZ.first != "I" { firstLine.append("I") } else { firstLine.append(MRZ.first ?? "I") } var counter = 0 var temp: String = "" while counter < 36 { temp.append(MRZ[counter]) counter = counter + 1 } var wordList: [String] = [String]() for word in temp.split(separator: "<") { if (String(word) != "I" && String(word) != "<" && !(String(word).isNumber) ) { var tempWord: String = String(word) if (tempWord.first == "I") { tempWord = String(tempWord.dropFirst()) } if (tempWord.first == "K") { tempWord = String(tempWord.dropFirst()) } wordList.append(String(tempWord)) } } var counter2 = 0 while (counter2 < wordList.count) { firstLine.append(String(wordList[counter2])) if (counter2 == 0) { firstLine.append("<<") } counter2 = counter2 + 1 } var counter3 = 36 - firstLine.count while counter3 > 0 { firstLine.append("<") counter3 = counter3 - 1 } return firstLine } // Foreigner Id - secondline private static func getSecondLineInForeignerId(MRZ: String) -> String { let MRZ: String = MRZ.filter{!$0.isWhitespace} var counter = 36 var tempLine: String = "" var secondLine: String = "" while counter <= 80 { tempLine.append(MRZ[counter]) counter = counter + 1 } var templine1: String = String(tempLine.split(separator: "<").first ?? "") var line1 = "" if (templine1.first == "K") { line1.append(contentsOf: templine1.dropFirst()) secondLine.append(line1) } else { secondLine.append(templine1) } secondLine.append("<<") if tempLine.count == 0 { return "0" } let tempLine2: String = String(tempLine.split(separator: "<")[1]) var someTemp = "" var line2: String = "" if (tempLine2.first == "O") { someTemp.append(contentsOf: tempLine2.dropFirst()) someTemp.insert("0", at: line2.startIndex) line2.append(someTemp) } else { tempLine2.forEach { if ($0.isUppercase || $0.isNumber) { line2.append($0) } } } secondLine.append(line2) var myCounter: Int = 35 - secondLine.count - 1 while (myCounter >= 0) { secondLine.append("<") myCounter = myCounter - 1 } var line3: String = String(tempLine.split(separator: "<")[2]) secondLine.append(line3) return secondLine } // OldId private static func getFirstLineInOldIdMRZ(MRZ: String) -> String { let MRZ: String = MRZ.filter{!$0.isWhitespace} var firstLine: String = "" if MRZ.first != "I" { firstLine.append("I") } else { firstLine.append(MRZ.first ?? "I") } firstLine.append("<") var counter = 0 var temp: String = "" while counter <= 40 { temp.append(MRZ[counter]) counter = counter + 1 } var wordList: [String] = [String]() for word in temp.split(separator: "<") { if (String(word) != "I" && String(word) != "<" && !(String(word).isNumber) ) { var tempWord: String = String(word) if (tempWord.first == "I") { tempWord = String(tempWord.dropFirst()) } if (tempWord.first == "K") { tempWord = String(tempWord.dropFirst()) } wordList.append(String(tempWord)) } } var counter2 = 0 while (counter2 < wordList.count) { firstLine.append(String(wordList[counter2])) if (counter2 == 0) { firstLine.append("<<") } counter2 = counter2 + 1 } var counter3 = 36 - firstLine.count while counter3 > 0 { firstLine.append("<") counter3 = counter3 - 1 } return firstLine } private static func getSecondLineInOldIdMRZ(MRZ: String) -> String { let MRZ: String = MRZ.filter{!$0.isWhitespace} var counter = 36 var tempLine: String = "" var secondLine: String = "" while counter <= 80 { tempLine.append(MRZ[counter]) counter = counter + 1 } var line1: String = String(tempLine.split(separator: "<").first ?? "") if line1.count == 7 { line1.insert(Character(MRZ[35]), at: line1.startIndex) } secondLine.append(line1) secondLine.append("<") // test line starts here if tempLine.count == 0 { return "0" } let line2: String = String(tempLine.split(separator: "<")[1]) // test line ends here var line3: String = "" if !(line2.last?.isNumber ?? true) { line3 = String(line2.dropLast()) } else { line3 = String(line2) } secondLine.append(line3) return secondLine } // Re-creating the FirstLine private static func getFirstLineInNewIdMRZ(MRZ: String) -> String { var firstLine = "" var count: Int = 0 while count <= 21 { firstLine.append(MRZ[count]) count = count + 1 } if firstLine.dropLast().last == "I" { if let _ = firstLine.range(of: "I") { firstLine = firstLine.replacingOccurrences(of: "I", with: "1") } } if firstLine.last == "I" { if let _ = firstLine.range(of: "I") { firstLine = firstLine.replacingOccurrences(of: "I", with: "1") } } else if firstLine.last == "O" { if let _ = firstLine.range(of: "O") { firstLine = firstLine.replacingOccurrences(of: "O", with: "0") } } return firstLine + "<<<<<<<<" } // Re-creating the SecondLine private static func getSecondLineInNewIdMRZ(MRZ: String) -> String { var secondLine: String = "" var tempCount: Int = 28 var cleanLine: String = "" while tempCount <= 59 { secondLine.append(String(Array(MRZ)[tempCount])) tempCount = tempCount + 1 } if let line = secondLine.split(separator: "<").first { for letter in line { if letter == "K" {continue} cleanLine.append(letter) } } if cleanLine.last != "E" { cleanLine = String(cleanLine.dropLast()) } secondLine = cleanLine + "<<<<<<<<<<<" return secondLine } // Re-creating the ThirdLine private static func getThirdLineInNewIdMRZ(MRZ: String) -> String { // This method also includes the Digit from the second line var thirdLine = "" var count: Int = 59 while count <= 89 { if Array(MRZ)[safe: count] == nil { break } thirdLine.append(String(Array(MRZ)[count])) // out of range risk fixed count = count + 1 } var fullname = ["", ""] var counter = 0 for word in thirdLine.split(separator: "<") { if word == "K" {continue} if fullname[safe: counter] == nil { break } fullname[counter].append(contentsOf: word) counter = counter + 1 } var number: String = "" var name: String = "" var surname: String = "" if let first = fullname[0].first { if first.isNumber { number = String(first) name = String(fullname[0].dropFirst()) surname = fullname[1] } else if (first == "K" && fullname[0][1].isNumber ) { number = String(fullname[0][1]) name = String(fullname[0].dropFirst().dropFirst()) surname = fullname[1] } else if (first == "?") { number = "2" name = String(fullname[0].dropFirst()) surname = fullname[1] } } var middleWord: String = name + "<<" + surname let limit = 30 - middleWord.count var lastCount: Int = 0 while (lastCount < limit) { middleWord.append("<") lastCount = lastCount + 1 } thirdLine = middleWord return number + thirdLine } private static func recreateMRZNewId(MRZ: String) -> String { return getFirstLineInNewIdMRZ(MRZ: MRZ) // + getSecondThirdLineInNewIdMRZ(MRZ: MRZ) + "<" + getSecondLineInNewIdMRZ(MRZ: MRZ) + getThirdLineInNewIdMRZ(MRZ: MRZ) + "<" } private static func recreateMRZOldId(MRZ: String) -> String { return getFirstLineInOldIdMRZ(MRZ: MRZ) + "\n" + getSecondLineInOldIdMRZ(MRZ: MRZ) } private static func recreateForeignerId(MRZ: String) -> String { return getFirstLineInForeignerId(MRZ: MRZ) + "\n" + getSecondLineInForeignerId(MRZ: MRZ) } // This method will be called public static func recreateMRZ(MRZ: String) -> String { if ((MRZ[1] == "A" && MRZ[2] == "A") || (MRZ.count > 90)) { return recreateMRZNewId(MRZ: MRZ) } else if (MRZ[1] == "<") || ((MRZ[1] == "A" && (MRZ[2]) == "Z")) || ((MRZ[1] == "K" && (MRZ[2]) == "A")) { return recreateMRZOldId(MRZ: MRZ) } else if ((MRZ[1] == "P") || (MRZ[1] == "T")) { return recreateForeignerId(MRZ: MRZ) } else { return "No match" } } }
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