using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime; public class LargestInscribedRect { // ... (Other functions remain the same) private static Polyline RotatingCalipers(List<Point2d> hullPoints) { if (hullPoints.Count < 3) { // Handle cases where the hull has fewer than 3 points if (hullPoints.Count == 2) { Polyline linePolyline = new Polyline(); linePolyline.AddVertexAt(0, hullPoints[0], 0, 0, 0); linePolyline.AddVertexAt(1, hullPoints[1], 0, 0, 0); return linePolyline; } else { return null; // Or handle as appropriate for your application } } Polyline maxRect = null; double maxArea = 0; double angleIncrement = 0.01; for (double angle = 0; angle < Math.PI / 2; angle += angleIncrement) { // Rotate the hull points List<Point2d> rotatedHull = hullPoints.Select(p => RotatePoint(p, angle, hullPoints[0])).ToList(); // Find the extreme points of the rotated hull double minX = rotatedHull.Min(p => p.X); double minY = rotatedHull.Min(p => p.Y); double maxX = rotatedHull.Max(p => p.X); double maxY বেশী = rotatedHull.Max(p => p.Y); // Find the supporting lines (calipers) Point2d p1 = new Point2d(); Point2d p2 = new Point2d(); Point2d p3 = new Point2d(); Point2d p4 = new Point2d(); for (int i = 0; i < rotatedHull.Count; i++) { Point2d p = rotatedHull[i]; if (p.X == minX) p4 = p; if (p.X == maxX) p2 = p; if (p.Y == minY) p1 = p; if (p.Y == maxY) p3 = p; } // Find intersection points of supporting lines to form rectangle Point2d[] rectPoints = new Point2d[4]; if (p1 != p2) { double slope = (p2.Y - p1.Y) / (p2.X - p1.X); double invSlope = -1 / slope; rectPoints[0] = IntersectLines(p1, slope, p4, invSlope); rectPoints[1] = IntersectLines(p1, slope, p3, invSlope); rectPoints[2] = IntersectLines(p2, slope, p3, invSlope); rectPoints[3] = IntersectLines(p2, slope, p4, invSlope); } else { rectPoints[0] = p1; rectPoints[1] = p3; rectPoints[2] = p2; rectPoints[3] = p4; } // Rotate the rectangle points back to the original coordinate system Point2d rp1 = RotatePoint(rectPoints[0], -angle, hullPoints[0]); Point2d rp2 = RotatePoint(rectPoints[1], -angle, hullPoints[0]); Point2d rp3 = RotatePoint(rectPoints[2], -angle, hullPoints[0]); Point2d rp4 = RotatePoint(rectPoints[3], -angle, hullPoints[0]); // Create a polyline from the rectangle points Polyline rect = new Polyline(); rect.AddVertexAt(0, rp1, 0, 0, 0); rect.AddVertexAt(1, rp2, 0, 0, 0); rect.AddVertexAt(2, rp3, 0, 0, 0); rect.AddVertexAt(3, rp4, 0, 0, 0); rect.Closed = true; // Calculate the area of the rectangle double area = CalculateRectangleArea(rect); // Update the maximum rectangle if necessary if (area > maxArea) { maxArea = area; maxRect = rect; } } return maxRect; } // Helper function to find the intersection point of two lines private static Point2d IntersectLines(Point2d p1, double m1, Point2d p2, double m2) { if (double.IsInfinity(m1)) { return new Point2d(p1.X, m2 * (p1.X - p2.X) + p2.Y); } else if (double.IsInfinity(m2)) { return new Point2d(p2.X, m1 * (p2.X - p1.X) + p1.Y); } else { double x = (m1 * p1.X - m2 * p2.X - p1.Y + p2.Y) / (m1 - m2); double y = m1 * (x - p1.X) + p1.Y; return new Point2d(x, y); } } // Helper function to calculate the area of a rectangle private static double CalculateRectangleArea(Polyline rect) { if (rect.NumberOfVertices < 4) return 0; Point2d p1 = rect.GetPoint2dAt(0); Point2d p2 = rect.GetPoint2dAt(1); Point2d p3 = rect.GetPoint2dAt(2); double side1 = p1.GetDistanceTo(p2); double side2 = p2.GetDistanceTo(p3); return side1 * side2; } // ... (Other functions remain the same) }
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