2 years ago
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#include <iostream> #include <stack> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> #include <queue> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; string topostfix(string myString); string toprefix(string myString); int precedence(char op); int main(){ string user_string; cout << "Enter Expression: "; cin >> user_string; cout << topostfix(user_string); cout << "\n\n================================================\n\n"; cout << toprefix(user_string); return 0; } string topostfix(string myString){ char myChar[myString.length()]; strcpy(myChar, myString.c_str()); stack<char> s_op; stack<char> temp; string print_operator = ""; string result = ""; cout << "Postfix" << endl; cout << "Expression \t\t Operator\t\t Operand" << endl; for(int i = 0; i < myString.length(); i++){ if(myChar[i] != '*' && myChar[i] != '+' && myChar[i] != '-' && myChar[i] != '/' && myChar[i] != '(' && myChar[i] != ')'){ // if operand result += myChar[i]; if(s_op.empty()){ // if stack empty cout << setw(20) << left << myChar[i] << setw(5) << right << "" << setw(20) << right << result << endl; } else{ while(!s_op.empty()){ //cout << s_op.top(); temp.push(s_op.top()); s_op.pop(); } while(!temp.empty()){ print_operator += temp.top(); s_op.push(temp.top()); temp.pop(); } cout << setw(20) << left << myChar[i] << setw(5) << right << print_operator << setw(20) << right << result << endl; print_operator.clear(); } } else if (myChar[i] == '(') { // if '(' s_op.push(myChar[i]); while(!s_op.empty()){ temp.push(s_op.top()); s_op.pop(); } while(!temp.empty()){ print_operator += temp.top(); s_op.push(temp.top()); temp.pop(); } cout << setw(20) << left << myChar[i] << setw(5) << right << print_operator << setw(20) << right << result << endl; print_operator.clear(); } else if(myChar[i] == ')'){ // if ')' cout << setw(20) << left << myChar[i]; while(s_op.top() != '('){ result += s_op.top(); temp.push(s_op.top()); s_op.pop(); } print_operator += s_op.top(); s_op.pop(); // pop the opening parenthesis '(' while(!temp.empty()){ s_op.push(temp.top()); print_operator += temp.top(); temp.pop(); } s_op.pop(); // pop the opening parenthesis '(' cout << setw(5) << right << print_operator << setw(20) << right << result << endl; print_operator.clear(); } else{ // if char is an operator while(!s_op.empty() && precedence(s_op.top()) >= precedence(myChar[i])){ result += s_op.top(); s_op.pop(); } s_op.push(myChar[i]); while(!s_op.empty()){ //cout << s_op.top(); temp.push(s_op.top()); //print_operator += s_op.top(); s_op.pop(); } while(!temp.empty()){ print_operator += temp.top(); s_op.push(temp.top()); temp.pop(); } //cout << setw(20) << left << myChar[i]; cout << setw(20) << left << myChar[i] << setw(5) << right << print_operator << setw(20) << right << result << endl; print_operator.clear(); } } while(!s_op.empty()){ result += s_op.top(); print_operator += s_op.top(); s_op.pop(); } cout << setw(38) << "Output: " ; return result; } string toprefix(string myString){ char myChar[myString.length()]; strcpy(myChar, myString.c_str()); stack<char> s_op; stack<char> temp; string print_operator = ""; string result = ""; string final_result = ""; cout << "Prefix" << endl; cout << "Expression \t\t Operator\t\t Operand" << endl; for(int i = myString.length() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--){ // if letter if(myChar[i] != '*' && myChar[i] != '+' && myChar[i] != '-' && myChar[i] != '/' && myChar[i] != '(' && myChar[i] !=')'){ result += myChar[i]; while(!s_op.empty()){ temp.push(s_op.top()); s_op.pop(); } while(!temp.empty()){ s_op.push(temp.top()); print_operator += s_op.top(); temp.pop(); } cout << setw(20) << left << myChar[i] << setw(5) << right << print_operator << setw(20) << right << result << endl; print_operator.clear(); } // if operator else if(myChar[i] == ')'){ // if ')' s_op.push(myChar[i]); while(!s_op.empty()){ temp.push(s_op.top()); s_op.pop(); } while(!temp.empty()){ s_op.push(temp.top()); print_operator += s_op.top(); temp.pop(); } cout << setw(20) << left << myChar[i] << setw(5) << right << print_operator << setw(20) << right << result << endl; print_operator.clear(); } else if(myChar[i] == '('){ // if '(' while(s_op.top() != ')'){ result += s_op.top(); s_op.pop(); } while(!s_op.empty()){ temp.push(s_op.top()); s_op.pop(); } while(!temp.empty()){ print_operator += temp.top(); s_op.push(temp.top()); temp.pop(); } s_op.pop(); if(s_op.empty()){ cout << setw(20) << left << myChar[i] << setw(5) << right << " " << setw(20) << right << result << endl; } else{ cout << setw(20) << left << myChar[i] << setw(5) << right << print_operator << setw(20) << right << result << endl; } print_operator.clear(); } else if((myChar[i] == '*' || myChar[i] == '+' || myChar[i] == '-' || myChar[i] == '/' || myChar[i] == '(' ||myChar[i] ==')')){ while(!s_op.empty() && precedence(myChar[i]) < precedence(s_op.top())){ result += s_op.top(); s_op.pop(); } while(!s_op.empty()){ temp.push(s_op.top()); s_op.pop(); } while(!temp.empty()){ print_operator += temp.top(); s_op.push(temp.top()); temp.pop(); } s_op.push(myChar[i]); print_operator += myChar[i]; cout << setw(20) << left << myChar[i] << setw(5) << right << print_operator << setw(20) << right << result << endl; print_operator.clear(); } } while(!s_op.empty()){ result += s_op.top(); s_op.pop(); } reverse(result.begin(), result.end()); cout << setw(38) << right << "Output: "; return result; } int precedence (char op){ if(op == '*') return 4; else if (op == '/') return 3; else if(op == '+') return 2; else if(op == '-') return 1; return 0; }