a year ago
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# coding: utf-8 import json import stripe import datetime # Required for OAuth flow from rauth import OAuth2Service # Our secret key from stripe STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = 'sk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxx' STRIPE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID = 'ca_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' NOW = datetime.datetime.now() """ The use of Stripe Connect to create a payment platform isn't as well documented as I'd like. Here's a bit of code that walks you through the whole process from the start - + The OAuth flow + Creating a customer + Saving their credit card + Charging the customer + Creating a connect customer + Charging the connect customer + Updating the connect customer's credit card + Charging somebody via Connect without saving the customer """ # Set up your OAuth flow parameters params = {'response_type': 'code', 'scope': 'admin'} stripe_connect_service = OAuth2Service( name='stripe', client_id=STRIPE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=STRIPE_SECRET_KEY, authorize_url='https://connect.stripe.com/oauth/authorize', access_token_url='https://connect.stripe.com/oauth/token', base_url='https://api.stripe.com/', ) # Build a URL to send them off to. Redirect them to this URL url = stripe_connect_service.get_authorize_url(**params) # They return to your site from filling out a form on stripe and... # There's a temporary code returned when they're redirected to your site. # In Django, you would grab it like this code = request.GET.get('code', '') # Tell stripe what you want data = { 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'code': code } # Use your OAuth service to get a response resp = stripe_connect_service.get_raw_access_token(method='POST', data=data) # They returned JSON stripe_payload = json.loads(resp.text) # They return four parameters. We only care about the 'access_token' right now, # but its important to store all of them. connect_public_key = stripe_payload['stripe_publishable_key'] connect_access_token = stripe_payload['access_token'] connect_user_id = stripe_payload['stripe_user_id'] connect_refresh_token = stripe_payload['refresh_token'] # Now we make a card and a customer my_customer = stripe.Customer.create(email='adam@telemericorp.com', api_key=STRIPE_SECRET_KEY) # Use Stripe's dummy card data DUMMY_CARD = { 'number': '4242424242424242', 'exp_month': NOW.month, 'exp_year': NOW.year + 4 } # You need a token for the customer in order to make a connect version of the customer # The next line simulates the response from using stripe.js to tokenize a customer's card details # You should not be replicating this on the server pretendStripeJSToken = stripe.Token.create(api_key=STRIPE_SECRET_KEY, card=DUMMY_CARD) # Your customer needs a card on file, and that's why we need that token my_customer.cards.create(card=pretendStripeJSToken.id) # Now we can charge this customer i_get_ten_dollars = stripe.Charge.create( 1000, currency='usd', customer=my_customer.id, description='Frog toy', api_key=STRIPE_SECRET_KEY ) # And again. Note we don't need any additional tokens or approval my_money = stripe.Charge.create( 100, currency='usd', customer=my_customer.id, description='Money for me, the website creator', api_key=STRIPE_SECRET_KEY ) # The customer MUST have a card on file before you can make a Shared Connect customer # Need to create a Connect customer so the charges will go to our provider, not ourselves connect_customer = stripe.Customer.create( card=customer_token.id, email=my_customer.email, api_key=connect_access_token ## <-- Note we are using the secret key from the OAuth flow ) # THIS CONNECT_CUSTOMER HAS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT ID THAN MY_CUSTOMER. # IT CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING connect_access_token, NOT USING STRIPE_CUSTOMER_SECRET # Even though the ID is different this connect_customer now has same credit card as my_customer # If you charge connect_customer, it will be charged to that card # This person got 90% off on their frog toy connect_charge = stripe.Charge.create( amount=100, currency='usd', customer=connect_customer.id, ## <- PAY ATTENTION TO CUSTOMER IDs description='Frog toy', api_key=connect_access_token ## <- PAY ATTENTION TO TOKENS ) # Now that we've successfully charged them, lets add a new credit card DUMMY_CARD2 = { 'number': '5555555555554444', 'exp_month': NOW.month, 'exp_year': NOW.year + 4 } # Add this card to their list. It will be set as default. If we charge them again, # the charge will go on the card ending in 4444 # THIS DOES NOT UPDATE my_customer even though they're the same person. Any update to # a customer does not propagate to any other customer, even though they're related to # the same user yetAnotherPretendJSKey = stripe.Token.create( # Note this is emulating stripe.js, not a server token creation card=DUMMY_CARD2, api_key=STRIPE_SECRET_KEY ) connect_customer.cards.create(card=yetAnotherPretendJSKey.id) # We can create many connect customers even for the same vendors using the same email. # In fact, if we call Customer.create again, we'll get another totally unrelated platform customer, # even though they both have the same email and my_customer id # Get a token another_customer_token = stripe.Token.create( customer=my_customer.id, api_key=connect_access_token ) # Create the customer another_connect_customer = stripe.Customer.create( card=another_customer_token.id, email=my_customer.email, api_key=connect_access_token ) # Now we have two Connect customers that work just the same but have different IDs connect_customer.id == another_connect_customer.id # False # Why would you ever do this? Stripe appears to invalidate your connect customers # if the OAuth secret key changes, so sometimes you have to make new ones # Other than that I don't know. # Now I can charge either whenever I want without any extra work. # How nice new_charge = stripe.Charge.create( amount=3200, currency='usd', customer=connect_customer.id, description='WoW Larping fees', api_key=connect_access_token ) another_new_charge = stripe.Charge.create( amount=123000, currency='usd', customer=another_connect_customer.id, description='Bear Suit', api_key=connect_access_token ) """ This next part is a shortcut if you don't want to save the customer. You usually want to save them, because it streamlines the purchase process in the future, but if you want to make a single charge and forget their info forever, here's how """ # Make a token with your customer who already has a card attached single_charge_token = stripe.Token.create( customer=my_customer.id, api_key=connect_access_token ) # And now charge them. Money goes to your vendor single_charge = stripe.Charge.create( amount=400, currency='usd', card=single_charge_token.id, description='single charge', api_key=connect_access_token # <- Use key from OAuth )