
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
61 kB
function htmlOptionsEditorDialogController($scope, $sce, formHelper) {
  const vm = this;
  vm.defaultValues = {
    alias: 'title',
    settings: {
      container: {
        mobile: {
          spacing: {
            padding: {
              t: '4px',
              b: '8px',
              l: '16px',
              r: '24px',
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              all: '4px',
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            color: {
              color: '#ffe599',
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            radius: {
              tl: 'S',
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              bl: 'M',
              br: 'S',
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            shadow: 'Auto',
            color: '#744700',
            opacity: '5%',
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            width: 'Screen',
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        desktop: {
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              t: '4px',
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              l: '16px',
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              all: '4px',
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            color: {
              color: '#ffe599',
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              tl: 'S',
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              bl: 'M',
              br: 'S',
            width: 'width 2px',
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            shadow: 'Auto',
            color: '#744700',
            opacity: '5%',
          sizing: {
            width: 'Screen',
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            lineHeight: '.75rem/12px',
            align: 'Center',
            color: '#744700',
            decoration: 'Underine',
            decorationColor: '#16537e',
            decorationStyle: 'Double',
            thickness: 'From font',
            underlineOffset: 'From font',
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              t: '4px',
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              l: '4px',
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            color: 'Transparent',
          effects: {
            opacity: '5%',
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            width: 'Full',
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      icon: {
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          spacing: {
            padding: {
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              l: '8px',
              r: '16px',
            undefined: {
              all: 'None',
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            color: 'Current',
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            opacity: '10%',
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              customFill: 'Inherit',
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        mobile: {
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            color: 'Current',
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            opacity: '5%',
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            width: 'Full',
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  vm.close = close;
  vm.submit = submit;
  vm.stylingProperties = {};
  vm.generateRequestData = generateRequestData;
  vm.requestData = {};
  function submit(model) {
    vm.requestData = generateRequestData();
    if (!formHelper.submitForm({ scope: $scope })) {


  function close() {
    if ($scope.model && $scope.model.close) {
  // Constants -----------------------------------------------
  const paddingValues = [
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    '800 (extrabold)',
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    '2 (loose)',
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    'From font',
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  const containerSettings = {
    title: 'Container',
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        title: 'Background',
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                  value: false,
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                  name: 'From',
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                  value: '',
                  name: 'Set From color transparent',
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                  value: false,
                  show: true,

                  name: 'To',
                  propery: 'to',
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                  value: '',
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            name: 'Opacity',
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        title: 'Background',
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                  name: 'To',
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        title: 'Background',
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                  name: 'From',
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                  value: '',
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                  value: false,
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                  name: 'To',
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        property: 'sizing',
        settings: [
            name: 'Width',
            property: 'width',
            type: 'dropdown',
            value: '',
            items: widthSizeValues,
            name: 'Height',
            property: 'height',
            type: 'dropdown',
            value: '',
            items: heightSizeValues,
  const imageSettings = {
    title: 'Image',
    property: 'image',
    subSections: [
        title: 'Spacing',
        property: 'spacing',
        settings: [
            name: 'Set custom padding',
            property: 'padding',
            type: 'toggle',
            value: false,
            show: true,
            variants: [
                  name: 'Padding All',
                  property: 'all',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: paddingValues,
                  name: 'Padding Top',
                  property: 't',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: paddingValues,
                  name: 'Padding Bottom',
                  property: 'b',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: paddingValues,
                  name: 'Padding Left',
                  property: 'l',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: paddingValues,
                  name: 'Padding Right',
                  property: 'r',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: paddingValues,
            name: 'Set custom margin',
            property: 'margin',
            type: 'toggle',
            value: false,
            show: true,
            variants: [
                  name: 'Margin All',
                  property: 'all',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: marginValues,
                  name: 'Margin Top',
                  property: 't',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: marginValues,
                  name: 'Margin Bottom',
                  property: 'b',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: marginValues,
                  name: 'Margin Left',
                  property: 'l',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: marginValues,
                  name: 'Margin Right',
                  property: 'r',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: marginValues,
        title: 'Background',
        property: 'background',
        isOnlyMobile: true,
        settings: [
            name: 'Color',
            property: 'color',
            type: 'dropdown',
            value: '',
            items: ['Current', 'Transparent'],
        title: 'Border',
        property: 'border',
        settings: [
            name: 'Set custom radius',
            property: 'radius',
            type: 'toggle',
            value: false,
            show: true,
            variants: [
                  name: 'Radius All',
                  property: 'all',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: radiusValues,
                  name: 'Radius Top Left',
                  property: 'tl',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: radiusValues,
                  name: 'Radius Top Right',
                  property: 'tr',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: radiusValues,
                  name: 'Radius Bottom Left',
                  property: 'bl',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: radiusValues,
                  name: 'Radius Bottom Right',
                  property: 'br',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: radiusValues,
            name: 'Width',
            property: 'width',
            isOnlyMobile: true,
            type: 'dropdown',
            value: '',
            items: borderWidthValues,
            name: 'Color',
            property: 'color',
            isOnlyMobile: true,
            type: 'colorPicker',
            value: '',
            name: 'Style',
            property: 'style',
            isOnlyMobile: true,
            type: 'dropdown',
            value: '',
            items: borderStyleValues,
        title: 'Effects',
        property: 'effects',
        isOnlyMobile: true,
        settings: [
            name: 'Opacity',
            property: 'opacity',
            type: 'dropdown',
            value: '',
            items: opacityValues,
        title: 'Sizing',
        property: 'sizing',
        settings: [
            name: 'Width',
            property: 'width',
            type: 'dropdown',
            value: '',
            items: widthSizeValues,
            name: 'Height',
            property: 'height',
            type: 'dropdown',
            value: '',
            items: heightSizeValues,
  const iconSettings = {
    title: 'Icon',
    property: 'icon',
    subSections: [
        title: 'Spacing',
        property: 'spacing',
        settings: [
            name: 'Set custom padding',
            property: 'padding',
            type: 'toggle',
            value: false,
            show: true,
            variants: [
                  name: 'Padding All',
                  property: 'all',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: paddingValues,
                  name: 'Padding Top',
                  property: 't',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: paddingValues,
                  name: 'Padding Bottom',
                  property: 'b',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: paddingValues,
                  name: 'Padding Left',
                  property: 'l',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: paddingValues,
                  name: 'Padding Right',
                  property: 'r',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: paddingValues,
            name: 'Set custom margin',
            type: 'toggle',
            value: false,
            show: true,
            variants: [
                  name: 'Margin All',
                  property: 'all',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: marginValues,
                  name: 'Margin Top',
                  property: 't',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: marginValues,
                  name: 'Margin Bottom',
                  property: 'b',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: marginValues,
                  name: 'Margin Left',
                  property: 'l',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: marginValues,
                  name: 'Margin Right',
                  property: 'r',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: marginValues,
        title: 'Background',
        property: 'background',
        isOnlyMobile: true,
        settings: [
            name: 'Color',
            property: 'color',
            type: 'dropdown',
            value: '',
            items: ['Current', 'Transparent'],
        title: 'Effects',
        property: 'effects',
        isOnlyMobile: true,
        settings: [
            name: 'Opacity',
            property: 'opacity',
            type: 'dropdown',
            value: '',
            items: opacityValues,
        title: 'Sizing',
        property: 'sizing',
        settings: [
            name: 'Width',
            property: 'width',
            type: 'dropdown',
            value: '',
            items: widthSizeValues,
            name: 'Height',
            property: 'height',
            type: 'dropdown',
            value: '',
            items: heightSizeValues,
        title: 'SVG',
        property: 'svg',
        isOnlyMobile: true,
        settings: [
            name: 'Set custom fill',
            property: 'fill',
            type: 'toggle',
            value: false,
            show: true,
            variants: [
                  name: 'Fill',
                  property: 'fill',
                  type: 'colorPicker',
                  value: '',
                  name: 'Fill',
                  property: 'customFill',
                  type: 'dropdown',
                  value: '',
                  items: customFillColor,
            name: 'Stroke',
            property: 'stroke',
            type: 'dropdown',
            value: '',
            items: borderWidthValues,
            name: 'Width',
            property: 'width',
            type: 'dropdown',
            value: '',
            items: [0, 1, 2],
  const basicSettings = [
      name: 'Add Styles for',
      type: 'dropdown-add',
      id: 'add-subsection',
      value: '',
      show: vm.defaultValues.alias,
      items: [containerSettings],
      name: 'Show preview',
      type: 'toggle',
      id: 'preview',
      show: vm.defaultValues.alias,
      value: false,
      name: 'Show defaults',
      type: 'toggle',
      id: 'defaults',
      value: false,
      show: vm.defaultValues.alias,
      showTooltip: false,
        "Show default values for sections. If you don't choose any styles, those styles will be applied.",

  // Constants End -----------------------------------------------

  // Additional Styling start -------------------------------------------------------
  vm.tabselector = 'mobile';
  vm.handleDropDownOpen = handleDropDownOpen;
  vm.handleDropDownClose = handleDropDownClose;
  vm.selectDropDownValue = selectDropDownValue;
  vm.selectSection = selectSection;
  vm.addSubsection = addSubsection;
  vm.setShowPickersInSection = setShowPickersInSection;
  vm.getDropDownValue = getDropDownValue;
  vm.mouseOver = mouseOver;
  vm.mouseLeave = mouseLeave;
  vm.toggle = toggle;
  vm.toggleTabShow = toggleTabShow;
  vm.getButtonLabel = getButtonLabel;
  vm.selectTab = selectTab;
  vm.addActiveClass = addActiveClass;
  vm.changeColor = changeColor;
  vm.tabs = [
      label: 'Mobile',
      settings: basicSettings,
      selector: 'mobile',
      show: true,
      isRemovable: false,
      styledSectionsSettings: [],
      label: 'Tablet',
      settings: basicSettings,
      selector: 'tablet',
      show: Object.values(vm.defaultValues.settings).find((el) =>
      isRemovable: true,
      styledSectionsSettings: [],
      label: 'Desktop',
      settings: basicSettings,
      selector: 'desktop',
      show: Object.values(vm.defaultValues.settings).find((el) =>
      isRemovable: true,
      styledSectionsSettings: [],
  vm.stylingProperties = {
    alias: {
      name: 'Section',
      type: 'dropdown',
      id: 'section',
      value: vm.defaultValues.alias ?? '',
      show: true,
      items: ['Title', 'Pretitle', 'Description'],
    settings: [containerSettings],

  function handleDropDownOpen(currentDropDown) {
    currentDropDown.dropdownOpen = true;

  function handleDropDownClose(currentDropDown) {
    currentDropDown.dropdownOpen = false;

  function selectDropDownValue(item, currentSettings, index) {
    const currentDropDown = currentSettings[index];
    currentDropDown.value = item;

  function changeColor(color, currentSetting) {
    const hexColor = color.toHexString();
    currentSetting.value = hexColor;
  function clearEmpties(o) {
    for (var k in o) {
      if (!o[k] || typeof o[k] !== 'object') {
      if (Object.keys(o[k]).length === 0) {
        delete o[k];
    return o;

  function generateRequestData() {
    const requestData = { settings: {}, alias: '' };
    vm.stylingProperties.settings.map((tab) => {
      let alias = '';
      if (tab.settings.length && tab.settings[0].value) {
        alias = tab.settings[0].value.toLowerCase();
      let tmp = {};
      if (tab.styledSectionsSettings.length) {
        tab.styledSectionsSettings.map((section) => {
          tmp[section.property] = {};
          section.subSections.forEach((subsection) => {
            tmp[section.property][subsection.property] = {};
            subsection.settings.forEach((setting) => {
              tmp[section.property][subsection.property][setting.property] = {};

              if (
                setting.value &&
                setting.value !== 'Select value' &&
              ) {
                tmp[section.property][subsection.property][setting.property] =
              if (setting.variants?.length) {
                if (!setting.value) {
                  setting.variants[0].forEach((variant) => {
                    if (variant.value !== 'Select value' && variant.value) {
                      ][variant.property] = variant.value;
                } else {
                  setting.variants[1].forEach((variant) => {
                    if (variant.value !== 'Select value' && variant.value) {
                      ][variant.property] = variant.value;
      if (Object.keys(tmp).length) {
        requestData.settings[tab.selector] = tmp;
        requestData.alias = alias;
    return requestData;

  function selectSection(item, property) {
    property.value = item;

    if (property.value !== '') {
      vm.stylingProperties.settings.forEach((tab) => {
          ['add-subsection', 'preview', 'defaults'],

  function addSubsection(item, selectedTab, index) {
    const currentDropDown = selectedTab.settings[index];
    const selectedSection = currentDropDown.items.indexOf(item);
    currentDropDown.items.splice(selectedSection, 1);

  function setShowPickersInSection(settings, ids, show) {
    settings.forEach((setting) => {
      if (ids.some((id) => id === setting.id)) {
        setting.show = show;

  function getDropDownValue(currentDropDown) {
    if (!currentDropDown.value.length) {
      currentDropDown.value = 'Select value';

  function mouseOver(setting) {
    setting.showTooltip = true;

  function mouseLeave(setting) {
    setting.showTooltip = false;

  function toggle(currentSetting) {
    if (currentSetting) {
      currentSetting.value = !currentSetting.value;

  function toggleTabShow(selectedTab, tabIndex) {
    selectedTab.show = !selectedTab.show;
    if (selectedTab.show && tabIndex) {
      const previousSettings = structuredClone(
        vm.stylingProperties.settings[tabIndex - 1].settings
        ? structuredClone(vm.stylingProperties.settings[tabIndex - 1].settings)
        : structuredClone(vm.stylingProperties.settings[0].settings);
      const previosStyledSectionsSettings = structuredClone(
        vm.stylingProperties.settings[tabIndex - 1].styledSectionsSettings
        ? structuredClone(
            vm.stylingProperties.settings[tabIndex - 1].styledSectionsSettings
        : structuredClone(

      selectedTab.settings = previousSettings;
      selectedTab.styledSectionsSettings = previosStyledSectionsSettings;
    if (!selectedTab.show) {
      selectedTab.settings = [];
      selectedTab.styledSectionsSettings = [];

  function getButtonLabel(show, tabButton) {
    return show ? `Add ${tabButton.label}` : `Remove ${tabButton.label}`;

  function selectTab(tabSelector) {
    vm.tabselector = tabSelector;

  function addActiveClass(tabSelector) {
    if (tabSelector === vm.tabselector) {
      return 'activetab';
    } else return '';
