
2 years ago
5.1 kB
html > body {
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html body .ym_stickyFooter{
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html body .ym_sticky_content > div{
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html body .ym_sticky_content p{
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    line-height: 22px;

html body .ym_sticky_price{
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html body .ym_sticky_price::after{
    content: ' ';
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html body .ym_sticky_price > p{    
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html body .ym_sticky_price > div{
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html body .ym_sticky_price > div h2{
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html body .ym_sticky_price > div p{
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html body .ym_sticky__btn{
    display: flex;
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html body .ym_sticky__btn .ym_btn{
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    background: #02324f;
    color: #fff;
    padding: 0.83em 1.11em;
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    transition: all .15ms ease;
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html body .ym_sticky__btn .ym_btn:hover{
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html body .ym_sticky__btn .ym_btn:focus-visible{
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html body .ym_sticky__btn .ym_btn:focus{
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@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
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    html body .ym_sticky__btn{
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    html body .ym_sticky_price > div h2{
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    html body .ym_sticky_price > div p{
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@media screen and (max-width: 359px) {
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@media screen and (max-width: 319px) {
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try {
    /* Variation functions */
    var ym_stickyFooter = ''+
    '<div class="ym_stickyFooter">'+
    '     <div class="ym_sticky_content">'+
    '           <div class="ym_sticky_price">'+
    '                 <p>PRICE FROM</p>'+
    '                 <div>'+
    '                      <h2>$7,350</h2>'+
    '                      <p>per person, double occupancy</p>'+
    '                 </div>'+
    '           </div>'+
    '           <div class="ym_sticky__btn">'+
    '                 <a class="ym_phone" href="tel:18449211471"><i class="nav-phone__icon"></i><p>888-477-9921</p></a>'+
    '                 <p class="ym_btn">CUSTOMIZE THIS TRIP</p>'+
    '           </div>'+
    '     </div>'+
       document.querySelector('.ym_sticky_price h2').textContent=document.querySelector('#trip-type-row-desc .price_field').textContent;
        document.querySelector('#price-section #cta-section button.btn-primary').click();

  } catch (e) {
 console.log(e, "error in Test");

var fixmeTop = $('#trip-type-row-desc').offset().top;
$(window).scroll(function() {
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