2 years ago
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//@version=4 // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © KivancOzbilgic //developer: @KivancOzbilgic //author: @enesyetkin strategy("Y-Profit Maximizer Strategy with Exit Points", shorttitle="Y-PMax Strategy with Exit Points", overlay=true, default_qty_type=strategy.cash, default_qty_value=10000, initial_capital=10000, currency=currency.USD, commission_value=0.1, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent) baslik1 = input(title="-------------------- PMax Setttings -------------------", defval=false) src = input(hl2, title="Source") Periods = input(title="ATR Length", type=input.integer, defval=10) Multiplier = input(title="ATR Multiplier", type=input.float, step=0.1, defval=3.0) mav = input(title="Moving Average Type", defval="ZLEMA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "TMA", "VAR", "WWMA", "ZLEMA", "TSF"]) length =input(13, "Moving Average Length", minval=1) changeATR= input(title="Change ATR calculation Method?", type=input.bool, defval=true) showsupport = input(title="Show Moving Average?", type=input.bool, defval=false) showsignalsk = input(title="Show Buy sell signals?", type=input.bool, defval=true) showsignalsc = input(title="Show Price/Pmax cross signals?", type=input.bool, defval=false) highlighting = input(title="Cloud On/Off?", type=input.bool, defval=false) baslik4 = input(title="-------------------- T3 Setttings --------------------", defval=false) length1 = input(89, "T3 Length") length2 = input(5, "T3 Filter Length") a1 = input(0.84, "T3 Volume Factor") a13 = 0.84 length12 = input(5, "Fibo T3 Length") a12 = input(0.618, "T3 Fibo Volume Factor") T31Show = input(title="Show T3?", type=input.bool, defval=false) T32Show = input(title= "T3 Filter On/Off?", type=input.bool, defval=false) T3FiboLine = input(false, title="T3 Fibonacci Lines?") shownum = true baslik7 = input(title="---------------- Take Profit Setttings --------------", defval=false) len = input(25, "Snake Length") domcycle = input(20, minval=10, title="Dominant Cycle Length") rapida = input(8, "Fast Avg") lenta = input(26, "Slow Avg") stdv = input(0.8, "Length") tpfiltre = input(false, title="TP Filter avg2/avg4?") tplevelshow = input(false, title="TP Level and Exit Level Count On/Off?") tp1show = input(false, title="Early TP Signals On/Off ?") baslik8 = input(title="------------------- MOST Setttings ------------------", defval=false) src_most=input(close,"Source") AP2 = input(defval=8,title="Length",minval=1) AF2 = input(defval=2,title="Percent",minval=0.1)/100 mav1 = input(title="Moving Average Type", defval="ZLEMA", options=["VAR","ZLEMA"]) plotbuysell = input(true, "Buy/Sell Shapes On/Off ?", input.bool) ///T3 1&2 e1 = ema((high + low + 2 * close) / 4, length1) e2 = ema(e1, length1) e3 = ema(e2, length1) e4 = ema(e3, length1) e5 = ema(e4, length1) e6 = ema(e5, length1) c1 = -a1 * a1 * a1 c2 = 3 * a1 * a1 + 3 * a1 * a1 * a1 c3 = -6 * a1 * a1 - 3 * a1 - 3 * a1 * a1 * a1 c4 = 1 + 3 * a1 + a1 * a1 * a1 + 3 * a1 * a1 T3 = c1 * e6 + c2 * e5 + c3 * e4 + c4 * e3 e13 = ema((high + low + 2 * close) / 4, length2) e23 = ema(e13, length2) e33 = ema(e23, length2) e43 = ema(e33, length2) e53 = ema(e43, length2) e63 = ema(e53, length2) c13 = -a13 * a13 * a13 c23 = 3 * a13 * a13 + 3 * a13 * a13 * a13 c33 = -6 * a13 * a13 - 3 * a13 - 3 * a13 * a13 * a13 c43 = 1 + 3 * a13 + a13 * a13 * a13 + 3 * a13 * a13 T33 = c13 * e63 + c23 * e53 + c33 * e43 + c43 * e33 ///PMax atr2 = sma(tr, Periods) atr= changeATR ? atr(Periods) : atr2 valpha=2/(length+1) vud1=src>src[1] ? src-src[1] : 0 vdd1=src<src[1] ? src[1]-src : 0 vUD=sum(vud1,9) vDD=sum(vdd1,9) vCMO=nz((vUD-vDD)/(vUD+vDD)) VAR=0.0 VAR:=nz(valpha*abs(vCMO)*src)+(1-valpha*abs(vCMO))*nz(VAR[1]) wwalpha = 1/ length WWMA = 0.0 WWMA := wwalpha*src + (1-wwalpha)*nz(WWMA[1]) zxLag = length/2==round(length/2) ? length/2 : (length - 1) / 2 zxEMAData = (src + (src - src[zxLag])) ZLEMA = ema(zxEMAData, length) lrc = linreg(src, length, 0) lrc1 = linreg(src,length,1) lrs = (lrc-lrc1) TSF = linreg(src, length, 0)+lrs getMA(src, length) => ma = 0.0 if mav == "SMA" ma := sma(src, length) ma if mav == "EMA" ma := ema(src, length) ma if mav == "WMA" ma := wma(src, length) ma if mav == "TMA" ma := sma(sma(src, ceil(length / 2)), floor(length / 2) + 1) ma if mav == "VAR" ma := VAR ma if mav == "WWMA" ma := WWMA ma if mav == "ZLEMA" ma := ZLEMA ma if mav == "TSF" ma := TSF ma if mav == "T3" ma := T3 ma ma MAvg=getMA(src, length) longStop = MAvg - Multiplier*atr longStopPrev = nz(longStop[1], longStop) longStop := MAvg > longStopPrev ? max(longStop, longStopPrev) : longStop shortStop = MAvg + Multiplier*atr shortStopPrev = nz(shortStop[1], shortStop) shortStop := MAvg < shortStopPrev ? min(shortStop, shortStopPrev) : shortStop dir = 1 dir := nz(dir[1], dir) dir := dir == -1 and MAvg > shortStopPrev ? 1 : dir == 1 and MAvg < longStopPrev ? -1 : dir PMax = dir==1 ? longStop: shortStop ///MOST zxLag1 = AP2/2==round(AP2/2) ? AP2/2 : (AP2 - 1) / 2 zxEMAData1 = (src_most + (src_most - src_most[zxLag1])) ZLEMA1 = ema(zxEMAData1, AP2) valpha1=2/(AP2+1) vud2=src_most>src_most[1] ? src_most-src_most[1] : 0 vdd2=src_most<src_most[1] ? src_most[1]-src_most : 0 vUD1=sum(vud2,9) vDD1=sum(vdd2,9) vCMO1=nz((vUD1-vDD1)/(vUD1+vDD1)) VAR1=0.0 VAR1 := nz(valpha1*abs(vCMO1)*src_most)+(1-valpha1*abs(vCMO1))*nz(VAR1[1]) getMA1(src, length) => ma1 = 0.0 if mav1 == "VAR" ma1 := VAR1 ma1 if mav1 == "ZLEMA" ma1 := ZLEMA1 ma1 Trail1 = getMA1(src, length) SL2 = Trail1*AF2 // Stop Loss Trail2 = 0.0 Trail2 := iff(Trail1>nz(Trail2[1],0) and Trail1[1]>nz(Trail2[1],0),max(nz(Trail2[1],0),Trail1-SL2),iff(Trail1<nz(Trail2[1],0) and Trail1[1]<nz(Trail2[1],0),min(nz(Trail2[1],0),Trail1+SL2),iff(Trail1>nz(Trail2[1],0),Trail1-SL2,Trail1+SL2))) Buy = crossover(Trail1, Trail2) Sell = crossunder(Trail1, Trail2) SR=(iff(Trail1 > Trail2 ,1, iff(Trail2 > Trail1,-1,0))) ////T3 TILLSON 1 col1 = T3 > T3[1] col3 = T3 < T3[1] col4 = T33 > T33[1] col5 = T33 < T33[1] color_1 = col1 ? color.green : col3 ? color.red : color.yellow color_4 = col4 ? color.green : col5 ? color.red : color.yellow e12 = ema((high + low + 2 * close) / 4, length12) e22 = ema(e12, length12) e32 = ema(e22, length12) e42 = ema(e32, length12) e52 = ema(e42, length12) e62 = ema(e52, length12) c12 = -a12 * a12 * a12 c22 = 3 * a12 * a12 + 3 * a12 * a12 * a12 c32 = -6 * a12 * a12 - 3 * a12 - 3 * a12 * a12 * a12 c42 = 1 + 3 * a12 + a12 * a12 * a12 + 3 * a12 * a12 T32 = c12 * e62 + c22 * e52 + c32 * e42 + c42 * e32 col12 = T32 > T32[1] col32 = T32 < T32[1] ///TP BB ve SNAKE h = ema(high, len) l = ema(low, len) hp = h / h[len] lp = l / l[len] avg = avg(hp, lp) havg = ema(highest(avg, len), len) lavg = ema(lowest(avg, len), len) avg2 = avg(havg, lavg) avg3 = avg(havg, avg2) avg4 = avg(havg, avg3) dif = havg - avg2 ust = havg + dif alt = lavg - dif ///BB on MACD SDev = 0.0 banda_supe = 0.0 banda_inf = 0.0 m_rapida = ema(close,rapida) m_lenta = ema(close,lenta) BBMacd = m_rapida - m_lenta Avg = ema(BBMacd,9) SDev := stdev(BBMacd,9) banda_supe := Avg + stdv * SDev banda_inf := Avg - stdv * SDev color2 = col12 ? color.blue : col32 ? color.purple : color.yellow TS1 = plot(Trail1, "ExMov", style=plot.style_line,color=Trail1 > Trail2 ? color.blue : color.yellow, linewidth=2) TS2 = plot(Trail2, "Most", style=plot.style_line,color=Trail1 > Trail2 ? color.green : color.red, linewidth=2) tp1 = tpfiltre ? crossunder(BBMacd,banda_supe) and (avg>avg2) and (MAvg>PMax) and nz(MAvg[10]) > nz(PMax[10]) : crossunder(BBMacd,banda_supe) and (avg>avg4) and (MAvg>PMax) and nz(MAvg[15]) > nz(PMax[15]) plotshape(tp1 and tp1show, title="TP1", text="TP1", location=location.abovebar, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=color.aqua, textcolor=color.white,transp=0) plot(T31Show ? T3 : na, color=color_1, linewidth=3, title="T3") plot(T32Show ? T33 : na, color=color_4, linewidth=3, title="T3 Filter") plot(T3FiboLine and T32 ? T32 : na, color=color2, linewidth=2, title="T3fibo") plot(showsupport ? MAvg : na, color=#0585E1, linewidth=2, title="Moving Avg Line") pALL=plot(PMax, color=color.red, linewidth=2, title="PMax", transp=100) buySignalk = crossover(MAvg, PMax) plotshape(buySignalk and showsignalsk ? PMax*0.995 : na, title="Buy", text="BUY", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, transp=0) sellSignallk = crossunder(MAvg, PMax) plotshape(sellSignallk and showsignalsk ? PMax*1.005 : na, title="Sell", text="SELL", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=color.red, textcolor=color.white, transp=0) buySignalc = crossover(src, PMax) plotshape(buySignalc and showsignalsc ? PMax*0.995 : na, title="Buy-Price", text="BUY", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny, color=#0F18BF, textcolor=color.white, transp=0) sellSignallc = crossunder(src, PMax) plotshape(sellSignallc and showsignalsc ? PMax*1.005 : na, title="Sell-Price", text="SELL", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=#0F18BF, textcolor=color.white, transp=0) mPlot = plot(ohlc4, title="", style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=0,display=display.none) longFillColor = highlighting ? (MAvg>PMax ? color.green : na) : na shortFillColor = highlighting ? (MAvg<PMax ? color.red : na) : na fill(mPlot, pALL, title="Up Trend Cloud", color=longFillColor) fill(mPlot, pALL, title="Down Trend Cloud", color=shortFillColor) tplevel = 0 //tplevel := tp1 ? nz(tplevel[1])==0 ? 1 : nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 2 : 0 : nz(tplevel[1])==0 ? 0 : nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 1 : nz(tplevel[1])==2 ? 2 : sellSignallk ? 0 : 0 //tplevel := sellSignallk or MAvg < PMax ? 0 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==8 ? 9 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==7 ? 8 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==6 ? 7 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==5 ? 6 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==4 ? 5 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==3 ? 4 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==2 ? 3 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 2 : nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 1 : nz(tplevel[1])==2 ? 2 : nz(tplevel[1])==3 ? 3 : nz(tplevel[1])==4 ? 4 : nz(tplevel[1])==5 ? 5 : nz(tplevel[1])==6 ? 6 : nz(tplevel[1])==7 ? 7 : nz(tplevel[1])==8 ? 8 : nz(tplevel[1])==9 ? 9 : 1 tplevel := sellSignallk or MAvg < PMax ? 0 : Trail1 < Trail2 ? 0 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 2 : nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 1 : nz(tplevel[1])==2 ? 2 : 1 exitlevel = 0 exitlevel := sellSignallk or MAvg < PMax ? 0 : Sell and nz(tplevel[1])==2 and nz(exitlevel[1])==1 ? 2 : Sell and nz(tplevel[1])==2 and nz(exitlevel[1])==2 ? 3 : Sell and nz(tplevel[1])==2 and nz(exitlevel[1])==3 ? 4 : Sell and nz(tplevel[1])==2 and nz(exitlevel[1])==4 ? 5: nz(exitlevel[1])==1 ? 1 : nz(exitlevel[1])==2 ? 2 : nz(exitlevel[1])==3 ? 3 : nz(exitlevel[1])==4 ? 4 : nz(exitlevel[1])==5 ? 5: 1 plotchar(tplevel==0 and tplevelshow, char='0', color=color.green) plotchar(tplevel==1 and tplevelshow , char='1', color=color.green) plotchar(tplevel==2 and tplevelshow, char='2', color=color.green) plotshape(exitlevel==0 and tplevelshow , text='0', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red) plotshape(exitlevel==1 and tplevelshow , text='1', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red) plotshape(exitlevel==2 and tplevelshow , text='2', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red) plotshape(exitlevel==3 and tplevelshow , text='3', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red) plotshape(exitlevel==4 and tplevelshow , text='4', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red) plotshape(exitlevel==5 and tplevelshow , text='5', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red) plotshape(nz(tplevel[1])==2 and Sell and exitlevel>=2, title="TP", text="TP", location=location.abovebar, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=color.lime, textcolor=color.white,transp=0) if (buySignalk) strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long) if nz(tplevel[1])==2 and Sell and exitlevel==2 strategy.exit ("Exit1", from_entry="Buy", limit=close, qty_percent = 25) if nz(tplevel[1])==3 and Sell and exitlevel==3 strategy.exit ("Exit2", from_entry="Buy", limit=close, qty_percent = 33.3) if nz(tplevel[1])==4 and Sell and exitlevel==3 strategy.exit ("Exit3", from_entry="Buy", limit=close, qty_percent = 50) if nz(tplevel[1])==5 and Sell and exitlevel==3 strategy.exit ("Exit4", from_entry="Buy", limit=close) if (sellSignallk) strategy.close_all()
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