a month ago
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import ssl import pandas as pd from gnews import GNews from collections import defaultdict # SSL Context (use with caution) ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context # Read the spreadsheet file file_path = 'input_data.xlsx' # Replace with your file path data = pd.read_excel(file_path) # Set up the search parameters start_year = 2013 end_year = 2023 # List to store results results = [] # Get unique keywords from the column keywords = data['Keyword'].dropna().unique() # Get unique websites from the column websites = data['Website'].dropna().unique() # Iterate over each keyword for keyword in keywords: # Iterate over each website for site in websites: # Initialize GNews for global English language news google_news = GNews(language='en', max_results=500) # Dictionary to store the count of articles per year yearly_counts = defaultdict(int) # Iterate through each year for year in range(start_year, end_year + 1): # Define two 6-month intervals intervals = [ ((year, 1, 1), (year, 6, 30)), # First 6 months ((year, 7, 1), (year, 12, 31)) # Last 6 months ] # Initialize count for the current year total_year_count = 0 # Iterate over each 6-month interval for start_date, end_date in intervals: google_news.start_date = start_date google_news.end_date = end_date try: # Get news articles articles = google_news.get_news(f"intitle:{keyword} site:{site}") # Count articles mentioning the keyword keyword_articles = [article for article in articles if keyword.lower() in article['title'].lower() or keyword.lower() in article['description'].lower()] # Accumulate the count for the year total_year_count += len(keyword_articles) except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred for period {start_date} to {end_date} with site {site}: {e}") # Store the combined count for the full year yearly_counts[year] = total_year_count # Print combined output for the year print(f"Retrieved {total_year_count} articles for {year} with keyword '{keyword}' from {site}") # Sum the counts for all years total_count = sum(yearly_counts.values()) # Add the results to the list results.append({'Keyword': keyword, 'Website': site, 'Mentions': total_count}) # Create a DataFrame from the results df_results = pd.DataFrame(results) # Sort the DataFrame by 'Mentions' in descending order df_results_sorted = df_results.sort_values(by='Mentions', ascending=False) # Print the sorted DataFrame print(df_results_sorted) # Optionally, save the DataFrame to an Excel or CSV file df_results_sorted.to_excel('keyword_mentions_sorted.xlsx', index=False)
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