
a year ago
18 kB
UPDATE AvtechConnectTraining.dbo.Contracts SET enableAssignmentConfirmation = 0 WHERE contractID = 1026

-- Areas

INSERT into dbo.CabinAircraftAreas (contractID, aircraftAreaMasterID, description, assignmentRequired, reference1ImageID, reference2ImageID, created, edited)
VALUES (1026, 4, N'1st class lavatories', 0, null, null, N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924', N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924');

INSERT into dbo.CabinAircraftAreas (contractID, aircraftAreaMasterID, description, assignmentRequired, reference1ImageID, reference2ImageID, created, edited)
VALUES (1026, 4, N'Economy class lavatories', 0, null, null, N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924', N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924');

INSERT into dbo.CabinAircraftAreas (contractID, aircraftAreaMasterID, description, assignmentRequired, reference1ImageID, reference2ImageID, created, edited)
VALUES (1026, 5, N'Aisle carpets', 0, null, null, N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924', N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924');

INSERT into dbo.CabinAircraftAreas (contractID, aircraftAreaMasterID, description, assignmentRequired, reference1ImageID, reference2ImageID, created, edited)
VALUES (1026, 6, N'Cockpit inside', 0, null, null, N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924', N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924');

INSERT into dbo.CabinAircraftAreas (contractID, aircraftAreaMasterID, description, assignmentRequired, reference1ImageID, reference2ImageID, created, edited)
VALUES (1026, 6, N'Cockpit outside', 0, null, null, N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924', N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924');

-- FORM 1

INSERT into dbo.Forms (formCategoryID, name, description, airlineID, created, edited, reportImageID, notScored) VALUES (1, N'Audit without areas', N'Audit without areas', null, N'2023-05-23 21:22:53.4969226', null, null, 1);
INSERT INTO dbo.ContractForms (contractID, formID) VALUES (1026,2);

-- Section 1
INSERT into dbo.FormSections (formID, caption, description, orderIndex, calculateScore, excludeFromTotalScore, created, edited, sectionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, cabinAircraftAreaID, hideSectionUntilFirstSave)
VALUES (2, N'Section 1', N'Section 1', 1, 0, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924', null, 1, null, null, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (4, 4, N'First?', null, 0, 1, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (4, 4, N'Second?', null, 0, 1, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (4, 4, N'Third?', null, 0, 1, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

-- Section 2
INSERT into dbo.FormSections (formID, caption, description, orderIndex, calculateScore, excludeFromTotalScore, created, edited, sectionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, cabinAircraftAreaID, hideSectionUntilFirstSave)
VALUES (2, N'Section 2', N'Section 2', 2, 0, 2, N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924', null, 1, null, null, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (5, 4, N'First 2?', null, 0, 1, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (5, 4, N'Second 2?', null, 1, 2, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (5, 4, N'Third 2?', null, 1, 3, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

-- FORM 2

INSERT into dbo.Forms (formCategoryID, name, description, airlineID, created, edited, reportImageID, notScored) VALUES (2, N'Audit with areas', N'Audit with areas', null, N'2023-05-23 21:22:53.4969226', null, null, 1);
INSERT INTO dbo.ContractForms (contractID, formID) VALUES (1026,3);

-- Section 1
INSERT into dbo.FormSections (formID, caption, description, orderIndex, calculateScore, excludeFromTotalScore, created, edited, sectionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, cabinAircraftAreaID, hideSectionUntilFirstSave)
VALUES (3, N'Lavatory section', N'Lavatory section', 1, 0, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924', null, 1, 4, 1, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (6, 4, N'Lavatory required question', null, 0, 3, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (6, 4, N'Lavatory optional question', null, 1, 3, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

-- Section 2

INSERT into dbo.FormSections (formID, caption, description, orderIndex, calculateScore, excludeFromTotalScore, created, edited, sectionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, cabinAircraftAreaID, hideSectionUntilFirstSave)
VALUES (3, N'Lavatory 2 section', N'Lavatory 2 section', 1, 0, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924', null, 1, 4, 2, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (7, 4, N'Lavatory 2 required question', null, 0, 3, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (7, 4, N'Lavatory 2 optional question', null, 1, 3, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

-- Section 3
INSERT into dbo.FormSections (formID, caption, description, orderIndex, calculateScore, excludeFromTotalScore, created, edited, sectionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, cabinAircraftAreaID, hideSectionUntilFirstSave)
VALUES (3, N'Carpet section', N'Carpet section', 2, 0, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924', null, 1, 5, 3, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (8, 4, N'Carpet required question', null, 0, 3, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (8, 4, N'Carpet optional question', null, 1, 3, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

-- Section 4
INSERT into dbo.FormSections (formID, caption, description, orderIndex, calculateScore, excludeFromTotalScore, created, edited, sectionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, cabinAircraftAreaID, hideSectionUntilFirstSave)
VALUES (3, N'Cockpit section', N'Cockpit section', 3, 0, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924', null, 1, 6, 4, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (9, 4, N'Cockpit required question', null, 0, 3, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (9, 4, N'Cockpit optional question', null, 1, 3, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

-- Section 5
INSERT into dbo.FormSections (formID, caption, description, orderIndex, calculateScore, excludeFromTotalScore, created, edited, sectionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, cabinAircraftAreaID, hideSectionUntilFirstSave)
VALUES (3, N'Cockpit 2 section', N'Cockpit section', 3, 0, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924', null, 1, 6, 5, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (10, 4, N'Cockpit 2 required question', null, 0, 3, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (10, 4, N'Cockpit 2 optional question', null, 0, 3, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

-- Section 6
INSERT into dbo.FormSections (formID, caption, description, orderIndex, calculateScore, excludeFromTotalScore, created, edited, sectionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, cabinAircraftAreaID, hideSectionUntilFirstSave)
VALUES (3, N'GPS & Signature', N'GPS & Signature 3', 4, 0, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:36:14.5286924', null, 1, null, null, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (11, 7, N'GPS Location', null, 1, 3, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

INSERT into dbo.FormQuestions (formSectionID, formAnswerTypeID, questionText, questionHelp, isOptional, orderIndex, formAnswerGroupID, created, edited, isHidden, isScored, questionScoreWeight, aircraftAreaMasterID, removedTimeUtc, cabinAircraftAreaID, enableQuickNoteForResponse)
VALUES (11, 8, N'Signature', null, 1, 3, 1, N'2023-05-23 21:42:10.4752778', null, 0, 0, 1, null, null, null, 0);

-- Form <-> Cabin service types

INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (54, 2), (54, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (55, 2), (55, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (56, 2), (56, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (57, 2), (57, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (58, 2), (58, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (59, 2), (59, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (60, 2), (60, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (61, 2), (61, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (62, 2), (62, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (63, 2), (63, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (64, 2), (64, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (65, 2), (65, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (66, 2), (66, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (67, 2), (67, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (68, 2), (68, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (69, 2), (69, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (70, 2), (70, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (71, 2), (71, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (72, 2), (72, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (73, 2), (73, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (74, 2), (74, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (75, 2), (75, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (76, 2), (76, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (77, 2), (77, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (78, 2), (78, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (79, 2), (79, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (80, 2), (80, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (81, 2), (81, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (82, 2), (82, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (83, 2), (83, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (84, 2), (84, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (85, 2), (85, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (86, 2), (86, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (87, 2), (87, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (88, 2), (88, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (89, 2), (89, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (90, 2), (90, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (91, 2), (91, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (92, 2), (92, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (96, 2), (96, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (97, 2), (97, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (98, 2), (98, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (99, 2), (99, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (100, 2), (100, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (101, 2), (101, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (102, 2), (102, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (103, 2), (103, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (104, 2), (104, 3);
INSERT INTO dbo.CabinServiceTypeAuditForms (cabinServiceTypeID, formID) VALUES (105, 2), (105, 3);
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