
2 years ago
50 kB
root@ip-172-30-0-253:/home/ubuntu# docker logs 082b2c6a632f
yarn run v1.22.19
$ npx sequelize-cli db:migrate

Sequelize CLI [Node: 14.20.1, CLI: 6.6.0, ORM: 6.7.0]

Loaded configuration file "config/config.js".
Using environment "development".
Executing (default): SELECT 1+1 AS result
Executing (default): SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `SequelizeMeta`;
Executing (default): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `SequelizeMeta` (`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE , PRIMARY KEY (`name`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
Executing (default): SHOW INDEX FROM `SequelizeMeta`
Executing (default): SELECT `name` FROM `SequelizeMeta` AS `SequelizeMeta` ORDER BY `SequelizeMeta`.`name` ASC;
No migrations were executed, database schema was already up to date.
Done in 44.06s.
Not overriding built-in method from model attribute: update
PORT  9002
NODE_ENV  development

V Server payment node running on PORT 9002
V Redis client is ready
(node:84) [SEQUELIZE0002] DeprecationWarning: The logging-option should be either a function or false. Default: console.log
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
 Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:26:42 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:26:42"} Response: 200 71.734 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:27:12 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:27:12"} Response: 200 1.200 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:27:43 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:27:43"} Response: 200 0.603 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:28:13 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:28:13"} Response: 200 61.413 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:28:44 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:28:44"} Response: 200 0.972 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:29:14 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:29:14"} Response: 200 1.015 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:29:45 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:29:44"} Response: 200 0.706 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:30:15 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:30:15"} Response: 200 0.805 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:30:46 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:30:46"} Response: 200 8.653 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:31:16 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:31:16"} Response: 200 0.603 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:31:46 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:31:46"} Response: 200 0.905 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:32:17 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:32:17"} Response: 200 1.463 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:32:47 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:32:47"} Response: 200 0.551 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:33:18 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:33:18"} Response: 200 0.876 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:33:48 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:33:48"} Response: 200 1.158 ms  Executing (default): UPDATE `Customers` SET `lastActive`=?,`appPlatform`=?,`appVersion`=?,`updatedAt`=? WHERE `id` = ?
check point 1
Executing (b93506b2-7843-4b94-bde4-e7da40acc5ff): START TRANSACTION;
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `email`, `phone`, `wallet`, `image`, `referralCode`, `notifToken`, `lastLogin`, `lastActive`, `isActive`, `isDelete`, `deleteUntil`, `isEmailValid`, `appPlatform`, `appVersion`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt` FROM `Customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 428198;
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `email`, `phone`, `wallet`, `image`, `referralCode`, `notifToken`, `lastLogin`, `lastActive`, `isActive`, `isDelete`, `deleteUntil`, `isEmailValid`, `appPlatform`, `appVersion`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt` FROM `Customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 428198;
Executing (b93506b2-7843-4b94-bde4-e7da40acc5ff): INSERT INTO `OrderShuttles` (`id`,`customerId`,`orderId`,`bookingName`,`bookingTitle`,`bookingPhone`,`bookingEmail`,`bookingCode`,`depatureDate`,`arrivalDate`,`depatureCounter`,`destinationCounter`,`departureCity`,`destinationCity`,`scheduleCode`,`totalAmount`,`typeTrip`,`otp`,`createdAt`,`updatedAt`) VALUES (DEFAULT,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);
Executing (b93506b2-7843-4b94-bde4-e7da40acc5ff): INSERT INTO `OrderShuttleTravelers` (`id`,`orderId`,`name`,`title`,`seatNumber`,`tiketNumber`,`price`,`pricePromo`,`priceNormal`,`createdAt`,`updatedAt`) VALUES (NULL,7248,'Test Dev Vijay','Tuan','13','TDTR2303177EYA','135000','0','135000','2023-03-17 15:34:09','2023-03-17 15:34:09');
masuk paymentCharge
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `email`, `phone`, `wallet`, `image`, `referralCode`, `notifToken`, `lastLogin`, `lastActive`, `isActive`, `isDelete`, `deleteUntil`, `isEmailValid`, `appPlatform`, `appVersion`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt` FROM `Customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 428198;
Executing (b93506b2-7843-4b94-bde4-e7da40acc5ff): ROLLBACK;
Fail paymentChargeShuttle
(node:84) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Request failed with status code 401
    at createError (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15)
    at settle (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:17:12)
    at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:293:11)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:412:35)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (domain.js:475:12)
    at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1333:12)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:82:21)
(node:84) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_unhandled_rejections_mode). (rejection id: 3)
(node:84) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
 Request: POST /payment/v1/app/order/shuttle at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:34:10 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: okhttp/4.9.1 Request Body: {"tokenData":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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 ... Response Body: {"statusCode":500,"message":"Midtrans API is returning API error. HTTP status code: 400. API response: {\"status_code\":\"400\",\"status_message\":\"One or more parameters in the payload is invalid.\",\"validation_messages\":[\"transaction_details.gross_amount is required\"],\"id\":\"e13f07e3-c321-4ba5-90b7-05d20c5fc62a\"}","success":false} Response: 500 3128.293 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:34:19 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:34:18"} Response: 200 0.829 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:34:49 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:34:49"} Response: 200 0.839 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:35:19 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:35:19"} Response: 200 1.199 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:35:50 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:35:50"} Response: 200 0.849 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:36:20 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:36:20"} Response: 200 0.978 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:36:51 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:36:51"} Response: 200 0.877 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:37:21 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:37:21"} Response: 200 0.571 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:37:51 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:37:51"} Response: 200 0.600 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:38:22 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:38:22"} Response: 200 0.912 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:38:52 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:38:52"} Response: 200 0.566 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:39:23 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:39:23"} Response: 200 1.059 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:39:53 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:39:53"} Response: 200 0.723 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:40:23 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:40:23"} Response: 200 0.815 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:40:54 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:40:54"} Response: 200 0.538 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:41:24 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:41:24"} Response: 200 0.520 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:41:55 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:41:55"} Response: 200 0.980 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:42:25 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:42:25"} Response: 200 0.830 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:42:56 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:42:56"} Response: 200 0.783 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:43:26 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:43:26"} Response: 200 0.828 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:43:56 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:43:56"} Response: 200 0.903 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:44:27 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:44:27"} Response: 200 0.682 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:44:57 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:44:57"} Response: 200 0.763 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:45:28 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:45:28"} Response: 200 0.870 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:45:58 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:45:58"} Response: 200 0.692 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:46:29 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:46:29"} Response: 200 0.608 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:46:59 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:46:59"} Response: 200 0.561 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:47:29 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:47:29"} Response: 200 0.846 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:48:00 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:48:00"} Response: 200 0.691 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:48:30 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:48:30"} Response: 200 5.372 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:49:01 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:49:01"} Response: 200 0.830 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:49:31 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:49:31"} Response: 200 0.498 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:50:01 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:50:01"} Response: 200 0.836 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:50:32 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:50:32"} Response: 200 1.017 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:51:02 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:51:02"} Response: 200 0.504 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:51:33 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:51:33"} Response: 200 0.781 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:52:03 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:52:03"} Response: 200 0.569 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:52:34 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:52:34"} Response: 200 0.509 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:53:04 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:53:04"} Response: 200 0.478 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:53:35 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:53:35"} Response: 200 0.509 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:54:05 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:54:05"} Response: 200 0.877 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:54:36 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:54:36"} Response: 200 57.887 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:55:06 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:55:06"} Response: 200 0.829 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:55:36 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:55:36"} Response: 200 0.505 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:56:07 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:56:07"} Response: 200 0.862 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:56:38 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:56:38"} Response: 200 0.676 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:57:08 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:57:08"} Response: 200 0.505 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:57:39 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:57:39"} Response: 200 0.835 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:58:09 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:58:09"} Response: 200 0.782 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:58:39 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:58:39"} Response: 200 0.827 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:59:10 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:59:10"} Response: 200 0.806 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 08:59:40 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 08:59:40"} Response: 200 0.561 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:00:11 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:00:10"} Response: 200 60.690 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:00:41 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:00:41"} Response: 200 0.611 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:01:11 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:01:11"} Response: 200 0.579 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:01:43 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:01:43"} Response: 200 6.317 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:02:13 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:02:13"} Response: 200 0.783 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:02:45 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:02:45"} Response: 200 0.477 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:03:16 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:03:16"} Response: 200 0.778 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:03:46 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:03:46"} Response: 200 0.447 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:04:17 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:04:17"} Response: 200 0.474 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:04:48 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:04:48"} Response: 200 0.901 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:05:19 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:05:19"} Response: 200 0.521 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:05:50 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:05:50"} Response: 200 0.721 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:06:21 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:06:21"} Response: 200 0.482 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:06:52 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:06:52"} Response: 200 0.599 ms  Executing (default): UPDATE `Customers` SET `lastActive`=?,`appPlatform`=?,`appVersion`=?,`updatedAt`=? WHERE `id` = ?
check point 1
Executing (dc05fa44-6e12-4b70-96fa-5a94e0a4c153): START TRANSACTION;
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `email`, `phone`, `wallet`, `image`, `referralCode`, `notifToken`, `lastLogin`, `lastActive`, `isActive`, `isDelete`, `deleteUntil`, `isEmailValid`, `appPlatform`, `appVersion`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt` FROM `Customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 428198;
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `email`, `phone`, `wallet`, `image`, `referralCode`, `notifToken`, `lastLogin`, `lastActive`, `isActive`, `isDelete`, `deleteUntil`, `isEmailValid`, `appPlatform`, `appVersion`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt` FROM `Customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 428198;
Executing (dc05fa44-6e12-4b70-96fa-5a94e0a4c153): INSERT INTO `OrderShuttles` (`id`,`customerId`,`orderId`,`bookingName`,`bookingTitle`,`bookingPhone`,`bookingEmail`,`bookingCode`,`depatureDate`,`arrivalDate`,`depatureCounter`,`destinationCounter`,`departureCity`,`destinationCity`,`scheduleCode`,`totalAmount`,`typeTrip`,`otp`,`createdAt`,`updatedAt`) VALUES (DEFAULT,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);
Executing (dc05fa44-6e12-4b70-96fa-5a94e0a4c153): INSERT INTO `OrderShuttleTravelers` (`id`,`orderId`,`name`,`title`,`seatNumber`,`tiketNumber`,`price`,`pricePromo`,`priceNormal`,`createdAt`,`updatedAt`) VALUES (NULL,7250,'Test Dev Vijay','Tuan','14','TDTR2303170PRT','135000','0','135000','2023-03-17 16:07:19','2023-03-17 16:07:19');
masuk paymentCharge
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `email`, `phone`, `wallet`, `image`, `referralCode`, `notifToken`, `lastLogin`, `lastActive`, `isActive`, `isDelete`, `deleteUntil`, `isEmailValid`, `appPlatform`, `appVersion`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt` FROM `Customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 428198;
Executing (dc05fa44-6e12-4b70-96fa-5a94e0a4c153): ROLLBACK;
Fail paymentChargeShuttle
(node:84) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Request failed with status code 401
    at createError (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15)
    at settle (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:17:12)
    at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:293:11)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:412:35)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (domain.js:475:12)
    at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1333:12)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:82:21)
(node:84) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_unhandled_rejections_mode). (rejection id: 6)
 Request: POST /payment/v1/app/order/shuttle at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:07:19 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: okhttp/4.9.1 Request Body: {"tokenData":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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 ... Response Body: {"statusCode":500,"message":"Midtrans API is returning API error. HTTP status code: 400. API response: {\"error_messages\":[\"transaction_details.gross_amount is required\",\"transaction_details.gross_amount is not a number\"]}","success":false} Response: 500 10962.458 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:07:23 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:07:23"} Response: 200 0.851 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:07:54 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:07:54"} Response: 200 0.899 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:08:26 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:08:26"} Response: 200 0.460 ms  Executing (default): UPDATE `Customers` SET `lastActive`=?,`updatedAt`=? WHERE `id` = ?
check point 1
Executing (44f80606-cbf9-4075-a439-51bc1b18c54a): START TRANSACTION;
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `email`, `phone`, `wallet`, `image`, `referralCode`, `notifToken`, `lastLogin`, `lastActive`, `isActive`, `isDelete`, `deleteUntil`, `isEmailValid`, `appPlatform`, `appVersion`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt` FROM `Customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 428198;
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `email`, `phone`, `wallet`, `image`, `referralCode`, `notifToken`, `lastLogin`, `lastActive`, `isActive`, `isDelete`, `deleteUntil`, `isEmailValid`, `appPlatform`, `appVersion`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt` FROM `Customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 428198;
Executing (44f80606-cbf9-4075-a439-51bc1b18c54a): ROLLBACK;
Fail paymentChargeShuttle
(node:84) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Request failed with status code 401
    at createError (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15)
    at settle (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:17:12)
    at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:293:11)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:412:35)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (domain.js:475:12)
    at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1333:12)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:82:21)
(node:84) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_unhandled_rejections_mode). (rejection id: 8)
 Request: POST /payment/v1/app/order/shuttle at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:08:43 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.31.3 Request Body: {"tokenData":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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 ... Response Body: {"statusCode":403,"message":"Kursi 14 sudah terisi!","success":false,"data":{"result":null,"status":"ERROR","pesan":"Kursi 14 sudah terisi!","url":"http://dev.daytrans.asmat.app/api-whitelabel-daytrans/reservasi/booking_new.php","time":"2023-03-17 16:08:43"}} Response: 403 12001.662 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:08:57 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:08:57"} Response: 200 0.542 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:09:29 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:09:29"} Response: 200 0.824 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:10:00 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:10:00"} Response: 200 61.868 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:10:33 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:10:33"} Response: 200 0.829 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:11:04 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:11:04"} Response: 200 0.615 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:11:36 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:11:36"} Response: 200 1.462 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:12:08 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:12:08"} Response: 200 0.873 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:12:39 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:12:39"} Response: 200 0.530 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:13:10 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:13:10"} Response: 200 0.674 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:13:42 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:13:42"} Response: 200 0.749 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:14:13 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:14:13"} Response: 200 0.463 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:14:44 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:14:44"} Response: 200 0.484 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:15:17 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:15:17"} Response: 200 0.535 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:15:52 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:15:52"} Response: 200 0.719 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:16:24 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:16:24"} Response: 200 0.485 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:16:56 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:16:56"} Response: 200 0.818 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:17:27 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:17:27"} Response: 200 0.752 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:18:00 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:18:00"} Response: 200 0.473 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:18:31 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:18:31"} Response: 200 0.752 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:19:03 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:19:03"} Response: 200 0.456 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:19:35 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:19:35"} Response: 200 5.323 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:20:08 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:20:08"} Response: 200 0.836 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:20:39 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:20:39"} Response: 200 0.556 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:21:11 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:21:11"} Response: 200 0.868 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:21:43 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:21:43"} Response: 200 0.764 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:22:15 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:22:15"} Response: 200 0.528 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:22:48 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:22:48"} Response: 200 0.619 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:23:21 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:23:21"} Response: 200 0.472 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:23:54 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:23:54"} Response: 200 0.512 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:24:28 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:24:28"} Response: 200 1.069 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:25:00 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:25:00"} Response: 200 0.708 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:25:31 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:25:31"} Response: 200 0.720 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:26:04 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:26:04"} Response: 200 0.537 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:26:38 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:26:38"} Response: 200 0.811 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:27:10 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:27:09"} Response: 200 0.808 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:27:44 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:27:44"} Response: 200 0.468 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:28:18 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:28:18"} Response: 200 0.673 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:28:53 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:28:53"} Response: 200 0.548 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:29:25 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:29:25"} Response: 200 0.767 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:29:57 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:29:57"} Response: 200 0.574 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:30:29 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:30:29"} Response: 200 0.699 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:31:01 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:31:01"} Response: 200 1.056 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:31:35 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:31:35"} Response: 200 0.469 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:32:10 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:32:10"} Response: 200 1.179 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:32:42 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:32:42"} Response: 200 1.299 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:33:18 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:33:18"} Response: 200 0.501 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:33:53 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:33:53"} Response: 200 0.504 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:34:28 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:34:28"} Response: 200 0.681 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:35:00 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:35:00"} Response: 200 0.754 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:35:32 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:35:32"} Response: 200 0.757 ms   Request: GET /payment/health at Jum Mar 17 2023 09:36:06 GMT+0000, IP: ::ffff:, User Agent: curl/7.83.1 Response Body: {"message":"Payment Service : Ok","uptime":"2023-03-17 08:26:27","date":"2023-03-17 09:36:06"} Response: 200 0.485 ms  Executing (default): UPDATE `Customers` SET `lastActive`=?,`updatedAt`=? WHERE `id` = ?
check point 1
Executing (5b68a0c0-8939-4f98-a8ae-edfa34ac418f): START TRANSACTION;
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `email`, `phone`, `wallet`, `image`, `referralCode`, `notifToken`, `lastLogin`, `lastActive`, `isActive`, `isDelete`, `deleteUntil`, `isEmailValid`, `appPlatform`, `appVersion`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt` FROM `Customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 428198;
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `email`, `phone`, `wallet`, `image`, `referralCode`, `notifToken`, `lastLogin`, `lastActive`, `isActive`, `isDelete`, `deleteUntil`, `isEmailValid`, `appPlatform`, `appVersion`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt` FROM `Customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 428198;
Executing (5b68a0c0-8939-4f98-a8ae-edfa34ac418f): INSERT INTO `OrderShuttles` (`id`,`customerId`,`orderId`,`bookingName`,`bookingTitle`,`bookingPhone`,`bookingEmail`,`bookingCode`,`depatureDate`,`arrivalDate`,`depatureCounter`,`destinationCounter`,`departureCity`,`destinationCity`,`scheduleCode`,`totalAmount`,`typeTrip`,`otp`,`createdAt`,`updatedAt`) VALUES (DEFAULT,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);
Executing (5b68a0c0-8939-4f98-a8ae-edfa34ac418f): INSERT INTO `OrderShuttleTravelers` (`id`,`orderId`,`name`,`title`,`seatNumber`,`tiketNumber`,`price`,`pricePromo`,`priceNormal`,`createdAt`,`updatedAt`) VALUES (NULL,7253,'Test Dev Vijay','Tuan','11','TDTR230317VHN5','135000','0','135000','2023-03-17 16:36:39','2023-03-17 16:36:39');
masuk paymentCharge
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `email`, `phone`, `wallet`, `image`, `referralCode`, `notifToken`, `lastLogin`, `lastActive`, `isActive`, `isDelete`, `deleteUntil`, `isEmailValid`, `appPlatform`, `appVersion`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt` FROM `Customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 428198;
Executing (5b68a0c0-8939-4f98-a8ae-edfa34ac418f): ROLLBACK;
Fail paymentChargeShuttle
(node:84) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Request failed with status code 401
    at createError (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15)
    at settle (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:17:12)
    at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:293:11)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:412:35)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (domain.js:475:12)
    at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1333:12)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:82:21)
(node:84) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_unhandled_rejections_mode). (rejection id: 11)
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