
2 months ago
3.4 kB
import random
import time

def start_game():
    player_health = 100
    player_inventory = []
    player_position = (random.randint(0, 100), random.randint(0, 100))  # Random start position
    opponent_health = 100
    zone_radius = 1000  # Starting safe zone radius
    players = 100  # Total players in the match

    while players > 1 and player_health > 0:
        # Game update loop
        print("The safe zone is shrinking.")
        zone_radius -= 10  # Safe zone shrinks over time
        if zone_radius < 200:
            print("The safe zone is very small! Find a safe area.")
        # Player Actions
        print("Player at position:", player_position)
        action = input("What do you want to do? (Move/Find Weapon/Fight/Hide): ").lower()
        if action == "move":
            direction = input("Which direction? (north/south/east/west): ").lower()
            if direction == "north":
                player_position = (player_position[0], player_position[1] + 1)
            elif direction == "south":
                player_position = (player_position[0], player_position[1] - 1)
            elif direction == "east":
                player_position = (player_position[0] + 1, player_position[1])
            elif direction == "west":
                player_position = (player_position[0] - 1, player_position[1])
            print(f"Player moved to {player_position}")
        elif action == "find weapon":
            weapon = random.choice(["Pistol", "Rifle", "Shotgun", "Medkit"])
            print(f"Player found a {weapon}!")
        elif action == "fight":
            if random.random() > 0.5:  # Random chance of hitting the opponent
                damage = random.randint(10, 20)
                opponent_health -= damage
                print(f"You hit the opponent! Damage dealt: {damage}. Opponent health: {opponent_health}")
                print("You missed the shot!")
        elif action == "hide":
            print("You hide in a building or behind cover to wait for a better opportunity.")
        # Random event: Another player may engage in combat
        if random.random() < 0.2:  # 20% chance to encounter another player
            print("Another player appears nearby!")
            if random.random() < 0.5:  # 50% chance the other player is aggressive
                print("The enemy player attacks you!")
                damage = random.randint(10, 25)
                player_health -= damage
                print(f"Player health: {player_health}")
        # Check if the player is still alive and within the safe zone
        if player_health <= 0:
            print("You have been eliminated.")
        if zone_radius < 50 and player_position[0] > 50:  # Random logic for zone constraint
            print("You are outside the safe zone! Taking damage!")
            player_health -= 10
        # Final check: Is there only one player left?
        players -= 1  # For simplicity, just reducing the player count each loop
        print(f"Remaining players: {players}")

    if player_health > 0:
        print("Congratulations! You have won the match.")
        print("Game Over! You were eliminated.")
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