3 years ago
12 kB
const profileEmbedCollector = profileMessage.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter: ({ customId }) => customId === 'profile', time: 300000, componentType: ComponentType.SelectMenu }); profileEmbedCollector.on('collect', async (selectMenu) => { if (selectMenu.user.id !== interaction.user.id) return await selectMenu.reply({ content: '*You did not initiate this command!*', ephemeral: true }); const selectMenuOptions = []; player.logs.matches.reverse(); let total_pages = player.logs.matches.length, current_page = 0, matchLogCollector = null; for (const { data: { label, value, description } } of profileEmbedComponents.components[0].options) { const selectMenuOption = { label, value, description, default: value === selectMenu.values[0] ? true : false }; selectMenuOptions.push(selectMenuOption); }; collectorProfileComponents = SelectMenuBuilder.from(profileEmbedComponents.components[0]).setOptions(selectMenuOptions); switch (selectMenu.values[0]) { case 'match': if (matchLogCollector) { current_page = 0; matchLogCollector.stop(); matchLogCollector = null; }; await selectMenu.update({ embeds: [ { author: { name: member.user.tag, iconURL: member.user.displayAvatarURL() }, color: Colors.Aqua, title: 'Match Statistics', description: `*Victory, Defeat & Rank Statistics of ${member}*`, thumbnail: { url: member.user.displayAvatarURL() }, fields: [ { name: 'IGN', value: player.name, inline: true }, { name: 'Victories', value: player.statistics.wins, inline: true }, { name: 'Defeats', value: player.statistics.loses, inline: true }, { name: 'W/L Ratio', value: win_lose_ratio ? win_lose_ratio.toFixed(2) : '0', inline: true }, { name: 'Matches', value: player.statistics.matches, inline: true }, { name: 'Position Wise Rank', value: `#${playerPosition + 1}`, inline: true }, ], footer: { text: interaction.guild.name, iconURL: interaction.guild.iconURL() }, timestamp: new Date().toISOString() } ], components: [ { type: ComponentType.ActionRow, components: [collectorProfileComponents] } ] }); break; case 'kd': if (matchLogCollector) { current_page = 0; matchLogCollector.stop(); matchLogCollector = null; }; const playerKDRPosition = (await PlayerStats.find({}).sort({ 'statistics.total_kills': -1 })).findIndex(({ id }) => id === player.id); const kill_death_ratio = player.statistics.deaths / player.statistics.kills; await selectMenu.update({ embeds: [ { author: { name: member.user.tag, iconURL: member.user.displayAvatarURL() }, color: Colors.Aqua, title: 'Kills & Deaths Statistics', description: `*Kills, Deaths & KDR Statistics of ${member}*`, thumbnail: { url: member.user.displayAvatarURL() }, fields: [ { name: 'Kills', value: player.statistics.kills, inline: true }, { name: 'Deaths', value: player.statistics.deaths, inline: true }, { name: 'K/D Ratio', value: kill_death_ratio ? kill_death_ratio.toFixed(2) : '0', inline: true }, { name: 'Highest Kills', value: player.logs.matches.length ? `${player.logs.matches.reduce((previousMatch, currentMatch) => previousMatch.kills > currentMatch.kills ? previousMatch : currentMatch).kills}` : '0', inline: true }, { name: 'KDR Wise Rank', value: `#${playerKDRPosition + 1}`, inline: true }, { name: 'Tier', value: `${interaction.guild.roles.cache.find(({ name }) => name.toLowerCase() === player.rank.toLowerCase())}`, inline: true } ], footer: { text: interaction.guild.name, iconURL: interaction.guild.iconURL() }, timestamp: new Date().toISOString() } ], components: [ { type: ComponentType.ActionRow, components: [collectorProfileComponents] } ] }); break; case 'match_logs': const matchLogEmbedFields = []; for (let page = 0; page < player.logs.matches.length; page += 1) { let index = page; const current_page_logs = player.logs.matches.slice(page, page + 1).map(({ description }) => `${++index}. ${description}`); const logEmbed = { author: { name: member.user.tag, iconURL: member.user.displayAvatarURL() }, color: Colors.Aqua, title: 'Match Logs & Data', description: `*Match IDs, Logs & Data of ${member}*${`\n\n\`\`\`${current_page_logs.join('\n')}\`\`\``}`, thumbnail: { url: member.user.displayAvatarURL() }, footer: { text: `Page - ${(page + 1) / 1}/${total_pages}`, iconURL: interaction.guild.iconURL() }, timestamp: new Date().toISOString() }; matchLogEmbedFields.push(logEmbed); }; const matchLogComponent = new ActionRowBuilder() .addComponents([ new ButtonBuilder() .setCustomId('previous') .setLabel('Previous') .setEmoji('⏪') .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary), new ButtonBuilder() .setCustomId('next') .setLabel('Next') .setEmoji('⏩') .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary) ]); const matchLogEmbed = await selectMenu.update({ embeds: [ matchLogEmbedFields[0] ], components: [ { type: ComponentType.ActionRow, components: [collectorProfileComponents] }, matchLogComponent ] }); matchLogCollector = matchLogEmbed.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter: ({ customId }) => ['previous', 'next'].includes(customId), time: 300000, componentType: ComponentType.Button }); matchLogCollector.on('collect', async (button) => { if (button.user.id !== interaction.user.id) return await button.reply({ content: '*You did not initiate this command!*', ephemeral: true }); switch (button.customId) { case 'previous': if (current_page === 0) { current_page = total_pages - 1; } else { --current_page; }; break; case 'next': if (current_page === total_pages - 1) { current_page = 0; } else { ++current_page }; break; }; console.log(button.replied, selectMenu.replied); await button.update({ embeds: [ matchLogEmbedFields[current_page] ], components: [ { type: ComponentType.ActionRow, components: [collectorProfileComponents] }, matchLogComponent ] }); }); break; }; }); profileEmbedCollector.on('end', async (_collected, reason) => { if (reason === 'time') { collectorProfileComponents = SelectMenuBuilder.from(collectorProfileComponents.components ? collectorProfileComponents.components[0] : collectorProfileComponents).setDisabled(true); return await interaction.editReply({ components: [ { type: ComponentType.ActionRow, components: [collectorProfileComponents] } ] }); }; });
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