import re import json import os from django.conf import settings from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.fields import empty from datetime import datetime, timedelta from AdminApp.models import KycCustomerDetails from django.core.validators import ( RegexValidator, MaxLengthValidator, MinLengthValidator, ) from .choices import ( PURPOSE_CHOICES, OCCUPATION_CHOICES, SOURCE_OF_FUND_CHOICES, MODE_OF_OPERATION_CHOICES, EDUCATION_CHOICES, MONTHLY_INCOME_CHOICES, MONTHLY_WITHDRAWAL_CHOICES, EXPECTED_REMITTANCE_CHOICES, LATEST_INCOME_CHOICES, RELATIONSHIP_WITH_APPLICANT_CHOICES, ADDRESS_TYPE_NRO_CHOICES ) class NonAssistantSerializer(serializers.Serializer): senderId = serializers.CharField(max_length=10) requestId = serializers.CharField(max_length=15) mashreqCIFId = serializers.CharField(max_length=60) emiratesId = serializers.CharField(max_length=30) passportNum = serializers.CharField(max_length=10) passportExpDt = serializers.CharField(max_length=10) passportIssueDt = serializers.CharField(max_length=10) overseasAddress = serializers.CharField(max_length=500) name = serializers.CharField(max_length=60) dateofbirth = serializers.CharField(max_length=10) Gender = serializers.CharField(max_length=10) email = serializers.EmailField() mobilenum = serializers.CharField(max_length=20) # created = serializers.DateTimeField() def validate_senderId(self, value): if not re.match("^[a-zA-Z]+$", value): raise serializers.ValidationError("No special characters permitted.") return value def validate_requestId(self, value): if not re.match("^[0-9]*$", value): raise serializers.ValidationError("Only numbers permitted.") return value def name_validator(value): pattern = r"^[a-zA-Z]+$" if not re.match(pattern, value): raise serializers.ValidationError("Error") class RevertSerializers(serializers.ModelSerializer): validator_path = os.path.join( settings.BASE_DIR, "nonassistant", "json", "customer_revert_field_validators.json", ) class Meta: model = KycCustomerDetails fields = "__all__" read_only_fields = ("uniqueid",) def validate(self, attrs): json_validators = [] with open(self.validator_path, "rb") as f: json_validators = json.load(f)["fields"] for key, value in attrs.items(): try: field = next( filter(lambda d: d.get("name", "") == key, json_validators), None ) # if not field: # continue try: validators = field["validators"] except KeyError: raise serializers.ValidationError( "Missing validators for %s in json struct" % field["name"] ) except TypeError: raise serializers.ValidationError( 'Key "%s" not found in json struct' % field["name"] ) for validator in validators: try: if validator["type"] == "length": max = validator["params"].get("max", None) min = validator["params"].get("min", None) if max and len(value) > int(max["value"]): raise serializers.ValidationError(max["message"]) if min and len(value) < int(min["value"]): raise serializers.ValidationError(min["message"]) elif validator["type"] == "regex": regex_validator = validator["params"]["regex"] regex = regex_validator["value"] if re.match(rf"{regex}", value) is None: raise serializers.ValidationError( regex_validator["message"] ) except KeyError: # skip this validation; as invalid validator format in json # log this and correct json file print(f"Failed... {value}") continue except (IndexError, KeyError) as e: # skip this validation; as invalid validator format in json # log this and correct json file print("json loading failed") raise e return super().validate(attrs) class DynamicFieldSerializer(serializers.Serializer): validator_path = os.path.join( settings.BASE_DIR, "nonassistant", "json", "customer_revert_field_validators.json", ) def __init__(self, instance=None, data=..., **kwargs): super().__init__(instance, data, **kwargs) self.raw_json_validators = [] with open(self.validator_path, "rb") as f: self.raw_json_validators = json.load(f)["fields"] for _field_name, ser_field in self.fields.items(): field = next( filter( lambda d: d.get("name", "") == _field_name, self.raw_json_validators ), None, ) if field: for validator in field.get("validators", {}): if validator["type"].lower() == "regex": regex_param = validator["params"]["regex"] regex = rf'{regex_param["value"]}' err_msg = regex_param.get("message", "Invalid characters") if regex: ser_field.validators = [RegexValidator(regex, err_msg)] def validate(self, attrs): for key, value in attrs.items(): try: field = next( filter( lambda d: d.get("name", "") == key, self.raw_json_validators ), None, ) if not field: continue try: validators = field["validators"] data_type = field.get("data_type", "string") except KeyError: raise serializers.ValidationError( "Missing validators for %s in json struct" % field["name"] ) except TypeError: raise serializers.ValidationError( 'Key "%s" not found in json struct' % field["name"] ) # Convert value to the specified data type if data_type == "number": if value: try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise serializers.ValidationError( { key: [ "Invalid data type for %s. Expected number." % key ] } ) else: pass if data_type == "date": if value: try: # Convert value to date format (assuming mm/dd/yyyy) value = datetime.strptime(value, "%d/%m/%Y").date() except ValueError: raise serializers.ValidationError( { key: [ "Invalid date format for %s. Expected dd/mm/yyyy." % key ] } ) else: pass for validator in validators: if value: try: if validator["type"] == "length": max_value = ( validator["params"].get("max", {}).get("value") ) min_value = ( validator["params"].get("min", {}).get("value") ) if max_value is not None and len(str(value)) > int( max_value ): raise serializers.ValidationError( {key: validator["params"]["max"]["message"]} ) if min_value is not None and len(str(value)) < int( min_value ): raise serializers.ValidationError( {key: validator["params"]["min"]["message"]} ) if validator["type"] == "date": max_value = ( validator["params"].get("max", {}).get("value") ) min_value = ( validator["params"].get("min", {}).get("value") ) if max_value is not None: if int(max_value) == 0: # If max is 0, allow up to today's date today_date = datetime.now().date() if value > today_date: raise serializers.ValidationError( { key: validator["params"]["max"][ "message" ] } ) if int(max_value) < 0: # If max is negative, go backward by the absolute value of max_value max_timedelta = timedelta( days=abs(int(max_value)) ) # Calculate the maximum allowed date max_allowed_date = ( datetime.now().date() - max_timedelta ) # Check if the provided date is on or before the calculated date if value > max_allowed_date: raise serializers.ValidationError( { key: validator["params"]["max"][ "message" ] } ) if min_value is not None: # Convert the min_value to a timedelta min_timedelta = timedelta(days=int(min_value)) # Calculate the minimum allowed date min_allowed_date = ( datetime.now().date() + min_timedelta ) # Check if the provided date is at least 6 months in the future if value < min_allowed_date: raise serializers.ValidationError( {key: validator["params"]["min"]["message"]} ) # Additional validation logic if key == "nominee_name": applicant_name = attrs.get("name", "") co_applicant_name = attrs.get("co_applicant_name", "") guardian_name = attrs.get("guardian_name", "") # Capitalize the values and handle None value = value.capitalize() if value else None applicant_name = ( applicant_name.capitalize() if applicant_name else None ) co_applicant_name = ( co_applicant_name.capitalize() if co_applicant_name else None ) guardian_name = ( guardian_name.capitalize() if guardian_name else None ) if ( value == applicant_name or value == co_applicant_name ): raise serializers.ValidationError( { key: "Nominee Name must be different from the applicant or co-applicant names." } ) if value == guardian_name: raise serializers.ValidationError( { key: "Guardian's Name must be different from the Nominee Name." } ) if key == "guardian_name": nominee_name = attrs.get("nominee_name", "") applicant_name = attrs.get("name", "") co_applicant_name = attrs.get("co_applicant_name", "") # Capitalize the values and handle None value = value.capitalize() if value else None nominee_name = ( nominee_name.capitalize() if nominee_name else None ) applicant_name = ( applicant_name.capitalize() if applicant_name else None ) co_applicant_name = ( co_applicant_name.capitalize() if co_applicant_name else None ) if any( [ value == nominee_name, value == applicant_name, value == co_applicant_name, ] ): raise serializers.ValidationError( { key: "Guardian's Name must be different from the Nominee Name/Applicant Name/ Co Applicant Name." } ) if key == "passport_expiry_date": issue_date_str = attrs.get("passport_issue_date", "") issue_date = datetime.strptime( issue_date_str, "%m/%d/%Y" ).date() # Assuming `value` is a date object expiry_date = value # Check if the expiry date is at least 10 years from the issue date if expiry_date > issue_date + timedelta(days=3652): raise serializers.ValidationError( { key: "The passport must have a validity of 10 years or less." } ) if key == "co_passport_expiry_date": issue_date_str = attrs.get("co_passport_issue_date", "") issue_date = datetime.strptime( issue_date_str, "%m/%d/%Y" ).date() # Assuming `value` is a date object expiry_date = value # Check if the expiry date is at least 10 years from the issue date if expiry_date > issue_date + timedelta(days=3652): raise serializers.ValidationError( { key: "The passport must have a validity of 10 years or less." } ) except KeyError: # skip this validation; as an invalid validator format in json # log this and correct the json file print(f"Failed... {value}") continue except (IndexError, KeyError) as e: # skip this validation; as an invalid validator format in json # log this and correct the json file print("json loading failed") raise e tax_residents_list = attrs.get("tax_residentsCountryList", []) for tax_resident in tax_residents_list: self.validate_tax_resident(tax_resident) return super().validate(attrs) def validate_tax_resident(self, tax_resident): # Add validation logic for values inside tax_residentsCountryList # You can access individual fields within tax_resident dictionary country = tax_resident.get("country", "") tax_id_number = tax_resident.get("Tax_Identification_Number", "") identification_type = tax_resident.get("identification_type", "") description = tax_resident.get("Tax_Identification_description", "") # Validate country if not all(char.isalpha() or char == '@' for char in country) or any(char.isdigit() for char in country): raise serializers.ValidationError( {"tax_residentsCountryList": "Invalid characters in the country field"} ) if len(country) > 50: raise serializers.ValidationError( {"tax_residentsCountryList": "Country length exceeds 50 characters limit"} ) # Validate Tax_Identification_Number if not tax_id_number.isdigit() or len(tax_id_number) > 20: raise serializers.ValidationError( {"tax_residentsCountryList": "Invalid Tax_Identification_Number"} ) # Validate identification_type if not identification_type.isalpha() or len(identification_type) > 10: raise serializers.ValidationError( {"tax_residentsCountryList": "Invalid identification_type"} ) # Validate Tax_Identification_description if not description.isalpha() or len(description) > 30: raise serializers.ValidationError( {"tax_residentsCountryList": "Invalid Tax_Identification_description"} ) class Stepper1Serializer(DynamicFieldSerializer): account_type = serializers.CharField(required=True) purpose_of_account_opening = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=PURPOSE_CHOICES) monthly_withdrawal = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=MONTHLY_WITHDRAWAL_CHOICES) monthly_remittance = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=EXPECTED_REMITTANCE_CHOICES) monthly_income = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=LATEST_INCOME_CHOICES) occupation = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=OCCUPATION_CHOICES) source_of_fund = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=SOURCE_OF_FUND_CHOICES) class Stepper2Serializer(DynamicFieldSerializer): is_nominee_required = serializers.BooleanField(default=False) nominee_name = serializers.CharField(allow_blank=True, required=False,allow_null=True) nominee_date_of_birth = serializers.CharField(allow_blank=True, required=False,allow_null=True) nominee_age = serializers.CharField(allow_blank=True, required=False,allow_null=True) is_nominee_minor = serializers.BooleanField(required=False, default=False) nominee_relation = serializers.ChoiceField( choices=RELATIONSHIP_WITH_APPLICANT_CHOICES, allow_blank=True ) nominee_address = serializers.CharField(required=False, allow_null=True, allow_blank=True) nominee_address1 = serializers.CharField(allow_blank=True, required=False,allow_null=True) nominee_address2 = serializers.CharField(allow_blank=True, required=False,allow_null=True) nominee_city = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True,allow_blank=True) nominee_state = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True,allow_blank=True) nominee_pincode = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True,allow_blank=True) nominee_country = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True,allow_blank=True) guardian_name = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True,allow_blank=True) guardian_address = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True,allow_blank=True) guardian_address1 = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True,allow_blank=True) guardian_address2 = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True,allow_blank=True) guardian_city = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True,allow_blank=True) guardian_state = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True,allow_blank=True) guardian_country = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True,allow_blank=True) guardian_pin = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True,allow_blank=True) guardian_age = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True,allow_blank=True) guardian_date_of_birth = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True,allow_blank=True) add_existing_nominee = serializers.BooleanField(required=False,default=False, allow_null=True) class Stepper3Serializer(DynamicFieldSerializer): facta_crs = serializers.BooleanField(required=False,default=False) place_of_birth = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True, allow_blank=True) country_of_birth = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True, allow_blank=True) communication_address = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True, allow_blank=True) address_type=serializers.ChoiceField(choices=ADDRESS_TYPE_NRO_CHOICES,required=False) permenant_address = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True, allow_blank=True) resident_of_India =serializers.BooleanField(required=False,default=False) tax_residentsCountryList = serializers.ListField(default=list,required=False) class Stepper4Serializer(DynamicFieldSerializer): estimated_agricultural_income = serializers.CharField(required=True) estimated_non_agricultural_income = serializers.CharField(required=True) pan_card_applied = serializers.BooleanField(required=False) pan_acknowledgemnt_number = serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True, allow_blank=True) pan_applied_date =serializers.CharField(required=False,allow_null=True, allow_blank=True) class Stepper5Serializer(DynamicFieldSerializer): aof_download = serializers.BooleanField(default=False) class OtpRequestSerializer(serializers.Serializer): mobilenum = serializers.RegexField( regex=r"^[0-9]+$", required=True, error_messages={ "required": "Mobile number is required.", "blank": "Mobile number is required and cannot be empty.", "invalid": "Invalid mobile number provided.", }, ) email = serializers.EmailField(max_length=50, required=False, allow_blank=True) # def validate(self, attrs): # if "mobilenum" not in attrs or "email" not in attrs: # raise serializers.ValidationError("Mobile or Email ID is mandatory") class CustomerRequestSerializer(OtpRequestSerializer): name = serializers.RegexField( regex=r"^[a-zA-Z ]+$", required=False, error_messages={ "required": "Customer name is mandatory.", "blank": "Customer name is required and cannot be empty.", "invalid": "Invalid name provided.", }, validators=[ MinLengthValidator( limit_value=3, message="Name must be at least 2 characters." ), MaxLengthValidator( limit_value=60, message="Name cannot exceed 60 characters." ), ], ) class NROCustomerRequestSerializer(serializers.Serializer): account_number = serializers.RegexField( regex=r"^[0-9 ]+$", required=False, error_messages={ "required": "Account Number is mandatory", "blank": "Account Number is mandatory is required and cannot be empty.", "invalid": "Invalid Account Number is provided.", }, validators=[ MinLengthValidator( limit_value=14, message="Account Number must be at least 14 characters.", ), MaxLengthValidator( limit_value=14, message="Account Number is mandatory cannot exceed 14 characters.", ), ], )
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