a year ago
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//server.c int main() { time(&start); // Call a function to handle agent login pid_t child_pid; // Declare variables for socket creation and binding int i = 1; struct sockaddr_in address; int adlength,valread; // Create a socket using socket() system call int sock = create_socket(); if (sock == -1) { // If there was an error creating the socket, print an error message printf("\n*************Socket Error!*******************\n"); } // Bind server’s address and port using bind() system call connect__data result = bind_port(sock); // Get the address and address length from the connect_data struct address = result.adres; adlength = result.address_length; // Get the bind result from the connect_data struct int bind_res = result.bind_result; // Convert the socket into a listening socket using listen() system call if (listen(sock, MAX_CLIENTS) < 0) { // If there was an error setting the socket to listen, print an error message printf("Listen Error!\n"); return 1; } // Accept client connections using accept() system call printf("\nServer is listening on port %d....\n\n", PORT); while (1) { int new_socket = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&address, (socklen_t*)&adlength); printf("Client-%d connected\n",i); if (new_socket < 0) { // If there was an error accepting the client connection, print an error message printf("Accept Error!\n"); return 1; } if ((child_pid == fork()) == 0) { close(sock); char buffer_array[1024]; char result_array[1024]; double result_num; valread = read(new_socket, buffer_array, strlen(buffer_array)); buffer_array[strlen(buffer_array)-1] = '\0'; printf("Received data = '%s' from [ Client-%d ]\n", buffer_array, i); result_num = compute_postfix_expression(buffer_array); sprintf(result_array, "%.1f", result_num); send(new_socket, result_array, strlen(result_array), 0); FILE* file = fopen("server_records.txt", "a"); if (file != NULL) { time(¤t); double time_diff = difftime(current, start); fprintf(file, "[ Client ID: '%d' ], [ Query: '%s' ]. [Answer: '%s' ], [Time Elapsed(sec): '%.0f'] \n\n", i, buffer_array, result_array, time_diff); fclose(file); } close(new_socket); exit(0); } i++; close(new_socket); } return 0; }