2 months ago
1.9 kB
Function ConvertTo-LogonHoursBytes { param ( [array]$logonHoursArray ) if ($logonHoursArray.Length -ne 168) { throw "The logonHours array must contain exactly 168 bits (24 hours x 7 days)." } $byteArray = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt 21; $i++) { $byte = 0 for ($j = 0; $j -lt 8; $j++) { $byte += $logonHoursArray[$i * 8 + $j] * [math]::Pow(2, 7 - $j) } $byteArray += [byte]$byte } return ,$byteArray } Function Set-LogonHours { param ( [string]$groupName, [array]$logonHours ) Write-Host "Applying restrictions for group $groupName..." -ForegroundColor Cyan try { $logonHoursBytes = ConvertTo-LogonHoursBytes -logonHoursArray $logonHours } catch { Write-Host "Error: $" -ForegroundColor Red return } try { $users = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $groupName -Recursive | Where-Object { $.objectClass -eq "user" } } catch { Write-Host "Error: Unable to retrieve members of group $groupName. Verify the group exists." -ForegroundColor Red return } if (-not $users) { Write-Host "No users found in group $groupName." -ForegroundColor Yellow return } $users | ForEach-Object { Write-Host " Applying for user: $($.SamAccountName)" -ForegroundColor Yellow try { Set-ADUser -Identity $.SamAccountName -Replace @{logonHours=$logonHoursBytes} } catch { Write-Host "Error: Unable to apply restrictions for user $($_.SamAccountName)." -ForegroundColor Red } } } Set-LogonHours -groupName "GG-DIRECTION" -logonHours $timeRestrictionsStandard Set-LogonHours -groupName "GG-RH" -logonHours $timeRestrictionsStandard Set-LogonHours -groupName "GG-COMPTA" -logonHours $timeRestrictionsStandard Set-LogonHours -groupName "GG-COMMERCIAUX" -logonHours $timeRestrictionsStandard Set-LogonHours -groupName "GG-R&D" -logonHours $timeRestrictionsStandard Set-LogonHours -groupName "GG-IT" -logonHours $timeRestrictionsIT Write-Host "Login hour restrictions applied successfully!" -ForegroundColor Green
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