2 months ago
9.7 kB
// Kullanıcıdan tutar girdisi al quantity = input.float(title="Yatırılacak Tutar (TL)", defval=10000, minval=1) // Portföy alım-satım koşulu (örneğin, bir sinyal veya strateji koşulu) portfoyBuysell = ta.crossover(mainForce, lifeLine) // Örnek bir koşul // Alım miktarını hesapla var float defaultEntryQty = na if quantity > 0 and portfoyBuysell and quantity > close defaultEntryQty := math.floor(quantity / close) ADET = str.tostring(defaultEntryQty) APIKEY = input.string(title="API Anahtarı", defval="", tooltip="Osmanlı Yatırım API anahtarınızı girin") al = kosul yaz sat = kosul yaz Sinyal = al ? close : sat ? -1 * close : 0 // Sembol listesi sembol1 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S1") sembol2 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S2") sembol3 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S3") sembol4 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S4") sembol5 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S5") sembol6 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S6") sembol7 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S7") sembol8 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S8") sembol9 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S9") sembol10 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S10") sembol11 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S11") sembol12 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S12") sembol13 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S13") sembol14 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S14") sembol15 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S15") sembol16 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S16") sembol17 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S17") sembol18 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S18") sembol19 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S19") sembol20 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S20") sembol21 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S21") sembol22 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S22") sembol23 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S23") sembol24 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S24") sembol25 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S25") sembol26 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S26") sembol27 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S27") sembol28 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S28") sembol29 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S29") sembol30 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S30") sembol31 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S31") sembol32 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S32") sembol33 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S33") sembol34 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S34") sembol35 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S35") sembol36 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S36") sembol37 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S37") sembol38 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S38") sembol39 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S39") sembol40 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S40") // Her sembol için fiyat bilgisini önceden hesapla symbolPrice1 = request.security(sembol1, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice2 = request.security(sembol2, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice3 = request.security(sembol3, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice4 = request.security(sembol4, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice5 = request.security(sembol5, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice6 = request.security(sembol6, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice7 = request.security(sembol7, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice8 = request.security(sembol8, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice9 = request.security(sembol9, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice10 = request.security(sembol10, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice11 = request.security(sembol11, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice12 = request.security(sembol12, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice13 = request.security(sembol13, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice14 = request.security(sembol14, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice15 = request.security(sembol15, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice16 = request.security(sembol16, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice17 = request.security(sembol17, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice18 = request.security(sembol18, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice19 = request.security(sembol19, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice20 = request.security(sembol20, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice21 = request.security(sembol21, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice22 = request.security(sembol22, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice23 = request.security(sembol23, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice24 = request.security(sembol24, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice25 = request.security(sembol25, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice26 = request.security(sembol26, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice27 = request.security(sembol27, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice28 = request.security(sembol28, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice29 = request.security(sembol29, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice30 = request.security(sembol30, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice31 = request.security(sembol31, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice32 = request.security(sembol32, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice33 = request.security(sembol33, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice34 = request.security(sembol34, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice35 = request.security(sembol35, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice36 = request.security(sembol36, timeframe.period, close) // Sinyali tetikleyen fonksiyon alarmTetikle(sembol, sinyal, symbolPrice) => durum = request.security(sembol, timeframe.period, sinyal) mesaj = durum > 0 ? "buy" : durum < 0 ? "sell" : "" // Alım veya satım durumu if durum != 0 and str.length(sembol) > 1 // Alım miktarını hesapla entryQty = math.floor(quantity / symbolPrice) // Osmanlı Yatırım için JSON formatında emir mesajı oluştur alarmMesajiJSON = '{"name": "osmanlı yatırım sinyali",' + '"symbol": "' + syminfo.ticker(sembol) + '",' + '"orderSide": "' + mesaj + '",' + '"orderType": "mkt",' + '"price": "0",' + '"quantity": "' + str.tostring(entryQty) + '",' + '"timeInForce": "ioc",' + '"apiKey": "' + APIKEY + '",' + '"goodInOffHours": "0"}' // Osmanlı Yatırım sistemine emir gönderme alert(message = alarmMesajiJSON, freq = alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) // Her sembol için alarmTetikle fonksiyonunu çağır alarmTetikle(sembol1, Sinyal, symbolPrice1) alarmTetikle(sembol2, Sinyal, symbolPrice2) alarmTetikle(sembol3, Sinyal, symbolPrice3) alarmTetikle(sembol4, Sinyal, symbolPrice4) alarmTetikle(sembol5, Sinyal, symbolPrice5) alarmTetikle(sembol6, Sinyal, symbolPrice6) alarmTetikle(sembol7, Sinyal, symbolPrice7) alarmTetikle(sembol8, Sinyal, symbolPrice8) alarmTetikle(sembol9, Sinyal, symbolPrice9) alarmTetikle(sembol10, Sinyal, symbolPrice10) alarmTetikle(sembol11, Sinyal, symbolPrice11) alarmTetikle(sembol12, Sinyal, symbolPrice12) alarmTetikle(sembol13, Sinyal, symbolPrice13) alarmTetikle(sembol14, Sinyal, symbolPrice14) alarmTetikle(sembol15, Sinyal, symbolPrice15) alarmTetikle(sembol16, Sinyal, symbolPrice16) alarmTetikle(sembol17, Sinyal, symbolPrice17) alarmTetikle(sembol18, Sinyal, symbolPrice18) alarmTetikle(sembol19, Sinyal, symbolPrice19) alarmTetikle(sembol20, Sinyal, symbolPrice20) alarmTetikle(sembol21, Sinyal, symbolPrice21) alarmTetikle(sembol22, Sinyal, symbolPrice22) alarmTetikle(sembol23, Sinyal, symbolPrice23) alarmTetikle(sembol24, Sinyal, symbolPrice24) alarmTetikle(sembol25, Sinyal, symbolPrice25) alarmTetikle(sembol26, Sinyal, symbolPrice26) alarmTetikle(sembol27, Sinyal, symbolPrice27) alarmTetikle(sembol28, Sinyal, symbolPrice28) alarmTetikle(sembol29, Sinyal, symbolPrice29) alarmTetikle(sembol30, Sinyal, symbolPrice30) alarmTetikle(sembol31, Sinyal, symbolPrice31) alarmTetikle(sembol32, Sinyal, symbolPrice32) alarmTetikle(sembol33, Sinyal, symbolPrice33) alarmTetikle(sembol34, Sinyal, symbolPrice34) alarmTetikle(sembol35, Sinyal, symbolPrice35) alarmTetikle(sembol36, Sinyal, symbolPrice36)
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