15 days ago
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#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <limits> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; // This struct represents a product in the inventory struct Product { int skuCode; string prodName; double price; int quantity; string prodDescription; }; // Function prototypes void addProduct(vector<Product>& products); void removeProduct(vector<Product>& products); void updateProduct(vector<Product>& products); void searchProductBySKU(const vector<Product>& products); void searchProductByName(const vector<Product>& products); void displayAllProducts(const vector<Product>& products); void loadProducts(vector<Product>& products); void saveProducts(const vector<Product>& products); void displayMenu(); void clearInputBuffer(); bool isValidDouble(const string& s); // File where inventory data is stored const string FILENAME = "inventory.txt"; int main() { vector<Product> products; // Store all products loadProducts(products); // Load existing products from the file int choice; do { displayMenu(); // Display the main menu cin >> choice; // Get user's choice clearInputBuffer(); // Clear any remaining input switch(choice) { case 1: addProduct(products); break; case 2: removeProduct(products); break; case 3: updateProduct(products); break; case 4: searchProductBySKU(products); break; case 5: searchProductByName(products); break; case 6: displayAllProducts(products); break; case 7: cout << "Exiting the program..." << endl; break; default: cout << "Invalid choice. Please try again." << endl; } } while (choice != 7); saveProducts(products); // Save all products back to the file before exiting return 0; } // Function to display the main menu void displayMenu() { cout << "\n--- Inventory Management System ---" << endl; cout << "1. Add Product" << endl; cout << "2. Remove Product" << endl; cout << "3. Update Product" << endl; cout << "4. Search Product by SKU" << endl; cout << "5. Search Product by Name" << endl; cout << "6. Display All Products" << endl; cout << "7. Exit" << endl; cout << "Enter your choice: "; } // Function to load products from file void loadProducts(vector<Product>& products) { ifstream inFile(FILENAME); if (inFile.is_open()) { Product prod; while (inFile >> prod.skuCode) { inFile.ignore(); // Ignore the newline after skuCode getline(inFile, prod.prodName); inFile >> prod.price >> prod.quantity; inFile.ignore(); // Ignore the newline after quantity getline(inFile, prod.prodDescription); products.push_back(prod); } inFile.close(); } else { cout << "Could not open file for loading. Starting with an empty inventory." << endl; } } // Function to save products to file void saveProducts(const vector<Product>& products) { ofstream outFile(FILENAME); if (outFile.is_open()) { for (const auto& prod : products) { outFile << prod.skuCode << '\n' << prod.prodName << '\n' << prod.price << '\n' << prod.quantity << '\n' << prod.prodDescription << '\n'; } outFile.close(); } else { cout << "Could not open file for saving." << endl; } } // Function to add a product void addProduct(vector<Product>& products) { Product newProd; string input; cout << "Enter SKU Code: "; cin >> newProd.skuCode; clearInputBuffer(); cout << "Enter Product Name: "; getline(cin, newProd.prodName); do { cout << "Enter Price: "; cin >> input; } while (!isValidDouble(input)); newProd.price = stod(input); cout << "Enter Quantity: "; cin >> newProd.quantity; clearInputBuffer(); cout << "Enter Product Description: "; getline(cin, newProd.prodDescription); products.push_back(newProd); cout << "Product added successfully!" << endl; } // Function to remove a product void removeProduct(vector<Product>& products) { int sku; cout << "Enter SKU Code of the product to remove: "; cin >> sku; auto it = remove_if(products.begin(), products.end(), [sku](const Product& p) { return p.skuCode == sku; }); if (it != products.end()) { products.erase(it, products.end()); cout << "Product removed successfully!" << endl; } else { cout << "Product not found!" << endl; } } // Function to update a product void updateProduct(vector<Product>& products) { int sku; cout << "Enter SKU Code of the product to update: "; cin >> sku; clearInputBuffer(); auto it = find_if(products.begin(), products.end(), [sku](const Product& p) { return p.skuCode == sku; }); if (it != products.end()) { cout << "Enter new Product Name: "; getline(cin, it->prodName); string input; do { cout << "Enter new Price: "; cin >> input; } while (!isValidDouble(input)); it->price = stod(input); cout << "Enter new Quantity: "; cin >> it->quantity; clearInputBuffer(); cout << "Enter new Product Description: "; getline(cin, it->prodDescription); cout << "Product updated successfully!" << endl; } else { cout << "Product not found!" << endl; } } // Function to search for a product by SKU void searchProductBySKU(const vector<Product>& products) { int sku; cout << "Enter SKU Code to search: "; cin >> sku; auto it = find_if(products.begin(), products.end(), [sku](const Product& p) { return p.skuCode == sku; }); if (it != products.end()) { cout << "Product Found:" << endl; cout << "SKU Code: " << it->skuCode << endl; cout << "Name: " << it->prodName << endl; cout << "Price: $" << fixed << setprecision(2) << it->price << endl; cout << "Quantity: " << it->quantity << endl; cout << "Description: " << it->prodDescription << endl; } else { cout << "Product not found!" << endl; } } // Function to search for a product by name void searchProductByName(const vector<Product>& products) { string name; cout << "Enter Product Name to search: "; getline(cin, name); bool found = false; for (const auto& prod : products) { if (prod.prodName.find(name) != string::npos) { if (!found) { cout << "Products Found:" << endl; found = true; } cout << "SKU Code: " << prod.skuCode << endl; cout << "Name: " << prod.prodName << endl; cout << "Price: $" << fixed << setprecision(2) << prod.price << endl; cout << "Quantity: " << prod.quantity << endl; cout << "Description: " << prod.prodDescription << endl; cout << "------------------------" << endl; } } if (!found) { cout << "No products found matching that name." << endl; } } // Function to display all products void displayAllProducts(const vector<Product>& products) { if (products.empty()) { cout << "No products in the inventory." << endl; return; } cout << left << setw(10) << "SKU" << setw(20) << "Name" << setw(10) << "Price" << setw(10) << "Quantity" << "Description" << endl; cout << string(70, '-') << endl; for (const auto& prod : products) { cout << left << setw(10) << prod.skuCode << setw(20) << prod.prodName << setw(10) << fixed << setprecision(2) << prod.price << setw(10) << prod.quantity << prod.prodDescription << endl; } } // Function to clear input buffer void clearInputBuffer() { cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n'); } // Function to validate if a string is a valid double bool isValidDouble(const string& s) { try { size_t pos = 0; stod(s, &pos); return pos == s.size(); } catch (...) { return false; } }
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