2 months ago
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Code: Adventure Game in Python import time def print_pause(message): print(message) time.sleep(2) def intro(): print_pause("You find yourself standing at the entrance of a dark cave.") print_pause("Legends say the cave is filled with treasures but also guarded by a fearsome dragon.") print_pause("With a sword in hand and a torch, you step inside.") def cave_adventure(): print_pause("\nAs you move deeper into the cave, you come to a fork.") print_pause("To the left, you hear the faint sound of running water.") print_pause("To the right, there's an eerie silence.") choice = input("Which way do you go? (left/right): ").lower() if choice == "left": waterfall_scene() elif choice == "right": dragon_scene() else: print_pause("Invalid choice. Please type 'left' or 'right'.") cave_adventure() def waterfall_scene(): print_pause("\nYou head left, following the sound of water.") print_pause("You discover a beautiful underground waterfall.") print_pause("Behind the waterfall, you find a chest filled with gold and jewels!") print_pause("Congratulations! You've found the treasure.") play_again() def dragon_scene(): print_pause("\nYou head right, stepping into the silent corridor.") print_pause("Suddenly, a massive dragon blocks your path!") print_pause("It roars, and flames light up the cave walls.") choice = input("Do you fight the dragon or run away? (fight/run): ").lower() if choice == "fight": print_pause("You charge at the dragon with your sword raised.") print_pause("But the dragon is too strong. You are defeated.") print_pause("Game Over.") play_again() elif choice == "run": print_pause("You turn around and run as fast as you can.") print_pause("You escape the cave, but the treasure remains undiscovered.") play_again() else: print_pause("Invalid choice. Please type 'fight' or 'run'.") dragon_scene() def play_again(): choice = input("\nWould you like to play again? (yes/no): ").lower() if choice == "yes": print_pause("Restarting the game...") play_game() elif choice == "no": print_pause("Thanks for playing! Goodbye.") else: print_pause("Invalid choice. Please type 'yes' or 'no'.") play_again() def play_game(): intro() cave_adventure() # Start the game play_game() Features: 1. Storyline: Players explore a cave, choose paths, and encounter challenges. 2. Choices: The player's decisions (e.g., left/right, fight/run) affect the outcome. 3. Replayability: Players can replay the game with different choices. 4. Simplicity: Easy to understand and expand upon. You can enhance the game by adding more paths, challenges, or inventory management. Let me know if you'd like help with that!
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