2 years ago
89 kB
import { LightningElement, api, track, wire } from 'lwc'; import { getRecord, getFieldValue } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi'; import isLargeSmeUser from '@salesforce/customPermission/CEP_Large_Sme_Permission'; import isSmallBusinessUser from '@salesforce/customPermission/CEP_Small_Business_Permission'; import isAgencyReseller from '@salesforce/customPermission/CEP_CP_AgencyReseller'; import isLargeAema from '@salesforce/customPermission/CEP_Large_Aema_Permission'; import isUmbriaEnergy from '@salesforce/customPermission/CEP_isUmbriaEnergy'; import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent'; import getRemiCode from "@salesforce/apex/CEP_LC_DedicatedProcessWizard.callEbdm"; import getPreviousTraderName from "@salesforce/apex/CEP_LC_DedicatedProcessWizard.getPreviousTraderName"; import { error } from 'c/notificationSvc'; import { usoEleMatrice } from "c/cepTakeOverWizardRes"; import isD2DTeleselling from '@salesforce/customPermission/CEP_isD2DTeleselling'; import isWind3 from '@salesforce/customPermission/NTT_isWind3'; import IsAcea from '@salesforce/customPermission/NTT_isAcea'; export default class CepSwitchingWinFieldProvider extends LightningElement { consumptionCodeFields; additionalTechnicalFields; imposteFields; switchingFields; energyServiceFields; remiFields; changeProductData; specifichePaFields; wind3 = isWind3; acea = IsAcea; @api opportunity; @api opportunityServiceItem; @api contestablePod; @api servicePoint; @api account; @api atecoObject; @api contractType; @api distributor; @api distributorName; @api isDistributorLogicheCampiUso; @api commodity; @api process; @api pod; @api channel; @track isGas; @track distNameOptionList; @track remiCodeOptionList; @track remiCodeMatrice; @track previousTraderName= ''; @track isListino = false; @track usoEle = usoEleMatrice(); @track isSegmentReseller = false; @track today; @track signatureDate; @track isMassMarket = false; @track accountRecordType; @track isSwitching; @track isChangeProduct; @api isRinovoRemiDirette; connectedCallback() { this.wind3 = this.wind3 ? true : false; this.acea = this.acea ? true: false; let accountFields = this.account?.fields; this.segment = accountFields?.Segment__c?.value; this.isMassMarket = this.segment?.toUpperCase() === 'MASS MARKET'; this.isGas = this.commodity && this.commodity.toLowerCase().includes('gas'); this.today = new Date(); this.signatureDate = this.opportunity?.fields?.SignatureDate__c?.value?.substring(0, 10); console.log('data firma: '+this.signatureDate); this.isChangeProduct = this.process && (this.process.toLowerCase() == "cambio prodotto" || this.process.toLowerCase() == "cambio prodotto cross brand"); this.isModificaTipologiaPDR = this.process && this.process.toLowerCase().includes('modifica tipologia'); this.isSwitching = this.process && this.process.toLowerCase() == "switching win"; if(this.account.Segment__c == 'Mass Market'){ this.isSegmentReseller = false; this.isMassMarket = true; this.accountRecordType = this.account.RecordTypeDeveloperName__c; } else if(this.segment == 'Reseller' || isAgencyReseller || isUmbriaEnergy){ this.isSegmentReseller = true; this.accountRecordType = this.account.fields.RecordTypeDeveloperName__c.value; } console.log('reseller: '+this.isSegmentReseller); if (this.opportunityServiceItem && this.isGas) this.retriveRemiCode(); else { console.log("OSIII conncted callback acc" + JSON.stringify(this.opportunityServiceItem)); this.initializeFields(); } console.log('process: '+this.process); console.log('isChangeProduct: '+this.isChangeProduct); console.log('isSwitching: '+this.isSwitching); console.log('isModificaTipologiaPDR: '+this.isModificaTipologiaPDR); } initializeFields() { var newDate = new Date(); this.dateValue = newDate.toISOString(); this.isGas = this.commodity && this.commodity.toLowerCase().includes('gas'); /* Check if Opportunity Request type is Listino and set the flag */ if(this.opportunity !== undefined) { if(this.opportunity.fields.RequestType__c.value == 'A Listino') { this.isListino = true; } } if (this.process && this.process !== '' && this.commodity && this.commodity !== '') { this.consumptionCodeFields = [ { name: 'Consumer__c', label: 'Consumatore', visible: true, value: this.isChangeProduct && !this.isMassMarket ? (this.contractType && (this.contractType.toLowerCase() == 'ditta individuale' || this.contractType.toLowerCase() == 'persona fisica')) && this.getValue('Usage__c') == 'Domestico' ? 'SI' : 'NO' : this.getValue('Consumer__c') ? this.getValue('Consumer__c') : this.accountRecordType == 'CEP_RT_Organization' ? 'NO' : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct && !this.isMassMarket ? true : this.accountRecordType == 'CEP_RT_Organization', type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'Consumer__c' } } }, { name: 'RightToRethink__c', label: 'Diritto al ripensamento', visible: true, value: this.isChangeProduct && !this.isMassMarket ? 'NO' : this.getValue('RightToRethink__c') ? this.getValue('RightToRethink__c') : this.accountRecordType == 'CEP_RT_Organization' ? 'NO' : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct && !this.isMassMarket, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'RightToRethink__c' } } }, { name: 'ImmediateActivation__c', label: 'Attivazione immediata', visible: true, value: this.isChangeProduct && !this.isMassMarket ? 'SI' : this.getValue('ImmediateActivation__c') ? this.getValue('ImmediateActivation__c') : this.accountRecordType == 'CEP_RT_Organization' ? 'SI' : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct && !this.isMassMarket ? true : this.accountRecordType == 'CEP_RT_Organization' ? true : false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'ImmediateActivation__c' } } } ]; this.changeProductData = [ { name: 'EffectiveDate__c', label: 'Data decorrenza', visible: this.isChangeProduct, value: this.getValue('EffectiveDate__c') ? this.getValue('EffectiveDate__c') : this.opportunity?.fields?.SupplyStartDate__c?.value ? this.opportunity?.fields?.SupplyStartDate__c?.value : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'date', typeAttributes: { minDate: this.opportunity?.fields?.SupplyStartDate__c?.value ? this.opportunity.fields.SupplyStartDate__c.value : '', maxDate: this.opportunity?.fields?.SupplyEndDate__c?.value ? this.opportunity.fields.SupplyEndDate__c.value : '' } } }, { name: 'DailyConsumption__c', label: 'Capacità Giornaliera', visible: this.isGas && (this.channel === 'Vendita SME-TOP'), value: this.getValue('DailyConsumption__c') ? this.getValue('DailyConsumption__c') : this.getValue(null,'DailyConsumption__c') ? this.getValue(null,'DailyConsumption__c') : '', valid: true, required: this.opportunity?.fields?.Rate__c?.value ? this.opportunity.fields.Rate__c.value === 'Binomia' : false, disabled: false, type: { type: 'text', } } ]; //NTT W3 if(this.wind3 && !this.acea) { if(this.isGas) { this.additionalTechnicalFields = [ { name: 'AtecoDescription__c', label: 'Ateco', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isSegmentReseller && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: this.getValue('AtecoDescription__c') ? this.getValue('AtecoDescription__c') : this.atecoObject && this.atecoObject.Description__c ? this.atecoObject.Description__c : this.contractType == 'Persona fisica' ? '' : '', valid: true, required: (!this.atecoObject && this.contractType !== 'Persona fisica') || this.atecoObject?.required, // disabled: (this.atecoObject || (!this.atecoObject && this.contractType == 'Persona fisica') || isD2DTeleselling) && this.isMassMarket, disabled: this.isMassMarket, size: 8, type: { type: 'text' } }, { name: 'searchAteco', label: 'Seleziona Ateco', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isSegmentReseller && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: 'button', disabled: (this.atecoObject || (!this.atecoObject && this.contractType == 'Persona fisica')) && this.isMassMarket, type: { type: 'button' } }, { name: 'searchPreviousTrader', label: 'Seleziona Trader Uscente', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: 'button', required: false, disabled: false, type: { type: 'button' } }, { visible: true, /*value: '', valid: true, required: false, disabled: true,*/ type: { type: 'hidden', } }, { visible: true, /*value: '', valid: true, required: false, disabled: true,*/ type: { type: 'hidden', } }, //RIGO UNO { name : 'PreviousTraderVATNumber__c', label : 'Trader Uscente', visible : this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value : this.getValue('PreviousTraderName__c'), valid : false, required : !this.isGas && this.account.Segment__c == 'Mass Market', disabled : false, type : { type: 'text' } }, { name: 'ServicePointCode__c', label: 'Codice PDR', visible: this.isGas, value: this.getValue(null, 'Code__c') ? this.getValue(null, 'Code__c') : this.pod, valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'text', } }, { visible: true, /*value: '', valid: true, required: false, disabled: true,*/ type: { type: 'hidden', } }, //RIGO DUE { name: 'Residence__c', label: 'Residenza', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: this.getValue('Residence__c') ? this.getValue('Residence__c') : this.isMassMarket && this.account.RecordTypeDeveloperName__c && this.account.RecordTypeDeveloperName__c == 'CEP_RT_Organization' ? 'NO' : !this.isMassMarket && this.account.fields.Type.value && this.account.fields.Type.value == 'Organizzazione' ? 'NO' : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct || (this.isMassMarket && this.account.RecordTypeDeveloperName__c && this.account.RecordTypeDeveloperName__c == 'CEP_RT_Organization') || (!this.isMassMarket && this.account.fields.Type.value && this.account.fields.Type.value == 'Organizzazione'), type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'Residence__c' } } }, { name: 'ResidentialFlag__c', label: 'Flag Residenziale', visible: !this.isMassMarket && this.isSwitching && this.account.fields.Type.value && this.account.fields.Type.value == 'Organizzazione', value: this.getValue('ResidentialFlag__c') ? 'SI' : 'NO', valid: false, required: false, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { options: [{label : 'SI', value : 'SI'}, {label : 'NO', value : 'NO'}] } } }, { name: 'TISGUseType__c', label: 'Tipologia d\'uso TISG', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('TISGUseType__c') ? this.getValue('TISGUseType__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'TISGUseType__c' } } }, { name: 'MeterSerialNumber__c', label: 'Matricola Misuratore', visible: this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: this.wind3 ? '111111111' : (this.getValue('MeterSerialNumber__c') ? this.getValue('MeterSerialNumber__c') : ''), valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'text', typeAttributes: { maxLength: '20' } } }, //RIGO TRE { name: 'PDRType__c', label: 'Tipo PDR', visible: this.isGas, value: this.getValue('PDRType__c') ? this.getValue('PDRType__c') : (this.isChangeProduct || this.isModificaTipologiaPDR) ? this.getValue(null, 'PDRType__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct || this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'PDRType__c' } } }, { name: 'TakingClass__c', label: 'Classe Prelievo', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('TakingClass__c') ? this.getValue('TakingClass__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'TakingClass__c' } } }, { name: 'AutomotiveUsage__c', label: 'Uso autotrazione', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('AutomotiveUsage__c') ? this.getValue('AutomotiveUsage__c') : 'NO', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'AutomotiveUsage__c' } } }, //QUARTO RIGO { name: 'ExpectedAnnualWithdrawal__c', label: 'Prelievo annuo previsto', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('ExpectedAnnualWithdrawal__c') ? this.getValue('ExpectedAnnualWithdrawal__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'number', typeAttributes: { max: 1000000000, min: 1 } } }, { name: 'UsageCategory__c', label: 'Uso', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('UsageCategory__c') ? this.getValue('UsageCategory__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'UsageCategory__c' } } }, { name: 'RequestedUsageCategory__c', label: 'Categoria d\'Uso', visible: this.isGas, value: this.getValue('RequestedUsageCategory__c') ? this.getValue('RequestedUsageCategory__c') : this.getValue(null,'Usage__c'), valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'RequestedUsageCategory__c' } } }, { name: 'ConnectionContractSelfDeclaration__c', label: 'Autocertificazione Contratto Connessione', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isGas, value: this.getValue('ConnectionContractSelfDeclaration__c') ? this.getValue('ConnectionContractSelfDeclaration__c') : 'Procura', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'ConnectionContractSelfDeclaration__c' } } }, { name: 'Extraterritorial_Service_Point__c', label: 'POD Extraterritoriale', visible: this.isSegmentReseller || isSmallBusinessUser, value: this.getValue('Extraterritorial_Service_Point__c') == 'SI' ? 'SI' : 'NO', valid: false, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { options: [{label : 'SI', value : 'SI'}, {label : 'NO', value : 'NO'}] } } }, { name: 'PDRRequesttype__c', label: 'Tipo PDR Richiesto', visible: this.isGas && this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: this.getValue('PDRRequesttype__c') ? this.getValue('PDRRequesttype__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'PDRRequesttype__c' } } }, ]; } else //this.isEle { this.additionalTechnicalFields = [ { name: 'AtecoDescription__c', label: 'Ateco', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isSegmentReseller && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: this.getValue('AtecoDescription__c') ? this.getValue('AtecoDescription__c') : this.atecoObject && this.atecoObject.Description__c ? this.atecoObject.Description__c : this.contractType == 'Persona fisica' ? '' : '', valid: true, required: (!this.atecoObject && this.contractType !== 'Persona fisica') || this.atecoObject?.required, // disabled: (this.atecoObject || (!this.atecoObject && this.contractType == 'Persona fisica') || isD2DTeleselling) && this.isMassMarket, disabled: this.isMassMarket, size: 8, type: { type: 'text' } }, { name: 'searchAteco', label: 'Seleziona Ateco', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isSegmentReseller && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: 'button', disabled: (this.atecoObject || (!this.atecoObject && this.contractType == 'Persona fisica')) && this.isMassMarket, type: { type: 'button' } }, { name: 'ServicePointCode__c', label: 'Codice Pod', visible: !this.isGas, value: this.getValue(null, null, 'PodCode__c') ? this.getValue(null, null, 'PodCode__c') : this.getValue(null, 'Code__c') ? this.getValue(null, 'Code__c') : this.pod, valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'text' } }, { name: 'ServicePointCode__c', label: 'Codice PDR', visible: this.isGas, value: this.getValue(null, 'Code__c') ? this.getValue(null, 'Code__c') : this.pod, valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'text', } }, { name: 'DistributorName__c', label: 'Distributore', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isGas, value: this.distributor ? this.distributor : this.distributorName ? this.distributorName : this.getValue('DistributorName__c'), valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'text' } }, { name: 'ConnectionContractSelfDeclaration__c', label: 'Autocertificazione Contratto Connessione', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isGas, value: this.getValue('ConnectionContractSelfDeclaration__c') ? this.getValue('ConnectionContractSelfDeclaration__c') : 'Procura', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'ConnectionContractSelfDeclaration__c' } } }, { name: 'Extraterritorial_Service_Point__c', label: 'POD Extraterritoriale', visible: this.isSegmentReseller || isSmallBusinessUser, value: this.getValue('Extraterritorial_Service_Point__c') == 'SI' ? 'SI' : 'NO', valid: false, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { options: [{label : 'SI', value : 'SI'}, {label : 'NO', value : 'NO'}] } } }, { name: 'searchPreviousTrader', label: 'Seleziona Trader Uscente', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: 'button', required: false, disabled: false, type: { type: 'button' } }, { name: 'Residence__c', label: 'Residenza', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: this.getValue('Residence__c') ? this.getValue('Residence__c') : this.isMassMarket && this.account.RecordTypeDeveloperName__c && this.account.RecordTypeDeveloperName__c == 'CEP_RT_Organization' ? 'NO' : !this.isMassMarket && this.account.fields.Type.value && this.account.fields.Type.value == 'Organizzazione' ? 'NO' : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct || (this.isMassMarket && this.account.RecordTypeDeveloperName__c && this.account.RecordTypeDeveloperName__c == 'CEP_RT_Organization') || (!this.isMassMarket && this.account.fields.Type.value && this.account.fields.Type.value == 'Organizzazione'), type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'Residence__c' } } }, { visible: true, /*value: '', valid: true, required: false, disabled: true,*/ type: { type: 'hidden', } }, { name : 'PreviousTraderVATNumber__c', label : 'Trader Uscente', visible : this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value : this.getValue('PreviousTraderName__c'), valid : false, required : !this.isGas && this.account.Segment__c == 'Mass Market', disabled : false, type : { type: 'text' } }, { name: 'ResidentialFlag__c', label: 'Flag Residenziale', visible: !this.isMassMarket && this.isSwitching && this.account.fields.Type.value && this.account.fields.Type.value == 'Organizzazione', value: this.getValue('ResidentialFlag__c') ? 'SI' : 'NO', valid: false, required: false, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { options: [{label : 'SI', value : 'SI'}, {label : 'NO', value : 'NO'}] } } }, { name: 'PDRType__c', label: 'Tipo PDR', visible: this.isGas, value: this.getValue('PDRType__c') ? this.getValue('PDRType__c') : (this.isChangeProduct || this.isModificaTipologiaPDR) ? this.getValue(null, 'PDRType__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct || this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'PDRType__c' } } }, { name: 'PDRRequesttype__c', label: 'Tipo PDR Richiesto', visible: this.isGas && this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: this.getValue('PDRRequesttype__c') ? this.getValue('PDRRequesttype__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'PDRRequesttype__c' } } }, { name: 'TISGUseType__c', label: 'Tipologia d\'uso TISG', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('TISGUseType__c') ? this.getValue('TISGUseType__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'TISGUseType__c' } } }, { name: 'TakingClass__c', label: 'Classe Prelievo', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('TakingClass__c') ? this.getValue('TakingClass__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'TakingClass__c' } } }, { name: 'AutomotiveUsage__c', label: 'Uso autotrazione', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('AutomotiveUsage__c') ? this.getValue('AutomotiveUsage__c') : 'NO', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'AutomotiveUsage__c' } } }, { name: 'MeterSerialNumber__c', label: 'Matricola Misuratore', visible: this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: this.wind3 ? '111111111' : (this.getValue('MeterSerialNumber__c') ? this.getValue('MeterSerialNumber__c') : ''), valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'text', typeAttributes: { maxLength: '20' } } }, { name: 'UsageCategory__c', label: 'Uso', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('UsageCategory__c') ? this.getValue('UsageCategory__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'UsageCategory__c' } } }, { name: 'ExpectedAnnualWithdrawal__c', label: 'Prelievo annuo previsto', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('ExpectedAnnualWithdrawal__c') ? this.getValue('ExpectedAnnualWithdrawal__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'number', typeAttributes: { max: 1000000000, min: 1 } } }, { name: 'RequestedUsageCategory__c', label: 'Categoria d\'Uso', visible: this.isGas, value: this.getValue('RequestedUsageCategory__c') ? this.getValue('RequestedUsageCategory__c') : this.getValue(null,'Usage__c'), valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'RequestedUsageCategory__c' } } }, { name: 'RequestedIndustrialSector__c', label: 'Settore Industriale', visible: this.isChangeProduct && !this.isGas, value: this.opportunityServiceItem && this.opportunityServiceItem.RequestedIndustrialSector__c ? this.opportunityServiceItem.RequestedIndustrialSector__c : this.getValue(null,"IndustrialSector__c"), valid: true, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { options: [ this.opportunityServiceItem && this.opportunityServiceItem.RequestedIndustrialSector__c ? { label: this.opportunityServiceItem.RequestedIndustrialSector__c, value: this.opportunityServiceItem.RequestedIndustrialSector__c } : this.getValue(null, "IndustrialSector__c") ? { label: this.getValue(null,"IndustrialSector__c"), value: this.getValue(null, "IndustrialSector__c") } : {}, ] } } }, { name: 'Usage__c', label: 'Categoria d\'Uso', visible: this.isChangeProduct && !this.isGas, value : this.opportunityServiceItem && this.opportunityServiceItem.Usage__c ? this.opportunityServiceItem.Usage__c : this.getValue(null, "Usage__c"), valid: true, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct || this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { options: this.usoEle } } }, ] } } else //NON OnlyW3 this.additionalTechnicalFields = [ { name: 'AtecoDescription__c', label: 'Ateco', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isSegmentReseller && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: this.getValue('AtecoDescription__c') ? this.getValue('AtecoDescription__c') : this.atecoObject && this.atecoObject.Description__c ? this.atecoObject.Description__c : this.contractType == 'Persona fisica' ? '' : '', valid: true, required: (!this.atecoObject && this.contractType !== 'Persona fisica') || this.atecoObject?.required, // disabled: (this.atecoObject || (!this.atecoObject && this.contractType == 'Persona fisica') || isD2DTeleselling) && this.isMassMarket, disabled: this.isMassMarket, size: 8, type: { type: 'text' } }, { name: 'searchAteco', label: 'Seleziona Ateco', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isSegmentReseller && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: 'button', disabled: (this.atecoObject || (!this.atecoObject && this.contractType == 'Persona fisica')) && this.isMassMarket, type: { type: 'button' } }, { name: 'ServicePointCode__c', label: 'Codice Pod', visible: !this.isGas, value: this.getValue(null, null, 'PodCode__c') ? this.getValue(null, null, 'PodCode__c') : this.getValue(null, 'Code__c') ? this.getValue(null, 'Code__c') : this.pod, valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'text' } }, { name: 'ServicePointCode__c', label: 'Codice PDR', visible: this.isGas, value: this.getValue(null, 'Code__c') ? this.getValue(null, 'Code__c') : this.pod, valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'text', } }, { name: 'DistributorName__c', label: 'Distributore', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isGas, value: this.distributor ? this.distributor : this.distributorName ? this.distributorName : this.getValue('DistributorName__c'), valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'text' } }, { name: 'ConnectionContractSelfDeclaration__c', label: 'Autocertificazione Contratto Connessione', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isGas, value: this.getValue('ConnectionContractSelfDeclaration__c') ? this.getValue('ConnectionContractSelfDeclaration__c') : 'Procura', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'ConnectionContractSelfDeclaration__c' } } }, { name: 'Extraterritorial_Service_Point__c', label: 'POD Extraterritoriale', visible: this.isSegmentReseller || isSmallBusinessUser, value: this.getValue('Extraterritorial_Service_Point__c') == 'SI' ? 'SI' : 'NO', valid: false, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { options: [{label : 'SI', value : 'SI'}, {label : 'NO', value : 'NO'}] } } }, { name : 'PreviousTraderVATNumber__c', label : 'Trader Uscente', visible : this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value : this.getValue('PreviousTraderName__c'), valid : false, required : !this.isGas && this.account.Segment__c == 'Mass Market', disabled : false, type : { type: 'text' } }, { name: 'searchPreviousTrader', label: 'Seleziona Trader Uscente', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: 'button', required: false, disabled: false, type: { type: 'button' } }, { name: 'Residence__c', label: 'Residenza', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: this.getValue('Residence__c') ? this.getValue('Residence__c') : this.isMassMarket && this.account.RecordTypeDeveloperName__c && this.account.RecordTypeDeveloperName__c == 'CEP_RT_Organization' ? 'NO' : !this.isMassMarket && this.account.fields.Type.value && this.account.fields.Type.value == 'Organizzazione' ? 'NO' : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct || (this.isMassMarket && this.account.RecordTypeDeveloperName__c && this.account.RecordTypeDeveloperName__c == 'CEP_RT_Organization') || (!this.isMassMarket && this.account.fields.Type.value && this.account.fields.Type.value == 'Organizzazione'), type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'Residence__c' } } }, { name: 'ResidentialFlag__c', label: 'Flag Residenziale', visible: !this.isMassMarket && this.isSwitching && this.account.fields.Type.value && this.account.fields.Type.value == 'Organizzazione', value: this.getValue('ResidentialFlag__c') ? 'SI' : 'NO', valid: false, required: false, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { options: [{label : 'SI', value : 'SI'}, {label : 'NO', value : 'NO'}] } } }, { name: 'PDRType__c', label: 'Tipo PDR', visible: this.isGas, value: this.getValue('PDRType__c') ? this.getValue('PDRType__c') : (this.isChangeProduct || this.isModificaTipologiaPDR) ? this.getValue(null, 'PDRType__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct || this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'PDRType__c' } } }, { name: 'PDRRequesttype__c', label: 'Tipo PDR Richiesto', visible: this.isGas && this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: this.getValue('PDRRequesttype__c') ? this.getValue('PDRRequesttype__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'PDRRequesttype__c' } } }, { name: 'TISGUseType__c', label: 'Tipologia d\'uso TISG', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('TISGUseType__c') ? this.getValue('TISGUseType__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'TISGUseType__c' } } }, { name: 'TakingClass__c', label: 'Classe Prelievo', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('TakingClass__c') ? this.getValue('TakingClass__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'TakingClass__c' } } }, { name: 'AutomotiveUsage__c', label: 'Uso autotrazione', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('AutomotiveUsage__c') ? this.getValue('AutomotiveUsage__c') : 'NO', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'AutomotiveUsage__c' } } }, { name: 'MeterSerialNumber__c', label: 'Matricola Misuratore', visible: this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: this.wind3 ? '111111111' : (this.getValue('MeterSerialNumber__c') ? this.getValue('MeterSerialNumber__c') : ''), valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'text', typeAttributes: { maxLength: '20' } } }, { name: 'UsageCategory__c', label: 'Uso', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('UsageCategory__c') ? this.getValue('UsageCategory__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'UsageCategory__c' } } }, { name: 'ExpectedAnnualWithdrawal__c', label: 'Prelievo annuo previsto', visible: this.process.toLowerCase()=='cambio prodotto cross brand' ? false : (this.isGas && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR), value: this.getValue('ExpectedAnnualWithdrawal__c') ? this.getValue('ExpectedAnnualWithdrawal__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'number', typeAttributes: { max: 1000000000, min: 1 } } }, { name: 'RequestedUsageCategory__c', label: 'Categoria d\'Uso', visible: this.isGas, value: this.getValue('RequestedUsageCategory__c') ? this.getValue('RequestedUsageCategory__c') : this.getValue(null,'Usage__c'), valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'RequestedUsageCategory__c' } } }, { name: 'RequestedIndustrialSector__c', label: 'Settore Industriale', visible: this.isChangeProduct && !this.isGas, value: this.opportunityServiceItem && this.opportunityServiceItem.RequestedIndustrialSector__c ? this.opportunityServiceItem.RequestedIndustrialSector__c : this.getValue(null,"IndustrialSector__c"), valid: true, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { options: [ this.opportunityServiceItem && this.opportunityServiceItem.RequestedIndustrialSector__c ? { label: this.opportunityServiceItem.RequestedIndustrialSector__c, value: this.opportunityServiceItem.RequestedIndustrialSector__c } : this.getValue(null, "IndustrialSector__c") ? { label: this.getValue(null,"IndustrialSector__c"), value: this.getValue(null, "IndustrialSector__c") } : {}, ] } } }, { name: 'Usage__c', label: 'Categoria d\'Uso', visible: this.isChangeProduct && !this.isGas, value : this.opportunityServiceItem && this.opportunityServiceItem.Usage__c ? this.opportunityServiceItem.Usage__c : this.getValue(null, "Usage__c"), valid: true, required: true, disabled: this.isChangeProduct || this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { options: this.usoEle } } }, ]; this.switchingFields = [ { name: 'EffectiveDate__c', label: 'Data decorrenza', visible: isLargeSmeUser || isSmallBusinessUser || isLargeAema || this.isSegmentReseller, value: this.getValue('EffectiveDate__c') ? this.getValue('EffectiveDate__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'date', typeAttributes: { minDate: this.opportunity?.fields?.SupplyStartDate__c?.value ? this.opportunity.fields.SupplyStartDate__c.value : '', maxDate: this.opportunity?.fields?.SupplyEndDate__c?.value ? this.opportunity.fields.SupplyEndDate__c.value : '' } } }, { name: 'ContractDate__c', label: 'Data contratto', visible: isLargeSmeUser || isSmallBusinessUser || isLargeAema || this.isSegmentReseller, value: this.getValue('ContractDate__c') ? this.getValue('ContractDate__c') : (!this.isSegmentReseller ? this.signatureDate : ''), valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'date', typeAttributes: { maxDate: this.today } } }, { name: 'SwitchInframonth__c', label: 'Switch Inframese', visible: !this.isGas && (isLargeSmeUser || isSmallBusinessUser || isLargeAema || this.isSegmentReseller), value: this.getValue('SwitchInframonth__c') == 'SI' ? 'SI' : 'NO', valid: false, required: false, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'SwitchInframonth__c' } } }, { name: 'SwitchEarlyWithdrawal__c', label: 'Switch Recesso anticipato', visible: this.isGas && !this.isListino && (isLargeSmeUser || isSmallBusinessUser || isLargeAema || this.isSegmentReseller), value: this.getValue('SwitchEarlyWithdrawal__c') == 'SI' ? 'SI' : 'NO', valid: false, required: false, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'SwitchEarlyWithdrawal__c' } } }, { name: 'SwitchSkipPreCheck__c', label: 'Switch Skip Pre-check', visible: !this.isGas && !this.isListino && !this.isSegmentReseller && (isLargeSmeUser || isSmallBusinessUser || isLargeAema), value: this.getValue('SwitchSkipPreCheck__c') == 'SI' ? 'SI' : 'NO', valid: false, required: false, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'SwitchSkipPreCheck__c' } } }, { name: 'TIMOERevocation__c', label: 'Revoca TIMOE', visible: !this.isGas, value: (this.getValue('TIMOERevocation__c') == 'NO' || isLargeAema) ? 'NO' : 'SI', valid: false, required: true, disabled: !isLargeSmeUser && !isSmallBusinessUser && !isLargeAema && ! this.isSegmentReseller, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'TIMOERevocation__c' } } }, { name: 'TIMGTIVGRevocation__c', label: 'Revoca TIMG/TIVG', visible: this.isGas, value: (this.getValue('TIMGTIVGRevocation__c') == 'NO' || isLargeAema) ? 'NO' : 'SI', valid: false, required: true, disabled: !isLargeSmeUser && !isSmallBusinessUser && !isLargeAema && ! this.isSegmentReseller, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'TIMGTIVGRevocation__c' } } }, { name: 'CreditAcquisition__c', label: 'Acquisto credito', visible: true, value: (this.getValue('CreditAcquisition__c') || isLargeAema) ? 'SI' : 'NO', valid: false, required: true, disabled: !isLargeSmeUser && !isSmallBusinessUser && !isLargeAema && !this.isSegmentReseller, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { options: [{label : 'SI', value : 'SI'}, {label : 'NO', value : 'NO'}] } } }, { name: 'DispatchingContractCode__c', label: 'Codice contratto dispacciamento', visible: !this.isGas, value: this.getValue('Extraterritorial_Service_Point__c') == 'SI' ? 'DP1706' : 'DP1005', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'text', typeAttributes: { maxLength: '6' } } }, { name: 'CommercialDirectorSwitchApprover__c', label: 'Direttore Commerciale Approvatore', visible: false, value: this.getValue('CommercialDirectorSwitchApprover__c') ? this.getValue('CommercialDirectorSwitchApprover__c') : '', valid: false, required: false, disabled: false, type: { type: 'text' } }, { name : 'Status__c', label : 'Status', visible : false, value : this.getValue('Status__c') ? this.getValue('Status__c') : '', valid : false, required : false, disabled : false, type : { type : 'text' } }, { name: 'DailyConsumption__c', label: 'Capacità Giornaliera', visible: this.isGas && (this.channel === 'Vendita SME-TOP'), value: this.getValue('DailyConsumption__c') ? this.getValue('DailyConsumption__c') : this.getValue(null,'DailyConsumption__c') ? this.getValue(null,'DailyConsumption__c') : '', valid: true, required: this.opportunity?.fields?.Rate__c?.value ? this.opportunity.fields.Rate__c.value === 'Binomia' : false, disabled: false, type: { type: 'text', } } ]; this.energyServiceFields = [ { name: 'SupplyEnergyService__c', label: 'Erogazione Servizio Energetico', visible: this.isGas, value: this.wind3 ? 'NO' : (this.getValue('SupplyEnergyService__c') ? this.getValue('SupplyEnergyService__c') : 'NO'), valid: false, required: true, disabled: false, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'SupplyEnergyService__c' } } }, { name: 'BeneficiaryAccount__c', label: 'Beneficiario', visible: this.isGas, value: this.getValue('BeneficiaryAccount__c'), valid: false, required: false, disabled: true, type: { type: 'text' /*'lookup' , typeAttributes : { objectName : 'Account', fieldNames : { primaryField : 'Name', subField1 : 'FiscalCode__c' } }*/ } }, { name: 'BeneficiaryAccount', label: 'Seleziona Account', visible: this.isGas, value: 'button', required: false, disabled: true, type: { type: 'button' } } ] this.remiFields = [ { name: 'DistributorName__c', label: 'Nome distributore', visible: this.isGas, value: this.getValue('DistributorName__c'), valid: false, required: false, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'DistributorName__c', options: this.getValue('DistributorName__c') ? this.distNameOptionList ? this.distNameOptionList : [{ label: this.getValue('DistributorName__c'), value: this.getValue('DistributorName__c') }] : [] } } }, { name: 'REMICode__c', label: 'Codice Remi', visible: this.isGas, value: this.getValue('REMICode__c'), valid: false, required: false, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldNames: 'REMICode__c', options: this.getValue('REMICode__c') ? this.remiCodeOptionList ? this.remiCodeOptionList : [{ label: this.getValue('REMICode__c'), value: this.getValue('REMICode__c') }] : [] } } } ]; this.specifichePaFields = [ { name: 'IPA__c', label: 'Codice IPA', visible: true, value: this.getValue('IPA__c') ? this.getValue('IPA__c') : this.getValue(null,'IPA__c') ? this.getValue(null,'IPA__c') : '', valid: false, required: !this.isMassMarket ? this.account.fields.BusinessType__c.value == 'Pubblica amministrazione' : '', disabled: false, type: { type: 'text', } }, { name: 'CIG__c', label: 'CIG', visible: true, value: this.getValue('CIG__c') ? this.getValue('CIG__c') : this.getValue(null,'CIG__c') ? this.getValue(null,'CIG__c') : '', valid: false, required: false, disabled: false, type: { type: 'text', } }, { name: 'CUP__c', label: 'CUP', visible: true, value: this.getValue('CUP__c') ? this.getValue('CUP__c') : this.getValue(null,'CUP__c') ? this.getValue(null,'CUP__c') : '', valid: false, required: false, disabled: false, type: { type: 'text', } }, { name: 'CostCenter__c', label: 'Centro di Costo', visible: true, value: this.getValue('CostCenter__c'), valid: false, required: !this.isMassMarket ? this.account.fields.BusinessType__c.value == 'Gruppo acea' : '', disabled: false, type: { type: 'text', } }, ]; this.imposteFields = [ { name: 'VATTreatment__c', label: 'Aliquota Iva', visible: true, value: this.getValue('VATTreatment__c') ? this.getValue('VATTreatment__c') : this.getValue(null,null,null,null,'VATTreatment__c') ? this.getValue(null,null,null,null,'VATTreatment__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { options: [] } } }, { name: 'Excise__c', label: 'Accisa', visible: this.isGas && !this.isChangeProduct, value: this.getValue('Excise__c') ? this.getValue('Excise__c') : this.getValue(null,'Excise__c') ? this.getValue(null,'Excise__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'Excise__c' } } }, { name: 'RegionalAdition__c', label: 'Addizionale Regionale', visible: this.isGas && !this.isChangeProduct && !this.isModificaTipologiaPDR, value: this.getValue('RegionalAdition__c') ? this.getValue('RegionalAdition__c') : this.getValue(null,'RegionalAdition__c') ? this.getValue(null,'RegionalAdition__c') : '', valid: false, required: true, disabled: true, type: { type: 'picklist', typeAttributes: { objectName: 'OpportunityServiceItem__c', fieldName: 'RegionalAdition__c' } } } ]; this.throwFieldInitializedEvent() } } throwFieldInitializedEvent() { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fieldsinit', { detail: this.getForms() })); } getValue(osiField, servicePointField, contestablePodField, expectedReturnType, assetField) { var result; if (!this.opportunityServiceItem && this.isChangeProduct) { if (osiField == 'Residence__c') result = this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'] && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value ? (this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['ResidentialFlag__c'].value ? 'SI' : 'NO') : ''; if (osiField == "RequestedIndustrialSector__c") result = this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'] && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value ? this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['RequestedIndustrialSector__c'].value : ''; } if(assetField){ result = this.servicePoint && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'] && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value ? this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields[assetField].value ? this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields[assetField].value : '' : ''; } if(servicePointField == 'IPA__c') result = this.servicePoint && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'] && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['IPA__c'].value ? this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['IPA__c'].value : ''; if(servicePointField == 'CIG__c') result = this.servicePoint && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'] && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['CIG__c'].value ? this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['CIG__c'].value : ''; if(servicePointField == 'CUP__c') result = this.servicePoint && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'] && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['CUP__c'].value ? this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['CUP__c'].value : ''; if(servicePointField == 'VATTreatment__c') result = this.servicePoint && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'] && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['VATTreatment__c'].value ? this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['VATTreatment__c'].value : ''; if(servicePointField == 'Excise__c') result = this.servicePoint && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'] && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['Excise__c'].value ? this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['Excise__c'].value : ''; if(servicePointField == 'RegionalAdition__c') result = this.servicePoint && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'] && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['RegionalAdition__c'].value ? this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['RegionalAdition__c'].value : ''; if(servicePointField == 'DailyConsumption__c') result = this.servicePoint && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'] && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value && this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['DailyConsumption__c'].value ? this.servicePoint.fields['CurrentAsset__r'].value.fields['DailyConsumption__c'].value : ''; if (this.opportunityServiceItem && this.opportunityServiceItem[osiField]) { console.log(osiField + ' -- Value returned = ' + this.opportunityServiceItem[osiField]); result = this.opportunityServiceItem[osiField]; } else if (this.servicePoint && this.servicePoint.fields && this.servicePoint.fields[servicePointField]) { console.log(servicePointField + ' -- Value returned = ' + this.servicePoint.fields[servicePointField].value); result = this.servicePoint.fields[servicePointField].value; } else if (this.contestablePod && this.contestablePod.fields && this.contestablePod.fields[contestablePodField]) { result = this.contestablePod.fields[contestablePodField].value; } if (result) { if (expectedReturnType === 'number') { return parseInt(result); } else if (expectedReturnType === 'float') { return parseFloat(result); } else if (expectedReturnType === 'boolean') { return result == 'true'; } else { if (typeof result === 'string') { return result; } return JSON.stringify(result) } } } getForms() { let formObj = { 'consumptionCodeFields': this.consumptionCodeFields, 'additionalTechnicalFields': this.additionalTechnicalFields, 'imposteFields': this.imposteFields, 'switchingFields': this.switchingFields, 'energyServiceFields': this.energyServiceFields, 'remiFields': this.remiFields, 'specifichePaFields' : this.specifichePaFields, 'changeProductData' : this.changeProductData } return formObj; } retriveRemiCode() { let istat = this.opportunityServiceItem.PointIstatCode__c; if (istat && istat !== '') { this.activateSpinner(true); getRemiCode({ istatCode: istat }).then(response => { if (response) { if (Object.keys(response.distRemicode).length === 0) { this.showToastMessage('Recupero Distributore', 'Non è presente alcun distributore per l \'ISTAT selezionato', 'warning'); this.initializeFields(); } else { this.distNameOptionList = []; this.remiCodeMatrice = []; for (let key in response.distRemicode) { console.log('key : ' + key + ' Map value: ', response.distRemicode[key]); this.distNameOptionList.push({ label: key, value: key }); for (let i in response.distRemicode[key]) { console.log('key1 : ' + i + ' Map value:1 ', response.distRemicode[key][i]); this.remiCodeMatrice.push({ distributore: key, remiCodeValue: response.distRemicode[key][i] }) } } this.manageRemiCodePicklist(this.opportunityServiceItem.DistributorName__c); } this.activateSpinner(false); } else { this.activateSpinner(false); this.showToastMessage('Recupero Distributore', 'Errore tecnico: impossibile recuperare i dati', 'error'); this.initializeFields(); } }).catch((errorMsg) => { error(this, JSON.stringify(errorMsg.body.message)); this.initializeFields(); this.activateSpinner(false); }); } else { this.activateSpinner(false); this.initializeFields(); } } manageRemiCodePicklist(value) { this.remiCodeOptionList = []; this.remiCodeMatrice.forEach(element => { if (element.distributore.includes(value)) { this.remiCodeOptionList.push({ label: element.remiCodeValue, value: element.remiCodeValue }) } }); this.initializeFields(); this.activateSpinner(false); } activateSpinner(active) { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('spinner', { detail: { 'active': active } })); } showToastMessage(title, message, variant) { this.dispatchEvent( new ShowToastEvent({ title: title, message: message, variant: variant, }), ); } // getPreviousTraderValue(field) { // getPreviousTraderName({ Piva: this.opportunityServiceItem[field] }).then(response => { // if (response.name) { // this.previousTraderName = response.name; // this.initializeFields(); // } // }).catch((errorMsg) => { // error(this, JSON.stringify(errorMsg)); // this.initializeFields(); // }); // } }