import pickle import os def read(): record={} file=open('company.dat','rb') file1='company.dat' if os.stat(file1).st_size==0: return record else: record=pickle.load(file) file.close() return record def write(record): file=open('company.dat','wb') pickle.dump(record,file) file.close() def Add(): try: file=open('company.dat','ab') file.close() record=read() do='y' while do=='y': dep=input('Enter Department name : ') value=[] do2='y' while do2=='y': info=[] name=input('Enter Employee name : ') salary=int(input('Enter Salary : ')) info.append(name) info.append(salary) value.append(info) do2=input('Do you want add new employee (y,n)?') if dep not in record: record[dep]=value else: print('the value in record') do=input('Do you want add new department (y,n)?') write(record) except ValueError: print('Wrong enter') def Add_E(): record=read() info=[] name=input('Enter Employee name :') salary=int(input('Enter Salary : ')) info.append(name) info.append(salary) dep=input('Enter Department name : ') if dep in record: list1=record[dep] list1.append(info) record[dep]=list1 else: print('Sorry The department doesn’t exist.') write(record) def View(): print('Department\t\tEmployee\t\tSalary') record=read() for dep in record: list1=record[dep] for n in list1: print(dep,'\t\t',n[0],'\t\t',n[1]) def Delete_E(): dep=input('enter the name of the Department :') name=input('enter the name of the employee to delete :') record=read() for dep in record: list1=record[dep] for n in list1: if n[0]==name: list1.remove(n) record[dep]=list1 write(record) def Delete_d(): record=read() dep=input('enter the name of the department to delete: ') if dep in record: record.pop(dep,'not found') #del record[dep] write(record) def main(): flag=True while flag: print('**********************Menu*********************') print('1- Add Department\n2- Add Employee\n3- View\n4- Delete Employee\n5-Delete Department\n6- Exit') print('************************************************') choice=int(input('Please enter your choice:')) if choice==1: Add() elif choice==2: Add_E() elif choice==3: View() elif choice==4: Delete_E() elif choice==5: Delete_d() elif choice==6: print('Good Bye') flag=False else: print('Wrong valu') main()
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