2 months ago
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import '@mui/material/styles'; import '@mui/material/Typography'; import { ColorPartial } from '@mui/material/styles/createPalette'; // TODO check if this file can be shared between apps type ColorPartial = Partial<Color>; declare module '@mui/material/styles/createTypography' { interface PaletteColor { subtitle3: React.CSSProperties; } // allow configuration using `createTheme` export interface TypographyOptions { subtitle3?: React.CSSProperties; label?: React.CSSProperties; } } // Update the Typography's variant prop options declare module '@mui/material/Typography' { interface TypographyPropsVariantOverrides { subtitle3: true; label: true; } } declare module '@mui/material/' { export interface Palette { customGrey: Record<number, string>; primary: Record<number, string>; secondary: Record<number, string>; green: Record<number, string>; grey: Record<number, string>; yellow: Record<number, string>; } export interface Color { 1000: string; } export interface PaletteColor { customGrey: Record<number, string>; primary: Record<number, string>; secondary: Record<number, string>; green: Record<number, string>; grey: Record<number, string>; yellow: Record<number, string>; } export interface InputBasePropsSizeOverrides { large: true; } } declare module '@mui/material/styles' { interface TypographyVariants { label: React.CSSProperties; } interface TypographyVariantsOptions { label?: React.CSSProperties; } interface Theme { variables: { sidebarWidth: string; headerHeight: string; input: { height: Record<string, string | number>; padding: Record<string, string | number>; }; button: { height: Record<string, string | number>; padding: Record<string, string | number>; fontSize: Record<string, string | number>; }; }; } // allow configuration using `createTheme` interface ThemeOptions { variables: { sidebarWidth: string; headerHeight: string; input: { height: Record<string, string | number>; padding: Record<string, string | number>; }; button: { height: Record<string, string | number>; fontSize: Record<string, string | number>; }; }; } interface PaletteColorOptions { lighter?: string; main?: string; light?: string; lightest?: string; dark?: string; contrastText?: string; darker?: string; 100?: string; 200?: string; 300?: string; 400?: string; 500?: string; 600?: string; 700?: string; 800?: string; 900?: string; 1000?: string; } interface TypeBackground { white?: string; lightGrey?: string; } interface TypeAction { primary?: string; white?: string; } interface Palette { grey: Record<number, string>; primary: Record<number, string>; secondary: Record<number, string>; green: Record<number, string>; yellow: Record<number, string>; } } declare module '@mui/material/Button' { export interface ButtonPropsSizeOverrides { xLarge: true; } export interface ButtonPropsVariantOverrides { 'outlined-secondary': true; } } declare module '@mui/material/TextField' { interface TextFieldPropsSizeOverrides { large: true; } } declare module '@mui/material/styles/createPalette' { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface interface PaletteColor extends ColorPartial {} }
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