a year ago
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from pyrogram import Client,filters,idle import asyncio import json from pyrogram.errors.exceptions.bad_request_400 import PeerFlood async def whome(client): async with client: me = await client.get_me() print(me.id) async def join_chat(client, chat): async with client: await client.join_chat(chat) async def leave_chat(client, chat): async with client: await client.leave_chat(chat) async def send_message(client, chat, message): async with client: try: await client.send_message(chat, message) except PeerFlood: return async def make_client(num, session, opt, chat,message): client = Client(name=f"{num}", session_string=session) if opt == "whois": await whome(client) if opt == "join": await join_chat(client,chat) if opt == "leave": await leave_chat(client,chat) if opt == "send": await send_message(client,chat,message) async def main(opt, chat = None, message = None): with open("accounts.json") as file: data = json.load(file) tasks = [asyncio.create_task(make_client(x,y,opt, chat, message)) for x,y in data["Accs"].items()] await asyncio.gather(*tasks) app = Client("ixelizm", 1038911,"94d21cd31f1d54ff715ead95b1777bc1") @app.on_message(filters.command("join",".") &filters.me) async def joinf(_,m): message = await m.edit("`Working For Func...`") await main("join", m.chat.username) await message.reply("`Success!`") @app.on_message(filters.command("leave",".") &filters.me) async def leavef(_,m): message = await m.edit("`Working For Func...`") await main("leave", m.chat.username) await message.reply("`Success!`") @app.on_message(filters.command("send",".") &filters.me) async def leavef(_,m): text = m.text.split(".send ")[1] message = await m.edit("`Working For Func...`") if not m.reply_to_message: await main("send", chat = m.chat.username, message = text) else: await main("send", chat = m.reply_to_message.from_user.username, message = text) await message.reply("`Success!`")