
19 days ago
43 kB
strategy("Haydens RSI Trend Trader Strategy", overlay=true)

// ---------------------------- Theme --------------------------------------- //
// Colors
red = color.red
green = color.green
brightred = #ff1100
brightgreen = #00ff0a
cautioncol = color.yellow
gray= color.gray
aqua = color.aqua
orange= color.orange
darkgreen = #1b5e20
darkred = #801922

// Groups 
grma = "๐Ÿ“ˆ Moving Averages ๐Ÿ“ˆ"
grhts = "Triple Trend State"
grt = "๐ŸŽฏ Targets ๐ŸŽฏ"
grll = "๐Ÿฉธ Leverage Liquidations ๐Ÿฉธ"
gla= "๐Ÿ”” Alerts ๐Ÿ””"

// Constants
dataType = "Custom"
instructions = "Off"
smaS = "Off"
constant = 1>0

// ------------------------- Trend State ------------------------------------ //
// Code Author: ยฉ Koalafied_3
showtrend = input(true, title='Show Hayden triple trend state H-line fill?',group=grhts, 
  tooltip ="Check this box if you want to see the Bull, Bear, or Chop trend state background according to Hayden.\n(Page 56) 10 Lies That Traders Believe = The RSI is unable to indicate trend direction, because it's only a momentum indicator.")
showbc = input(true, title='Show Hayden triple trend state Chart Bar Color?',group=grhts)
ts1 = input.float(defval=67, title="Precise Bullish RSI Crossover 66 to 68", minval=66, maxval=68, step=0.001, group=grhts, tooltip="End of chop. Popular: 66, 66.666, or 67")
ts2 = input.float(defval=33, title="Precise Bearish RSI Crossunder 32 to 34", minval=32, maxval=34, step=0.001, group=grhts, tooltip="End of chop. Popular: 34, 33.333, or 33")
ts1a = input.float(defval=61, title="Precise Bullish RSI Crossover 60 to 62", minval=60, maxval=62, step=0.001, group=grhts, tooltip="End of bearish trend. Popular: 61, 60.618, 60.5, or 60")
ts2a = input.float(defval=39, title="Precise Bearish RSI Crossunder 38 to 40", minval=38, maxval=40, step=0.001, group=grhts, tooltip="End of bullish trend. Popular: 39, 39.5, 39.618, or 40")
// Trend State
var state = 0
if ta.crossover(rsi, ts1)
    state := 1
if ta.crossunder(rsi, ts2) 
    state := 2
state := state

//-----------------3 State RSI Gradient Bar Color on Chart--------------------//
cbullu = input(brightgreen, "Chart BarColor: Bull Run", group=grhts)
cbulld = input(darkgreen, "Chart BarColor: Bull Pullback", group=grhts)
cbearu = input(brightred, "Chart BarColor: Bear Run", group=grhts)
cbeard = input(darkred, "Chart BarColor: Bear Pullback", group=grhts)
cbearc = input(brightgreen, "Chart BarColor: Bull Chop", group=grhts) 
cbullc = input(brightred, "Chart BarColor: Bear Chop", group=grhts) 

barcolor(state==1 and rsi>50?cbullu: state==1 and rsi<50?cbulld: state==2 and rsi<50 ?cbearu: state==2 and rsi>50 ?cbeard:color.new(color.from_gradient(rsi, ts2, ts1, cbearu, cbullu),0),title="Chart Bar Color", display = showbc ? display.all : display.none, editable=false)

// RSI 50 Line
// @ LazyBear
obLevelM = 50
src = close
length = 14
ep = 2 * length - 1
auc = ta.ema(math.max(src - src[1], 0), ep)
adc = ta.ema(math.max(src[1] - src, 0), ep)

x7 = (length - 1) * (adc * obLevelM / (100 - obLevelM) - auc)
ub4 = x7 >= 0 ? src + x7 : src + x7 * (100 - obLevelM) / obLevelM
plot(ub4, title='Midline', color=color.new(ub4>ub4[1]?color.green:ub4<ub4[1]?color.red:color.gray, 25), linewidth=1)

// ------------------------------- Alerts ----------------------------------- // 
alert_freq = input.string(alert.freq_once_per_bar_close, "Alert Frequency", options=[alert.freq_once_per_bar_close, alert.freq_once_per_bar, alert.freq_all], group = gla)
bar_update_alerts = input.bool(false, "Trade updates each bar?", tooltip="Check this box to receive an alert with the current trade status every time the bar closes.")

// ---------------------------- Trade Setup --------------------------------- //
// Inspired by @ KioseffTrading
lot_size = input.float(1, 'Lot Size', minval=0, group=grt, step=0.001)
dcaorstop = input.string("Stop", "DCA 3 or Stop", options=["DCA 3", "Stop"], group=grt)
// Number of Decimals for Labels
pricedecimals= input.int(defval=2, title='Number of Price Decimals', minval=0, maxval=10, group=grt)
truncateprice(number, pricedecimals) =>
    factor = math.pow(10, pricedecimals)
    int(number * factor) / factor

// Define a bull/bear cross
bullcross= state==1 and state[1]==2
bearcross= state==2 and state[1]==1

// Detect what was last signal (long or short)
long_short = 0
long_last = bullcross and (nz(long_short[1]) == 0 or nz(long_short[1]) == -1)
short_last = bearcross and (nz(long_short[1]) == 0 or nz(long_short[1]) == 1)
long_short := long_last ? 1 : short_last ? -1 : long_short[1]

// Remove first bar for SL/TP (you can't enter a trade at bar close and THEN hit your SL on that same bar)
longBar1 = ta.barssince(long_last)
longBar2 = longBar1 >= 1 ? true : false
shortBar1 = ta.barssince(short_last)
shortBar2 = shortBar1 >= 1 ? true : false

// Wen entry, sir?
bullentry = ta.valuewhen(bullcross, close, 0) 
bearentry = ta.valuewhen(bearcross, close, 0) 
entin= state==1 and long_short==1?bullentry:state==2 and long_short==-1?bearentry:na
entout=plot(entin, 'Entry', color=color.new(color.gray, 0), style=plot.style_circles, editable=false)

// Targets
// ATR TP & SL
srcATR = input(title='ATR Source', defval=close, group=grt)
atrPeriod = input.int(title='ATR Period', defval=233, minval=1, group=grt)
per = atrPeriod
atrMultiplier = input.float(title='ATR Multiplier', defval=10, group=grt)

atr = ta.atr(atrPeriod)
ATRupper=srcATR + atr * atrMultiplier
ATRlower=srcATR - atr * atrMultiplier
ATRupper2=srcATR + atr * (atrMultiplier*0.854)
ATRlower2=srcATR - atr * (atrMultiplier*0.854)
ATRupper3=srcATR + atr * (atrMultiplier*0.763)
ATRlower3=srcATR - atr * (atrMultiplier*0.763)
ATRupper4=srcATR + atr * (atrMultiplier*0.618)
ATRlower4=srcATR - atr * (atrMultiplier*0.618)
ATRupper5=srcATR + atr * (atrMultiplier*0.5)
ATRlower5=srcATR - atr * (atrMultiplier*0.5)
ATRupper6=srcATR + atr * (atrMultiplier*0.382)
ATRlower6=srcATR - atr * (atrMultiplier*0.382)
ATRupper7=srcATR + atr * (atrMultiplier*0.236)
ATRlower7=srcATR - atr * (atrMultiplier*0.236)
ATRupper8=srcATR + atr * (atrMultiplier*0.146)
ATRlower8=srcATR - atr * (atrMultiplier*0.146)
bearse=srcATR + atr * (atrMultiplier*0.146)
bullse=srcATR - atr * (atrMultiplier*0.146)
bearse2=srcATR + atr * (atrMultiplier*0.236)
bullse2=srcATR - atr * (atrMultiplier*0.236)
bearse3=srcATR + atr * (atrMultiplier*0.382)
bullse3=srcATR - atr * (atrMultiplier*0.382)


bgrad = 80
tgrad = 95

exin = state==1 and long_short==1?ATRbulltp1:state==2 and long_short==-1?ATRbeartp1:na
excol = long_short == 1 and close<ATRbulltp1?green: long_short==-1 and close>ATRbeartp1?red:color.gray
exout = plot(exin, 'TP 8', color=color.new(excol, 0), style=plot.style_circles, editable=false)
fill(entout,exout,exin,long_short==1?bullentry:long_short==-1?bearentry:na, top_color=color.new(long_short==1?darkgreen:long_short==-1?darkred:na,bgrad), bottom_color=color.new(long_short==1?darkgreen:long_short==-1?darkred:na,tgrad))
tp2out = state==1 and long_short==1?ATRbulltp2:state==2 and long_short==-1?ATRbeartp2:na
tp2col = long_short == 1 and close<ATRbulltp2?green: long_short==-1 and close>ATRbeartp2?red:color.gray
plot(tp2out, "TP 7", color=color.new(tp2col,10), style=plot.style_circles, show_last=1, editable=false)
tp3out = state==1 and long_short==1?ATRbulltp3:state==2 and long_short==-1?ATRbeartp3:na
tp3col = long_short == 1 and close<ATRbulltp3?green: long_short==-1 and close>ATRbeartp3?red:color.gray
plot(tp3out, "TP 6", color=color.new(tp3col,20), style=plot.style_circles, show_last=1, editable=false)
tp4out = state==1 and long_short==1?ATRbulltp4:state==2 and long_short==-1?ATRbeartp4:na
tp4col = long_short == 1 and close<ATRbulltp4?green: long_short==-1 and close>ATRbeartp4?red:color.gray
plot(tp4out, "TP 5", color=color.new(tp4col,30), style=plot.style_circles, show_last=1, editable=false)
tp5out = state==1 and long_short==1?ATRbulltp5:state==2 and long_short==-1?ATRbeartp5:na
tp5col = long_short == 1 and close<ATRbulltp5?green: long_short==-1 and close>ATRbeartp5?red:color.gray
plot(tp5out, "TP 4", color=color.new(tp5col,40), style=plot.style_circles, show_last=1, editable=false)
tp6out = state==1 and long_short==1?ATRbulltp6:state==2 and long_short==-1?ATRbeartp6:na
tp6col = long_short == 1 and close<ATRbulltp6?green: long_short==-1 and close>ATRbeartp6?red:color.gray
plot(tp6out, "TP 3", color=color.new(tp6col,50), style=plot.style_circles, show_last=1, editable=false)
tp7out = state==1 and long_short==1?ATRbulltp7:state==2 and long_short==-1?ATRbeartp7:na
tp7col = long_short == 1 and close<ATRbulltp7?green: long_short==-1 and close>ATRbeartp7?red:color.gray
plot(tp7out, "TP 2", color=color.new(tp7col,60), style=plot.style_circles, show_last=1, editable=false)
tp8out = state==1 and long_short==1?ATRbulltp8:state==2 and long_short==-1?ATRbeartp8:na
tp8col = long_short == 1 and close<ATRbulltp8?green: long_short==-1 and close>ATRbeartp8?red:color.gray
plot(tp8out, "TP 1", color=color.new(tp8col,60), style=plot.style_circles, show_last=1, editable=false)

dca1in=state==1 and long_short==1?vwbullse:state==2 and long_short==-1?vwbearse:na
dca1out=plot(dca1in, "DCA/Stop 1", color=color.new(color.gray, 40), style=plot.style_circles, show_last=1, editable=false)
dca2in=state==1 and long_short==1?vwbullse2:state==2 and long_short==-1?vwbearse2:na
dca2out=plot(dca2in, "DCA/Stop 2", color=color.new(color.gray, 20), style=plot.style_circles, show_last=1, editable=false)
dca3in=state==1 and long_short==1?vwbullse3:state==2 and long_short==-1?vwbearse3:na
dca3out=plot(dca3in, "DCA/Stop 3", color=color.new(color.gray, 0), style=plot.style_circles, editable=false)
fill(entout,dca3out,long_short==1?vwbullse3:long_short==-1?vwbearse3:na,long_short==1?bullentry:long_short==-1?bearentry:na, top_color=color.new(gray,85), bottom_color=color.new(gray,tgrad))

// Trade Setup Labels
// Profit
bullt1profit=(((ATRbulltp1/bullentry)- 1)*100)
bullt2profit=(((ATRbulltp2/bullentry)- 1)*100)
bullt3profit=(((ATRbulltp3/bullentry)- 1)*100)
bullt4profit=(((ATRbulltp4/bullentry)- 1)*100)
bullt5profit=(((ATRbulltp5/bullentry)- 1)*100)
bullt6profit=(((ATRbulltp6/bullentry)- 1)*100)
bullt7profit=(((ATRbulltp7/bullentry)- 1)*100)
bullt8profit=(((ATRbulltp8/bullentry)- 1)*100)

//-----------------------------Liquidation levels-----------------------------//
// @ mabonyi
i_show_x1 = input.bool(false, title='Show Liquidation Levels & Events? ๐Ÿฉธ', group=grll)
i_nonlinear = input.bool(false, title='Inverse/Non-linear Contract', group=grll, 
  tooltip="A linear contract, which is a USDT-margined contract, uses USDT to make contract transactions with cryptocurrencies, and the underlying prices rise and fall linearly with revenue. Inverse/Non-linear contracts are a coin-margined contract. For example, in a BTC-margined contract, you must use Bitcoin as the underlying asset.")
i_maintmargin = input.float(0.05,  title='Maintenance Margin above Liquidation', group=grll)
maint_margin = 1 - i_maintmargin
i_x1 = input.int(100, title='Leverage', minval=1, maxval=300, group=grll, tooltip="Leverage in X's. For example, if using 25x leverage, insert 25 here. Max leverage = 300x")
i_showlast = 0
i_offset = 0 
i_label_offset = 0

// Calculations
f_leveraged(_price, _x) =>
    _xlong = i_nonlinear ? _x + 1 : _x
    _xshort = i_nonlinear ? _x - 1 : _x
    _liq_long = _price * (1 - 1 / _xlong * maint_margin)
    _liq_short = _price * (1 + 1 / _xshort * maint_margin)
    [_liq_long, _liq_short]

f_print(_y, _txt, _c) =>
    t = time_close + (i_offset + i_label_offset) * timeframe.multiplier * 60 * 1000
    var _lbl = label.new(t, _y, _txt, xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, color.white, label.style_none, _c, size.small)
    label.set_xy(_lbl, t, _y)
    label.set_text(_lbl, _txt)

[x1_long, x1_short] = f_leveraged(close, i_x1)

// Entry Liquidation Levels
longLiquidation = ta.valuewhen(long_last, x1_long, 0)
shortLiquidation = ta.valuewhen(short_last, x1_short, 0)
// Liquidation Line Adaptive Coloring
longliqlinecol = longLiquidation<vwbullse3 ? color.yellow:brightred
shortliqlinecol = shortLiquidation>vwbearse3 ? color.yellow:brightred
llcolout= long_short == 1 ? longliqlinecol : long_short==-1 ? shortliqlinecol : na
// Liquidation Lines & Fill 
llin=long_short == 1 and i_show_x1 ? longLiquidation : long_short == -1 and i_show_x1 ? shortLiquidation : na
llout=plot(llin, style=plot.style_circles, color=color.new(llcolout, 0), linewidth=1, title='Liquidation Level', editable=false)
liqfiltopcol=long_short==1 and longLiquidation < vwbullse3 ? color.new(color.yellow,85) : long_short==-1 and shortLiquidation > vwbearse3 ? color.new(color.yellow,90) : na
liqfilbotcol=long_short==1 and longLiquidation < vwbullse3 ? color.new(color.yellow,97) : long_short==-1 and shortLiquidation > vwbearse3 ? color.new(color.yellow,98) : na
fill(llout,dca3out, long_short==1?longLiquidation: long_short==-1?shortLiquidation: na, long_short==1?vwbullse3: long_short==-1?vwbearse3: na, top_color=liqfiltopcol, bottom_color=liqfilbotcol)
liqtip2 = i_show_x1 ? str.tostring(truncateprice(llin, pricedecimals)) : "None"
 // Liquidation Occured?
longliqhit=(ta.crossunder(low, longLiquidation) or low<longLiquidation) and long_short==1 and i_show_x1
shortliqhit=(ta.crossover(high, shortLiquidation) or high>shortLiquidation) and long_short==-1 and i_show_x1
// Last Liquidations
leverage= i_show_x1 ? i_x1 : 1
lastlliq = "๐Ÿ’ฏ Leverage: " + str.tostring(leverage) + "x\n๐Ÿฉธ Long Liquidation: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(longLiquidation, pricedecimals)) + "\n๐Ÿ“… Last Long Liquidation: " + str.tostring(ta.barssince(longliqhit[1])) + " candles"
lastsliq = "๐Ÿ’ฏ Leverage: " + str.tostring(leverage) + "x\n๐Ÿฉธ Short Liquidation: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(shortLiquidation, pricedecimals)) + "\n๐Ÿ“… Last Short Liquidation: " + str.tostring(ta.barssince(shortliqhit[1])) + " candles"
// Liquidation Event
var label liqhit = na
if longliqhit and long_short==1 and i_show_x1
    label.new(bar_index,low,yloc=yloc.belowbar,text='๐Ÿฉธ',textcolor=color.gray, style=label.style_none, tooltip=lastlliq)
    alertsyntax_longliq='๐Ÿ”” Long Liquidated ๐Ÿฉธ\n' + lastlliq
    alert(message=alertsyntax_longliq, freq=alert_freq)
if shortliqhit and long_short==-1 and i_show_x1
    label.new(bar_index,high,yloc=yloc.abovebar,text='๐Ÿฉธ',textcolor=color.gray, style=label.style_none, tooltip=lastsliq)
    alertsyntax_shortliq='๐Ÿ”” Short Liquidated ๐Ÿฉธ\n' + lastsliq
    alert(message=alertsyntax_shortliq, freq=alert_freq)

// --------------------------------- Trade Labels --------------------------- //
//-------------------- Backtesting 
// @ Capissimo
bidask = close 

tbase = (time - time[1]) / 1000
tcurr = (timenow - time_close[1]) / 1000
barlife = tcurr / tbase

var float start_long_trade = bidask
var float long_trades = 0.
var float start_short_trade = bidask
var float short_trades = 0.
var int wins = 0
var int trade_count = 0

longtphit = ta.crossover(high, ATRbulltp1) and longBar2
longstophit = ta.crossunder(low, vwbullse3) and dcaorstop =="Stop" and longBar2
shorttphit = ta.crossunder(low, ATRbeartp1) and shortBar2
shortstophit = ta.crossover(high, vwbearse3) and dcaorstop =="Stop" and shortBar2

if bullcross //enter bull
    start_long_trade := bidask
if bearcross or (i_show_x1?longliqhit:na) or longtphit or (dcaorstop=="Stop"?longstophit:na)//exit bull
    ldiff = bidask - start_long_trade // long profit in dollars
    wins := ldiff > 0 ? 1 : 0
    long_trades := ldiff * lot_size
    trade_count := 1
if bearcross //enter bear
    start_short_trade := bidask
if bullcross or (i_show_x1?shortliqhit:na) or shorttphit or (dcaorstop=="Stop"?shortstophit:na)//exitbear
    sdiff = start_short_trade - bidask // short profit in dollars
    wins := sdiff > 0 ? 1 : 0
    short_trades := sdiff * lot_size
    trade_count := 1


cumbull = ta.cum(long_trades)
cumbear = ta.cum(short_trades)
cumpbull = ta.cum(bullcprofit)
cumpbear = ta.cum(bearcprofit)
cumreturn = ta.cum(long_trades) + ta.cum(short_trades) // sum of both short profit and long profit in $
cumpreturn = ta.cum(bullcprofit) + ta.cum(bearcprofit) // sum of both short profit and long profit in %
totaltrades = ta.cum(trade_count) //# trades
totalwins = ta.cum(wins)
totallosses = totaltrades - totalwins == 0 ? 1 : totaltrades - totalwins
avgreturn = cumreturn / totaltrades
avgpreturn = cumpreturn / totaltrades
avgbulltp = bullentry*(1+ta.valuewhen(bullcross,avgpreturn,0)) 
avgbeartp = bearentry*(1-ta.valuewhen(bearcross,avgpreturn,0))
avgtp = long_short==1?avgbulltp:long_short==-1?avgbeartp:na
avgtpcol = long_short == 1 and avgtp>bullentry?green:long_short == 1 and avgtp<bullentry?red: long_short==-1 and avgtp<bearentry?red: long_short==-1 and avgtp>bearentry?red:na
plot(avgtp, "Avg TP", color=color.new(avgtpcol,50), style=plot.style_circles)
info =  "\n\n  ๐Ÿ“ˆ Cumulative Backtesting ๐Ÿ“ˆ" 
  + '\nBull Profit: $ ' + str.tostring(cumbull, '#.##') +'\nBear Profit: $ ' + str.tostring(cumbear, '#.##') + '\nTotal Profit: $ ' + str.tostring(cumreturn, '#.##')  + '\nAverage Total Profit: $ ' + str.tostring(avgreturn, '#.##')
  +  '\nBull Return: ' + str.tostring(cumpbull, '#.## %') +'\nBear Return: ' + str.tostring(cumpbear, '#.## %')  + '\nTotal Return: ' + str.tostring(cumpreturn, '#.## %') + '\nAverage Total Return: ' + str.tostring(avgpreturn, '#.## %') 
  + '\nTotal Wins: ' + str.tostring(totalwins, '#') + '\nTotal Losses: ' + str.tostring(totallosses, '#') + '\n๐Ÿšฆ Total Trades: ' + str.tostring(totaltrades, '#') + '\nWins/Trades: ' + str.tostring(totalwins / totaltrades, '#.## %')

// Crossover profit
bullxprofit = (((close - bullentry)/bullentry)*100)
bearxprofit = (((close - bearentry)/bearentry)*-100)
curbullprof = close-bullentry
curbearprof = bearentry-close
tradelabsize = input.string(size.tiny, "Size", [size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge, size.auto], group=grt)
tradetime = ta.barssince(bullcross or bearcross)

// Plot Labels
bullentrytt = "๐Ÿšฆ Entry: " + (long_short==1?"๐ŸŸข Long @ ":long_short==-1?" ๐Ÿ”ด Short @ ":na) + str.tostring(truncateprice(bullentry, pricedecimals)) 
  + "\n๐Ÿ›‘ DCA/Stop 3: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(dca3in, pricedecimals)) + "\n๐Ÿฉธ Liquidation: " + liqtip2 
  + "\n๐ŸŽฏ Average Return Target: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(avgtp, pricedecimals)) + "\n๐ŸŽฏ Take Profit 8: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(exin, pricedecimals)) 
  + "\n๐Ÿ’ธ Lot Size: " + str.tostring(lot_size) 
bearentrytt = "๐Ÿšฆ Entry: " + (long_short==1?"๐ŸŸข Long @ ":long_short==-1?" ๐Ÿ”ด Short @ ":na) + str.tostring(truncateprice(bearentry, pricedecimals)) 
  + "\n๐Ÿ›‘ DCA/Stop 3: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(dca3in, pricedecimals)) + "\n๐Ÿฉธ Liquidation: " + liqtip2 
  + "\n๐ŸŽฏ Average Return Target: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(avgtp, pricedecimals)) + "\n๐ŸŽฏ Take Profit 8: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(exin, pricedecimals)) 
  + "\n๐Ÿ’ธ Lot Size: " + str.tostring(lot_size) 

var label signal = na
if bullcross
    label.new(bar_index,low,yloc=yloc.belowbar,text='๐Ÿšฆ\nLong',textcolor=color.white, style=label.style_none, tooltip=bullentrytt)
    alertsyntax_golong= "๐Ÿ”” Go Long ๐ŸŸข\n" + bullentrytt 
    alert(message=alertsyntax_golong, freq=alert_freq)
if bearcross
    label.new(bar_index,high,yloc=yloc.abovebar,text='๐Ÿšฆ\nShort',textcolor=color.white, style=label.style_none, tooltip=bearentrytt)
    alertsyntax_goshort= "๐Ÿ”” Go Short ๐Ÿ”ด\n" + bearentrytt 
    alert(message=alertsyntax_goshort, freq=alert_freq)
var label entry = na
if state==1 and long_short==1 and barstate.islast
    entry := label.new(bar_index, y=bullentry, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(bullxprofit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %", size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=bullxprofit>0?brightgreen:bullxprofit<0?brightred:color.gray, 
      tooltip=bullentrytt + "\nโŒš Trade Time: " + str.tostring(tradetime) + " candles" + "\nCurrent Bull Profit: $ " + str.tostring(curbullprof, '#.##') + "\nCurrent Bull Return: " + str.tostring(bullcprofit*leverage, '#.## %') + info)
if state==1 and long_short==1 and barstate.islast and bar_update_alerts
    alertsyntax_longupdate= "๐Ÿ”” Long Update ๐ŸŸข: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(close,pricedecimals)) + "\nโŒš Trade Time: " + str.tostring(tradetime) + " candles" + "\n๐Ÿ’ตCurrent Bull Profit: $ " + str.tostring(curbullprof, '#.##') + "\n๐Ÿ“ˆCurrent Bull Return: " + str.tostring(bullcprofit*leverage, '#.## %') + "\n" + bullentrytt  //+ info
    alert(message=alertsyntax_longupdate, freq=alert_freq)
if state==2 and long_short==-1 and barstate.islast
    entry := label.new(bar_index, y=bearentry, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(bearxprofit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %", size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=bearxprofit>0?brightgreen:bearxprofit<0?brightred:color.gray, 
      tooltip=bearentrytt + "\nโŒš Trade Time: " + str.tostring(tradetime) + " candles" + "\nCurrent Bear Profit: $ " + str.tostring(curbearprof, '#.##') + "\nCurrent Bear Return: " + str.tostring(bearcprofit*leverage, '#.## %') + info)
if state==2 and long_short==-1 and barstate.islast and bar_update_alerts
    alertsyntax_shortupdate= "๐Ÿ”” Short Update ๐Ÿ”ด: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(close,pricedecimals)) + "\nโŒš Trade Time: " + str.tostring(tradetime) + " candles" + "\n๐Ÿ’ตCurrent Bear Profit: $ " + str.tostring(curbearprof, '#.##') + "\n๐Ÿ“ˆCurrent Bear Return: " + str.tostring(bearcprofit*leverage, '#.## %') + "\n" + bearentrytt //+ info
    alert(message=alertsyntax_shortupdate, freq=alert_freq)
var label tp1 = na
if state==1 and long_short==1 and barstate.islast
    tp1 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbulltp1 , text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp1 , pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=green, tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp1, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(bullt1profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier, pricedecimals)) + "x "+ "ATR "  + str.tostring(atrPeriod))
if state==2 and long_short==-1 and barstate.islast
    tp1 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbeartp1 , text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp1 , pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=red, tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp1, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(beart1profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier, pricedecimals)) + "x "  + "ATR " + str.tostring(atrPeriod))
var label tp2 = na
if state==1 and long_short==1 and barstate.islast
    tp2 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbulltp2, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp2, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(close<ATRbulltp2?green:gray,10), tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp2, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(bullt2profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.854, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR " + str.tostring(atrPeriod))
if state==2 and long_short==-1 and barstate.islast
    tp2 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbeartp2, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp2, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(close>ATRbeartp2?red:gray,10), tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp2, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(beart2profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.854, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR "+ str.tostring(atrPeriod))
var label tp3 = na
if state==1 and long_short==1 and barstate.islast
    tp3 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbulltp3, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp3, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(close<ATRbulltp3?green:gray,20), tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp3, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(bullt3profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.763, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR " + str.tostring(atrPeriod))
if state==2 and long_short==-1 and barstate.islast
    tp3 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbeartp3, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp3, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(close>ATRbeartp3?red:gray,20), tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp3, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(beart3profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.763, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR " + str.tostring(atrPeriod))
var label tp4 = na
if state==1 and long_short==1 and barstate.islast
    tp4 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbulltp4, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp4, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(close<ATRbulltp4?green:gray,30), tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp4, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(bullt4profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.618, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR "  + str.tostring(atrPeriod))
if state==2 and long_short==-1 and barstate.islast
    tp4 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbeartp4, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp4, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(close>ATRbeartp4?red:gray, 30), tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp4, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(beart4profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.618, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR "  + str.tostring(atrPeriod))
var label tp5 = na
if state==1 and long_short==1 and barstate.islast
    tp5 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbulltp5, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp5, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(close<ATRbulltp5?green:gray, 40), tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp5, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(bullt5profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.5, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR " + str.tostring(atrPeriod))
if state==2 and long_short==-1 and barstate.islast
    tp5 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbeartp5, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp5, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(close>ATRbeartp5?red:gray, 40), tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp5, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(beart5profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.5, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR "+ str.tostring(atrPeriod))
var label tp6 = na
if state==1 and long_short==1 and barstate.islast
    tp6 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbulltp6, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp6, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(close<ATRbulltp6?green:gray, 50), tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp6, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(bullt6profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.382, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR " + str.tostring(atrPeriod))
if state==2 and long_short==-1 and barstate.islast
    tp6 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbeartp6, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp6, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(close>ATRbeartp6?red:gray,50), tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp6, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(beart6profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.382, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR " + str.tostring(atrPeriod))
var label tp7 = na
if state==1 and long_short==1 and barstate.islast
    tp7 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbulltp7, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp7, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(close<ATRbulltp7?green:gray,60), tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp7, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(bullt7profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.236, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR "+ str.tostring(atrPeriod))
if state==2 and long_short==-1 and barstate.islast
    tp7 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbeartp7, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp7, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(close>ATRbeartp7?red:gray,60), tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp7, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(beart7profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.236, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR " + str.tostring(atrPeriod))
var label tp8 = na
if state==1 and long_short==1 and barstate.islast
    tp8 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbulltp8, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp8, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(close<ATRbulltp8?green:gray,70), tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbulltp8, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(bullt8profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.146, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR "+ str.tostring(atrPeriod))
if state==2 and long_short==-1 and barstate.islast
    tp8 := label.new(bar_index, y=ATRbeartp8, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp8, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(close>ATRbeartp8?red:gray,70), tooltip="๐ŸŽฏ: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(ATRbeartp8, pricedecimals)) + "\nProfit: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(beart8profit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %\n" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.146, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR "+ str.tostring(atrPeriod))
var label dca1 = na
if state==1 and long_short==1 and barstate.islast
    dca1 := label.new(bar_index, y=vwbullse, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(vwbullse, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(color.gray, 40), tooltip="๐Ÿ“: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(vwbullse, pricedecimals)) + "\n-" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.146, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR " + str.tostring(atrPeriod)) //, tooltip=str.tostring(truncateprice(bullt8profit, pricedecimals)) + " %")
if state==2 and long_short==-1 and barstate.islast
    dca1 := label.new(bar_index, y=vwbearse, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(vwbearse, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(color.gray, 40), tooltip="๐Ÿ“: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(vwbearse, pricedecimals)) + "\n-" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.146, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR " + str.tostring(atrPeriod)) //, tooltip=str.tostring(truncateprice(beart8profit, pricedecimals)) + " %")
var label dca2 = na
if state==1 and long_short==1 and barstate.islast
    dca2 := label.new(bar_index, y=vwbullse2, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(vwbullse2, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(color.gray, 20), tooltip="๐Ÿ“: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(vwbullse2, pricedecimals)) + "\n-" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.236, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR " + str.tostring(atrPeriod)) //, tooltip=str.tostring(truncateprice(bullt8profit, pricedecimals)) + " %")
if state==2 and long_short==-1 and barstate.islast
    dca2 := label.new(bar_index, y=vwbearse2, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(vwbearse2, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(color.gray, 20), tooltip="๐Ÿ“: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(vwbearse2, pricedecimals)) + "\n-" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.236, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR " + str.tostring(atrPeriod)) //, tooltip=str.tostring(truncateprice(beart8profit, pricedecimals)) + " %")
var label dca3 = na
if state==1 and long_short==1 and barstate.islast
    dca3 := label.new(bar_index, y=vwbullse3, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(vwbullse3, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(color.gray, 0), tooltip="๐Ÿ“: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(vwbullse3, pricedecimals)) + "\n-" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.382, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR " + str.tostring(atrPeriod)) //, tooltip=str.tostring(truncateprice(bullt8profit, pricedecimals)) + " %")
if state==2 and long_short==-1 and barstate.islast
    dca3 := label.new(bar_index, y=vwbearse3, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(vwbearse3, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(color.gray, 0), tooltip="๐Ÿ“: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(vwbearse3, pricedecimals)) + "\n-" + str.tostring(truncateprice(atrMultiplier*0.382, pricedecimals)) + "x " + "ATR " + str.tostring(atrPeriod)) //, tooltip=str.tostring(truncateprice(beart8profit, pricedecimals)) + " %")
var label cp = na
if state==1 and long_short==0 and barstate.islast
    cp := label.new(bar_index, y=high, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(bullxprofit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %", size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(green,0), tooltip="๐Ÿšฆ Entry: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(bullentry, pricedecimals)) + "\n๐Ÿ’ต Current Profit: $ " + str.tostring(curbullprof, '#.##') + "\n๐Ÿ“ˆ Current Return: " + str.tostring(bullcprofit*leverage, '#.## %') + (i_show_x1?("\n๐Ÿ’ฏ Leverage: " + str.tostring(leverage) + "x"):na) + info) // + (automan=="Auto"?optMAtip:na) + info) //, tooltip=str.tostring(truncateprice(bullt8profit, pricedecimals)) + " %")
if state==2 and long_short==0 and barstate.islast
    cp := label.new(bar_index, y=low, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(bearxprofit*leverage, pricedecimals)) + " %", size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor=color.new(red,0), tooltip="๐Ÿšฆ Entry: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(bearentry, pricedecimals)) + "\n๐Ÿ’ต Current Profit: $ " + str.tostring(curbearprof, '#.##') + "\n๐Ÿ“ˆ Current Return: " + str.tostring(bearcprofit*leverage, '#.## %')+ (i_show_x1?("\n๐Ÿ’ฏ Leverage: " + str.tostring(leverage) + "x"):na) + info) // + (automan=="Auto"?optMAtip:na) + info) //, tooltip=str.tostring(truncateprice(beart8profit, pricedecimals)) + " %")
var label liq = na
if state==1 and long_short==1 and i_show_x1 and barstate.islast
    liq := label.new(bar_index, y=longLiquidation, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(longLiquidation, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor= longLiquidation < vwbullse3 ? color.yellow : brightred, tooltip=lastlliq)
if state==2 and long_short==-1 and i_show_x1 and barstate.islast
    liq := label.new(bar_index, y=shortLiquidation, text=str.tostring(truncateprice(shortLiquidation, pricedecimals)), size=tradelabsize, style=label.style_label_left, color=color.new(color.white,100), textcolor= shortLiquidation > vwbearse3 ? color.yellow : brightred, tooltip=lastsliq)

//------------Reset long_short if SL/TP hit during bar------------------------//
tpreset = true 
longclose = longtphit or longstophit 
shortclose = shorttphit or shortstophit

bullstopp = ((vwbullse3 - bullentry)/bullentry)*100
bearstopp = ((bearentry - vwbearse3)/bearentry)*100
bulltpp = ((ATRbulltp1 - bullentry)/bullentry)*100
beartpp = ((bearentry - ATRbeartp1)/bearentry)*100

tradesetuptt = "๐Ÿšฆ Entry: " + (long_short==1?"๐ŸŸข Long @ ":long_short==-1?" ๐Ÿ”ด Short @ ":na) + str.tostring(truncateprice(entin,pricedecimals)) + 
  "\n๐Ÿ›‘ DCA/Stop 3: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(dca3in, pricedecimals)) +
  "\n๐Ÿฉธ Liquidation: " + liqtip2 +
  "\n๐Ÿ’ฐ Take Profit 8: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(exin,pricedecimals)) + 
  "\n๐Ÿ“ˆ Return: " + str.tostring(truncateprice((long_short==1?bullstopp:long_short==-1?bearstopp:na)*leverage,pricedecimals)) + " %" + 
  "\n๐Ÿ’ต Loss * "+ str.tostring(lot_size) + " lots: $ " + str.tostring(truncateprice(long_short==1?(vwbullse3 - bullentry):long_short==-1?(bearentry - vwbearse3):na,pricedecimals)) +
  "\nโŒš Trade Time: " + str.tostring(tradetime)

tradesetuptt2 = "๐Ÿšฆ Entry: " + (long_short==1?"๐ŸŸข Long @ ":long_short==-1?" ๐Ÿ”ด Short @ ":na) + str.tostring(truncateprice(entin,pricedecimals)) + 
  "\n๐Ÿ›‘ DCA/Stop 3: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(dca3in, pricedecimals)) + 
  "\n๐Ÿฉธ Liquidation: " + liqtip2 + 
  "\n๐Ÿ’ฐ Take Profit 8: " + str.tostring(truncateprice(exin,pricedecimals)) + 
  "\n๐Ÿ“ˆ Return: " + str.tostring(truncateprice((long_short==1?bulltpp:long_short==-1?beartpp:na)*leverage,pricedecimals)) + " %" + 
  "\n๐Ÿ’ต Profit * "+ str.tostring(lot_size) + " lots: $ " + str.tostring(truncateprice(long_short==1?((ATRbulltp1 - bullentry)):long_short==-1?((bearentry - ATRbeartp1)):na,pricedecimals)) +
  "\nโŒš Trade Time: " + str.tostring(tradetime)

// loss labels
var label tclose = na
if longstophit and long_short==1
    label.new(bar_index,low,yloc=yloc.belowbar,text='โŒ',textcolor=color.gray, style=label.style_none, tooltip=tradesetuptt)
    alertsyntax_longstop='๐Ÿ”” Long Stopped โŒ\n' + tradesetuptt 
    alert(message=alertsyntax_longstop, freq=alert_freq)
if shortstophit and long_short==-1
    label.new(bar_index,high,yloc=yloc.abovebar,text='โŒ',textcolor=color.gray, style=label.style_none, tooltip=tradesetuptt)
    alertsyntax_shortstop='๐Ÿ”” Short Stopped โŒ\n' + tradesetuptt 
    alert(message=alertsyntax_shortstop, freq=alert_freq)

//  profit labels
var label tphit = na
if longtphit and long_short==1 
    label.new(bar_index,high,yloc=yloc.abovebar,text='๐Ÿ’ฐ',textcolor=color.gray, style=label.style_none,  
    alertsyntax_longtp='๐Ÿ”” Long Take Profit ๐Ÿ’ฐ\n' +  tradesetuptt2 
    alert(message=alertsyntax_longtp, freq=alert_freq)
if shorttphit and long_short==-1 
    label.new(bar_index,low,yloc=yloc.belowbar,text='',textcolor=color.gray, style=label.style_none, 
    alertsyntax_shorttp='๐Ÿ”” Long Take Profit ๐Ÿ’ฐ\n' +  tradesetuptt2 
    alert(message=alertsyntax_shorttp, freq=alert_freq)

long_short := (long_short == 1 or long_short == 0) and (longclose or longliqhit) and tpreset ? 0 : (long_short == -1 or long_short == 0) and (shortclose or shortliqhit) and tpreset ? 0 : long_short

bgcol2 = state==1 and state[1]==2 ?color.green : state==2 and state[1]==1 ? color.red :na

al =ta.crossover(close , ub4)
sat= ta.crossunder(close, ub4)

// LONG pozisyonlarฤฑ iรงin giriลŸ ve รงฤฑkฤฑลŸ koลŸullarฤฑ
if (al or bullcross)
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)

if (bearcross or longtphit)

// SHORT pozisyonlarฤฑnฤฑ devre dฤฑลŸฤฑ bฤฑrakma
// if (bearcross)
//     strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)

// if (shorttphit or shortstophit)
//     strategy.close("Short")

// EoS made w/ โค by @BarefootJoey โœŒ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ“ˆ
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