trigger autoTaskCreation on Account (after insert, after update) {
// AutoTaskCreation.handleTrigger();
Map<Id, String[]> parentsMap = new Map<Id, String[]>();
list<String> arrTest = new list<String>();
// Only care about changes to this specific field
for (Account a : {
if ((Trigger.oldMap == null && a.description != null)|| (Trigger.oldMap != null && a.description
!= Trigger.oldMap.get(a.Id).description)){
arrTest = a.description.split(',');
parentsMap.put(a.Id, arrTest);
System.debug('a.description '+parentsMap);
if (parentsMap.size() > 0) {
Account[] updates = new Account[] {};
// Query the children
for (Account child : [
select Id,Name, ParentId, description
from Account
where name in :arrTest
]) {
for(Id pId : parentsMap.keySet()){
List<String> tmpList = parentsMap.get(pId);
if(tmpList.contains( child.Name)){
child.ParentId = pId;
System.debug('a.updates '+updates);
if(!updates.isEmpty() && checkRecursive.runOnce())
update updates;