a year ago
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// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #include "World/Blueprints/Components/Transporter.h" #include "World/Blueprints/PressurePlate.h" // Sets default values for this component's properties UTransporter::UTransporter() { // Set this component to be initialized when the game starts, and to be ticked every frame. You can turn these features // off to improve performance if you don't need them. PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = false; SetIsReplicatedByDefault(true); MoveTime = 3.0f; ActivatedTriggerCount = 0; ArePointsSet = false; StartPoint = FVector::Zero(); EndPoint = FVector::Zero(); TimerRate = 0.01f; } // Called when the game starts void UTransporter::BeginPlay() { Super::BeginPlay(); OwningActorRef = GetOwner(); if (OwningActorRef->HasAuthority()) { for (AActor* TA : TriggerActors) { APressurePlate* PressurePlateActor = Cast<APressurePlate>(TA); if (PressurePlateActor) { PressurePlateActor->PressurePlateOnActivated.AddDynamic(this, &UTransporter::OnPressurePlateActivated); PressurePlateActor->PressurePlateOnDeactivated.AddDynamic(this, &UTransporter::OnPressurePlateDeactivated); } } } } void UTransporter::SetPoints(const FVector& Point1, const FVector& Point2) { if (Point1.Equals(Point2)) { return; } StartPoint = Point1; EndPoint = Point2; ArePointsSet = true; } void UTransporter::OnPressurePlateActivated() { if (OwningActorRef && OwningActorRef->HasAuthority()) { ActivatedTriggerCount++; AllTriggerActorsTriggered = ActivatedTriggerCount >= TriggerActors.Num(); FString Msg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Transporter Activated: %d"), ActivatedTriggerCount); GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, FColor::White, Msg); if (AllTriggerActorsTriggered) { // if (!OwningActorRef->GetWorldTimerManager().IsTimerActive(TriggerMovementHandle)) // Distance Divide by Time Equals Speed (Rate of Travel) Speed = FVector::Distance(StartPoint, EndPoint) / MoveTime; OwningActorRef->GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer( TriggerMovementHandle, this, &UTransporter::ActivateTransporterMovement, TimerRate, true, -1); } } } void UTransporter::OnPressurePlateDeactivated() { if (OwningActorRef && OwningActorRef->HasAuthority()) { ActivatedTriggerCount--; AllTriggerActorsTriggered = ActivatedTriggerCount >= TriggerActors.Num(); FString Msg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Transporter Activated: %d"), ActivatedTriggerCount); GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, FColor::White, Msg); if (!AllTriggerActorsTriggered) { // Distance Divide by Time Equals Speed (Rate of Travel) Speed = FVector::Distance(StartPoint, EndPoint) / MoveTime; OwningActorRef->GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer( TriggerMovementHandle, this, &UTransporter::ActivateTransporterMovement, TimerRate, true, -1); } } } void UTransporter::ActivateTransporterMovement() { const FVector CurrentLocation = OwningActorRef->GetActorLocation(); // Ternary const FVector TargetLocation = AllTriggerActorsTriggered ? EndPoint : StartPoint; if (!CurrentLocation.Equals(TargetLocation)) { const float DeltaTime = OwningActorRef->GetWorld()->DeltaTimeSeconds; const FVector NewLocation = FMath::VInterpConstantTo(CurrentLocation, TargetLocation, DeltaTime, Speed); OwningActorRef->SetActorLocation(NewLocation); } else { OwningActorRef->GetWorldTimerManager().ClearTimer(TriggerMovementHandle); } }
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